Metric Graphing Window
You can launch the Metric Graphing window by using the Charting button within a single row of the Contact Centers, Applications, or Contact Groups pane. You can also change the graph style, and color in the Graphing window.
The type of metrics that are displayed can differ, depending on the context of the graph. For example, depending on the pane from which the Metric Graphing window is launched, you can graph the metrics to which you have access, and for which the Administrator has enabled graphing. For details, see the table below:
On this dashboard: | In this pane: | You can graph: |
Contact Center Advisor | Applications | Application metrics only |
Workforce Advisor | Contact Groups | Contact group metrics only |
Contact Center Advisor or Workforce Advisor | Contact Centers Table | Application and/or contact group metrics |
Selecting Metrics in the Graphing Window
The Graphing window shows a graph of selected metrics for the selected row. To learn how to choose the metrics you want to graph, see Graphing Metrics and Time Profiles.
Context of the Metric Graphing Window
Information about the location (or context) from which you launched the Metric Graphing window appears at the top of the Metric Graphing window.
In both CCAdv and WA:
- If you selected an object on the Contact Centers pane, then the information at the top of the Metric Graphing window displays the hierarchy level from which you made your selection (for example, Consumer > Bank > Dallas).
- If you selected an application on the Applications pane or a contact group from the Contact Groups pane and then launched the Metric Graphing window, the information at the top of the Metric Graphing window displays the object's name and the hierarchy level at which you selected to display the object.
ToolTips appear when you move your cursor over metric names in either the Metric Chooser or at the top of the graph. The tooltip shows the metric name and description, channel, and minimum and maximum metric values.
An administrator can configure Advisors to store historical and point-in-time metric values for graphing combinations of metrics and time profiles. When launched, each graph displays these values for a duration that is also configurable.
For example, if your system uses the default two hour duration for data collection, the metric values in the graph are from the past two hours. The time profile continues to grow while the graph is displayed. Missing or unavailable data for any part of the graph shows as gaps in the graph. See also, Selecting Part of the Data in the Metric Graphing Window.
The metric values display to the same precision used for display of that metric in the dashboard. For example, if values over 100 display as 100+ on the dashboard, then values over 100 in the Metric Graphing window also display as 100+.
If the graph is closed and re-opened, the display begins with the period of data as configured by the administrator. Values accumulated in the previously open graph are lost.
Graphs Saved in User Preferences
If you log out or switch modules in the Advisor browser, up to five open graphs are saved. Then, when you return to the module these graphs will open automatically, displaying the saved graph settings.
Any graphs that are opened when you log out will be re-opened when you log back in. The following data is saved to user preferences:
- The current row
- Metrics
- Graph style for each metric
- Graph color for each metric
- Metric display order
- The time filter