Chat Options
- Default Value: #FF385078
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the prompt for the messages that are entered by the agent in the Chat view.
- Default Value: #FF385078
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the agent in the Chat view.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether a chat interaction is automatically accepted and joined when an Interaction Server Invite event is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: #FF166FFF
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the prompt for the messages that are entered by the contact in the Chat view.
- Default Value: #FF166FFF
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the client in the Chat view.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether the chat session is automatically disconnected if the agent is the last party remaining in the chat session.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the configuration string for the new Chat Message sound -- for example: Sounds\bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority -- The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- 0 means that the whole sound is played one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: $Agent.UserName$
- Valid Values: A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.FullName$,$Agent.UserName$, $Agent.LastName$, $Agent.FirstName$, $Agent.EmployeeId$, $AttachedData.Y$ (where Y is an attached data key name).
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies that a nickname (pseudonym) is used in chat sessions instead of the agent's user name, and defines the nickname.
This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: #FFD88000
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the prompt for the messages that are entered by the other (conferenced) agent in the Chat view.
- Default Value: #FFD88000
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the other (conferenced) agent in the Chat view.
- Default Value: 30,50
- Valid Values: A comma-separated list value: <warning time>, <maximum time>.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Defines two alarm thresholds, in seconds, that warn agents that they have a pending response to a chat. Three levels are displayed: before the warning time, between the warning time and the maximum time, and after the maximum time. Agents are warned by the flashing of various elements in the user interface, including the taskbar, collapse/expand button, the interaction bar, and the pending response timer. If the agent places his or her mouse pointer on any of these flashing elements, a preview of the last received message from the contact is displayed.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when the user clicks End. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: 5
- Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the number of attempts to reconnect to the chat session to make in the case of a connection loss.
- Default Value: 5
- Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the duration, in seconds, between each attempt to reconnect to the chat session in the case of connection loss.
- Default Value: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify the Chat channel ringing sound configuration string, for example: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority. The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means plays and repeats until an explicit message stops it. For example, the established event stops the ringing sound.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: #FF8C8C8C
- Valid Values: Valid hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the color of the text of the system messages in the Chat view.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies whether the timestamp is displayed in the Chat transcript area.
- Default Value: Subject
- Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the Chat interaction notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether typing notification is enabled. It should be disabled for Chat Server lower than 8.0.1.
- Default Value: 10
- Valid Values: An integer value from 0 to MAXINT.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the typing notification is displayed after the last keystroke and before the agent or contact sends their message.
This page was last edited on September 15, 2014, at 19:10.
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