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Contracts List Pane

Use the Contracts List pane to create new contracts or view, edit, delete, or copy existing contracts. Use the controls in the top-right corner of this pane to complete the following tasks:

Search button Search field Enter the search criteria. For example, enter the name of the contract.
New button  New Click this icon to create a new contract.
Delete button  Delete Click this icon to delete and existing contract.
Copy button  Copy Click this icon to copy and rename an existing contract.
Help button  Help Click this icon to view a Help topic about the Contracts pane.
Sort button Sort Click this icon to sort the Contracts list in ascending or descending order.

 Viewing an Existing Contract

To view a list of existing contracts that are configured for the site you selected on the Objects pane:

  1. Select Policies > Contracts.
  2. In the Objects pane, select an existing site.
    All available contracts for this site are displayed in a list in the Contracts pane.

Creating a Contract

To create a new contract:

  1. Select Policies > Contracts.
  2. In the Objects pane, select the site for which you want to create a contract.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Contracts pane, click New New button .
    The Constraints pane is displayed.
  4. By default, the Name field is already populated with a unique name when you select New. The name includes a number to ensure that each newly created Contract has a unique name in the Configuration database. You can change this name, but it must remain unique to prevent duplicate name errors from occurring.
  5. In the Constraints pane, set the parameters in the Properties section, as required.
  6. Continue to configure the additional contract properties, by selecting each tab at the top of the Constraints pane, as required.
    For detailed information about each pane, see Constraints, Availability Patterns, Days Off and Weekend Rules, Synchronization, Shifts, Agents, and Profiles.
  7. To save the changes in each pane, click Save Save button.

Deleting a Contract

To delete a contract:

  1. Select Policies > Contracts.
  2. In the Objects pane, select the site from which you want to delete a contract.
  3. In the Contracts pane, select the contract that you want to delete.
  4. In the upper right corner of the pane, click Delete Delete button .

Copying a Contract

To copy and paste an existing contract (to create a new one):

  1. Select Policies > Contracts.
  2. In the Objects pane, select the site from which you want to copy a contract.
  3. From the Contracts list, select an existing contract.
  4. In the upper right corner of the Contracts pane, select Copy Copy button .
    The Copy Selected Contract pane is displayed.
  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the contract.
  6. In the Associate Copied Contract with the Following Site section, select the site, to which you want to associate this contract.
    If a Contract is copied to a site with different planning period than the original site, all of the contract's planning-period-related values are reset to the default values.
  7. In the upper right corner of the Copy Contract pane, click Save button Save Now.
    The contract is displayed in Contracts pane with the new name.
  8. To configure the contract properties, select each tab at the top of the Constraints pane, as required.
    For detailed information about each pane, see Constraints, Availability Patterns, Days Off and Weekend Rules, Synchronization, Shifts, Agents, and Profiles.
  9. To save the changes in each pane, click Save Save button .

Editing a Contract

To edit an existing contract:

  1. Select Policies > Contracts.
  2. In the Objects pane, select the site in which you want to edit a contract.
  3. In the Contracts pane, select the contract that you want to edit.
    The Constraints pane is displayed,
  4. In the drop-down list, select each properties pane that you want to edit.
  5. After editing the selected pane, click Save Save button .
This page was last edited on May 3, 2021, at 15:13.
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