Tenant1 Section
Default Value: 9000
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
List of listener port numbers separated by comma on which CTIConnector waits for TCP connection from Cisco VRU-PG. Optionally the Trunk Group IDs supported by the PIMs can also be configured here. The Trunk Group IDs can be listed for a particular PIM separated by &. For example: 6000:1&2,7000,8000:3&4 In the above example 6000 supports Trunk Group IDs 1 and 2, 7000 does not specify the TG IDs it supports and 8000 supports TGIDs 3 and 4. Note: 1) Valid range for TG IDs is 0-65535. 2) Same TG IDs should not be mentioned by more than one PIM. TG IDs should be unique across all the PIMs. 3) The value mentioned as the default TrunkGroupID under ICMC section should not be specified by any of the PIMs as a supported TG.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
This parameter specifies the name of the Tenant.