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Schedule Validation

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Use the Review Messages window to manage warning and error messages that were generated the last time the schedule was built, validated, or rebuilt.

The sections below cover:

Using the Review Messages Window

The Review Messages window contains the following controls:

Reviewed Select the check boxes in this column to indicate messages that you have reviewed.
Site Displays the site name.
Message Shows the text of each generated message.
Save button Saves your reviewed selections.
Close button Discards all changes and closes the window.

Warnings List

When Schedule building or validation generates the following warnings, the variable text shown here in braces { } is replaced with the actual value.


The workload of agent {A} cannot be increased to meet the planning period requirements.

The number of planning period hours scheduled for this agent is less than the minimum planning period requirement for the agent as described in the contract. This can happen when the agent is forced to take days off. Forced days off are usually caused by unrealistic contract weekend and day-off constraints. Other possible causes of forced days off include: the day-to-day distance constraint cannot be met; there are no shifts available on the day; or the day-off constraints require a day off. However, in cases where the agent begins work in the middle of a planning period, planning period work cannot be increased to the usual amount; therefore, you should either disregard the warning or enter the agent's history for the beginning of the planning period.


The workload of agent {A} cannot be decreased to meet the planning period requirements.

The number of planning period hours scheduled for this agent is greater than the maximum planning period requirement for the agent as described in the contract. This usually happens when the set number of daily and/or weekly hours does not allow for the planning period-hours constraint to be satisfied.

Warning[3] The scheduler could not assign a day off for agent {A} on week with first day {B}.

No days off have been assigned to an agent in the specified week to satisfy the agent's minimum days off per week requirement. This can happen when the contract day-off rules and the weekend fairness rules create a mandatory pattern of days-off assignment that is not compatible with the minimum number of days off per week.

Warning[4] Too many days off have already been assigned for agent {A} on week with first day {B}.

The user has assigned more days off to an agent in the specified week than are permitted by the agent's constraints. Contract weekend and/or day-off rules limit the number of days off allowed.

Warning[5] The workload of agent {A} cannot be increased to meet the weekly requirements on week with first day {B}.

The number of hours scheduled for this agent in the specified week does not meet the minimum weekly hours requirement for the agent as described in the contract. See Warning[1] for possible causes.

Warning[6] The workload of agent {A} cannot be decreased to meet the weekly requirements on week with first day {B}.

The number of hours scheduled for this agent in the specified week is more than the maximum weekly hours requirement for the agent as described in the contract. See Warning[2] for possible causes.

Warning[7] No shifts match the constraints for contract {A} of agent {B} on day {C}.

No shifts matched the contract constraints for the specified agent on the specified day. Usually, this means that the shift does not have a duration that will satisfy the daily or weekly hours constraints for the contract, or that individual constraints or exceptions on that day prevent all available shifts for the agent.


No shifts match the constraints for agent {A} on day {B}; agent assigned a day off.

Scheduler is forced to schedule a day off for this agent because no shifts match the agent's contract constraints for this day. If a shift is configured to be available on this day, then this warning signals a bad configuration of either the shift or an associated meal. Verify that the durations for the shift and meal are valid.

Warning[9] Meal {A} is removed from shift {B} since it does not fit shift start/end constraints.

There is inconsistent data. For example, shifts are defined with a meal, but there is no way to schedule such a meal in the shift. In this case, the meal is removed from the definition of the shift, and the meal is ignored. This shift will not be used for scheduling. This is often reported along with Warning[8], described above.

Warning[10] Understaffed for day {A}, activity {B}, timestep {C}:{D} agents requested, {E} agents available.

There are not enough agents scheduled for this timestep to cover the specified activity.

Warning[11] Adjacency constraints force a day off for agent {A} on day {B}.

The minimum interval between two working days (as defined in Policies/Site Rules) cannot be satisfied. Therefore, Scheduler is forced to assign the agent a day off.

Warning[12] Break constraints were relaxed for agent {A} on day {B} in order to schedule breaks.

Scheduler is unable to schedule a break that complies with all constraints for this agent on the specified day, but assigns the most optimal breaks possible given the constraints.

Warning[13] Agent {A} has requested too many availability preferences; the maximum allowable was {B}; therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been decreased to {C}.

The agent has requested more availability preferences than Scheduler could assign. Therefore, the preference fulfillment percentage has been decreased. This can happen when constraints, such as day-to-day distance, shift occurrences, or start-time synchronicity, make it impossible to satisfy all the preferences. It can also arise if the days-off constraint conflicts with a shift preference.

Warning[14] Meal {A} is in conflict with meal {B} for shift {C}.

Two meals or shift splits conflict on a given shift. In this case, the first of these two meals or splits is removed from the shift.

Warning[15] Agent {A} has made few availability preference requests; the minimum expected was {B}, therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been increased to {C}.

The agent has made very few availability preference requests. Because Scheduler was able to assign most or all the preferences, the preference fulfillment percentage has been increased. This can happen when an agent is set to work at a time that coincides with his or her availability preference, as in the case of synchronicity constraints.

Warning[16] The timestep constraint {A} is not satisfied for initial values of meal {B}.

When you specify the starting timestep for a meal, you must satisfy other constraints. (For example, ensure that the meal does not overlap with other schedule items.)

Warning[17] Historical data missing for agents; therefore, planning period constraints are ignored.

The schedule period begins after the first day of the planning period but there is no historical data for the planning period. Because there is no way to know how much the agent has already worked before the schedule was built, planning period constraints are ignored for this planning period only. One workaround is to publish a schedule covering the dates before the dates of the schedule that generated this message.

Warning[19] This warning may say one of the following:
  • The Meeting {A} could not be scheduled.
  • The Meeting {A} could not be scheduled on day {B}.
  • The Meeting {A} could not be scheduled on days {B}-{C}.

The desired meeting cannot be scheduled as entered. Either no day was found that would satisfy the meeting requirements or the meeting could not be scheduled for certain dates.

Warning[20] Not enough seats on day {A} at time {B}.

There are not enough seats for the scheduled agents for this timestep. In some cases, this can produce violations of the agent hours and/or day-off constraints.

Warning[21] Not enough seats on day {A}, at time {B} and activity {C}.

The Maximum-Number-of-Seats constraint for the specified activity does not allow all agents to be scheduled. Scheduler schedules the agents anyway, but for each timestep during which there are more agents than seats, it generates this warning. The use of the maximum-seats constraint for each activity is for multi skilled scheduling only. Possible causes of this warning include insufficient flexibility in hours and/or day-off constraints, forcing agents to work when they are not needed.

Warning[22] Seniority of agent {A} is given as level {B}. This is greater than 100,000; therefore, the seniority level is set to 100,000.

The specified agent has a seniority greater than 100,000. This should not occur in normal use of Workforce Management.

Warning[23] The date interval {A} to {B} of constraint {C} is not included in the fine-grain period, so the outside part of this constraint is ignored.

This constraint extends for a longer period than the schedule period. Only the period covered by the schedule is "fine-grained." Constraints that extend past the schedule period are not considered during schedule building. This situation should not occur in normal Workforce Management use.

Warning[24] An incompatible shift preference and paid-hours exception on day {A} for agent {B}; therefore, the exception wins.

Both a preference and granted paid hours have been set in Staff. Scheduler accepts the paid hours and ignores the shift preference.

Warning[25] Consider that team, maxseats, day-to-day, weekly, and monthly constraints are soft for agent {A} on day {B}.

You can override soft constraints in case a scheduling conflict occurs. Possible causes include:

  • One or more agents have a rotating schedule that forces them into conflict with team-synchronicity constraints.
  • An agent has an exception that requires a shift outside of the team start time window.
  • The maximum-seats constraint could not be adhered to, usually because the configuration does not allow enough flexibility in day-off and paid-hours assignments.
  • A coupling of weekend day-off and min/max/consecutive day-off constraints can force violations. Violations of weekly and/or monthly constraints usually indicate a significant configuration problem.
Warning[26] Rest (compensation) for agent {A} on day {B} lowered weekly/monthly goals by {C} hours.

A paid day off (a "bonus" paid day off in addition to regular days off) has been scheduled for the agent on the specified day. Therefore, weekly and monthly workload goals have been decreased by a certain number of hours.

Warning[27] Rest (compensation) for agent {A} on day {B} raised weekly/monthly goals by {C} hours.

A paid day off (a "bonus" paid day off in addition to regular days off) has been scheduled for the agent on the specified day. Therefore, weekly and monthly workload goals have been increased by a certain number of hours.

Warning[28] Forced day off for agent {A} on day {B} lowered weekly/monthly goals by {C} hours.

Conflicting contract constraints will force the agent to have the day off. Usually, this is due to a combination of min/max/consecutive day-off and weekend day-off rules. It can also be caused by shift rejections.


Cannot meet shift maximum occurrences constraint for agent {A} and shift {B}.

Scheduler is unable to schedule a different shift, in violation of the constraint for maximum shift occurrence. This can occur if another shift is rejected or not available because of configuration constraints. It can also be caused by the start-time synchronicity constraint if alternate shifts do not allow the synchronicity constraint to be observed.

Warning[30] Cannot meet shift minimum occurrences constraint for agent {A} and shift {B}.

Scheduler is unable to meet shift constraints with regard to minimum number of hours/days configured for the specified agent and shift. See Warning[29], above.

Warning[31] Failed to satisfy constraint of type {A} for agent {B}.

Scheduler was unable to assign the schedule items for the agent required by the specified constraint. Usually, this is due to a conflicting combination of constraints.

Warning[32] Cannot assign a day-off period needed for agent {A}.

The agent is due for a day off to comply with the specific day-off period constraint, but Scheduler could find no possible time window in which to schedule a day-off period. This situation can sometimes occur if the minimum number of days per week or weekend-days per month requires a pattern of days off that is incompatible with the day-off period constraint.

Warning[33] Even breaks with relaxed constraints could not be scheduled for agent {A} on day {B}.

Scheduler could not assign any breaks to the agent on the specified day.

Warning[34] The start-step constraint {A} is not satisfied for initial values of shift {B}.

Check that the shift start time is compatible with the timestep requested.

Warning[35] Scheduler could not assign days off for agent {A}.

Due to a conflict in constraints, Scheduler could not produce a satisfactory day-off sequence for this agent. Usually, this is due to a combination of minimum/maximum/consecutive day-off and weekend day-off rules.

Warning[36] {A} percent of activity {B} coverage has deteriorated on account of after-scheduling swaps on day {C}.

Because of seniority considerations, the coverage for the specified activity has diminished by a certain percentage. This percentage is based upon the agents that had their schedules changed to account for seniority rights. If this effect is undesirable, change the Loose or Free setting in the Schedule Build Wizard to Strict.

Warning[37] Agent {A} has requested very few availability preferences. {B} requests were granted; therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been increased to {C}.

The agent has made few availability preference requests. A certain number has been granted; therefore, the preference fulfillment ratio has been increased by the specified amount.

Warning[38] Agent {A} has made too many availability preference requests. {B} requests were granted; therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been decreased to {C}.

The agent has made many availability preference requests. Only the specified number could be granted; therefore, the preference fulfillment ratio has been decreased by the indicated amount.

Warning[39] Agent {A} has requested very few shift preference requests. {B} requests were granted; therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been increased to {C}.

The agent has made few shift preference requests. More than the expected number has been granted; therefore, the preference fulfillment ratio has been increased by the specified amount.

Warning[40] Agent {A} has made too many shift requests. {B} requests were granted; therefore, the satisfaction percentage has been decreased to {C}.

The agent has made many shift preference requests. Only the specified number could be granted; therefore, the preference fulfillment ratio has been decreased by the indicated amount.

Warning[41] Scheduling period begins in the middle of the month and no scheduling history is provided.

No schedule has been published for the beginning of the first schedule month.

Warning[42] Work constraints starting on {A} and ending on {B} for agent {C} cannot be satisfied.

Because of conflicts in constraint settings, workload constraints for this agent cannot be fulfilled for the specified days.

Warning[43] Planning period work constraint for the dates {A} - {B} for agent {C} cannot be satisfied.

Because of conflicts in planning period constraint settings, workload constraints for this agent cannot be fulfilled for the specified days.

Warning[44] Agent {A} cannot be swapped because of either a nonstandard shift, a forced day off, or an infeasible day-off sequence within the swap period.

The specified agent's schedule cannot be given to any other agent because it contains fixed elements that cannot be exchanged.

Warning[45] Schedule for agent {A} cannot be assigned to anyone; therefore, this agent has been removed from swap post treatment.

Because this agent's schedule is not valid for any other agent, it cannot be exchanged during swapping.

Warning[46] No activity was found for agent {A} on day {B} at timestep {C}; therefore, a forced break was assigned.

None of this agent's assigned activities are available during the specified timestep(s). Therefore, Scheduler was forced to assign a break. This situation occurs when the agent's activities are all exclusive and could not be assigned without violating the minimum-duration-for-exclusive-activity constraint.

Warning[48] For day {A}, agent {B} can work only on exclusive activity and is useless according to charge. Therefore, activity distribution might be inconsistent.

The agent has been configured to work on an activity for which the forecast predicts no interactions. The assignment of the agent to the unnecessary activity might degrade workload coverage.

Warning[49] The paid exception or time off was removed on day {A} for agent {B} to find feasible shift.

A part-day exception or time off that violates shift settings has been removed so that Scheduler can assign this agent a shift.

Warning[50] The Day Off per Period constraint configured for agent {A} is incorrect.
Warning[51] Ignored activity {A} matching no task sequence of {B}.

Scheduler is not using the specified activity because, although it is included in the activity set configured for the task sequence, its constraints do not match the task sequence constraints.

Warning[52] Break {A}, anchorage to start implies minimum/maximum lengths from start to be equal.

Because this break is anchored to the shift start time, the distance between the shift start time and the break start time cannot vary.

Warning[53] No shift of {A}'s contract can match preferences on day {B} (ignore).
Warning[54] Preference requirement on period ({A}..{B}) for agent {C} cannot be fulfilled, and is ignored.
Warning[55] Meal {A} does not fit in shift {B}. Shift can not be scheduled.
Warning[56] Time-window for day {A} of agent {B} reduced to [{C},{D}] to match activity open hours.
Warning[57] Break and meal sequence for [{A},{B}] duration of shift {C} was ignored as infeasible. Sequence: {D}
Warning[58] Break and meal sequence for [{A},{B}] duration of shift {C} contains no valid break combination.
Warning[59] Default break sequence for shift {A} is infeasible and there is no break sequence for work duration of {B}.
Warning[60] Exception is removed on day {A} for agent {B} as it is out of day time window.
Warning[61] Planning period hours limit granted preferences to {A} for agent {B}. Decreasing quotas to {C}.
Warning[62] More than {A} constraints were violated during dayoff scheduling. Further warnings will not be generated.
Warning[63] Single skill mode can not be used when task sequences are defined. Changing to multi-skill mode.
Warning[64] {A} constraint can not be satisfied for agent {B} starting at {C} and ending at {D}.

The specified constraint for this agent cannot be satisfied for the specified date interval.

Warning[65] Some breaks could not be scheduled for agent {A} on day {B}.
Warning[66] Maximum shift item distance constraint could not be satisfied for agent {A}  on day {B}.
Warning[67] Minimum shift item distance constraint could not be satisfied for agent {A}.
Warning[68] Shift items could not be scheduled at configured time intervals for agent {A} on day {B}.
Warning[1000] Calendar item containing invalid shift ID={A} assigned to agent '{B}' on day {C}.
Warning[1001] Exception will be ignored for overnight shift of day {A} for agent '{B}'. Strict work time can not accommodate partially covered exception.
Warning[1002] Schedule start date weekday is not the same as long period start day. Moving long period back {A} days.
Warning[1003] Task sequence '{A}' was removed as it contains activity set '{B}' with no activities or assigned activities are not present in schedule scenario.
Warning[1004] Null element ignored in break meal list of shift '{A}'
Warning[1005] Both break and meal are not null element in break meal list of shift '{A}'
Warning[1006] Shift '{A}' task sequence ID={B} was not found.
Warning[1007] Agent '{A}' has no assigned contract. Agent will not be scheduled.
Warning[1008] Contract ID={A} assigned to agent '{A}' is unknown at site '{B}'.
Warning[1009] Agent '{A}' has accrual rule ID={B} that is not known to WFMServer.
Warning[1010] The team ID={A} of agent '{B}' does not exist at site '{C}'.
Warning[1012] Removed activity set '{A}' with no activities. Activities are either not present in schedule scenario or misconfigured.
Warning[1013] Removed task sequence '{A}' ID={B} since it contains invalid activity sets. Check prior warnings for activity set configuration problems.
Warning[1014] Removed agent '{A}' with no activities. Activities are either not assigned to agent, missing in schedule scenario or not configured properly.
Warning[1015] Minimum shift '{A}'s' paid duration is not covered by combine list. Minimum shift paid time changed to {B} hours {C} minutes.
Warning[1016] Task sequence ID={A} was removed from shift '{B}'. Task sequence may be misconfigured or contain not available activity set.
Warning[1017] Shift '{A}' was removed since it has no assigned mandatory task sequences.
Warning[1018] One or more shifts assigned to contract '{A}' could not be used due to configuration problems.

Not all shifts that were assigned to contract could be used for scheduling. This warning usually is issued after more detailed shift configuration warnings.

Warning[1019] Agent '{A}' will not be scheduled. Scenario activities can not be used in any one of task sequences of contract shifts.

Schedule scenario does not contain activities that are required to schedule shifts with mandatory task sequences.

Warning[1020] Activity sets will be used for scheduling even though task sequences exist in the site.

Task sequences exist in the database but are not assigned to the shifts.


Removed contract '{A}'. Shifts assigned to this contract are not configured properly.

Contract has no useable shifts, and therefore the contract is removed from scheduling. Shift configuration problems are described in other warnings.

Warning[1022] Removed agent '{A}' with mis-configured contract.

Contract that was assigned to agent cannot be used. This warning usually follows warning 1021.

Warning[1023] Schedule of agent '{A}' was not re-optimized.

During Intra-day scheduling, the Agent's schedule for a particular day could not be modified because the current configuration prevents scheduling of a valid shift on that day.

Errors List

When Schedule building or validation generates the following errors, the variable text shown here in braces { } is replaced with the actual value.
Error[1] Shift {A} violates contract constraints for agent {B} on day {C}.
Error[2] The constrained start and end times {A} and {B} are not compatible with imposed activity for agent {C} on day {D}.
Error[3] No shift was found for agent {A} on day {B}
Error[4] Schedule build was canceled by user.
Error[5] Wrong time unit for timestep {A}.
Error[6] Wrong scheduling start date {A} and/or end date {B}.
Error[7] Length of break {A} is not a supported break length.
Error[8] 0 is not a valid value for minimal daily workload in contract {A}.
Error[9] The minimum/maximum constraints for contract {A} make it impossible to schedule.
Error[10] The minimum weekly workload cannot be reached for contract {A}.
Error[11] The minimum planning period workload cannot be reached for contract {A}.
Error[12] The day {A} that was given is outside the planning period.
Error[13] On day {A}, activity {B} has not been declared.
Error[14] On day {A}, the charge specification for activity {B} cannot be processed.
Error[15] On day {A}, the charge specification for activity {B} has the wrong length.
Error[16] The code for contract {A} given for the agent {B} is not valid.
Error[17] The activity string {A} given for the agent {B} is not valid.
Error[18] Too many consecutive days worked: {A} days worked prior to the planning period for the agent {B}.
Error[19] The month goal {A} for agent {B} conflicts with the contract {C}: minimum {D}, maximum {E}.
Error[20] Impossible to assign a weekend off in the first month to the agent {A}.
Error[21] The code number {A} is not valid to designate an agent.
Error[22] The team for agent {A} has already been assigned.
Error[23] The day-off type {A} for agent {B} is not valid.
Error[24] The preference weight {A} for agent {B} is not valid.
Error[26] The day off costs for day off type {A} are invalid.
Error[27] Impossible to schedule work for agent {A} on day {B} although required by exceptions or hard preferences.
Error[28] Wrong shift index: {A}
Error[29] Wrong meal index: {A}
Error[30] Schedule of agent {A} cannot be assigned to any other agent. Do not use this agent for after-scheduling swapping.
Error[31] Break length {A} is not a multiple of time unit {B}.
Error[32] The day-of-week indexed by number {A} is not valid. See definition of shift {B}.
Error[33] There is not enough memory for this problem {A}; adjust memory parameters.
Error[34] Too many activities configured: {A} is the maximum number of activities. Configured {B}.
Error[35] No other agent's schedule can be assigned to agent {A}. Remove this agent from after-scheduling swapping.
Error[36] Impossible to overwrite shift for agent {A} on day {B}: unpaid times and work length not compatible.
Error[37] Impossible to find acceptable shift for agent {A} on day {B}: forbidden by day-to-day distance constraint.
Error[38] Activity hours start time {A}, end time {B}, for activity {C} not compatible with scheduled hours.
Error[39] Request on day {A} and time {B} violates activity open hours for activity {C}.
Error[40] Contradictory requirements for agent {A} on day {B}: agent should be both present and off.
Error[41] Unable to satisfy week/month constraints after giving compensation rest for agent {A} on day {B}.
Error[42] At least one schedule in the preference list for agent {A} is not swappable for this agent.
Error[43] Too many shifts: the maximum number is {A}, but more than {B} were requested.
Error[44] Agent {A} was not in the initial list of swappable agents.
Error[45] Wrong preference time window for agent {C}: timestep {A} < timestep {B}.
Error[46] Rescheduling data of agent {A} on day {B} is inconsistent with the current meal definition. Restore initial settings before rescheduling.
Error[47] The list of time windows for a meeting between time {A} and time {B} is incorrect.
Error[48] The list that specifies the DOC set for agent {A} is not correct.
DOC = Day - Off Constraint.
Error[49] The number {A} is not valid to designate a team.
Error[50] Weekly work constraint for agent {A} has invalid dates {B} and {C}.
Error[51] Rescheduling data of agent {A} on day {B} is inconsistent with current shift definition. Do not change it before rescheduling.
Error[52] Wrong break index: {A}
Error[53] Wrong activity index: {A}
Error[54] Wrong task sequence index: {A}
Error[55] Activity {A} already belongs to activity set {B} (hence cannot be included in activity set {C})
Error[56] Invalid break sequence({A}): all alternatives of the combine list must share the same unpaid length
Error[57] Invalid break sequence({A}): a sequence with no break must have minDuration=0
Error[58] Invalid task sequence({A}): mismatching start/end anchors
Error[59] Exclusive activities and task sequences cannot coexist
Error[60] No agent has been defined: solve aborted.
Error[61] More than {A} constraint failures during dayoff scheduling.
Error[62] Shortest shift item sequence for shift {A} has minimum duration of {B}. Sequence covering minimum shift duration is required.
Error[63] Shift {A} item sequence for longer shift contains less unpaid time ({B} minutes) than shorter sequence.
Error[66] Internal scheduling engine error.
Error[1000] Failed to load schedule scenario. Scenario ID={A}
Error[1001] Loaded schedule scenario does not contain required site. Scenario ID={A}, site ID={B}.
Error[1002] Specified schedule interval is {A} days. At least one week is required.
Error[1003] Specified schedule interval is {A} days long. Schedule period can not be longer than 6 weeks.
Error[1004] Specified schedule interval is {A} days long. Schedule period must contain exact number of weeks.
Error[1005] Invalid long period type={A} detected (more than 6 weeks or less than 0) for site '{B}'.
Error[1006] WFM Server returned 0 sites.
Error[1007] Site to be scheduled was not found in database. Site ID={A}.
Error[1008] Activities not found in the database for site '{B}'.
Error[1009] Activity '{B}' belongs to unknown activity set. Set ID={A}.
Error[1010] Task sequence '{B}' references activity set ID={A} that is not defined in database.
Error[1011] Task anchor value {A} is incorrect for sequence '{B}' task index={A}.
Error[1012] Unknown break ID={A} assigned to shift '{B}'.
Error[1013] Unknown meal ID={A} assigned to shift '{B}'.
Error[1014] Meal ID={A} is in combine list but not assigned to shift '{B}'.
Error[1015] Break ID={A} is in combine list but not assigned to shift '{B}'.
Error[1016] Can not create schedule. Schedule scenario or configuration is not valid.
Error[1017] Synchronize work start threshold value {A} is out of range [-1, 6]β€”for site '{B}'.
Error[1018] Can not schedule task sequences in single skill scheduling mode. Use multi-skill scheduling instead.
Error[1020] Unknown calendar item exception type ID={A} assigned to agent '{B}' on day {C}.
Error[1021] No activities configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration.
Error[1022] No contracts configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration.
Error[1023] No shifts configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration.
Error[1024] No agents configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration.
Error[1025] Long period start date is not defined for site '{A}'.
Error[1026] Cannot reschedule. Previous schedule was created with incompatible version of WFM Builder.
Error[1027] Cannot reschedule. Shift from original schedule is no longer available.
Error[1028] Cannot reschedule. Meal from original schedule is no longer available.
Error[1029] Cannot reschedule. Meal assignment to shifts have changed.
Error[1030] Cannot reschedule. Shift assignment to contracts have changed.
Error[1031] Cannot reschedule. Shift configuration has changed.
Error[1032] Cannot reschedule. Task sequence from original schedule is no longer available.
Error[1035] No daily agent schedules are available for schedule re-optimization.
Error[1066] Internal error.
Error[1067] Not enough memory to build the schedule. {A} MBytes of free memory is required.
Error[1068] WFM Builder failed to save schedule.
Error[1069] WFM Server communication problem: {A}.
Error[1070] WFM Server communication problem.
Error[1071] Configuration Server communication problem: {A}.
Error[1072] More than one WFM Server specified in Builder connections.
Error[1073] WFM Server not specified in application connections.
Error[1074] Failed to retrieve WFM Server '{A}' information.
This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:35.
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