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Jdruker/IW Options VeryLongDefaultValues

WDE options with long default values

Default values greater than 100 chars

Option DefaultValue DefaultValueLength
applebcsession.url-regex (?i)(http|https|ftp)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#!\=~\)\(\*])*[^\'\u2026\<\""\.\,\)\(\s] 177
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,AfterCallWorkReason,LogOff 105
agent-status.enabled-actions-global Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,AfterCallWorkReason,LogOff 105
editor.font-sizes 8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72 150
editor.fonts Serif,Sans-serif,Monospace,Cursive,Fantasy,Tahoma,Roboto,Arial,Helvetica 128
email.print.print-content From,To,Cc,Subject,Body,Date,Attachment,InteractionType 104
expression.identify.email-address (\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*) 145
expression.identify.phone-number (?:(?:[\+]?([\d]{1,3}(?:[]*|[\-.])))?[(]?([\d]{1,3})[\-\/)]?(?:[]+|[\-.])?)?([\d]{3,}) 268
expression.url (http:\/\/(www.)?|https:\/\/(www.)?|ftp:\/\/(www.)|www.){1}([0-9A-Za-z+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;-]+\.+[0-9A-Za-z]{2,6})([0-9A-Za-z+&&#6 300
expression.validate.email-address ^([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)@([A-Za-z0-9.-]+)\.([A-Za-z]{2,6})$ 188
expression.validate.phone-number ^[\(\)\-\.\+\d\s\*#]*[\d]+[\(\)\-\.\+\d\s\*#/]*$ 154
toast.window-title ($Contact.FirstName$$Contact.LastName$|$Interaction.MainParty$) 105
views.NavigationBarRegion.ConnectRegion.activate-order MyChannelsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,WorkbinsView,InteractionsSearchView,ContactDirectoryView 136
views.NavigationBarRegion.ConnectRegion.order MyChannelsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,WorkbinsView,InteractionsSearchView,ContactDirectoryView 136
applebcsession.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
whatsappsession.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
expression.url (?#Protocol)(?:(?:ht&#124;f)tp(?:s?)\:\/\/&#124;~/&#124;/)?(?#Username:Password)(?:\w+:\w+@)?(?#Subdomains)(?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+(?#TopLevel Domains)(?:com&#124;org&#124;net&#124;gov&#124;mil&#124;biz&#124;info&#124;mobi&#124;name&#124;aero&#124;jobs&amp 300
views.ToolbarWorksheetButtonRegion.order MyWorkplaceButtonView,MainToolbarWorkbinsContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerAlertMessageButtonView 134
facebook.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
facebook.webclient-user-agent Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 92.0.4515.159 Safari / 537.36 121
facebookprivatemessage.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
facebooksession.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
rss.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
twitter.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
twitter.webclient-user-agent Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 92.0.4515.159 Safari / 537.36 121
twitterdirect.url-regex ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&amp;\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])* 139
views.MyWorkspaceRegion.activate-order DashboardView,MyChannelsView,MyAgentsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,CustomMyStatReportView,CustomCcReportView 113
views.MyWorkspaceRegion.order MyChannelsView,MyAgentsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,DashboardView,CustomMyStatReportView,CustomCcReportView 113
wechatsession.url-regex (http|https|ftp)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#!\=~\)\(\*])*[^\u2026\<\""\.\,\)\(\s] 151
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,Dnd,Logon,LogOff 102
agent-status.enabled-actions-global Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,Dnd,Logon,LogOff 102
broadcast.displayed-columns MessageTypeIcon,MessageType,Sender,Subject,Priority,Date,Topic 104
display-format.acd-queue.name $ACDQueue.AnnexValue$|$ACDQueue.DictionaryValue$|$ACDQueue.Alias$|$ACDQueue.Number$@$ACDQueue.Location$ 146
display-format.business-attribute.name $BusinessAttribute.AnnexValue$|$BusinessAttribute.DictionaryValue$|$BusinessAttribute.DisplayName$ 122
display-format.interaction-queue.name $InteractionQueue.AnnexValue$|$InteractionQueue.DictionaryValue$|$InteractionQueue.DisplayName$ 119
display-format.routing-point.name $RoutingPoint.AnnexValue$|$RoutingPoint.DictionaryValue$|$RoutingPoint.Alias$|$RoutingPoint.Number$@$RoutingPoint.Location$ 166
display-format.virtual-queue.name $VirtualQueue.AnnexValue$|$VirtualQueue.DictionaryValue$|$VirtualQueue.Alias$|$VirtualQueue.Number$@$VirtualQueue.Location$ 166
expression.phone-number (?:(?:[\+]?([\d]{1,3}(?:[ ]*|[\-.])))?[(]?([\d]{1,3})[\-/)]?(?:[ ]+|[\-.])?)?([\d]{5,}) 125
teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing Agent,AgentGroup,Skill,RoutingPoint,Queue,InteractionQueue,Contact,CustomContact 129
toast.window-title ($Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|$Interaction.MainParty$) - $Window.Title$ 107
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.activate-order MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView 126
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.order MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView 126
views.ToolbarWorksheetButtonRegion.order MyWorkplaceButtonView,MainToolbarWorkbinsContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerAlertMessageButtonView 155
webcallback.callback-information.content Subject,PhoneNumber,Type,ScheduledDate,ContactTime,LocalTime,FormerAttempts 117

Also long valid values

Valid values greater than 100 chars

Option ValidValue ValidValueLength
agent-status.after-call-work-reasons Comma-separated list of Action Code names of type After Call Work; empty means all not ready action codes are considered 120
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, AfterCallWorkReason, Dnd, LogOff. 143
agent-status.enabled-actions-global Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, Dnd, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, AfterCallWorkReason, LogOff. 143
agent-status.not-ready-reasons Comma-separated list of Action Code names of type Not Ready; empty means all not ready action codes are considered 114
chat.nickname A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$FirstNameLastInitial$.. 252
contact.all-interactions-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view MyHistory, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate. 149
contact.available-directory-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
contact.directory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names. For example: LastName,FirstName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress. 151
contact.directory-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names that can be used as search parameters. 131
contact.history-displayed-columns-conversations A comma-separated list of Contact History items to display in the History conversations view - for example: Subject, StartDate, EndDate, Status. 144
contact.history-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, OwnerId. 148
contact.history-quick-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of valid interaction attribute names, for example: Subject. Possible searchable attributes are: BccAddresses, CcAddresses, FromAddress, FromPersonal, Id, Mailbox, ReplyToAddress, StructuredText, Subject, Text, TheComment, ToAddresses 262
contact.mandatory-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
contact.myhistory-displayed-columns-conversations A Comma-separated list of interaction fields to display in My History conversations view - for example: Subject, StartDate, EndDate, Status. 140
contact.myhistory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view MyHistory, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate. 149
contact.myhistory-quick-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of valid interaction attribute names, for example: Subject. Possible searchable attributes are: BccAddresses, CcAddresses, FromAddress, FromPersonal, Id, Mailbox, ReplyToAddress, StructuredText, Subject, Text, TheComment, ToAddresses 262
contact.related-interactions.sort-by.attributes A comma-separated list of predefined and custom attributes of an interaction. Example: StartDate,Status,Subject,OwnerId,TypeId,CustomAttr1. To include all predefined and custom attributes, use the value $All$ in this option. 232
disaster-recovery.authentication-mode Select a value from the following list of modes that can be used for authentication with Toolkit: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, REDIRECT 126
editor.default-font-size A value from the following list: the following list: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72. Empty means no default font size specified. 158
editor.default-font A value from the following list: the following list: Serif, Sans-serif, Monospace, Cursive, Fantasy, Tahoma, Roboto. Empty means no default font specified. 155
editor.font-sizes Comma-separated list of font sizes from the following list: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72. 121
editor.fonts Comma-separated list of fonts from the following list: Serif, Sans-serif, Monospace, Cursive, Fantasy, Tahoma, Roboto, Arial, Helvetica. 136
expression.phone-number.supported-characters Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names. 105
interaction-management.available-interaction-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
interaction.web-content A comma-separated list of option section names that correspond to web extension views. For example: Extension1, Extension2 122
interation.web-content.url-encoding-defense-enabled A comma-separated list of one or more modes and the optional FORCE modifier in this format: <mode>[|FORCE]. Valid modes: INTERNAL, BACKGROUND, HIDDEN, EXTERNAL. 160
intercommunication.chat.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: InitTransfer, OneStepTransfer, OneStepConference. 122
intercommunication.voice.consultation-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, ACDQueue, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill, Teams. 152
intercommunication.voice.make-call-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, ACDQueue, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill, Teams. 152
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: MakeCall, OneStepTransfer, InitTransfer, InitConference, OneStepConference. 148
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, RoutingPoint, ACDQueue, TypeDestination, OutboundRecord, Contact 141
intercommunication.voice.single-step-conference-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, ACDQueue, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill, Teams. 152
intercommunication.voice.single-step-transfer-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, ACDQueue, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill, Teams. 152
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.next The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 222
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.previous The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 222
keyboard.shortcut.jump-to-last-error The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 222
login.list-available-locales Comma-separated list of valid locale names based on format LanguageCode-CountryCode from the following list: $All$, en-US, pt-BR, fr-FR, fr-CA, de-DE, ja, es, ko, it, nl, pl, zh-CN, zh-CHT. 197
main-window.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 154
ms-teams.graph-api.app-client-id A valid Azure Application Client ID for the Workspace Web Edition application registered in the Azure Active Directory. 119
ms-teams.graph-api.app-tenant-id A valid Azure Application Tenant ID for the Workspace Web Edition application registered in the Azure Active Directory. 119
security.web-content.sandbox-rights.default-authorizations Comma-separated list of default sandbox rights authorization that are set up for the embedded Web Application in INTERNAL, BACKGROUND or HIDDEN mode (based on iframes) in order to unlock some security restrictions : ALLOW-SCRIPTS, ALLOW-FORMS, ALLOW-POPUPS, ALLOW-SAME-ORIGIN, ALLOW-DOWNLOADS, ALLOW-PRESENTATION, ALLOW-POINTER-LOCK 332
service-client-api.option.read-allowed-web-content-origin A comma-separated value list of URL or '*', with patterns for example: 'http://my-web-server-1,http://my-web-server-2(*),http://my-web-server-3(voice.*)' or '*'. 169
service-client-api.user-data.read-allowed A comma-separated value list of user data key to allow, or '*' to allow every keys, for example: Key1,Key2,Key3 111
service-client-api.user-data.write-allowed A comma-separated value list of user data key to allow, or '*' to allow every keys, for example: Key1,Key2,Key3 111
side-bar.web-content.url-encoding-defense-enabled A comma-separated list of one or more modes and the optional FORCE modifier in this format: <mode>[|FORCE]. Valid modes: INTERNAL, BACKGROUND, HIDDEN, EXTERNAL. 160
sipendpoint.sip-server-address.peer A correct URI. In case of DNS SRV: <FQDN>; in case of A-Record: <FQDN>:<port>; for IP Address: <IP>:<port>. 107
sipendpoint.sip-server-address A correct URI. In case of DNS SRV: <FQDN>; in case of A-Record: <FQDN>:<port>; for IP Address: <IP>:<port>. 107
standard-response.categories A comma-separated value list of category names or full path category starting at the root category. $All$ to display Standard Responses from all categories. 164
statistics.available-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of statistics objects per result page from which the agent can make selections. 136
teamcommunicator.actions.display-mode A value from the following list: hover (actions appear only on mouseover on related entry), block (expose a default action button for all entries). 155
teamcommunicator.add-recent-filters.voice A comma-separated list of interaction types taken from the following values: internal, external, consultation. 110
teamcommunicator.chat.list-status-reachable A case-sensitive comma-separated list of agent status from the following list: NotReady, Busy, LoggedOff 104
teamcommunicator.corporate-favorites A comma-separated list of favorite names (section names) that are defined in the Workspace application. 103
teamcommunicator.email.list-status-reachable A case-sensitive comma-separated list of agent status from the following list: NotReady, Busy, LoggedOff 104
teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, Skill, Contact, InteractionQueue, ACDQueue, CustomContact, Teams. 168
teamcommunicator.permissions.ms-teams.exclude A valid user properties attribute name and attribute value pair, grouped by parentheses in the Azure Active Directory. 118
teamcommunicator.permissions.ms-teams.restrict-to A valid user properties attribute name and attribute value pair, grouped by parentheses in the Azure Active Directory. 118
teamcommunicator.<media-type>.list-status-reachable A case-sensitive comma-separated list of agent status from the following list: NotReady, Busy, LoggedOff 104
teamlead.myagents.available-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
teamlead.myagents.enabled-channels Comma-separated list of channel names from the following list: voice, chat, email, facebook, twitter, workitem 110
teamlead.myagents.refresh-rate Valid values are integer values between 5 and 5000. Values less than 5 disables the automatic refresh. 102
toast.window-title $Window.Title$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 294
views.ApplicationMenuBarRegion.order Comma-separated list of valid view names from AllTimeStatisticsView,AgentStateView,AgentMenuView, and the custom view names. 124
views.CaseSideRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'interaction.web-content'): ContactView,ExtensionSectionName,SRLView,RelatedView,CoBrowseView. CoBrowseView is not supported for on-premises deployments. 288
views.CaseSideRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'interaction.web-content'): ExtensionSectionName,CoBrowseView,ContactView,SRLView,RelatedView. CoBrowseView is not supported for on-premises deployments. 288
views.ContactRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView. 134
views.ContactRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView. 134
views.HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionDetailView,ContactInteractionNotePadView,StaticCaseDataView,... 166
views.HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionDetailView,ContactInteractionNotePadView,StaticCaseDataView,... 166
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInteractionNotePadView,DispositionView. 138
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): DispositionView,ContactInteractionNotePadView. 138
views.NavigationBarRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom subregion specified in a section): Connect, Monitoring. 139
views.NavigationBarRegion.ConnectRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'workspace.web-content'): MyChannelsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,WorkbinsView,InteractionsSearchView,ContactDirectoryView. 267
views.NavigationBarRegion.ConnectRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'workspace.web-content'): MyChannelsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,WorkbinsView,InteractionsSearchView,ContactDirectoryView 266
views.NavigationBarRegion.MonitoringRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'workspace.web-content'): DashboardView,MyAgentsView 191
views.NavigationBarRegion.MonitoringRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified by the section names in the option 'workspace.web-content'): DashboardView,MyAgentsView 191
views.NavigationBarRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom subregion specified in a section): Connect, Monitoring. 139
views.SideBarRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): TeamCommunicatorView,NotificationsView,VoiceMailView,PerformanceTrackerView 171
views.WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionDetailView,ContactInteractionNotePadView,StaticCaseDataView,... 166
views.WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionDetailView,ContactInteractionNotePadView,StaticCaseDataView,... 166
workbin.email.in-progress.displayed-columns Comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 101
workbin.quick-search-attributes A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: AssignedTo,FromAddress 104
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.quick-search-attributes A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: AssignedTo,FromAddress 104
workspace.web-content.url-encoding-defense-enabled A comma-separated list of one or more modes and the optional FORCE modifier in this format: <mode>[|FORCE]. Valid modes: INTERNAL, BACKGROUND, HIDDEN, EXTERNAL. 160
workspace.web-content A comma-separated value list of option section names that correspond to the extension views, for example: Extension1, Extension2, etc... 136
whatsappsession.default-notification-language Any valid language code described in the official WhatsApp documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-management-api/message-templates 161
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, Dnd, LogOn, LogOff. 129
agent-status.not-ready-reasons Comma-separated list of Action Code names of type "Not Ready"; empty means all not ready action codes are considered 116
broadcast.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following: MessageTypeIcon, MessageType, Sender, Subject, Priority, Date, Topic, Id, any key of custom data 161
broadcast.message-content A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following: Subject, Sender, Priority, Date, Topic, Body, MessageType, Id, any key of custom data 150
broadcast.toast-summary A comma-separated of valid object types from the following: Sender, Priority, Subject, FewWords, Topic, MessageType, any key of custom 134
channel-information.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
chat.nickname A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$AttachedData.Y$ (Y: attached data key name). 225
contact.available-directory-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
contact.directory-advanced-default A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to searchable contact field names. 104
contact.directory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names corresponding to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 152
contact.directory-permissions.<ContactAttributeName> In a key, a valid searchable contact attribute name. In a value, a comma-separated list of strings applicable to the specified contact attribute. 145
contact.directory-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to searchable contact field names. 104
contact.displayed-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
contact.history-advanced-default A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view, for example: Status, StartDate 120
contact.history-displayed-columns-treeview A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the threaded view of interactions, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, OwnerId. 161
contact.history-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, OwnerId. 148
contact.history.filters-<attribute> In a key, a valid searchable interaction attribute name. In a value, a comma-separated list of strings that are applicable to the specified interaction attribute.In the value, a comma-separated list of strings applicable to the specified interaction attribute. Use the $All$ and $Other$ keywords to enable filtering on "all" or "other" values for this attribute. 380
contact.history.media-filters A comma-separated value of valid media type names including (but not limited to): voice, email, chat, sms, facebook, facebooksession, facebookprivatemessage, twitter, twitterdirect, workitem 190
contact.history-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of Interaction attributes to display in the interaction view, for example: Status, StartDate, EndDate, Subject 139
contact.mandatory-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
contact.myhistory-displayed-columns-treeview A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to be displayed in the threaded view of interactions in the MyHistory view, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, OwnerId. 188
contact.myhistory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view MyHistory, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate. 149
display-format.acd-queue.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ACDQueue.Number$,$ACDQueue.Alias$,$ACDQueue.Location$ 146
display-format.agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.FullName$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 180
display-format.caller-name A string that contains a composition of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 241
display-format.case-name-format A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Case.Id$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name) 229
display-format.chat-agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ChatAgent.FullName$,$ChatAgent.Nickname$,$ChatAgent.UserName$,$ChatAgent.LastName$,$ChatAgent.FirstName$,$ChatAgent.EmployeeId$. 221
display-format.current-agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.FullName$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 180
display-format.customer-name-format A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Contact.X$ (X: name of contact attribute) 134
display-format.interaction-callback-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-chat-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-email-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-im-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$AttachedData.Y$(Y: attached data key name). 217
display-format.interaction-outbound-pull-preview-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-outbound-push-preview-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-queue.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $InteractionQueue.DisplayName$,$InteractionQueue.Name$,$InteractionQueue.Media$ 171
display-format.interaction-sms-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-voice-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.interaction-workitem-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 260
display-format.routing-point.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $RoutingPoint.Number$,$RoutingPoint.Alias$,$RoutingPoint.Location$ 158
email.restricted-attachment-file-types A comma-separated list of file extensions that represent file types that are to be restricted. For example, use txt to restrict plain-text files, htm to restrict HTML files, and so on. 184
expression.phone-number.supported-characters Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names. 105
gadget.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
general.configuration-update-notification A comma-separated value list of items that are to be notifed, for example: None,All,ThisAgent,ThisApplication,ThisTenant,Transactions,Persons,Skills,AgentGroups,BusinessAttributes,BusinessAttributeValues,Script 210
interaction-management.available-interaction-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
interaction-management.interactions-filter.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
interaction.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$Contact.FirstName$,$Contact.LastName$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Interaction.Type$ 206
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: MakeCall, OneStepTransfer, InitTransfer, InitConference, OneStepConference. 148
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, ACDQueue, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination. 126
keyboard.hotkey.agent-not-ready-with-reason.<action-code> Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.agent-not-ready Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.agent-ready Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.decrease-microphone-volume-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.decrease-speaker-volume-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.hold-active-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.increase-microphone-volume-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.increase-speaker-volume-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.mute-microphone-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.mute-speaker-active-sip-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.release-active-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.toaster.accept Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.hotkey.toaster.decline Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.action.help Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.contact.assigncontact A key combination that begins with a modifier key name (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win) and ends with a key name, separated by the '+' character. 136
keyboard.shortcut.contact.reset A key combination that begins with a modifier key name (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win) and ends with a key name, separated by the '+' character. 136
keyboard.shortcut.contact.save A key combination that begins with a modifier key name (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win) and ends with a key name, separated by the '+' character. 136
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.conference Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.end Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.consult Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.add-attachments Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.delete Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.forward Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.interim-send Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.print Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.reply-all Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.reply Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.save-in-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.save Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.send Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.im.release Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.mark-done Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.call-record Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.cancel-record Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.mark-done-get-next Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.mark-done Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.reject-record Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.sms.delete Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.sms.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.answer-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.hold-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.pause-recording-call Only the name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 237
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.reconnect-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.release-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.resume-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.resume-recording-call Only the name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 237
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.single-step-conference Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.single-step-transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.start-recording-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.stop-recording-call Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.webcallback.call-contact Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.webcallback.mark-done Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.workitem.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.workitem.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.state.logout Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.state.not-ready-after-call-work Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.state.not-ready Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.state.ready Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.chat.bargein Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.chat.stop-monitoring Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.stop-monitoring Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.bargein The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.coaching Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.monitor Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.stop-monitoring Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.toaster.accept Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
keyboard.shortcut.toaster.decline Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Win, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 236
log.default-filter-type Select a value from the following list:
  • copy
  • skip
  • hide
  • hide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • unhide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • custom-filter,<KeyPrefix>,<KeyPost>,<ValuePrefix>,<ValuePost>

The filter 'custom-filter' enables you to define some KeyPrefix, KeyPost, ValuePrefix, ValuePost.

Example: log.default-filter-type: custom-filter,<,>,<#,#>
log.filter-data.<keyName> Select a value from the following list:
  • copy
  • skip
  • hide
  • hide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • unhide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • custom-filter,<KeyPrefix>,<KeyPost>,<ValuePrefix>,<ValuePost>

The filter 'custom-filter' enables you to define KeyPrefix, KeyPost, ValuePrefix, and ValuePost.

Example: log.filter-data.Subject: custom-filter,>,<,>#,#<
log.segment $number$ KB or $number$ Sets the maximum segment size, in kilobytes. The minimum segment size is 100 KB. $number$ MB Sets the maximum segment size, in megabytes. 161
login.im.available-queues A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: ACDQueue, RoutingPoint, VirtualQueue 106
login.sip-cluster.phone-number Any valid device number or a string that contains one of the following field codes: $Agent.EmployeeId$. 103
login.voice.available-queues A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: ACDQueue, RoutingPoint, VirtualQueue 106
main-window.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
outbound.treatment-mode Select one value from the following list: personal,campaign,none.
none: The application never applies any treatment to mark processed requests.
campaign: The treatment RecordTreatCampaign is applied to the record when a mark processed action is executed.
personal: The treatment RecordTreatPersonal is applied to the record when a mark processed action is executed.

Note: campaign and personal are valid unless a call has been rescheduled by the agent.
sipendpoint.genesyslab.device.audio_in_device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( 137
sipendpoint.genesyslab.device.audio_out_device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( 137
sipendpoint.genesyslab.device.headset_name Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( 137
standard-response.categories A comma-separated value list of category names or full path category starting at the root category. $All$ to display Standard Responses from all categories. 156
statistics.routing-points A comma-separated list of Routing Point identifiers in the following format: (<routingPointNumber>@<switchName>) 112
system-tray.tooltip $Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$ 109
teamcommunicator.add-recent-filters.voice A comma-separated list of interaction types taken from the following values: internal, external, consultation. 110
teamcommunicator.contact-favorite-fields A comma-separated list of values from the following list: Category, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 115
teamcommunicator.corporate-favorites A comma-separated list of favorite names (section names) defined in the Interaction Workspace application. 106
teamcommunicator.custom-favorite-fields A comma-separated list of values from the following list: Category, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 115
teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing A comma-separated value list of filter items to be displayed in the team communicator, for example: Agent,AgentGroup,Skill,RoutingPoint,Queue,Contact,InteractionQueue 166
toast.window-title $Window.Title$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 235
views.CaseContactRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContactInformationView,InteractionContactHistoryView,... 159
views.CaseContactRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContactInformationView,InteractionContactHistoryView,... 159
views.CaseViewSideButtonRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContainerSideButtonView,SRLSideButtonView,... 148
views.ContactInfoHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView,... 137
views.ContactInfoHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView,... 137
views.ContactTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.ContactTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): NotepadVoiceNotepadView,DispositionsView,... 136
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): DispositionsView,NotepadVoiceNotepadView,... 136
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView,... 194
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView,... 194
views.ToolbarWorksheetButtonRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyWorkplaceButtonView,MainToolbarWorkbinsContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerAlertMessageButtonView,... 230
views.WorkbinsTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.WorkbinsTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
webcallback.callback-information.content A comma separated list of items within the following list: Subject, PhoneNumber, Type, ScheduledDate, ContactTime, LocalTime, FormerAttempts, Result. 149
webproxy.address An empty address to specify the default proxy configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer, a valid proxy address (for example: http://my-proxy-server:3128), "None", or an invalid address to use no proxy at all. 211
workbin.email.draft.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.email.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.<media-type>.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
intercommunication.facebooksession.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue, AgentGroup, Skill. 113
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.delete Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.delete Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.disconnect Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitter.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitter.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitterdirect.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitterdirect.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.delete Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.move-to-workbin Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.transfer Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 231
accessibility.agent-state-change-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.dialog-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.dialog-error-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.interaction-state-change-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.outbound-campaign-state-change-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.voicemail-message-change-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.voicemail-new-message-change-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
accessibility.warning-message-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
agent-status.after-call-work-reasons Comma-separated list of Action Code names of type After Call Work; empty means all not ready action codes are considered 120
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel CComma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, Dnd, LogOn, LogOff. 193
agent-status.enabled-actions-global Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,Dnd,LogOff 170
agent-status.not-ready-reasons omma-separated list of Action Code names of type Not Ready; empty means that all Not Ready Action Codes are considered. 119
chat.new-message-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
chat.nickname A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 180
chat.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
contact.all-interactions-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view MyHistory, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, MediaType 159
contact.available-directory-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
contact.date-search-types A comma-separated list of the following options: On, OnOrAfter, OnOrBefore, Before, Between 136
contact.directory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names. For example: LastName,FirstName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress. 160
contact.directory-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names that can be used as search parameters. 131
contact.history-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view, for example: Status, Subject, StartDate ,EndDate, OwnerId, MediaType. 159
contact.history-quick-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of valid interaction attribute names, for example: Subject. Possible searchable attributes are: BccAddresses, CcAddresses, FromAddress, FromPersonal, Id, Mailbox, ReplyToAddress, StructuredText, Subject, Text, TheComment, ToAddresses. 380
contact.mandatory-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 190
contact.myhistory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Contact History items to display in the interaction view MyHistory. For example: Status, Subject, StartDate, EndDate, MediaType 165
contact.myhistory-quick-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of valid interaction attribute names, for example: Subject. Possible searchable attributes: BccAddresses, CcAddresses, FromAddress, FromPersonal, Id, Mailbox, ReplyToAddress, StructuredText, Subject, Text, TheComment, ToAddresses 375
editor.default-font-size A value from the following list: the following list: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72. Empty means no default font size specified. 158
editor.default-font A value from the following list: the following list: Serif, Sans-serif, Monospace, Cursive, Fantasy, Tahoma, Roboto. Empty means no default font specified. 155
editor.font-sizes Comma-separated list of font sizes from the following list: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72. 121
editor.fonts Comma-separated list of fonts from the following list: Serif, Sans-serif, Monospace, Cursive, Fantasy, Tahoma, Roboto. 118
email.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
email.signature The type and location of the signature template in the following format: "response:<path to the standard response>". 125
expression.phone-number.supported-characters Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names. 105
facebook.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
im.new-message-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
im.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
interaction-management.available-interaction-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
interaction.web-content A comma-separated list of option section names that correspond to web extension views. For example: Extension1, Extension2 131
intercommunication.chat.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: InitTransfer, OneStepTransfer, OneStepConference. 149
intercommunication.chat.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue 111
intercommunication.email.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue 111
intercommunication.im.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, RoutingPoint 107
intercommunication.voice.consultation-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill. 189
intercommunication.voice.make-call-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill. 189
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: MakeCall, OneStepTransfer, InitTransfer, InitConference, OneStepConference. 193
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, RoutingPoint, TypeDestination, OutboundRecord, Contact 176
intercommunication.voice.single-step-conference-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill. 189
intercommunication.voice.single-step-transfer-enabled A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination, Skill. 189
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.next The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 226
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.previous The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 226
keyboard.shortcut.jump-to-last-error The name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 226
login.list-available-locales Comma-separated list of valid locale names based on format LanguageCode-CountryCode from the following list: $All$, pt-BR, fr-FR, fr-CA, de-DE, ja, es, ko. 227
main-window.window-title One or more of the following field codes and/or any text string: $Window.Title$, $Application.Title$, $Agent.UserName$, $Agent.LastName$, $Agent.FirstName$, $Agent.EmployeeId$ 229
outbound.call-result-values One or more items from the following list: Abandoned (Abandoned), AgentCallbackError (Agent Callback Error), AllTrunksBusy (All Trunks Busy), Answered (Answered), AnsweringMachine (Answering Machine), Busy (Busy), CallDropError (Call Drop Error), DialError (Dial Error), DoNotCall (Do Not Call), Dropped (Dropped), DroppedNoAnswer (Dropped No Answer), FaxDetected (Fax Detected), GeneralError (General Error), GroupCallbackError (Group Callback Error), NoAnswer (No Answer), NoDialTone (No Dial Tone), NoEstablished (No Established), NoFreePortError (No Free Port Error), NoProgress (No Progress), NoRingback (No Ringback), NuTone (Nu Tone), Ok (Ok), PagerDetected (Pager Detected), Silence (Silence), SitDetected (Sit Detected), SitInvalidNum (Sit Invalid Num), SitNoCircuit (Sit No Circuit), SitOperintercept (Sit Operintercept), SitReorder (Sit Reorder), SitUnknown (Sit Unknown), SitVacant (Sit Vacant), Stale (Stale), SwitchError (Switch Error), SystemError (System Error), TransferError (Transfer Error), Unknown (Unknown), WrongNumber (Wrong Number), WrongParty (Wrong Party) 1424
outbound-callback.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
permissions.agent-group.exclude A comma-separated list of Agent Groups or Virtual Agent Groups; empty means Workspace doesn't exclude any agent groups or virtual agent groups. 143
service-client-api.accepted-web-content-origins A comma-separated list of URLs or '*' — for example: 'UNIQ63a55d9ef30ef3b1-nowiki-0000DCD3-QINU' or '*'. 112
service-client-api.rate-limit-quarantine-delay An integer value greater than or equal to 0. Specify 0 for infinite quarantine delay. 103
service-client-api.user-data.read-allowed A comma-separated value list of user data keys to allow, or '*' to allow all keys. For example: Key1,Key2,Key3 119
service-client-api.user-data.write-allowed A comma-separated value list of user data keys to allow, or '*' to allow all keys. For example: Key1,Key2,Key3 119
standard-response.categories A comma-separated list of category names or the full path of the category, starting at the root category. Set the value to $All$ to display Standard Responses from all categories. 188
system.log-level Select a value from the following list: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Off. 134
teamcommunicator.add-recent-filters.voice A comma-separated list of interaction types taken from the following values: internal, external, consultation. 137
teamcommunicator.corporate-favorites A comma-separated list of favorite names (section names) that are defined in the Workspace application. 103
teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing A comma-separated value list of filter items to be displayed in the team communicator. For example: Agent,AgentGroup,Skill,RoutingPoint,InteractionQueue,Contact,CustomContact. 185
teamcommunicator.voice.list-status-reachable A case-sensitive comma-separated list of agent statuses from the following list: NotReady, Busy, LoggedOff. 134
teamlead.myagents.enabled-channels A comma-separated list of channel names from the following list: voice, chat, email. 111
toast.window-title $Window.Title$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 218
twitter.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
views.CaseSideRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified with the section names in the interaction.web-content option): ContactView,SRLView,KnowledgeView,CoBrowseView,WebActivityView,... 335
views.CaseSideRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified with the section names in the interaction.web-content option): KnowledgeView,CoBrowseView,WebActivityView,ContactView,SRLView,... 335
views.ContactRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInformationView, ContactHistoryView 128
views.ContactRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInformationView , ContactHistoryView 129
views.HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInteractionDetailView, ContactInteractionNotePadView, StaticCaseDataView 174
views.HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified with the section names in the: ContactInteractionDetailView, ContactInteractionNotePadView, StaticCaseDataView 237
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInteractionNotePadView, DispositionView 132
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: DispositionView, ContactInteractionNotePadView 132
views.MyWorkspaceRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified with the section names in the workspace.web-content option): MyChannelsView, MyCampaignsView, MyHistoryView, CustomMyStatReportView, CustomCcReportView, and so on. 403
views.MyWorkspaceRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views specified with the section names in the workspace.web-content option): MyChannelsView,MyCampaignsView,MyHistoryView,CustomMyStatReportView,CustomCcReportView,... 355
views.WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInteractionDetailView, ContactInteractionNotePadView, StaticCaseDataView 174
views.WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list: ContactInteractionDetailView, ContactInteractionNotePadView, StaticCaseDataView 174
voice.hold-indicator-timer An integer for the number of seconds before Workspace displays the warning indicator and an integer for the number of seconds before Worksapce displays the alarm indicator. 172
voice.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
web-rtc.ringing-bell All special characters that are valid in a URL file path, the '|' separator, and numeric values. 101
workbin.email.draft.displayed-columns A comma separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: To,Subject,Submitted 111
workbin.email.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 112
workbin.facebook.draft.displayed-columns Comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: To,Subject,Submitted 109
workbin.facebook.in-progress.displayed-columns Comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 110
workbin.twitter.draft.displayed-columns Comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: To,Subject,Submitted 109
workbin.twitter.in-progress.displayed-columns Comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 110
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 112
workbin.<media-type>.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workspace.web-content A comma separated value list of option section names that correspond to the extension views, for example: Extension1,Extension2,Extention3 147
agent-status.enabled-actions-by-channel Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, Dnd, LogOn, LogOff. 129
agent-status.not-ready-reasons Comma-separated list of Action Code names of type "Not Ready"; empty means all not ready action codes are considered 116
application.secondary-audio-out-device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also regular expression characters ( . $ ^ { [ ( | ) * + ? \). The special value '$AllNonDefault$' specify that the sound should be played on all non default audio devices. 278
broadcast.color.high-priority The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
broadcast.color.important-priority The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
broadcast.color.low-priority The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
broadcast.color.minimal-priority The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
broadcast.color.normal-priority The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
broadcast.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following: MessageTypeIcon, MessageType, Sender, Subject, Priority, Date, Topic, Id, any key of custom data 161
broadcast.message-content A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following: Subject, Sender, Priority, Date, Topic, Body, MessageType, Id, any key of custom data 150
broadcast.toast-summary A comma-separated of valid object types from the following: Sender, Priority, Subject, FewWords, Topic, MessageType, any key of custom 134
callback.callback-information.frame-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
callback.callback-information.header-foreground-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
case-data.float-separator A valid float separator. Typical float separators are: '.' (period), ',' (comma), and '\' (backslash). 102
channel-information.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
chat.agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.client.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.client.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.nickname A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$AttachedData.Y$ (Y: attached data key name). 225
chat.other-agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.other-agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
chat.system.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range).. 172
contact.all-interactions-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of interaction attribute names from the following list: Subject, Status, ContactId, StartDate, OwnerId, EndDate, and custom attributes. 164
contact.available-directory-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
contact.directory-advanced-default A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to searchable contact field names. 104
contact.directory-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names corresponding to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 152
contact.directory-permissions.<ContactAttributeName> In a key, a valid searchable contact attribute name. In a value, a comma-separated list of strings applicable to the specified contact attribute. 145
contact.directory-search-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to searchable contact field names. 104
contact.displayed-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
contact.editable-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
contact.history-displayed-columns-treeview A comma-separated value list of contact history items to display in the threaded view of interactions, for example: Status,Subject,StartDate,EndDate,OwnerId 156
contact.history-displayed-columns A comma-separated value list of contact history items to display in the Interaction Search view -- for example: Status,Subject,StartDate,EndDate,OwnerId. 153
contact.history.filters-<attribute> In the key, a valid searchable interaction attribute name. In the value, a comma-separated list of strings applicable to the specified interaction attribute. Use the $All$ and $Other$ keywords to enable filtering on "all" or "other" values for this attribute. 277
contact.history.media-filters A comma-separated value of valid media type names including: voice,email,chat,sms,facebook,facebooksession,facebookprivatemessage,twitter,twitterdirect 151
contact.history.voice-detail-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to voice calls: Date, Contact, PhoneNumber, Duration. 123
contact.mandatory-attributes A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names, for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 154
disaster-recovery.peer-site A unique symbolic name of the site or location to be used as the preferred login site. Symbolic name of the site or location. Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore, @ and space characters. 213
disaster-recovery.preferred-site A unique symbolic name of the site or location to be used as the preferred login site. Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore, @ and space characters. 174
display-format.acd-queue.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ACDQueue.Number$,$ACDQueue.Alias$,$ACDQueue.Location$,$ACDQueue.DictionaryValue$,$ACDQueue.AnnexValue$ 195
display-format.action-code.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ActionCode.Name$, $ActionCode.DictionaryValue$, $ActionCode.AnnexValue$. 165
display-format.agent-group.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $AgentGroup.Name$, $AgentGroup.DictionaryValue$, $AgentGroup.AnnexValue$. 165
display-format.agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.FullName$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 180
display-format.business-attribute.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $BusinessAttribute.Name$, $BusinessAttribute.DisplayName$, $BusinessAttribute.Description$, $BusinessAttribute.DictionaryValue$,$BusinessAttribute.AnnexValue$. The $BusinessAttribute.AnnexValue$ field code represents the display name of the object. 340
display-format.caller-name A string that contains a composition of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.CaseId$, $Interaction.MainParty$, $Contact.X$, $AttachedData.Y$, $OutboundRecord.PhoneType$, $OutboundRecord.PhoneNumber$, $OutboundRecordField.Z$ (where X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name, Z: name of custom outbound field). 350
display-format.case-name-format A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Case.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name) 212
display-format.chat-agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ChatAgent.FullName$,$ChatAgent.Nickname$,$ChatAgent.UserName$,$ChatAgent.LastName$,$ChatAgent.FirstName$,$ChatAgent.EmployeeId$. 221
display-format.chat-customer-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $ChatCustomer.Nickname$, $Contact.X$, $AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name) 204
display-format.contact-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Contact.FirstName$,$Contact.LastName$,$Contact.FullName$,$Contact.PhoneNumber$,$Contact.EmailAddress$,$CustomContactAttribute.X$ (x: name of custom contact business attribute) 268
display-format.current-agent-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.FullName$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 180
display-format.customer-name-format A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Contact.X$ (where X is the name of the contact attribute.) 151
display-format.field.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Field.Name$, $Field.DictionaryValue$, $Field.AnnexValue$ 149
display-format.folder.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Folder.Name$, $Folder.DictionaryValue$, $Folder.AnnexValue$. 180
display-format.interaction-callback-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 264
display-format.interaction-chat-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.Id$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 262
display-format.interaction-email-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 264
display-format.interaction-im-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where Y is the attached data key name). 213
display-format.interaction-outbound-pull-preview-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 264
display-format.interaction-outbound-push-preview-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 265
display-format.interaction-queue.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $InteractionQueue.DisplayName$,$InteractionQueue.Name$,$InteractionQueue.Media$,$InteractionQueue.DictionaryValue$,$InteractionQueue.AnnexValue$ 236
display-format.interaction-sms-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 264
display-format.interaction-voice-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 243
display-format.interaction-workitem-name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (where X is the name of contact attribute and Y is the attached data key name). 264
display-format.outbound-record-name A string that contains the following field codes: $OutboundRecord.PhoneType$,$OutboundRecord.PhoneNumber$,$OutboundRecordField.X$ (where X is the name of the custom outbound field). 181
display-format.party-name-format A string that contains a compilation of characters or field codes from the following list: $Party.DisplayName$,$AttachedData.Y$ 127
display-format.routing-point.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $RoutingPoint.Number$,$RoutingPoint.Alias$,$RoutingPoint.Location$,$RoutingPoint.DictionaryValue$,$RoutingPoint.AnnexValue$ 215
display-format.skill.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Skill.Name$, $Skill.DictionaryValue$, $Skill.AnnexValue$. 150
display-format.virtual-queue.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $VirtualQueue.Number$,$VirtualQueue.Alias$,$VirtualQueue.Location$,$VirtualQueue.DictionaryValue$,$VirtualQueue.AnnexValue$ 215
display-format.workbin.name A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Workbin.Name$, $Workbin.DisplayName$, $Workbin.DictionaryValue$, $Workbin.AnnexValue$. 179
email.restricted-attachment-file-types A comma-separated list of file extensions that represent file types that are to be restricted. For example, use txt to restrict plain-text files, htm to restrict HTML files, and so on. 202
email.signature file: followed by the file name and path, or response: followed by the full response path in the Standard Response Library (refer to standard-response.categories). 190
eservices.session-restore-mediatype A comma-separated list of valid eServices/Digital Media Types from the following list: chat, email, sms, and configured workitem media types (for example: pdf or fax) 268
expression.phone-number.supported-characters Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names. 105
gadget.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
general.configuration-update-notification A comma-separated value list of one or more items that are to be notifed: None, All, ThisAgent, ThisApplication, ThisTenant, Transactions, Persons, Skills, AgentGroups, DN, BusinessAttributes, BusinessAttributeValues, Script 224
gui.editor-zoom-range Blank, a single zoom value, or two comma separated values that represent the minimum and maximum percent zoom. Values must be greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 300. 184
im.agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
im.agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
im.other-agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
im.other-agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
im.system.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
interaction.case-data.frame-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
interaction.case-data.header-foreground-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
interaction-management.available-interaction-page-sizes A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections. 122
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-actions A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: MakeCall, OneStepTransfer, InitTransfer, InitConference, OneStepConference. 148
intercommunication.voice.routing-based-targets A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, ACDQueue, RoutingPoint, Contact, TypeDestination. 126
keyboard.hotkey.agent-not-ready-with-reason.<action-code> The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.agent-not-ready The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.agent-ready The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.decrease-microphone-volume-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.decrease-speaker-volume-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.hold-active-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.increase-microphone-volume-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.increase-speaker-volume-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.mute-microphone-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.mute-speaker-active-sip-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.release-active-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.toaster.accept The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.hotkey.toaster.decline The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.action.help Only the name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key by using the + character. 234
keyboard.shortcut.campaign.get-record he name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 226
keyboard.shortcut.contact.assigncontact The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.contact.reset The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 254
keyboard.shortcut.contact.save The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.hamburger.open he name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 226
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.add-attachments The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.conference The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.end The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.hold The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.chat.transfer The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.consult The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.add-attachments The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.cancelforward The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.completeforward The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.delete The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.forward The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.inline-forward The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.interim-send The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.print The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.put-back-to-origin-queue The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.reply-all The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.reply The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.save-in-workbin The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.save The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.send The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.email.transfer The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.im.release The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.mark-done The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.call-record The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.cancel-record The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.mark-done-get-next The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.mark-done The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.preview.reject-record The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.pull-preview.mark-done-get-next The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.pull-preview.mark-done The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.sms.delete The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.sms.transfer The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.answer-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.hold-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.pause-recording-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.reconnect-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.release-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.resume-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.resume-recording-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.single-step-conference The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.single-step-transfer The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.start-recording-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.voice.stop-recording-call The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.webcallback.call-contact The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.webcallback.mark-done The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.workitem.move-to-workbin The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.workitem.put-back-to-origin-queue The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.interaction.workitem.transfer The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.paste-text-only The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 254
keyboard.shortcut.state.logout The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.state.not-ready-after-call-work The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.state.not-ready The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.state.ready The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.team-communicator.focus The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.chat.bargein The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.chat.stop-monitoring The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.stop-monitoring The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.bargein The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.coaching The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.monitor The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.teamlead.voice.stop-monitoring The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.toaster.accept The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
keyboard.shortcut.toaster.decline The name of a key or a key combination that begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character. 227
log.default-filter-type Select a value from the following list:
  • copy
  • skip
  • hide
  • hide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • unhide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • custom-filter,<KeyPrefix>,<KeyPost>,<ValuePrefix>,<ValuePost>

The filter 'custom-filter' enables you to define some KeyPrefix, KeyPost, ValuePrefix, ValuePost.

Example: log.default-filter-type: custom-filter,<,>,<#,#>
log.filter-data.<keyName> Select a value from the following list:
  • copy
  • skip
  • hide
  • hide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • unhide-first,<n>
  • unhide-last,<n>
  • custom-filter,<KeyPrefix>,<KeyPost>,<ValuePrefix>,<ValuePost>

The filter 'custom-filter' enables you to define KeyPrefix, KeyPost, ValuePrefix, and ValuePost.

Example: log.filter-data.Subject: custom-filter,>,<,>#,#<
log.segment $number$ KB or $number$ sets the maximum segment size, in kilobytes. The minimum segment size is 100 KB. $number$ MB sets the maximum segment size, in megabytes. 161
login.sip-cluster.phone-number Any valid device number or a string that contains one of the following field codes: $Agent.EmployeeId$. 103
main-window.window-title $Window.Title$,$Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$. 125
outbound.callback-types A comma separated list of callback types from the following list: personal, campaign 102
outbound.fields.float-separator-in-db A valid float separator. Typical float separators are: '.' (period), ',' (comma), and '\' (backslash). 102
outbound.record-information.frame-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
outbound.record-information.header-foreground-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sipendpoint.codecs.h264.fmtp The string 'profile-level-id=' followed by a sequence of 3 hexadecimal values in the '00'-'FF' range that respectively define the profile_idc, profile-iop and level-idc. 169
sipendpoint.policy.device.audio_in_device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( | ) * + ? \). 165
sipendpoint.policy.device.audio_out_device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( | ) * + ? \). 165
sipendpoint.policy.device.capture_device Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( | ) * + ? \). 165
sipendpoint.policy.device.headset_name Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters. And also Regular expressions characters (. $ ^ { [ ( | ) * + ? \). 165
sipendpoint.policy.session.ringback_file Empty or a valid path to a 16-bit 8-, 16-, or 32-Khz .wav sound file. The path may be a file name in the Workspace SIP Endpoint directory or the full path to the sound file. 182
sipendpoint.system.diagnostics.log_options_provider gsip=x (where x is a valid value for gsip) + , + webrtc=(y) (where valid values for y are warning, state, api, debug, info, error, and/or critical). For example: gsip=2, webrtc=(error,critical) 193
sipendpoint.system.security.use_srtp One value from the following list: optional, allowed, disabled, off, elective, both, enabled, force, mandatory 110
sipendpoint.video.camera-frame-size A string that specifies the width and height, separated by an 'x', of the camera frame capture (for example: 353x288). 118
sms.agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sms.agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sms.client.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sms.client.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sms.other-agent.prompt-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sms.other-agent.text-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
sounds.preloadfiles A comma-separated list of valid Windows directory paths and file names. '|' character after the file name must be followed by the output device definition. 160
standard-response.categories $All$ or a comma-separated list of one or more Category paths, using the '/' separator as tree level separator. 111
statistics.routing-points A comma-separated list of Routing Point identifiers in the following format: (<routingPointNumber>@<switchName>) 112
system-tray.tooltip $Application.Title$,$Application.Name$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$ 109
teamcommunicator.add-recent-filters.voice A comma-separated list of interaction types taken from the following values: internal, external, consultation. 110
teamcommunicator.contact-favorite-fields A comma-separated list of values from the following list: Category, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 115
teamcommunicator.custom-favorite-fields A comma-separated list of values from the following list: Category, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress. 115
teamcommunicator.list-filter-showing A comma-separated list of values from the following list: Agent, AgentGroup, Skill, RoutingPoint, Queue, Contact, InteractionQueue, CustomContact 217
toast.window-title $Window.Title$,$Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$,$Interaction.CaseId$,$Interaction.MainParty$,$Contact.X$,$AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y: attached data key name). 218
views.CaseContactRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContactInformationView,InteractionContactHistoryView,... 159
views.CaseContactRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContactInformationView,InteractionContactHistoryView,... 159
views.CaseViewSideButtonRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): InteractionContainerSideButtonView,SRLSideButtonView,... 148
views.ContactInfoHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView,... 137
views.ContactInfoHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactInformationView,ContactHistoryView,... 137
views.ContactTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.ContactTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): NotepadVoiceNotepadView,DispositionsView,... 136
views.InteractionDetailsRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): DispositionsView,NotepadVoiceNotepadView,... 136
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView,... 194
views.ToolbarWorkplaceRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyPlaceStatusView,myCampaignsListView,MyContactHistory,MyStatisticsView,MyCallCenterStatisticsView,... 194
views.ToolbarWorksheetButtonRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): MyWorkplaceButtonView,MainToolbarWorkbinsContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerButtonView,MainToolbarContainerAlertMessageButtonView,... 230
views.WorkbinsTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.activate-order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
views.WorkbinsTabBottomHistoryMultiRegion.order A comma-separated list of valid view names from the following list (plus the custom views): ContactDetailView,ContactHistoryNotepadView,ContactHistoryCaseDataView,... 166
voice.one-step-trsf-mode At least one item from the list: default, single-step-transfer, mute-transfer 104
webcallback.callback-information.content A comma separated list of items within the following list: Subject, PhoneNumber, Type, ScheduledDate, ContactTime, LocalTime, FormerAttempts, Result. 149
webcallback.callback-information.frame-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
webcallback.callback-information.header-foreground-color The hexadecimal Alpha (from '00' for fully transparent color to 'FF' for regular plain color) followed by the RGB hexadecimal color code (3 values in the '00'-'FF' range). 171
webproxy.address An empty address to specify the default proxy configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer, a valid proxy address (for example: http://my-proxy-server:3128), "None", or an invalid address to use no proxy at all. 211
workbin.email.draft.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.email.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.<media_type>.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 112
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
workbin.<media-type>.<workbin-nickname>.quick-search-attributes A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: AssignedTo,FromAddress 104
workbin.<media-type>.in-progress.displayed-columns A comma-separated list of Interaction Server interaction properties, for example: From,Subject,Received 103
This page was last edited on March 6, 2020, at 18:29.
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