Changing the Contact Center View
In the Contact Center view, alerts are filtered and displayed according to the contact center that is selected, with each alert and its details in a separate cell. You can view alerts in collapsed or expanded mode. By default, alerts are displayed in collapsed mode, but can be expanded by clicking on the alert cell. To return to collapsed mode, click the cell again.
In collapsed mode, you can view basic alert information, such as:
- The metric name on the left in bold black text. Depending on the type of alert, this could be the name of the threshold violation alert metric.
- The metric value and alert severity label on the right is color-coded to indicate either Warning or Critical. Hover over the label to see the upper- and lower-level threshold. For example, the warning or upper level threshold is 30-40.
- The metric start time and duration (using the 24-hour clock) are displayed on the left in gray text.
- The deviation from the last updated value displays on the right, with text colored according to severity. An arrow indicates an increase or decrease in the value.
In expanded mode, you can view the basic alert information and the spark line graph at the bottom, with warning and critical-colored bar graph indicators. The y-axis represents the metric value and the x-axis represents time.
In both collapsed and expanded mode, you can view the Create Report action link by hovering over the bottom right corner of each row.
For detailed descriptions of the alert attributes listed above, see Alerts Window Attributes.