ForecastService Section
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: 15, 30, 60
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the step (in minutes) used in the Predictive algorithm. For example, if the step is 60, then all values (that is, four values, each representing a 15-minute timestep) in the 60-minute interval will be filled with the same predicted value.
This step is usually matched with historical data used in the Prediction timestep.
Use values (in minutes):
- 15, 30, 60 for Expert Average Engine
- 15, 60 for Universal Modeling Engine
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any positive integer.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the maximum size (in megabytes [MB]) of the Forecast Scenario cache.
Setting this value to null means the size is unlimited.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect:
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.207
Specifies whether Service Level should be calculated from the number of interactions distributed or from the number of interactions offered, taking into account abandoned interactions.
The default value 0 indicates that Service Level is calculated, based on the number of interactions distributed. To include abandoned interactions, set the value to 1.
Create this option if you want to include abandoned interactions (value set to 1). If you do not create this option, WFM functions as though you have set the value to 0.
Default Value: off
Valid Values: on, off
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether the volume-splitting algorithm determines agent availability for activities, based on the Master Schedule.
When this option value is set to on (enabled), the volume-splitting algorithm considers the existing Master Schedule to establish when, and on what activities agents are available. On days when there is no Master Schedule, the splitting algorithm considers agent availability for activities in the usual way.