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License Section

The License section contains the configuration options that are used to configure T-Server licenses. They set the upper limit of the seat-related DN licenses (tserver_sdn) that T-Server tries to check out from a license file. See, License Checkout.


  • T-Server also supports the license-file option described in the Genesys Licensing Guide.
  • The license section is not applicable to Network T-Server for DTAG.
  • If you use two or more T-Servers, and they share licenses, you must configure the following options in the license section of the T-Servers.


Default Value: 0 (zero) or max (all available licenses)
Valid Values: 0 (zero) or string max
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies how many DN licenses T-Server checks out. T-Server treats a value of 0 (zero) the same as it treats max; that is, it checks out all available licenses.

The sum of all num-of-licenses values for all concurrently deployed T-Servers must not exceed the number of seat-related DN licenses (tserver_sdn) in the corresponding license file. The primary and backup T-Servers share the same licenses, and therefore they need to be counted only once. T-Server checks out the number of licenses indicated by the value for this option, regardless of the number actually in use.


Default Value: 0 (zero) or max (All DN licenses are seat-related)
Valid Values: String max (equal to the value of num-of-licenses), or any integer from 09999
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies how many seat-related licenses T-Server checks out. A value of 0 (zero) means that T-Server does not grant control of seat-related DNs to any client, and it does not look for seat-related DN licenses at all.

The sum of all num-sdn-licenses values for all concurrently deployed T-Servers must not exceed the number of seat-related DN licenses (tserver_sdn) in the corresponding license file. The primary and backup T-Servers share the same licenses, and therefore they need to be counted only once. T-Server checks out the number of licenses indicated by the value for this option, regardless of the number actually in use.


  • For Network T-Servers, Genesys recommends setting this option to 0 (zero).
  • Be sure to configure in the Configuration Database all the DNs that agents use (Extensions and ACD Positions) and that T-Server should control.

This page was last edited on March 26, 2013, at 04:07.
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