Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the interval (in minutes) between the processes handling time-off bidding and wait-listed items.
Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.
CalendarService Section
- AdjustCarryOverByBonus
- AutoCarryOverCalculationOffsetDays
- AutoPublishTimeOffToSchedule
- BatchRequest
- BiddingTimeout
- CalendarOverScheduleData
- CarryOverTimeout
- DetermineFullDayTimeOffStartEndPaidHours
- HideMessagesForNotWorkingAgents
- MaxAuditReports
- MealsDuringTimeOff
- PreventTimeOffNoAvailability
- WaitlistLookBackDays
- WaitlistTimeout
- OffloadWaitlistedRequests
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Discontinued: In
Specifies an optional way to handle a bonus assignment that does not have a specified end date as a balance adjustment, which is incorporated into hours that are carried over during the next carry over interval.
When set to true, all assigned bonus time that does not have a specified end date is carried over to the next configured carry-over date. The final number of carried-over hours remains subject to maximum carry-over hours constraint.
The bonus expires after the carry-over date. Used hours are updated as they were before.
- In 8.5.1, WFM works as if this option value is set to true.
- Previous to 8.5.1, if the option value was set to false, and the agent did not use the assigned bonus hours before the carry-over date, those hours might be lost.
Default Value: 183
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the time delay (in days) after which WFM calculates the carry-over for time-off balances.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether or not Granted time off is published to an agent's schedules when he/she requests time off.
The following valid values describe WFM’s response when agents request time off:
- 0—Feature is off.
- 1—Feature is on; a part-day time off cannot overlap exceptions.
- 2—Feature is on; a part-day time off deletes overlapped exceptions.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies how WFM Server processes multiple time-off requests submitted simultaneously by a single agent.
If this option value is set to true, WFM Server processes these time-off items in one batch. If set to false, WFM Server processes these time-off items one-by-one.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the time, in minutes, between the Time-Off Bidding processes that handle Calendar bid items.
Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether or not Calendar data overlaps Schedule data when checking agent time-off balances, enabling the resolution of conflicts between Granted or Preferred time-off items and schedule data.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- 0—Disables the resolution functionality (do not overlap—default value).
- 1—Enables overlap of only Granted Calendar time-off and Schedule data.
- 2—Enables overlap of Granted and Preferred time-off.
- 3—Enables overlap of Granted and non-wait-listed Preferred time-off. These requests are counted against an agent’s time-off balance and limits:
- All requests with the status Granted/Not Scheduled.
- Only wait-listed requests with the status Preferred/Not Scheduled.
Default Value: 1440
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the time interval (in minutes) between processes handling automatic carry-over for time-off balances.
Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether or not WFM Server uses the calculation algorithm for full-day time off start/end time and paid hours.
If this option value is set to true when users add full-day time-off requests with unspecified start/end times, WFM Server resolves the start/end times using the algorithm.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether or not to prevent WFM Web from displaying error messages when Calendar items are set for agents who have been terminated or have not yet been hired.
Set this option value to true if you want to to prevent WFM Web from displaying error messages when Calendar items are set for agents who have been terminated or have not yet been hired. Set this option to false if you want to view error messages when Calendar items are set for agents who have been terminated or have not yet been hired.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the number of Audit reports that WFM builds at one time.
The recommended value for this option is 1. If you request a number of reports greater than the number specified in this option, the additional reports go into a queue.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether or not Granted Part-Day Time-Off is automatically declined in the WFM Web Calendar.
Setting this option value to 1 prevents Granted Part-Day Time-Off from being automatically declined when the time-off item interferes with meals in available shifts. By default, this option is set to 0 and WFM Server automatically declines Granted Part-Day Time-Off under these same conditions.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether or not an additional check is turned on or off for already-configured days off when agents requests time off.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- 0—The option is off.
- 1—Prevents agents from requesting time off for weekdays, when they have no Contract availability.
- 2—Same as described for the value 1, except weekdays when Contract non-availability is overwritten by an open Granted availability interval. Also applies to dates with Granted no-availability preferences and Granted day-off preferences and to days when agents have rotating days off according to their assigned rotating schedule.
When this option is on:
- The agent receives an error message and the time-off item is not inserted into the calendar.
- The supervisor receives a warning message that can be overridden.
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the time when next waitlist processing starts
Specifies the number of days from current day to the past, for example, 7. The waitlist process looks for time-off items only for the specified number of days in the past while processing.
The option change takes effect when the next waitlist processing starts, see WaitlistTimeout.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the interval (in minutes) between the processes handling time-off bidding and wait-listed items.
Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: WaitlistTimeout
When set to true, introduces optional offloading of the time-off requests for later offline processing by the waitlist processing task. It allows freeing the WFM Server from the need for synchronous processing of resource-expensive time-off requests at a time when multiple agents request time-offs at the same time. Prior to version or when the option is set to false, even when time-off waitlisting is enabled, the WFM Server synchronously checks the validity of the time-off request (including balance and limits) before waitlisting the request, which creates an avoidable load on the server, all at the worst time. Enabling time-off offloading will waitlist eligible time-off requests instantly and perform further time-off limits and balance validation offline during waitlist processing.
The OffloadWaitlistedRequests option has a dependency on the WaitlistTimeout option, which must be enabled on at least one WFM Server.
When this option is disabled (by default), the time-off request would become waitlisted only if time-off limits were reached and would be instantly granted or declined in all other cases (for example, insufficient time-off balance). When this option is enabled, all time-off requests that can be waitlisted are instantly waitlisted. The request status is resolved offline during the waitlist processing. The time-off requests that were auto-declined during the waitlist processing are now allowed to be deleted by the agent to make it possible for the agents to resubmit another time-off request on the same date. The agents are still not allowed to delete the declined time-off request if it was declined by the supervisor.