This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:35.
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Use the Import view in the Forecast module to import Historical Interaction Volume or Historical AHT, Forecast Interaction Volume, Forecast AHT, and Forecast Staffing data.
To import data:
Also, when importing, WFM only reads activity or multi-site activity open hours when the 24-hour timestep is selected. This is because the import file contains data for days only (one record per each day). Open hours acts as a filter. WFM does not use the Start Date and Time and End Date and Time in the Select Dates page of the Import Wizard.
If the 15-, 30-, or 60-minute timestep is selected, data from the import file is filtered using the Start Date and Time and End Date and Time.Different columns appear in the Column Mapping to Data section, depending on the column separator and comments character you use. To view all applicable columns in this section, ensure that you select a separator that matches the one used in your .CSV file.
If you chose an incorrect data type for any column, the Review Validation pane opens, with an error message.Use the Reports module to export data and create reports. See Forecast Report.