Service Level Routing
Genesys uses Business Priority Routing as an umbrella term to describe a set of capabilities enabling contact centers to achieve Service Level optimization by its ability to take various factors consideration when making routing decision. For example, you may want to specify a Service Factor for a certain types of of customer (gold) and distribute 60% of these customer interactions in less than 10 seconds to a specific agent group. In addition, you can further refine target selection by specifying "best fit" skills and by selecting the minimum or maximum value of a statistic for a Stat Server(for example, StatTimeInReadyState). You can select the interaction with greatest risk to Service Objective as the highest routing priority for an agent, without the need for complex strategy writing.
The contact center administrator defines Business Attributes in business friendly terms within Configuration Database (using Genesys Administrator), and the Composer workflow (strategy) writer/developer associates each interaction with these predefined attributes. Some example Business Attributes you can define include:
- Customer Segment
- Service Type
- Media Type
- Service Objective
You also can create workflows to fine-tune interaction prioritization using a straight-forward numbering system. For example, you can use:
- What-If Wait Time - Interaction is selected by evaluating a “what-if” scenario, such as how much longer will the interaction wait be if this routing opportunity is missed. Router then routes the interaction with the longest what-if wait time first. What-if Wait Time balances routing priority in overstaffed and understaffed queues.
- Service Objective Risk Factor - Calculates the risk factor and selects the interaction among various virtual queues with highest risk to service objective as highest routing priority. Service Objective Risk Factor enables best possible chance that all service level objectives for all interactions are met, without having to add more agents.
- Age of Interaction, which is the cumulative time a customer has spent since reaching the first routing point -- is known and tracked. With Age of Interaction, customers who call in and have multiple department or agent collaboration needs are not penalized by having to re-queue upon transfer. More about Age of Interaction below.
The use of these factors in routing strategies greatly enhances the contact center's ability to be more business-oriented and strategic to its organization. It improves the chance that all interactions (with varying Service Level goals are handled within their assigned Service Level objectives based on their value to the organization.
Age of Interaction
Age of interaction can be commenced from your point of choice. It could be from before the customer enters self-service in the IVR, or as the customer exits the IVR to reach a human. If it is stamped/commenced from prior to the IVR, the priority is set as if the customer has been in queue the entire time (even though reporting does not necessarily show that customer in queue). This means your business can promote self-service capabilities and mention to the customer that we will keep their position in queue while they are self serving.
The commenced point does not have to be changed when the call RONAs or is rejected by an agent. This means that automatically the interaction is placed back into the same position in queue as it was previously (for example, in the front) without any extra coding required. Age of Interaction also useful when the customer enters the contact center, speaks with an agent, and then needs to be transferred to another queue. This capability keeps their priority as if they have been in their transfer queue the entire time since they entered the contact center. This reduces agent time if they perform a warm transfer and enhances the customer experience.
Even in a blind transfer scenario to queue this significantly improves the customer experience, is simple to implement, uses business-friendly language, prevents priority locks, and should be your go-to choice for all of our customers. And then add another layer of capabilities on top or deviate when the business requirements dictate.
Configuring Service Level Routing
- Configure the Service Type Business Attribute. Add Service Types required, i.e. Service, Active Trader, and so on.
- Configure the Customer Segment Business Attribute. Add Customer Segments required, i.e. High Net Worth, Mass Affluent, and so on.
- Configure Objective Table. Name the table. Set type = default. Add Objective Records:
- Media Type = type of media
- Service Type = one of the defined service types from #1
- Customer Segment = one of the defined customer segments from #2
- Objective Goal = time in seconds you want call routed by
- Objective Delta = Service Objective Delta defined for this Record. Defines the step for Service Objective Goal deviation.
- In the workflow Configure an ECMA script with the findServiceObjective function. The true parameter at the end of the findServiceObjective function attaches the Service Type, Customer Segement and Service Objective to the call. See the data snippet below:
'CustomerSegment' 'default' 'ServiceType' 'default' 'ServiceObjective' '100' vSvcObjective=_genesys.queue.findServiceObjective(system.InteractionID, '<name of Objective Table', 0,'<Service Type>' ,'<Customer Segment>' , true);
The return value of from the above function is the Objective Goal defined in #3. The function below defines how the functional module handles interactions with the same priorities. By default, interactions with the same priority are ordered according to the time the interaction began to wait for some target.
genesys.queue.priorityTuning( _data.ixnid, <useAge> = true|false, <usePredict> = true|false, <useObjective> = true|false );
TIP: The Service Objective, Service Type and Customer Segment don’t have to be created in the Configuration Database. They just have to be attached to the interaction prior to calling priority tuning. For example:'CustomerSegment' 'default' 'ServiceType' 'default' 'ServiceObjective' '100'
Please also be mindful that Genesys does not support what-if/usePredict for eServices/Interaction Server Media Types.