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Project Menu

The Project menu contains the following items:

Open Project Opens the currently selected Project(s). The selected Project(s) must currently be closed for this command to be available.
Close Project Closes the currently selected(s) Projects. Closing a Project will remove all of that Project's state from memory, but the contents on disk are left untouched.
Build All


Performs an incremental build on all Projects in the Workbench.  This command builds (compiles) all resources in the Workbench that are affected by any resource changes since the last incremental build. This command is only available if auto-build is turned off. Auto-build is turned off via the Build Automatically menu option or from the General > Workspace preference page.
Build Project Performs an incremental build on the currently selected Project. This command builds (compiles) all resources in the Project that are affected by any resource changes since the last build. This command is only available if auto-build is turned off. Auto-build is turned off via the Build Automatically menu option or from the General > Workspace preference page.
Build Working Set Performs an incremental build on a working set. This command builds (compiles) all resources in the working set that are affected by any resource changes since the last build. This command is only available if auto-build is turned off. Auto-build is turned off via the Build Automatically menu option or from the General > Workspace preference page.
Clean Discards all previous build results. If autobuild is on, then this invokes a full build.
Build Automatically Toggles the auto build preference on and off. The auto-build preference is also located on the General > Workspace preference page.
Properties Opens the Project Properties dialog box as described below.

Project Properties

Selecting Properties from the Project menu opens a dialog box showing the properties of the selected Project or of the Project that contains the selected resource.

This page was last edited on December 9, 2019, at 09:41.
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