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Overview: Configuring Advisors Application Objects and Deploying Modules that are Controlled by SCS

This page provides a summary of the tasks that you must perform in order to deploy the Advisors modules that are controlled by Solution Control Server (SCS). For the list of Advisors modules that are controlled by SCS, see Integration with Solution Control Server.

Related Information

See the following topics for more information:



  1. Install a supported version of the Local Control Agent (LCA) on any server that includes, or will include, an Advisors module that SCS will control (some Genesys products install LCA as part of the product deployment, but Advisors do not). See Integration with Solution Control Server for a list of these modules.
    For information about supported versions of LCA, see Genesys Interoperability Guide.
  2. Locate the lca.cfg file in your LCA installation directory and change the AppRespondTimeout parameter to 60 seconds:
    AppRespondTimeout = 60
  3. Restart the LCA.
  4. For each Advisors module that will be controlled by Solution Control Server, perform the following tasks in Genesys Administrator.
    1. Create an Application Template of type Genesys Generic Server; Advisors Application objects will use this Application Template. Do not use UI Application–type templates. Use only Server Application–type templates.
    2. Create a Host object representing the host on which the Advisors module will run.
    3. Create an Application representing this Advisors module.
    4. For the Application, choose the template you created earlier, with type Genesys Generic Server.
    5. Associate the Application object with its Host.
    6. In the [Server Info] section of the Application object:
      • You must supply the default port number in the [Server Info] section. In release 8.5.1, Advisors modules ignore these port numbers; therefore, you can enter any port number, but Genesys recommends that you enter the following HTTP port values for servers. Where the Application represents:
        • Tomcat running the WA Server or FA with the rollup engine: Use the default HTTP port number, which is 8080.
        • CCAdv XML Generator: Use the default HTTP port number, which is 8090.
        • AGA: Enter the HTTP port number that will be used for the AGA instance.
      • Enter a period (.) as a placeholder in both the Working Directory and the Command Line fields.
      • If this module has a backup in an HA deployment, specify the Application that is the Backup Server and choose the Redundancy Type of Warm Standby.
  5. Install each Advisors module on its system.
    For applications that have a corresponding Application object in Configuration Server, the installer replaces the "." placeholders with the working directory specified during installation, and with the command that starts the server. The installer also updates the startup timeout and shutdown timeout, if necessary.
    For an Advisors server to support HA, it must be configured as an Application complete with a backup Application in the Configuration Server before the Advisors server starts. If you configure an Advisors server as an Application, start the Advisors server, and then add the backup Application to the server's Application, the server will not fail over correctly.
  6. Genesys recommends that you specify a disconnect-switchover-timeout value on the SCS to avoid failovers due to temporary connection losses such as very short network disconnects. In a Genesys configuration interface, such as Genesys Administrator, configure the option on the Options tab for your SCS Application. For additional information, see the Genesys Management Framework documentation.
This page was last edited on May 29, 2018, at 14:35.
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