Use the Bidding views to see and bid on schedules in open schedule bidding scenarios, or bid on overtime in open overtime offers.
You can also bid for time-off, see Time-off bidding.
Bidding on schedules
You can access scenarios only during the schedule bidding period (the period in which the bidding scenario is open for bidding). Click Scenarios to open a list of scenarios available for bidding. Open a scenario to view schedules and assign bids. Each row in this view displays one bidding scenario and information about each scenario is presented in these columns:
- Scenario name—The name of a bidding scenario.
- Bidding end time—The date and time that bidding for the scenario ends.
- Days remaining—The number of remaining days until bidding closes for the scenario.
- Start date—The effective start date for this schedule.
- End date—The effective end date for this schedule.
The effective start and end date are in your timezone.
Opening schedule bidding scenarios
To open and view a bidding scenario:
- In the menu bar, click Bidding > Scenarios.
- In the Scenario name column, hover your mouse over a scenario and click the link to open it.
- The schedules available for bidding are displayed in a grid.
You can perform the following tasks in the scenario's schedule grid:
- View available schedules in a grid and expand it to see more details. You might want to do this before entering and ranking your bids.
- Sort or Filter the view of available shifts.
- Bid on and rank schedules by numbering them.
Entering and ranking schedule bids
To enter and rank bids, you add your selected schedules to one of two lists: Desired and Unwanted. If you select multiple schedules for either of these two lists, you'll notice that each bid is numbered (ranked) in the order that you select them. For example, if you select 3 schedules for the Desired list, your first selection is ranked 1, your second selection is ranked 2, and so on, based on the first in, first out rule. Your selections for the Unwanted list work the same way, except the ranking appears in square brackets. For example, [1], [2], and so on.
You can enter and rank your bids for available schedules in two ways:
- Using the add/remove buttons:
- Select a check box to select the schedule on the same line.
- Click Add to Desired or Add to Unwanted to add the selected schedule to the corresponding list.
- Click Remove to remove the selected schedule from either list.
- Using the Actions drop-down list:
- In the Actions column, click
- Using the drop-down list, add this schedule to your desired or unwanted list, or remove it from either list.
- In the Actions column, click
After entering your bids, you might change your mind about the schedules you marked as Desired or Unwanted, or you might want to change the ranking for one or both of these lists. To do this, use the procedures in Managing your bid assignments.