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Detaching Interactions

Starting with Release 8.1.400.35, Composer adds a new Project properties option, Interaction Detach, in the Orchestration Options dialog (shown below), which can generate the detach attribute in the ixn:redirect tag in the following Routing blocks: (Default Route, Force Route, Queue Interaction, Route Interaction, Routing Rule, and Target).

Selecting Use Platform in the dialog sets the attribute value to true and instructs Orchestration Server to detach an interaction from the current session before routing to the specified target, which can free Orchestration Server to start processing the next session. Keeping the default of Use Application causes the detach attribute not to be used, in which case the <ixn:detach> tag will be used by the generated SCXML application.


  • Previously created Projects upgraded to this version will have the Use Application detach option and generate the <ixn:detach> tag for the detach operation. Also, the default value of the Detach property for the above Routing blocks is changed to true.
  • Any new Routing blocks added will have the Detach Property default set to true.
  • Diagrams upgraded to this version will continue to have the previously set values for the Detach property.

You can specify the detach method at the Composer level, at the Project level, or at the Block level.

Composer Level

Use the Detach and Attach blocks available from the Flow Control palette group.

Project Level

Right-click a Project, select Properties > Orchestration Options. The dialog box below opens.


Under Interaction Detach, the options are Use Platform or Use Application.

[+] Use Platform

[+] Use Application

Block Level

If the Detach property is set to true for the above Routing blocks, Orchestration Server uses the new detach attribute and the interaction is detached from the session before routing to the specified target.

If the Detach property value is set to false (default), then no detach occurs before routing.

If the Target block Route property = true, then code generation will detach the interaction before queue:submit since the Orchestration Platform will redirect after queue:submit. This is applicable for both Use Platform and Use Application under Interaction Detach.

Inter-Session Communication

Composer-generated applications support passing context from the source application session to the destination application session when the interaction is associated with a new Orchestration session after a detaching operation in the originating Orchestration session. This allows the new application that runs in the new session to access data (variables) previously collected in the originating session.

This feature is controlled by properties Pass Context, Pass Context Timeout of detachable blocks in the originating Orchestration session, and by properties Read Context, Read Context Timeout of the destination interaction process diagram (IPD).

To support this feature, the Composer originating application writes some data to the interaction user data just before detaching the interaction. When enabling the Use Platform option, this user data update must be done right before the <ixn:redirect>.

This page was last edited on November 30, 2018, at 18:46.
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