E-Mail Options
- Default Value: 20
- Valid Values: -1, 1 to 3600
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, that an attachment will be allowed to download. The value -1 means that there is no maximum time.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies whether an e-mail interaction is accepted automatically when an Interaction Server Invite event is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: A valid name of a Script of type Interaction Queue.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the Interaction queue in which new or reply outbound e-mails are submitted.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: The name of a valid Script of type Interaction Queue.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the Interaction Queue in which inbound e-mails are placed when an agent forwards an inbound e-mail to an External Resource.
- Default Value: $EMAILSERVER$
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: A character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used as available from addresses of e-mail interactions. The value $EMAILSERVER$ specifies that from addresses are populated from the POP client sections of Email Server applications.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether or not the format of a new outbound e-mail is html or plain text. When set to true, new e-mail will be formatted in HTML.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether the text of the original inbound e-mail is included in the outbound reply e-mail. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
Added: 8.1.40x.xx
- Default Value: 0
- Valid Values: A positive integer.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: The total maximum number of megabytes of files that agents can attach to an outbound e-mail interaction. An error message is displayed to the agent if the total number of megabytes for all attached files exceeds this value. The value 0 means that there is no restriction.
Added: 8.1.402.xx
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: If the value of this option is set to true, when an agent replies or replies-all to an inbound e-mail interaction that is stored either in a personal in-progress or a shared workbin or in the Contact History, the inbound e-mail interaction is moved to the workbin that is configured as the in-progress workbin (refer to the workbin.email.in-progress option).
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Name of a valid Script of type Interaction Queue.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the Interaction Queue in which outbound e-mails are placed when agents click Send or Send Interim. This option is used only when Interaction Workflow does not set Queue for New Interactions, when it is routing inbound e-mails to agents.
Added: 8.1.30x.xx
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies whether it is possible to pull an E-Mail interaction from Contact History. This option is applicable only if at least one of the following privileges has been granted to the agent: Contact - Can Pull From Queue, Contact - Can Pull Interactions In Shared Workbins, and Contact - Can Pull Interactions In Workbins Not Owned By The User.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when the user clicks Done. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: A valid name of a Business Attribute.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: A character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used to populate the E-Mail QA Review Dispositions drop-down button (on the reviewer's desktop). This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: >
- Valid Values: Any valid character string.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: For outbound e-mail that is formatted as plain text, specifies the characters that are used to quote the contents of the inbound e-mail interaction in the outbound e-mail interaction body.
- Default Value: On <date>, <contact> wrote:
- Valid Values: Any valid character string.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the character string that is used to introduce the quoted inbound e-mail content in the body of the outbound e-mail. The following tags can be used: <contact>, <date>. These tags are replaced respectively by the contact name and the date and time of the interaction when they appear in the outbound e-mail.
- Default Value: auto
- Valid Values: Select a value from the following list: auto, html, plain-text
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the format of an outbound e-mail reply.
- auto--Outbound e-mail reply format is the same as corresponding inbound e-mail.
- html--Outbound e-mail reply format is forced to HTML.
- plain-text--Outbound e-mail reply format is forced to plain text.
- Default Value: Re:<SPACE>
- Valid Values: Any valid character string.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the reply-prefix that is added to subject of the inbound e-mail.
- Default Value: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify the E-mail channel ringing sound configuration string, for example: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority. The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means plays and repeats until an explicit message stops it. For example, the established event stops the ringing sound.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether the owner id of the interaction should be updated with the dbid of the agent when the e-mail is sent. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: file: followed by the file name and path or response: followed by the response path in the Standard Response Library.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the type and the location of the signature template that is to be added to outbound e-mails. For example, file:Signatures\Signature.txt
The value has two components that are separated by the character ':', type and location.
- The type of signature file:
- file to specify a file
- response to specify a response from the Standard Response Library
- The location of the signature template:
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder
- The response name and full path of the parent category in the Standard Response Library
This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: Subject
- Valid Values: Any valid character string.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the e-mail interaction notification. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
This page was last edited on January 6, 2016, at 14:23.
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