Subdialog Block
- 1 Subdialog Block
- 1.1 Name Property
- 1.2 Block Notes Property
- 1.3 Exceptions Property
- 1.4 Method Property
- 1.5 Type Property
- 1.6 Uri Property
- 1.7 Condition Property
- 1.8 Logging Details Property
- 1.9 Log Level Property
- 1.10 Enable Status Property
- 1.11 Security Property
- 1.12 Parameters Property
- 1.13 Use Namelist
- 1.14 Fetch Audio Property
- 1.15 Fetch Audio Delay Property
- 1.16 Fetch Audio Minimum Property
- 1.17 Fetch Hint Property
- 1.18 Fetch Timeout Property
- 1.19 Max Age Property
- 1.20 Max Stale Property
Use the Subdialog block for invoking VoiceXML subdialogs, which are a mechanism for reusing common dialogs and building libraries of reusable applications. Subcallflows called from a main callflow encapsulate VXML subdialogs and provide modularization for large VXML applications. An application can specify the URI of the subdialog to be invoked, pass parameters, and receive output results. Parameters of type In, Out and InOut are supported. You have the option to select how the parameters are to be passed to the invoked subdialog. In the case of Dynamic pages (like JSPs) you can specify the method for sending Get / Post and Use Namelist to indicate the parameters are to be passed as Query String values.
These two choices do not apply in the case of static subdialogs (such as those generated by Composer Voice). The Subdialog block also has the ability to invoke subcallflows created by Composer Voice. In this case, auto-synchronization of input and output parameters is provided. A developer will be able to select a subcallflow to invoke from the current Composer Project.
Also see Using Composer Shared Subroutines.
The Subdialog block has the following properties:
The Subdialog block has no page exceptions.
Name Property
Please find this property's details under Common Properties.
Block Notes Property
Can be used for both callflow and workflow blocks to add comments.
Exceptions Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Method Property
This property Indicates the method for invoking the subdialog:
- get--Invoked using HTTP Get
- post--Invoked using HTTP Post. This option is valid only when the parameters are passed as a namelist (Use Namelist property is set to true). This is generally used when a large amount of data needs to be sent as an input value for a subdialog.
To select a value for the Method property:
- Select the Method row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, select get or post from the drop-down list.
Type Property
The Type property sets the type of the invoked subdialog. There are two options:
- URL--The invoked subdialog can be found at the location specified in the Uri property.
- ProjectFile--The invoked subdialog is a subcallflow in the Composer Project.
To select a value for the Type property:
- Select the Type row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, select URL or ProjectFile from the drop-down list.
Uri Property
The Uri property specifies the destination (URL or Composer Project) depending on the value of the Type property. To set a URL destination for the Uri property (Type property is set to URL):
- Select the Uri row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, type a valid URL, or select a variable from the drop-down list.
To set a Composer Project destination for the Uri property (Type property is set to ProjectFile):
- Click the Uri row in the block's property table.
- Click the
button to open the Uri dialog box.
- Select a callflow in the list.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
Composer automatically synchronizes the Input and return variables of the selected sub-callflow with the main callflow by adding them as Input/Output parameters in the corresponding Subdialog Block. Open the Parameters Property of the Subdialog Block to assign the desired value. Note: For a selected studio diagram file, right-click the block's context menu and select the Open Sub Callflow Diagram option to open the chosen Subcallflow diagram file in the Workbench window.
Condition Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks.
Logging Details Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks.
Log Level Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks.
Enable Status Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks.
Security Property
When the Security property is set to true, data for this block is treated as private (for example, credit card account numbers, Social Security numbers, date of birth information, and so on). GVP will consider the data associated with this block as sensitive and will suppress it in platform logs and metrics. To assign a value to the Security property:
- Select the Security row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, select true or false from the drop-down list.
Parameters Property
Use the Parameters property to specify parameters to pass to the invoked subdialog. To specify parameters:
- Click the Parameters row in the block's property table.
- Click the
button to open the Parameter Setting dialog box.
If the Type Property is ProjectFile,all the Input/Output parameters are automatically synchronized between the sub-callflow and the main callflow. The Input/Output parameters are automatically added based on the sub-callflow Input/Output parameters. In this case, there are no Add and Delete buttons in the Parameter Setting dialog box as described below. You must fill in the Variables column.
Add Button
Use the Add button to enter parameter details.
- Click Add to add an entry to SubDialog Parameters.
- In the Parameter Name field, accept the default name or change it.
- From the Parameter Type drop-down list, select In, Out, or InOut:
In | Input parameters are variables submitted to the subdialog. |
Out | Output parameters are variables that the subdialog returns and will be reassigned back to the current callflow. |
InOut | InOut parameters are parameters that act as both input and output. |
- In the Expression drop-down list, select from among the variables shown, type your own expression, or click the
button to use Expression Builder.
- In the Definition field, type a description for this parameter.
- Click Add again to enter another parameter, or click OK to finish.
Delete Button
To delete a parameter:
- Select an entry from the list.
- Click Delete.
Use Namelist
Indicates whether the subdialog parameters need to submitted as a namelist (if set to true) to the called subdialog. To select a value for the Use Namelist property:
- Select the Use Namelist row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, select true or false from the drop-down list.
Fetch Audio Property
Enter the fetchaudio file to play when executing a long-running tasks, such as a server side web query. By default, Next Generation Interpreter NGI)supplies a built-in fetchaudio file. For information on GVP support of fetchaudio, see:
- Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help.
- The VoiceXML Properties section of the GVP 8.1 Legacy Genesys VoiceXML 2.1 Reference Manual.
- The Prompt block,VXML Behavior and Queueing of Prompts.
Fetch Audio Delay Property
Enter the length of time to wait at the start of a fetch delay before playing fetchaudio. For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help
Fetch Audio Minimum Property
Enter the minimum length of time to play fetchaudio, once started, even if the fetch result arrives in the meantime. For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help
Fetch Hint Property
Select prefetch or safe to define when XML data files can be fetched. Selecting safe indicates to only load the XML data file when needed. For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help.
Fetch Timeout Property
Enter the timeout for fetches. This is not supported when using Nuance (MRCP). An error.badfetch is thrown when a fetch duration exceeds fetchtimeout. For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help.
Max Age Property
Enter the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached audio resources. For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help.
Max Stale Property
Enter the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached audio resources.For more information, see Fetching Properties in GVP Voice XML Help.