reporting Section
- binding.address
- db.query.timeout.max
- hostname
- password
- port
- protocol
- response.header
- response.header.landingpage
- retrieveMultipleObjectsTimeoutValue
- rs.exposerestapis
- rs.query.limit.30min
- rs.query.limit.5min
- rs.query.limit.hour
- rs.query.limit.month
- rs.query.limit.week
- rs.summarization.buffer
- usehostname-in-ruri
- username
Default Value:
Valid Values: An IP address.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The interface IP address that should be used for binding the RS service.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0, less than 65535
Changes Take Effect: immediately
This parameter only controls the database query sent from RS to database server. The HTTP query on RS reporting would have longer timeout when it involves more than one database query.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A hostname or fully qualified domain name.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The hostname that should be used for accessing RS.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A string
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The password for RS to perform basic HTTP authentication.
Default Value: 8080
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The port on which the RS receives reporting requests.
Default Value: http
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The type of communication protocol that RS uses to service reporting requests.
Default Value: X-Frame-Options: DENY|
Valid Values: A string
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The custom response header to be added to all page response.
Default Value: X-Frame-Options: DENY|
Valid Values: A string
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The custom response header to be added to the landing page response.
Default Value: 180000
Valid Values: long value greater than or equal to 60000
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
This parameter can be used to know the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the RS will wait to retrieve all the configurations from the Configuration Server and cache the configurations locally.
Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
Enables/Disables RS rest APIs to generate GVP reports.
Default Value: 336
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of 30-minute periods that are included in any report with granularity of 30-minute.
Default Value: 288
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of 5-minute periods that are included in any report with granularity of 5-minutes.
Default Value: 92
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of days that are included in any report with granularity of day.
Default Value: 168
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of hours that are included in any report with granularity of hour.
Default Value: 36
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of months that are included in any report with granularity of month.
Default Value: 53
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The maximum number of weeks that are included in any report with granularity of week.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer from 0 and 44640 inclusive.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The buffer time in minutes from now. The summarization job will only summarize records written before that time.
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
When this parameter is true GAX uses hostname in the request-uri to connect to Reporting Server.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A string
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
The username for RS to perform basic HTTP authentication.