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An extension is a pointer to a data structure that takes into account switch-specific features and information that cannot be described by the other parameters in an event or a request. The extensions detailed in this section, however, pertain only to requests. They are applicable to all T-Servers and permit tuning of T-Server operations. Extensions for requests that apply only to particular T-Servers are described in the individual T-Server Deployment Guides.

T-Library Events for information on the key-value pairs (the extensions) that appear in the Extensions attribute of events (as members of the TEvent structure).

Hardware Reasons in Extensions

In most cases, hardware-issued reasons are noted in the ReasonCode key-value pair in the Extensions attribute of four specific function calls and their corresponding events. (See TAgentLogin, TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady for more information.) However, such issues are not limited to being present in those four functions (or their corresponding events).

Hardware-based reasons, as passed by extensions, are handled differently than Genesys reasons. For an illustration of the handling differences between hardware-based reasons and Genesys reasons, see the Genesys Reasons versus Media-Device Reasons diagram.

Extensions Common to All T-Servers According to Request

This section details the relationship between certain extensions and the relationships they may have with specific requests.

ISCC Extensions

With the 7.0 release of T-Library, the iscc prefix for extensions does not necessarily mean that multiple sites are involved in a given request. These extensions are now supported for single-site scenarios as well.

The Extensions attributes in the following table apply to requests passed between T-Servers. (In multi-site environments, these are ISCC-processed requests.) The requests that use these extensions include the functions TMakeCall(), TInitiateConference(), TInitiateTransfer(), TMuteTransfer(), TSingleStepTransfer(), TRouteCall(), and TGetAccessNumber().

Extensions Common to All ISCC-Processed Requests
Key Value Value Description
iscc-pass-extensiona string (local, remote, or both) Controls where extension attributes are passed from an original client request.
iscc-xaction-type integer (or string value of one of the enumerated route types) Routing type to be used. See TXRouteType() in your API reference for the complete list of route types available.
iscc-ar-agent-dn string Destination DN
iscc-ar-agent-id string Destination agent's ID
iscc-ar-place string The destination agent's place
iscc-ar-duration integer Required time that an agent is to be reserved, in milliseconds (Specify -1 to use the default of 100000 milliseconds.)
iscc-ar-priority integer Requested priority (Specify -1 to use default of 0, the lowest priority value.)
iscc-ar-priority-1 integer

Additional granularity for setting priority. These are only evaluated if there are several concurrent requests with the same iscc-ar-priority. If any of these sub-priorities is absent, its value is assumed to be 0.

iscc-ar-priority-2 integer
iscc-ar-priority-3 integer

a. Exception: Do not use iscc-pass-extension with the TGetAccessNumber() function.
Note: To insure backward compatibility to 6.x and in order to comply with certain T-Servers, the default value for this key-value pair is both. An explicit value for iscc-pass-extensions is expected with ISCC requests when the same extensions interfere with origination and destination T-Servers. When the iscc-pass-extensions pair contains an invalid value, the default value is used.

For all requests taking place between T-Servers, when the cast-type has the value route, extensions are passed to the media device noted in the function TRouteCall() from the ExtRoutePoint to the requested destination. After the first unsuccessful attempt to route a call that arrives at a final destination, subsequent TRouteCall() requests do not contain extensions from an original client's request.

TAgentLogin, TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady

The Extensions attribute listed in the following table is used to pass hardware reason codes and pertains to all of the following functions: TAgentLogin(), TAgentLogout(), TAgentSetReady(), and TAgentSetNotReady(). Recall that these are the typical, but not the exclusive, functions where hardware-reason codes are found.

Extensions in TAgentLogin, TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady
Key Value Value Description
ReasonCode String A hardware reason code available for communication through these four function calls.
The corresponding events (EventAgentLogin, EventAgentLogout, EventAgentReady, and EventAgentNotReady) for these four functions communicate the hardware reason codes as well.


The Extensions attributes listed in the following tables (for Call Progress Detection (CPD) and for Call Party Number (CPN)) pertain to the function TMakePredictiveCall(), but are not applicable to all switches. Furthermore, some switches support only some subset of these extensions. Refer to individual T-Server deployment guides for applicability.

CPD-Related Extensions in TMakePredictiveCall
Key Value Value Description
VoiceDest Any valid ACD Queue or Routing Point A Queue or Routing Point to which an outbound call answered by a live voice will be transferred
AnsMachine Any valid ACD Queue or Routing Point A Queue or Routing Point to which an outbound call answered by an answering machine will be transferred
FaxDest Any valid ACD Queue or Routing Point A Queue or Routing Point to which an outbound call answered by a fax machine will be transferred
Depending on switch capabilities and the means of call answer detection, T-Server can route an answered outbound call to a target DN specified in Extensions using the VoiceDest, AnsMachine, or FaxDest key.
CPN-Related Extensions in TMakePredictiveCall
Key Type Required Default Value Description
CPNType KVTypeInt No 0 Number type
CPNPlan KVTypeInt No 0 Numbering plan
CPN-Presentation KVTypeInt No 0 Presentation indicator
CPN-Screening KVTypeInt Screening indicator
CPNDigits KVType-String Yes A5 characters, according to formats specified in the appropriate numbering/dialing plan

TInitiateConference, TInitiateTransfer, and TMuteTransfer

The Extensions attribute listed in the following table applies to the functions TInitiateConference(), TInitiateTransfer(), and TMuteTransfer(). A more detailed description of ConsultUserData appears under User Data in Consultation Calls.

Extensions in TInitiateConference, TInitiateTransfer, TMuteTransfer
Key Value Value Description


default The method specified in the consult-user-data configuration option is used.
separate User data for the consultation call is attached and stored separately from the user data attached to the original call.
inherited User data attached to the original call is copied to the consultation call at the moment the consultation call is initiated; after that, any changes to the original call's user data will not affect the consultation call's user data and vice versa.
joint User data attached to either the original or the consultation call is associated with the original call and, yet, can be seen and changed by the parties of both calls.


The Extensions attributes listed in the following table pertain to the function TReserveAgent().

Extensions in TReserveAgent
Key Value Value Description
ar-priority-1 integer

Additional granularity for setting priority.
These are only evaluated if there are several
concurrent requests with the same value for
the parameter priority. If any of these
sub-priorities is absent, its value is assumed
to be 0.

ar-priority-2 integer
ar-priority-3 integer
This page was last edited on March 22, 2018, at 00:48.
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