Bulk Configuration Overview
The bulk configuration tool allows you to quickly configure Contact Center Advisor (CCAdv), Workforce Advisor (WA), or both outside of the Advisors Administration module. The tool configures CCAdv, WA, or both based on the lists of objects you define and export from other systems and load into temporary structures in the Advisors Platform database. The bulk configuration tool retrieves the data from the temporary structures, validates it, and transforms it into CCAdv, WA, or CCAdv/WA rollup configuration.
You can use spreadsheets or CSV files to collect the configuration information into a simple file structure that can be loaded into a database table. Templates of Excel spreadsheets are supplied in the installation package.
Alternatively, you can omit the file preparation and load the data directly into the database table from the sources available through your relational database management system (RDBMS).
The bulk configuration procedures for CCAdv and WA can be executed on the Platform Oracle schema or Advisors Platform MS SQL Server database. The configuration logic, rollups, and dashboard views depend on which of the following two configuration modes you select:
- integrated configuration mode: you can configure CCAdv and WA simultaneously if the aggregation mappings of WA contact groups are expected to match the aggregation mappings of the applications related to those contact groups. Set the integrated configuration mode for CCAdv and WA and use the bulk configuration tool for integrated mode. Contact groups listed in the prepared data structures inherit the aggregation mappings specified for the relevant CCAdv applications.
- independent configuration mode: if you require the aggregation mappings to be different between CCAdv and WA, set the independent configuration mode and use the bulk configuration tools for the independent mode.
For information about the configuration modes and how to set the mode, see Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide. You must select the configuration mode before you perform bulk configuration.