Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard
Use the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard to modify the selected scenario by adding activities or agents to it, or by removing agents. The wizard has the following screens:
- Select Actions
- Select Activities
- Filter by Contracts
- Add Agents
- Add Profile Agents based on Real Agents
- Add Profiles
- Remove Agents.
To use this wizard:
- Click Add/Remove Scenario Elements
on a schedule scenario view's Actions toolbar or select it from the Actions menu.
- The wizard starts and opens the Select Action screen.
The Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard has seven screens (listed above), but depending on your choices, you might see fewer screens.
- Click Help on any screen opens a Help page that explains that screen's options.
- Click Back returns you to the previous screen, if you need to revise your entries there.
This page was last edited on May 6, 2021, at 14:54.
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