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This section presents examples of a log section that you might configure for an application when that application is operating in production mode and in the following two lab modes: debugging and troubleshooting.

Production Mode Log Section

  • [log]
  • verbose = standard
  • standard = network, logfile

With this configuration, an application only generates the log events of the Standard level and sends them to Message Server, and to a file named logfile, which the application creates in its working directory. Genesys recommends that you use this or a similar configuration in a production environment.

Warning: Directing log output to the console (by using the stdout or stderr settings) can affect application performance. Avoid using these log output settings in a production environment.

Lab Mode Log Section

  • [log]
  • verbose = all
  • all = stdout, /usr/local/genesys/logfile
  • trace = network

With this configuration, an application generates log events of the Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug levels, and sends them to the standard output and to a file named logfile, which the application creates in the /usr/local/genesys/ directory. In addition, the application sends log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels to Message Server. Use this configuration to test new interaction scenarios in a lab environment.

Failure-Troubleshooting Log Section

  • [log]
  • verbose = all
  • standard = network
  • all = memory
  • memory = logfile
  • memory-storage-size = 32 MB

With this configuration, an application generates log events of the Standard level and sends them to Message Server. It also generates log events of the Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug levels, and sends them to the memory output. The most current log is stored to a file named logfile, which the application creates in its working directory. Increased memory storage allows an application to save more of the log information generated before a failure.

Warning: If you are running an application on UNIX, and you do not specify any files in which to store the memory output snapshot, a core file that the application produces before terminating contains the most current application log. Provide the application's core file to Genesys Technical Support when reporting a problem.

This page was last edited on August 14, 2013, at 17:41.
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