You can format the e-mail that Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor send about alerts. You can format both the subject and body text of an e-mail. You may want to shorten the text to accommodate the smaller screens of pagers.
The template files for messages' subjects and body text are available after either XML Generator or the WA server is installed.
Properties without a suffix can be included in text in any language.
The names of business objects that you create in the Configuration Server are available in only one language. So, for example, in an e-mail sent about an alert, the name of a contact center will be in only one language. The contact center's name will replace both ${} and ${} in the template for the e-mail’s subject or body.
Even though the same object name replaces the property for the name in any language, it is still necessary to have three properties – one per language. If an object name is not present, Advisors enters the word none, which is different in every language.
To format alert messages, change any of the text in the template except the text between the brackets “{}”.
CCAdv Message for an Alert Concerning a Threshold Violation
This is located in: c:\advisors\conf\templates\AlertThresholdViolation_EmailTemplate.txt. This example assumes that, at installation, you chose both German and English. Therefore, the template file contains the text in both languages.
Contact Center Advisor hat eine Verletzung eines Business-Alarms festgestellt, den Sie abonniert haben. Sie erhalten diesen Alarm, da der nachstehende Schwellenwert länger als der definierte Zeitraum außerhalb des akzeptablen Bereichs von ${alert.delay.minutes} Minuten lag.
Dieser Alarm betrifft das geografische Gebiet ${}, Berichtsgebiet ${}, Einheit ${} und das Contact Center: ${}.
Betroffene Anwendung: ${} in der Anwendungsgruppe ${}.
Verletzte Metrik: ${}.
Aktueller Metrikwert: ${}.
Schwellenwertverletzung zuerst festgestellt bei: ${}.
Der Alarm ist aktiv seit: ${alert.duration.minutes} Minuten.
Der Alarmstatus ist: ${}.
Contact Center Advisor has detected the violation of a business alert to which you are subscribed. You are receiving this alert because the threshold below has remained outside the acceptable range for longer than the defined time period of ${alert.delay.minutes} minutes.
This alert affects the Geographic Region ${}, Reporting Region ${}, Operating Unit ${}, and the Contact Center: ${}.
It involves the application ${} in the Application Group ${}.
Metric violated was: ${}.
Current metric value: ${alert.value.en}.
Threshold violation was first detected at: ${alert.start.time.en}.
The alert has been active for: ${alert.duration.minutes} minutes.
The alert's status is: ${}.
CCAdv Message for an Alert Concerning an Offline Peripheral
This is located in: c:\advisors\conf\templates\AlertOther_EmailTemplate.txt. This example assumes that, at installation, you chose both German and English. Therefore, the template file contains the text in both languages.
Contact Center Advisor hat eine Verletzung des Alarms ${} festgestellt, den Sie abonniert haben. Dieser Alarm betrifft die folgenden Contact Center(s):
Betroffenes Element (Peripheriegerät/Anwendung etc.): ${}.
Alarm zuerst festgestellt bei: ${}.
Alarmstatus: ${}.
Der Alarm ist aktiv seit: ${alert.duration.minutes} Minuten.
Der Alarmstatus ist: ${}.
Contact Center Advisor has detected the violation of a ${alert.type.en} alert to which you are subscribed.
This alert affects the following contact center(s): ${}.
It involves the element (peripheral/application/etc): ${}.
Alert was first detected at ${alert.start.time.en}.
Alert status: ${alert.value.en}.
The alert has been active for: ${alert.duration.minutes} minutes.
The alert's status is: ${}.
WA Message for an Alert Concerning a Threshold Violation
This is located in: c:\advisors\conf\templates\AlertThresholdViolation_EmailTemplateWU.txt. This example assumes that, at installation, you chose both German and English. Therefore, the template file contains the text in both languages
Workforce Advisor hat eine Verletzung eines Business-Alarms festgestellt, den Sie abonniert haben. Sie erhalten diesen Alarm, da der nachstehende Schwellenwert länger als der definierte Zeitraum außerhalb des akzeptablen Bereichs von ${alert.delay.minutes} Minuten lag.
Dieser Alarm betrifft das geografische Gebiet ${}, Berichtsgebiet ${}, Einheit ${} und das Contact Center: ${}.
Betroffene Kontaktgruppe: ${} in der Anwendungsgruppe ${}.
Verletzte Metrik: ${}.
Aktueller Metrikwert: ${}.
Schwellenwertverletzung zuerst festgestellt bei: ${}.
Der Alarm ist aktiv seit: ${alert.duration.minutes} Minuten.
Der Alarmstatus ist: ${}.
Workforce Advisor has detected the violation of a business alert to which you are subscribed. You are receiving this alert because the threshold below has remained outside the acceptable range for longer than the defined time period of ${alert.delay.minutes} minutes.
This alert affects the Geographic Region ${}, Reporting Region ${}, Operating Unit ${}, and the Contact Center: ${}.
It involves the contact group ${} in the Application Group ${}.
Metric violated was: ${}.
Current metric value: ${alert.value.en}.
Threshold violation was first detected at: ${alert.start.time.en}.
The alert has been active for: ${alert.duration.minutes} minutes.
The alert's status is: ${}.
If required, you can re-order the languages used in the e-mail templates by editing the template file directly.
You can test the mail sent by XML Generator without actually running the application and configuring the conditions that would cause it to send the e-mail.