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This set of models illustrates successful and unsuccessful registration. Successful registration proceeds as follows:

  1. A client connects to Interaction Server.
  2. The client asks to register.
  3. Interaction Server checks to see if the client is valid. If the client is valid, Interaction Server sends EventAck.

Unsuccessful registration proceeds as follows:

  1. A client connects to Interaction Server.
  2. One of the following happens:
    • The client asks to register, but Interaction Server finds that it is not a valid client.
    • The client sends any other message to Interaction Server.
  3. In either case, Interaction Server returns EventError.
  4. When a timeout expires, Interaction Server disconnects.

Successful Registration

In this phase, shown in the following figure, a client connects, then asks to register.

Successful Registration

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Successful Registration
Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

Unsuccessful Registration

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that the client is not valid. It may do this in response to RequestRegisterClient or to any other message from the client. In any case, Interaction Server responds with EventError, then disconnects from the client.

Unsuccessful Registration

The figure above actually contains three possible versions:

  1. Client sends RequestRegisterClient, Interaction Server finds that the client is not valid, Interaction server returns EventError.
  2. Client sends any message Interaction Server finds that the client is not registered, Interaction server returns EventError.
  3. First a, then b.

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Unsuccessful Registration
Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management
This page was last edited on March 22, 2018, at 00:48.
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