conference Section
- active_speaker_update_time
- callrec_default_type
- confdir
- gain_control_enabled
- highest_input
- initial_gain
- novideoimage
- record_chan1source
- record_chan2source
- record_otherdnhearstone
- record_recorddnhearstone
- silence_fill
- suppress_silence
- threadedoutputs
- video_mixer_layouts
- video_output_algorithm
- video_output_type
Default Value: 2000
Valid Values: conference.active_speaker_update_time must be a non-negative integer and less than or equal to the maximum integer as defined by the Genesys Administrator Help.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The conference active speaker is updated periodically to the currently loudest input.
The input with the highest average audio level during the update period is selected as the loudest.
This parameter sets the time period (in msec) for this function.
The default value is 2000.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Please specify a valid audio codec.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
The default recording type for MSML conference recording.
Example formats: audio/wav, audio/wav;codec=ulaw, audio/mp3 .
If left empty, the MCP will use wave file with the default platform codec.
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Choose between: 0, 1 or 2
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Default conference direction of the participant.
0 - Talk only
1 - Listen only
2 - Duplex
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
When gain control is enabled, various configurations used to set gain levels will be respected fully.
When gain control is disabled, gains of 0 will result in muted streams, while gains greater than 0, will result
in streams that remain at their current level.
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: The number must be a non-negative integer and less than or equal to the maximum integer as defined by the Genesys Administrator Help.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This value will determined the number of highest inputs used for mixing output. If 0 is set, all inputs will be used. This parameter applies to both MSML and NETANN conferences. However, if MSML defines its own highest-input value through 'n-loudest' parameter, it will replace your set value in conference.highest_input parameter.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: The number must be a non-negative integer and less than or equal to the maximum integer as defined by the Genesys Administrator Help.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Gain in db when talking to the conference.
Default Value: Genesys_Logo.jpg
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path to an image file, check description for further details.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies the jpeg file to use for the image to be displayed in video mixed conferences for participants that do not provide video input.
Setting this parameter to blank will disable the no video image feature.
This parameter is only active when the conference.video_output_type parameter is set to "mixed".
The file must be in the installation root video directory or a sub-directory of this.
A directory can be specified (for example "images/filename.jpg"), and the path will be taken relative to the installation root video directory."
Default Value: recorddnsays
Valid Values: Choose between: recorddnsays or otherdnhears
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies the source to use for Call Recording channel 1. Setting this to recorddnsays selects the audio input of the record dn (or the first
conference participant), setting to otherdnhears selects the conference audio output of the other dn (or second conference participant).
The primary purpose is to control whether the repeating conference tone is included in the recorded audio of the record dn. If set to
recorddnsays the tone will not be recorded, setting to otherdnhears will cause the tone to be recorded. The default valuse is recorddnsays.
Default Value: otherdnsays
Valid Values: Choose between: otherdnsays or recorddnhears
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies the source to use for Call Recording channel 2. Setting this to otherdnsays selects the audio input of the other dn (or the second
conference participant), setting to recordndhears selects the conference audio output of the record dn (or the first conference participant).
The primary purpose is to control whether the repeating conference tone is included in the recorded audio of the other dn. If set to
otherdnsays the tone will not be recorded, setting to recorddnhears will cause the tone to be recorded. The default valuse is otherdnsays.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Choose between: 0 or 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies whether the other dn (or the second conference participant), hears the repeating tone that indicates the call is being recorded.
The default value is Yes.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Choose between: 0 or 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies whether the record dn (or the first conference participant), hears the repeating tone that indicates the call is being recorded.
The default value is Yes.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Choose between: 0 or 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Whether to silence fill the output when no data.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Choose between: 0 or 1
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Whether to suppress silence on input.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Enable threaded transcoding to conference outputs. Enabling this option can result in conferences
that make better use of the available processors on a system.
Default Value: 1,dual-view|
Valid Values: A list of layouts separated by "|". Please check parameter description for more details.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies the layouts that will be used by the conference video mixer when the layouts to use are not specified by the application. This parameter is only active when the conference.video_output_type parameter is set to "mixed".
This parameter has the following format:
where each "n,layout" pair, "layout" specifies the layout name to use when the number of conference participants is greater than or equal to "n" and less than the "n" value of any other pair.
The following layouts as described in ITEF document "draft-ietf-mediactrl-mixer-control-package" are supported:
single-view: displays the video from one participant
dual-view: displays two participants horizontally arranged
dual-view-crop: same as dual-view but video streams are cropped so as to fully fill the frame
dual-view-2x1: displays participants vertically arranged
dual-view-2x1-crop: same as dual-view-2x1 but video streams are cropped so as to fully fill the frame
quad-view: displays four participants in a 2x2 grid
multiple-5x1: displays five participants arranged along the right side and bottom, with the current active speaker displayed in a larger frame at the top left
multiple-3x3: displays 9 participants in a 3x3 grid
multiple-4x4: displays 16 participants in a 4x4 grid
For example: "1,dual-view|3,multiple-5x1", would select the dual-view layout when the number of participants is less than 3, and the multiple-5x1 layout for 3 or more participants.
If this parameter is not included or set to "", the following default value will be used:
Default Value: confrole
Valid Values: Choose between: confrole, fixed, loudest or none
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies how the conference chooses the video output. Note if "Select the first conference participant" is selected, the first participant should provide video
input. Otherwise no video will be seen for the conference. This parameter is active only when conference.video_output_type is set to single.
confrole - Select video feeds by participants' conference roles.
fixed - Select the first conference participant.
loudest - Select the loudest participant.
none - Disable video.
Default Value: single
Valid Values: Choose between: single or mixed
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session
Specifies the type of video output for conferences. If set to "single", a single stream output is enabled, where the video stream from one conference participant is sent to each conference participant. If set to "mixed", a video mixed output is enabled, where the video streams from multiple conference participants are combined into one frame and sent to each participant.
Note, if this parameter is set to "mixed" the conference.video_output_algorithm configuration parameter will not be used. Similarly, the control of video_output_algorithm by the application will be ignored.