Call Centre Operation
Hoteling is used to support call centre operations by providing a pool of physical devices configured as hoteling hosts that can be used by a potentially larger number of agents configured as hoteling guests. These entities are configured in the Genesys Configuration Layer as Extensions and Agent Logins respectively. It is important that the Hoteling Guests are configured as Agent Logins only and that no Extension is configured for the Hoteling Guest.
T-Server CTI clients initiate a hoteling guest/host association by sending an AgentLogin request. The hoteling association is reported as the agent being logged in on the host DN. T-Server uses agent substitution to report all subsequent events using the host as the device id. T-Server CTI clients terminates a hoteling guest/host association by sending an AgentLogout request.
Note: The AgentLogin request does not assign the agent to a queue as BroadWorks CTI does not support this feature. T-Server CTI clients can still manipulate the agent’s queue state using the AgentReady and AgentNotReady requests.