Hierarchical Dispositions API
This document describes the Hierarchical Dispositions API portion of the Web Services API.
As it is becoming necessary to support a hierarchical structure for disposition codes, the new grouping API will be used to provide this mechanism.
The hierarchical disposition structure in Configuration Manager will be represented as described here.
Web Services will maintain two-way synchronization between Configuration Manager configuration and Cassandra.
API Design
The Grouping API will be used to provide access to dispositions. The following additions will be made to this API as follows:
Disposition Group
Each disposition group will have a dispositions sub-resource with disposition descriptors and will contain a list of sub-groups in the list.
The group attributes for disposition groups will be updated as follows:
- For each root disposition group, the group "name" is the name of the corresponding Business Attribute. For sub-groups, the group name is the name of the corresponding business attribute folder.
- The value of contains will be dispositions.
- A new, optional boolean attribute defaultGroup will specify whether this is the default dispositions group.
- parentUri must be set if the group has a parent.
- The type attribute for this group will be dispositions.
Dispositions resource
Each disposition descriptor will have the following attributes:
Field | Description | Mandatory |
name | Name of disposition code. Used for two purposes:
This field is immutable and can not be updated. |
Yes |
displayName | Value to be displayed on UI, this field can be updated using the PUT operation. | Yes |
In addition to the filters and request parameters specified in the grouping API, the following filters should be supported for disposition groups:
filter | Description |
subresources=** | subresources=* returns only the first level of subresources. subresources=** will return the full tree (note that subresources=* should be supported as well) |
Annex Configuration
All Business Attributes that contain dispositions except for the default must have an annex section in Configuration Manager
with one key/value pair:
This is used to determine which business attributes must be imported as disposition groups.
The default group is defined by updating the interaction.disposition.value-business-attribute. When the interaction.disposition.value-business-attribute option is updated in Configuration Server, the disposition group corresponding to that Business Attribute will be treated as default.