Object Migration Utility
Many of the objects you use to configure the Advisors modules exist in Genesys Configuration Server. That is, what you see in Genesys Configuration Server is what you have to build your Advisors configuration. You use the Advisors Object Migration Wizard to automate the migration of objects from databases to Configuration Server. Any object you will require in your configuration must be either migrated from an earlier release using the Object Migration Wizard, or you must manually create the objects in Configuration Manager.
Be aware of any new privileges added to Advisors for each release. Those new privileges have never been defined in any existing Advisors role in the Configuration Server; they cannot be migrated using a migration utility. To use new privileges added to Advisors in release 8.5.0, an administrative user must update existing roles or create new roles and add the privilege to allow the described access or activity.
The Advisors Object Migration Wizard is packaged with the Advisors Platform distribution. Use of the Object Migration Wizard is one Step in the migration process; for information about the full migration process for your release, see the Genesys Migration Guide.
In general, migration of CCAdv/WA metrics data is a required step of your Contact Center Advisor/Workforce Advisor migration, but migration of other CCAdv/WA objects is optional. If you use Frontline Advisor, migration of FA metrics data is a required step.
You can select only one option at a time for migration, but you can run the migration tool as many times as required to migrate all objects and metrics.
Starting in release 8.5.0, FA no longer has a standalone database. The FA database content moves to the Advisors Platform database. The Object Migration Wizard includes an option in release 8.5.0 to move the FA database content to the Platform database (Frontline Advisor Database Transfer). If you use FA, you must run the FA options in the Object Migration Utility in this order:
- Frontline Advisor Database Transfer
- Frontline Advisor Metrics
The object migration wizard provides three paths in release 8.5.0:
- Frontline Advisor Database Transfer – The FA database transfer option moves all FA database content to the Platform database. You must perform the database transfer before migrating FA metrics to Genesys Configuration Server.
- Frontline Advisor Metrics – In release 8.5.0, the FA metrics migration path exports the FA metrics from the Platform database to the Configuration Server. Only those FA metrics that are not present in Configuration Server are migrated. 35px|link= Before you use the object migration wizard to migrate FA metrics data, you must manually remove the FA metrics business attribute values. In Configuration Manager, the values are under the default tenant; the path is Business Attributes\Advisors Metrics\Attribute values\Frontline Advisor.
- Contact Center/Workforce Advisor Objects – The CCAdv/WA option migrates the following:
- Metrics for both CCAdv and WA.
- Metadata records of contact centers, application groups, and regions (geographic, reporting, and operating units).
- User permission records for contact centers and application groups.
- Module access privileges of the existing users. Although this option is placed under CCAdv/WFA migration path, it migrates the module privileges for all the Advisors components.
Ensure a supported version of Java is installed.
If you must run the user migration utility, ensure you run it before running the object migration wizard.
If you are migrating from release 8.1.5 to 8.5.0, the database migration scripts must be executed before running this wizard.
The Configuration Server user supplied must have read, create, and change permissions on the selected tenant.
1. Extract the file advisors-migration-wizard-<version>.jar from the folder advisors-platform-distribution-<version>.zip/ip/supplement. |
2. Open the command prompt and change to the directory where the file advisors-migration-wizard-<version>.jar is extracted. |
3. Run the following command: java -jar advisors-migration-wizard-<version>.jar |
4. Select the migration path and click Next. You can select only one migration option in a single run of the wizard, but you can run the wizard as many times are necessary to complete your migration. |
5. Click your migration option below for information: [+] Contact Center/Workforce Advisor Objects [+] Frontline Advisor Database Transfer [+] Frontline Advisor Metrics |