Set Time-Off Limits Wizard Overview
The Set Time-Off Limits (STOL) wizard enables you to use WFM's best estimates of availability, possible days off, and other relevant information to set time-off limits for agents.
- Select Set Limits from the Action menu, or click Set Limits (
) in the toolbar.
- The wizard opens to the first page, Choose Dates.
- There are potentially two more screens in the wizard
- You can finish the wizard from any page, unless you select the Estimate possible days off check box on the Choose Dates page.
- At each page, select Next (or Finish) after completing your data entry.
- After you click Finish, WFM calculates the new limits and modifies the Time-Off Limits table, according to your choices.
Factors Impacting Agent Availability
When setting time-off limits, be aware that WFM calculates the number of available agents for every timestep according to:
- The start and end of contract availability—The agent is not available outside of the availability interval.
- The earliest start and latest end time of shifts assigned to the contract—This might further limit the agent's availability interval.
- The activity open hours—Even if the target is not an activity, the agent's availability is limited by the earliest open and the latest close time of the activities, for which the agent is qualified.
- The Rotating Pattern—Strict rotating day-offs, explicitly specified start and end times, and earliest and latest times of the rotating shift.
- Optionally, granted day-offs and full-day exceptions.
This page was last edited on May 5, 2021, at 16:00.
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