provision Section
- vrm.client.ConnectPerSetup
- vrm.client.DisableHotWord
- vrm.client.DisablePing
- vrm.client.EventLoggingEngine
- vrm.client.HotKeyBasePath
- vrm.client.IBMHotWord
- vrm.client.NoDuplicatedGramURI
- vrm.client.resource.type
- vrm.client.resource.uri
- vrm.client.SendLoggingTag
- vrm.client.SendSilence
- vrm.client.SendSWMSParams
- vrm.client.TelispeechRecognitionBargein
- vrm.client.TransportProtocol
- vrm.proxy.ping_interval
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
When this option is set to true the SRM Client will create a new connection to the ASR or TTS server per MRCP session setup.
Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:
Setting this parameter, the platform will treat recognition based barge-in as speech based barge-in. This parameter should be set to true to all the ASR server that does not support recognition based barge-in
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
When this option is set to true the MRCPv1 Client will not ping the MRCPv1 server.
Default Value: nrec
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the ASR engine and reporting tool for telephony event logging and reporting.
Default Value: /mcp/$AppName$/grammar/common/hotkey
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The HTTP fetchable location for the hotkey grammars. The value of this parameter is concatenated with the IP address of the Media Control Platform to form a fetchable location for hotkey grammars.
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This enables hotword recognition for the IBM Speech Server when bargein type is specified as hotword. Otherwise, normal speech recognition is performed.
Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
To workaround the problem for some engines that cannot accept duplicated URI in the same recognition session.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter specifies the name of resource name. Some common names are NUANCE, REALSPEAK
Default Value: ASR
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter specifies the speech resource type.
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter specifies the URI to the speech resource, e.g. rtsp://<MRCP server IP>:<port>/media/speechrecognizer. Please consult your MRCP vendor documentation for appropriate setting.
Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
When this option is set to true the SRM Client will set the logging-tag parameter in the first SET-PARAMS method to the unique Call ID of the call.
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
If set to true, the MCP will send silence audio to the MRCP server during a recognition session pause period. Otherwise, the MCP will not send any audio during a recognition session pause period.
Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
When this is set, the SRM client will send the SWMS parameters using the SWMS 3.0 convention.
Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Set to true to support Telisma bargein recognition capability.
Default Value: MRCPv1
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter specifies the MRCP protocol used by the Speech Resource.
Default Value: 30000
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
This parameter specifies the ping interval in milliseconds for the MRCP Proxy to ping the speech resource. This parameter is only used by the MRCP proxy.