Interaction Data Block
Use the Interaction Data block for sending attached data. Get and Put operations are supported. Background: Attached data can be attached to calls by different T-Server clients. For example, an IVR might attach data to a call by collecting the numbers that callers press on their telephone keypads in response to a prompt. An agent might also attach data to a call using a desktop application. Once T-Server attaches the data, it becomes interaction data, which can be used in expressions and for reporting. T-Server stores attached data in AttributeUserData of event messages.
- Get values are extracted from the User Data received at the start of the call as part of the INVITE to the GVP.
- For Put , the NGI extension <send> tag will be used to send data immediately to the SIP Server. The data will be sent in the SIP INFO Body.
This block supports working with both SIPServer and CTIConnector CTI scenarios. There are feature differences as listed in CTI scenarios. Also see the standard VoiceXML session variables documented in the GVP 8.1 VoiceXML 2.1 Reference Help (Help > Contents). The Interaction Data block has the following properties:
Name Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties.
Block Notes Property
Can be used for both callflow and workflow blocks to add comments.
Exceptions Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties. The Interaction Data block has the following Exception Events:
- (pre-selected as a default exception)
Operation Property
This property indicates the type of operation to perform:
- get--to fetch the user data (CTIC and SIPS)
- put--to send updated user data (CTIC and SIPS)
- delete--to delete selected user data (CTIC only)
- deleteall--to delete all user data (CTIC only)
- replace--to replace existing user data with alternate user data (CTIC only)
To select a value for the Operation property:
- Select the Operation row in the block's property table.
- In the Value field, select get, put, delete, deleteall, or replace from the drop-down list.
Note: delete, deleteall, and replace are not supported for CTI using SIP Server.
Values Property
The Values property holds the list of variables to be fetched or sent. The name of the variable must match the UserData key name. Note: All key names for attached data passed from an IRD Strategy must be in all lower case. To select values:
- Click the Values row in the block's property table.
- Click the
button to open the Values dialog box.
- Select individual global variables, or click Select all or Deselect all.
Condition Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.
Logging Details Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.
Log Level Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.
Enable Status Property
Find this property's details under Common Properties for Callflow Blocks or Common Properties for Workflow Blocks.
- Click OK.