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Options Dialog (Summary View)

Use the Options dialog box to customize the statistics that the Summary view displays.

  1. Click Options on the Summary view's Actions toolbar.
    The Options dialog box opens.
  2. Select the check boxes for statistics that you want to display, and clear the check boxes for statistics that you want to hide.
  • Double-click the Statistics node to reveal its contained statistics.
  • Select or clear all statistics at once by selecting or clearing (respectively) the Statistics node's check box.
  • Click OK.
  • The Summary view reappears, displaying only the statistics that you selected.

    Coverage Statistics

    You have the option to include two Coverage statistics in the Summary view:

    • Coverage Published—Displays the schedule coverage based on the baseline Master Schedule.
    • Coverage Scheduled—Displays the schedule coverage based on the current Master Schedule.
    • Coverage Difference—Displays the difference between the schedule coverage based on the current Master Schedule and schedule coverage based on the baseline Master Schedule.


    You have the option to include these Difference statistics in the Summary view:

    • Difference [S/L Scheduled minus S/L Forecasted]—Displays (Service Level Scheduled minus Service Level Forecasted).
    • Difference [IV Scheduled minus IV Forecasted]—Displays (Interaction Volume Scheduled minus Interaction Volume Forecasted).
    • Difference [AHT Scheduled minus AHT Forecasted]—Displays (Average Handle Time Scheduled minus Average Handle Time Forecasted).
    • Difference [Budget Scheduled minus Budget Forecasted]—Displays (Budget Scheduled minus Budget Forecasted).

    You have the option to include these statistics in the Summary view:

    • AHT Forecasted—Displays the expected Average Handling Time, according to the Master Forecast.
    • AHT Scheduled—Displays the Average Handling Time per interaction, based on the schedule&emdash;assuming that other planned metrics remain unchanged.
    • ASA Scheduled—Displays the Average Speed of Answer that would be expected with the number of scheduled agents.
    • ASA Forecasted—Displays the Average Speed of Answer that would be expected with the number of agents from the staffing forecast.
    • Difference [ASA Scheduled minus ASA Forecasted]—Displays (ASA Scheduled minus ASA Forecasted)
    • Budget Forecasted—Displays the budget for the calculated staffing for the selected day and timesteps, based on the full-time-equivalent (FTE) paid hours per day and the salary specified in the Forecast scenario that was published to the Master Forecast for this date. (This statistic appears only if you have access rights to view agents' wage fields.)
    • Budget Scheduled—Displays the budget for the scheduled coverage for the selected day and timesteps, based on the full-time-equivalent (FTE) paid hours per day and the salary specified in the Forecast scenario that was published to the Master Forecast for this date. (This statistic appears only if you have the access rights to view agents' wage fields.)
    • Deferred Service Level Difference [Scheduled minus Forecasted]—Displays the difference between Scheduled Deferred Service Level and Forecasted Deferred Service Level statistics.
    • Deferred Service Level Forecasted—Displays the service level percentage that can be expected to be achieved, based on the number of deferred activities forecasted.
    • Deferred Service Level Scheduled—Displays the service level percentage that can be achieved given the deferred staffing coverage&emdash;assuming that other planned metrics (such as interaction volumes and Average Handling Time) remain unchanged.
    • Difference Calculated—Displays the difference between Coverage [Scheduled] and Staffing Calculated.
    • Difference Required—Displays the difference between Coverage [Scheduled] and Staffing Required. (Optional field.)
    • Headcount Scheduled—Displays the number of agents scheduled (agents scheduled to be seated).
    • Interaction Volume Forecasted—Displays the expected number of interactions, according to the Master Forecast.
    • Interaction Volume Scheduled—Displays the number of interactions that can be handled based on the schedule coverage&emdash;assuming that other planned metrics remain unchanged.
    • Occupancy Forecasted—Displays the Occupancy objective that you should be able to achieve when staffing with the number of agents from the staffing forecast.
    • Occupancy Scheduled—Displays the Occupancy that you should achieve on this activity, with the number of agents currently scheduled.
    • Difference [Occupancy Scheduled minus Occupancy Forecasted]—Displays (Occupancy Scheduled minus Occupancy Forecasted).
    • Scheduled Queue—Displays the scheduled number of interactions in the backlog queue at the end of the period.
    • Service Level Forecasted—Displays the service level percentage that can be expected to be achieved based on the number of agents forecasted.
    • Service Level Scheduled—Displays the service level percentage that can be achieved given the staffing coverage&emdash;assuming that other planned metrics (such as interaction volumes and Average Handling Time) remain unchanged.
    • Staffing Calculated—Displays the required number of agents as calculated by WFM, based on the forecasted interaction volumes, AHT, and applicable service objectives.
    • Staffing Required—Displays The required number of agents as defined by the user, either by explicitly entering forecast targets or by using a template. (Optional field.)

    For in-depth descriptions of these statistics and the formulae used to derive them see "WFM Metrics" in the Workforce Management Administrator's Guide.

    Background on Baseline Master Schedule

    When you publish a schedule scenario to the Master Schedule, WFM retains a snapshot of the Master Schedule at that point in time. This is the baseline Master Schedule.

    Then, after you or other schedulers make changes to the schedule such as adding exceptions and granting vacations, you can compare the schedule coverage shown in the current Master Schedule against the schedule coverage stored in the baseline Master Schedule.

    This baseline of the Master Schedule is created/updated at the last time something was published to the Master Schedule for a particular date range. For example, assume on May 25 you publish the June schedule scenario to the Master Schedule, and then on May 28 you re-publish the same June schedule scenario to the Master Schedule. In this case, WFM uses the May 28 published schedule as the baseline against which the current schedule is compared.

    This page was last edited on October 14, 2016, at 20:35.
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