ems Section
- logconfig.MFSINK
- metricsconfig.MFSINK
- ors.reportinginterval
- rc.amq_connection_send_timeout
- rc.cdr.batch_size
- rc.cdr.local_queue_max
- rc.cdr.local_queue_path
- rc.certificate
- rc.keystore_certificate
- rc.keystore_password
- rc.ors.batch_size
- rc.ors.local_queue_max
- rc.ors.local_queue_path
- rc.truststore_certificate
Default Value: *
Valid Values: Pipe delimited ranges for log levels, module IDs and specifier IDs. Ranges can be comma separated integers or range of integers or '*'.
Changes Take Effect: immediately
Controls the log messages that are sent to the MF sink. The format is 'levels
Default Value: *
Valid Values: Comma separated list of metric values or ranges. A metric value must be between 0 and 141 inclusive. The values '*' and blank are also allowed.
Changes Take Effect: immediately
Specifies the metrics that are delivered to the MF Sink. '*' indicates that all metrics will be sent to the sink. Alternatively, '5-10,50-55,70,71' indicates that metrics with IDs 5,6,7,8,9,10,50,51,52,53,54,55,70 and 71 will be sent to the MF sink.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer between 1-299 inclusive.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Interval (seconds) accumulated operational reports are submitted to the Reporting Server
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer greater than or equal to 45.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This option specifies the maximum time in seconds to wait for ActiveMQ Producer Send Message response.
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: An integer between 1-5000 inclusive.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The number of CDR messages queued up by the reporting client before sending them up to the reporting server. A higher batch size (e.g. 50 records) will lessen bandwidth constraints, at the cost of making sending CDR data at larger intervals.
Default Value: -1
Valid Values: An integer greater or equal to -1.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This option specifies the maximum number of data items to the local database for CDR reporting. Queuing to the local database will occur either when the Reporting Server is unavailable, or when data is being provided to the Client faster than the Server can consume it. This value defaults to -1 indicating an "unlimited" number of records will be allowed. A value of 0 indicates that no records will be persisted locally and data will be discarded if the RS is unavailable.
Default Value: cdrQueue_rm.db
Valid Values: Path to the DB file.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The full path of the local database file used to locally persist data for CDRs.
Default Value:
Valid Values: File path
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The file name of the TLS certificate in "PEM" format. Required to connect to the Reporting Server (ActiveMQ) over TLS.
Default Value:
Valid Values: File path
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The file name of the TLS KeyStore certificate in "PEM" format. Required to connect to the Reporting Server (ActiveMQ) over TLS.
Default Value:
Valid Values: KeyStore Password
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The password for Reporting Client keyStore. Required to connect to the Reporting Server (ActiveMQ) over TLS.
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: An integer between 1-5000 inclusive.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The number of OR messages queued up by the reporting client before sending them up to the reporting server.
Default Value: -1
Valid Values: An integer greater or equal to -1.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This option specifies the maximum number of data items to the local database for Operational Reporting. Queuing to the local database will occur either when the Reporting Server is unavailable, or when data is being provided to the Client fdaster than the Server can consume it. This value defaults to -1 indicating an "unlimited" number of records will be allowed. A value of 0 indicates that no records will be persisted locally and data will be discarded if the RS is unavailable.
Default Value: orsQueue_rm.db
Valid Values: Path to the DB file.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The full path of the local database file used to locally persist data for Operational Reporting.
Default Value:
Valid Values: File path
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The file name of the TLS TrustStore certificate in "PEM" format. Required to connect to the Reporting Server (ActiveMQ) over TLS.