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Manage Advisors Stat Server Instances

35px|link= Starting in release 8.5.2, you configure Stat Servers as connections to the Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA) Application object in the Genesys Configuration Server. You can add a Stat Server primary/backup pair (or more than one) to each adapter's configuration. The Stat Server-to-AGA relationships, as well as the object-to-Stat Server mapping, continues to be stored in the Advisors Platform database.

Be sure to review the permissions required by the Advisors User. To perform some of the tasks described on this page, your Advisors User account requires a few permissions that were not previously specified for this account.

Configuring the Connection to Stat Server in the AGA Application Object

Using a Genesys configuration interface, such as Genesys Administrator, configure a Stat Server connection on the AGA Application object. See the Creating Application Objects procedure in the Genesys Administrator Extension Help for information about creating and configuring Application objects, which includes steps to configure connections to other Application objects. The following information is specific to configuring a Stat Server connection to the AGA Application:

  • The only supported type of connection is to the "default" port. The AGA Application does not support a secure connection.
  • The connection protocol type can be either Simple or ADDP. When you specify an ADDP connection mode, AGA uses the ADDP properties that you configure for the connection.

The following figure shows a sample Stat Server connection configured on an AGA Application object, using Genesys Administrator.

Stat Server Connection Configured on an AGA Application Object

Configuring the Backup Stat Server

Advisors Genesys Adapter supports Stat Server primary/backup pairs. Deploy a redundant (backup) Stat Server by configuring a redundancy link on the primary Stat Server Application object, much like you deploy redundant Configuration Servers. An Advisors adapter cannot identify a backup Stat Server if you fail to configure that backup Stat Server as a redundancy link on the primary Stat Server Application object. (Advisors applications do not use the settings for parameters such as redundancy type, timeout, and the number of attempts.)

After the Stat Servers are configured as primary/backup pairs, there are two ways in which you can configure a backup Stat Server connection to an adapter Application object. Use one of the following methods:

  1. Add the primary and backup Stat Servers as connections to the adapter Application object in the Configuration Server.

    Using this method has the following implications:

    • An adapter will ignore a backup Stat Server if you fail to add it as a connection to the adapter Application object.

    • You have the option to purposefully remove a backup Stat Server from the Advisors configuration, in cases where you want to use only the primary Stat Server of a pair.

  2. If you always use Advisors Stat Servers as redundant pairs in your environment, then you can set the following property in the inf_genesys_adapter.properties file to false:

    Setting this option to false removes the need to manually configure the backup Stat Servers as connections to the adapter Applications.

    Using this method means that any Stat Server that is configured as a backup on a primary Stat Server Application object will automatically be connected to the adapter to which the primary Stat Server is connected.

How the Advisors Adapter Identifies a Backup Stat Server

The Advisors adapter determines which Stat Server connections are to primary Stat Servers and which are to backup Stat Servers based on the configuration of the Stat Server Application. If a Stat Server is configured as a redundancy link to another configured Stat Server connection, then the adapter identifies that Stat Server connection as the connection to a backup Stat Server. If a backup Stat Server is not configured correctly as a redundancy link on the primary Stat Server Application, then the adapter to which the Stat Server pair is connected cannot identify the backup.

How Stat Server Connections Work on a Backup Adapter

When switching over from a primary adapter to the backup, the backup adapter uses the same object distribution that the primary adapter was using. This means that the distribution of objects remains the same even though a failover to the backup adapter occurred.

For this to work, the Stat Server connections configured on the backup adapter need to be the same as those configured on the primary adapter. Genesys Administrator automatically ensures that the connections are added or removed on the backup adapter Application when you modify the connections on the primary adapter Application, provided that a backup adapter is configured on the primary adapter Application.

Configuring the Stat Server Type for Advisors

You can configure an Advisors Stat Server as one or more of the following types:

  1. Core (default)
  2. Multimedia
  3. Thirdpartymedia

The Stat Server type(s) you specify will depend on the purpose of the Stat Server, and what type of statistics it serves.

You configure the Stat Server type on the Annex section of the Stat Server Application object, under a new section called Advisors-StatServerTypes. The following figure shows the configuration in Genesys Administrator.

Advisors-StatServerTypes Section in the Stat Server Application Annex

It is the presence or absence of the "type" setting that matters in this configuration; Advisors ignores the "yes" or "no" values. For example, if you add an entry in the Annex for Advisors-StatServerTypes, and you enter the type as MULTIMEDIA, and set the value to no, then the Stat Server type is configured as MULTIMEDIA, regardless of the no value.

An Advisors Stat Server defaults to a type of CORE if you do not explicitly enter a type. In other words, it is necessary to configure the Stat Server types only when non-CORE Stat Server types are required in your configuration.

It is unnecessary to configure the Advisors Stat Server types on the backup Stat Servers because this configuration is only fetched from the primary Stat Servers.

Migrating Stat Server-Adapter Relationships from the Platform Database to Configuration Server

If you have Genesys Performance Management Advisors release 8.5.1 deployed in your enterprise, then you can use the migration wizard to export the existing Stat Server configuration from the Advisors Platform database to the Configuration Server in order to add the connections to the AGA Application object. The migration wizard "Export Stat Server Config to Config Server" option performs the migration operation for all configured adapters in a single pass. Alternatively, you can manually configure the Stat Server connections and the Stat Server types using a Genesys configuration interface, such as Genesys Administrator. You might do this for security reasons, for example.

For more information about using the migration wizard to export your existing Stat Server configuration to the Configuration Server, see the Genesys Performance Management Advisors Migration Guide.

This page was last edited on March 9, 2018, at 23:15.
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