Tenant1 Section
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The Access Group controls enabling of Digest Authentication for a tenant. The users configured under access group are allowed to send HTTP requests to SSG.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The dial prefix, if present, will be prepended to all the target numbers. This applies to all outbound calls (across all IVR profiles) for the tenant. The dial prefix can be used, for example, to select a specific trunk in SIP Server or to select a specific ROUTE in PSTN Connector or to pass some predefined numbers to the switch (if the outbound call is going out via a switch) or any combination of these. Please see GVP User Guide for more details. This parameter is optional.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The Routing Point DN is used by SSG to make outbound calls in case of Legacy GVP VXML Interpreter is used to play the IVR
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The Trunk Group DN parameter is used by SSG to fetch the resource information like available ports, total ports etc and also to make outbound calls in case of Next Generation VXML Interpreter is used to play the IVR. The tenant name is same as TGDN.