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Log File Extensions

You can use the following file extensions to identify log files that an application creates for various types of output:

  • *.log—assigned to log files when you configure output to a log file. For example, if you set standard = confservlog for Configuration Server, it prints log messages into a text file called confservlog.<time_stamp>.log.
  • *.qsp—assigned to temporary (spool) files when you configure output to the network but the network is temporarily unavailable. For example, if you set standard = network for Configuration Server, it prints log messages into a file called confserv.<time_stamp>.qsp during the time the network is not available.
  • *.snapshot.log—assigned to files that contain the output snapshot when you configure output to a log file. The file contains the last log messages that an application generates before it terminates abnormally. For example, if you set standard = confservlog for Configuration Server, it prints the last log message into a file called confserv.<time_stamp>.snapshot.log in case of failure.

Warning: Provide the *.snapshot.log files to Genesys Technical Support when reporting a problem.

  • *.memory.log—assigned to log files that contain the memory output snapshot when you configure output to memory and redirect the most recent memory output to a file. For example, if you set standard = memory and memory = confserv for Configuration Server, it prints the latest memory output to a file called confserv.<time_stamp>.memory.log.
This page was last edited on July 2, 2013, at 17:04.
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