- 1 Agent-State and DN Events
- 1.1 EventAgentLogin
- 1.2 EventAgentLogout
- 1.3 EventQueueLogout
- 1.4 EventAgentReady
- 1.5 EventAgentNotReady
- 1.6 EventAgentAfterCallWork (Obsolete — No Longer Supported)
- 1.7 EventAgentIdleReasonSet (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)
- 1.8 EventDNOutOfService
- 1.9 EventDNBackInService
- 1.10 EventDNDOn
- 1.11 EventDNDOff
- 1.12 EventForwardSet
- 1.13 EventForwardCancel
- 1.14 EventMonitoringNextCall
- 1.15 EventMonitoringCancelled
- 1.16 EventOffHook
- 1.17 EventOnHook
- 1.18 EventMuteOn
- 1.19 EventMuteOff
- 1.20 EventListenDisconnected
- 1.21 EventListenReconnected
- 1.22 EventMessageWaitingOn
- 1.23 EventMessageWaitingOff
Agent-State and DN Events
The agent has logged in to the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID a | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
WorkMode | Optional |
Extensions b | Optional |
a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is available.
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.
The agent has logged out of the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.
Event Attribute | Type |
Event | Mandatory |
Server | Mandatory |
ReferenceID | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
AgentID a | Optional |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions b | Optional |
a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is available.
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.
The agent has logged out of the ACD queue specified by ThisQueue, but remains logged in to some other ACD queue.
Event Attribute | Type |
Event | Mandatory |
Server | Mandatory |
ReferenceID | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
AgentID a | Optional |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions b | Optional |
a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is available.
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.
The agent is ready to receive ACD calls.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID a | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
WorkMode b | Mandatory |
Extensions c | Optional |
a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is available.
b. WorkMode is mandatory for the Avaya Communication Manager T-Server when not in Soft Agent mode.
c. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.
The agent is not ready to receive ACD calls.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID a | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
WorkMode b | Optional |
Extensions c | Optional |
a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is available.
b. WorkMode is mandatory for the Avaya Communication Manager T-Server when not in Soft Agent mode.
c. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.
EventAgentAfterCallWork (Obsolete — No Longer Supported)
The agent is performing administrative duties for a previous call (that is, updating some information) and, therefore, is not ready to receive further ACD calls.
EventAgentIdleReasonSet (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)
Indicates that the Idle reason for the telephony object specified by the parameter ThisDN has been successfully set.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is out of service and cannot make or receive calls. This event is generated when an out-of-service state is first detected or when a new client registers on a DN known to be out of service.
When a DN is out of service, only the following T-Library requests can be issued for it: client registration and unregistration, queries, agent login, and private service requests.
When a DN goes out of service, T-Server notifies the user about the termination of active calls or changes an agent state (not ready/logout) using normal T-Library events. The other applications should rely only on those events to change the DN/agent state.
Event Attribute | Type |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
See EventDNBackInService.
The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is back in service and can make or receive calls. This event is generated when a DN, which has been out of service and for which the EventDNOutOfService was previously distributed, returns to service.
In the absence of EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, all clients should assume, for backward-compatibility reasons, that the DN is in service.
Event Attribute | Type |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
The Forwarding feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
InfoStatus (CallForwardingStatus, SendAllCallsStatus) | Optional |
OtherDN a | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
ForwardMode | Optional |
a. The OtherDN attribute is used to specify the target party when the Forward feature is in progress.
The Forwarding feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
A request to monitor the next call(s) has been accepted. The event is delivered to the applications on the supervisor's and agent's desktops.
Event Attribute | Type |
ThisDN a | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole a | Mandatory |
OtherDN b | Mandatory |
OtherDNRole b | Mandatory |
ReferenceID | Optional |
MonitorNextCallType | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
Extensions | Optional |
a. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver. When the event is delivered to an application on the agent’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the agent’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination.
b. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the agent’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination. When the event is delivered to an application on the agent’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver.
The call monitoring has been canceled either by a separate call to the TMonitorNextCall() function or to the TCancelMonitoring() function. The event is delivered to the applications on the supervisor's and agent's desktops.
Event Attribute | Type |
ThisDN a | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole a | Mandatory |
OtherDN b | Mandatory |
OtherDNRole b | Mandatory |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
Extensions | Optional |
a. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver. When the event is delivered to an application on the agent’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the agent’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination.
b. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the agent’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination. When the event is delivered to an application on the agent’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver.
The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone off-hook.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID | Optional |
CallHistory | Optional |
CallID | Optional |
CallState | Optional |
CallType | Optional |
ConnID | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisTrunk | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone on-hook.
Event Attribute | Type |
AgentID | Optional |
CallHistory | Optional |
CallID | Optional |
ConnID | Optional |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole | Optional |
ThisTrunk | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
A party identified by ThisDN is now in the Mute mode.
Event Attribute | Type |
ConnID | Mandatory |
CustomerID | Optional |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
A party identified by ThisDN is no longer in Mute (microphone-disabled) mode. The ReferenceID attribute is set to indicate the corresponding TSetMuteOff() function.
Event Attribute | Type |
ConnID | Mandatory |
CustomerID | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
The switch has registered Deaf mode for the specified telephony object (in OtherDN).
Event Attribute | Type |
CallHistory | Optional |
CallID | Mandatory |
CallState a | Mandatory |
CallType | Mandatory |
ConnID | Mandatory |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
OtherDN b | Mandatory |
OtherDNRole | Optional |
OtherQueue | Optional |
OtherTrunk | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThirdPartyDN c | Mandatory |
ThisDN d | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
ThisTrunk | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
a. The following CallStates are used:
- CallStateOk: the party can still participate in conversation with some active members of the conference.
- CallStateDeafened: the party cannot listen to the conversation, but can be heard by the conference members.
- CallStateHeld: the party cannot hear or be heard by the conference members.
b. Applies to the disconnected party.
c. The party that cannot be heard by the disconnected party.
d. The party that initiated the request.
The switch has canceled Deaf mode for the specified telephony object.
Event Attribute | Type |
CallHistory | Optional |
CallID | Mandatory |
CallType | Mandatory |
ConnID | Mandatory |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
NetworkCallID | Optional |
NetworkNodeID | Optional |
OtherDN a | Mandatory |
OtherDNRole | Optional |
OtherQueue | Optional |
OtherTrunk | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThirdPartyDN b | Optional |
ThisDN c | Mandatory |
ThisDNRole | Mandatory |
ThisQueue | Optional |
ThisTrunk | Optional |
time | Mandatory |
TransferredNetworkCallID | Optional |
TransferredNetworkNodeID | Optional |
UserData | Optional |
a. The reconnected party.
b. The party that is heard by the reconnected party.
c. The party that initiated the request.
The Waiting indicator has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
The Waiting indicator has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.
Event Attribute | Type |
CustomerID | Optional |
Event | Mandatory |
Reasons | Optional |
ReferenceID | Optional |
Server | Mandatory |
ThisDN | Mandatory |
time | Mandatory |
Extensions | Optional |