Genesys Info Mart
Provides an enterprise-wide view of customer interactions, system configurations, agent data, and application-level attached data for analysis through a data mart. For information about historical reporting with Genesys Info Mart, see Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).
Genesys Interactive Insights
Also known as GI2.
- For Genesys Engage cloud customers, Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) is deprecated as of November 20, 2020.
- For Genesys Engage on-premises customers, GI2 8.5 entered End of Life (EOL) on January 25, 2019 and End of Maintenance on July 28, 2020, and reaches End of Support on January 24, 2021.
Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) replaces GI2 as the presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services. If you have questions, contact your account representative.
Genesys CX Insights
Genesys Customer Experience Insights (Genesys CX Insights or sometimes GCXI) provides a presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable historical reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services.
Genesys CX Insights has replaced Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) as the historical reporting presentation layer. See also Genesys Info Mart and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).
A person, place, thing, or concept that has characteristics of interest to an environment. For an object-oriented system, a self-contained module of data and its associated processing. Objects are the software building blocks of object technology.
For Genesys, you configure Configuration Database objects by using Configuration Manager. Some objects are predefined contact-center entities on which Stat Server monitors and collects statistics (for example, all agents, places, agent groups, place groups, queues, groups of queues, routing points, campaigns, calling lists, and so on).
- Glossary:.NET Framework
A component of the Windows operating system that is used to build, deploy, and run XML Web Services and Microsoft .NET–connected applications.
- Glossary:.NET Toolkit
- Glossary:ABNF
- Glossary:ACCML
Alcatel Call Control Markup Language. An Alcatel-specific markup language that is used to manage calls.
- Glossary:ACD
- Glossary:ACDQ
Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) Queue. A device in a switch that is typically associated with a number of targets, where customer interactions are queued while the control system is looking for an available target.
- Glossary:ACD Group
A group of operators or agents that is defined within an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) telephone system. These can be specialty agents, language-specific agents, or agents who have any logical set of commonalities.
- Glossary:ACD ID
Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) Identification. An identifier that is assigned to a particular agent, so that the agent can log in. The ACD ID is not associated with a particular telephone set.
- Glossary:ACW
See After Call Work.
- Glossary:ADDP
- Glossary:ADSL
- Glossary:AES
AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. - Glossary:AG
See Activity Group.
- Glossary:AHT
Short for Average Handle Time. The average amount of time an agent takes to respond to incoming interactions.Known as Average Handling Time in Premier Edition Cloud, this is the average amount of time an agent takes to handle a call for this day. This statistic is counted for the day. The following is a list of valid agent activities for this state:
- Consult Call
- Internal Call
- Outbound Call
- Inbound Call
- After Call Work
- Inbound Call On Hold
- Outbound Call On Hold
- Glossary:AIN
- Glossary:AMSML
Alcatel Media Session Markup Language. An Alcatel-specific markup language that is used to control and invoke a variety of services on an IP media server.
- Glossary:ANI
- Glossary:API
- Glossary:API Client
The use of a connection to a Genesys interface by a single user. The connection can be either direct or indirect (for example, through a proxy process).
- Glossary:ARU
See Audio Response Unit.
- Glossary:AS
See Application Server.
- Glossary:ASA
- Glossary:ASM
- Glossary:ASP
- Glossary:ASR
- Glossary:ATA
- Glossary:ATB
See All Trunks Busy.
- Glossary:ATM
- Glossary:ATT
See Average Talk Time.
- Glossary:AWT
See Actual Waiting Time.
- Glossary:Abandon Rate Percentage
Also known as ABN %. In Premier Edition Cloud, this is the percentage rate of calls that are not completed, because the caller hangs up before an agent answers the call. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Abandoned Call
In Premier Edition Cloud, a call in which the caller hangs up while the call is still waiting in the queue, or before an agent answers the call.
- Glossary:Abandonment
The termination by a customer of the connection for a synchronous interaction while that customer is in a waiting-for-service state (for example, in a queue). Abandonment applies only to synchronous interactions types such as telephone calls or web chat. It does not apply to asynchronous interaction types such as e-mail or web forms. The customer may be placed in a waiting-for-service state several times during an interaction. - Glossary:Abandons
Also known as Lost Calls. Calls that are not completed, because the calling party disconnects before an agent answers the call.
- Glossary:Access Control
A Genesys Framework function that sets and verifies the permissions of users for access to solution functions and data.
- Glossary:Access Group
An object that represents a group of persons who have the same set of permissions in the Configuration Database.
- Glossary:Access Rights
The privileges that are granted to a user or program to perform tasks or activities and/or to access resources.
- Glossary:Accrual Rule
See Time-Off Rule.
- Glossary:Accumulated Statistic
See Statistic.
- Glossary:Accumulator
Also known as an in-memory queue. A register in which intermediate arithmetic and logic results are stored.
- Glossary:Accuracy
A Genesys Content Analyzer term for how correctly a model assigns text objects to categories. If you produce a model by using cross-validation, or test it on a training object, you obtain specific accuracy ratings that are called precision and recall. By contrast, confidence is part of what a model does when it assigns a text object to a category: It produces a list of categories, with a confidence level that indicates the model’s assessment of how likely it is that this particular text object belongs to a particular category.
See also Confidence, Precision, and Recall.
- Glossary:Acknowledgment
A possible use for standard responses in Multimedia. A message that is sent automatically to inform the sender that the message has been received.
- Glossary:Actionability
A judgement as to whether an interaction calls for attention from an agent. Content Analyzer provides a way of estimating actionability in text-based interactions. - Glossary:Actionable Strategies
Strategies that are formulated in such a way as to be able to construct action plans. They consist of concrete activities (for example, call/interaction routing) that are shown to support and further the strategy.
- Glossary:ActiveX
A Microsoft architecture that enables software components to interact with each other in a networked environment (such as the Internet), regardless of the language in which they were created. Formerly known as Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).
- Glossary:Active Server Page
Also known as an ASP. A file that contains HTML, XML, VBScript, or any combination of these. A technology, developed by Microsoft Corporation, for automatic generation of customized web pages.
- Glossary:Active Switching Matrix
Also known as ASM. An active component of switching hubs that rapidly switch packets from port to port by allocating memory.
- Glossary:Activity
A database object that represents contact-center activities in which staff members engage. The combination of skills for the given period of time. An activity most simply is represented by a skill expression. It differs from service types and customer segments in that it may represent either or both of those things. An activity also includes an association to a site, and it has hours of operation. See also, the term Multi-Site Activity.
- Glossary:Activity Group
Activity Group (AG). A group containing multiple activities from within the same business unit, enabling data aggregation for contact center performance monitoring and reporting. Agents with specific skills are assigned to activities, which are then assigned to Activity Groups. - Glossary:Activity Set
In Workforce Management (WFM), an activity or group of activities that you can assign to multi-skilled agents for a period of time that you specify. During that time, the agents can work on no other activities.
- Glossary:Actual Waiting Time
Also known as AWT. The amount of time that a caller has waited in queue for an agent to become available.
- Glossary:Ad-Hoc Query
Any query that cannot be determined before the moment that it is issued. The query consists of dynamically constructed SQL, which usually is constructed by desktop-resident query tools.
- Glossary:Adapters
See Genesys Gplus Adapters.
- Glossary:Additional Carrier Interface
An interface, requiring the use of more than one Network T-Server, for customers who want to use Genesys Network Routing Solution with multiple carriers.
- Glossary:Address Book
In Premier Edition Cloud, a list of external contacts that contact-center agents frequently dial. The address book provides a click-to-call list of these numbers on VCC Agent Desktop.Also known as a contact list.
- Glossary:Adherence
A Workforce Management (WFM) function that compares actual call volume and agent scheduling with forecasted calculations. This function enables you to view agent real-time adherence.
See also Performance.
- Glossary:Administrator
In Premier Edition Cloud, an employee in the contact center who can create and edit other users, create reason codes, assign skills to supervisors using the VCC Dashboard application.
- Glossary:Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol
Also known as ADDP. The method to detect failures for certain T-Server connections, including connections between two T-Servers and among a T-Server and its clients.
- Glossary:Advanced Intelligent Network
Also known as an AIN. A telephone network architecture that separates service logic from switching equipment, which allows new services to be added without having to redesign switches to support new services. It encourages competition among service providers, because it makes it easier for a provider to add services and offers customers more service choices.
- Glossary:Advanced Routing
Offered as Universal Routing, provides a wide range of routing options, including database-driven routing, agent-level routing, skills-based routing, virtual agent groups with priority routing across virtual queues, multi-site routing, business attribute assignment, service-level-agreement routing, cost-based routing, and support for proactive routing. Routing of third-party objects is available through Open Media.
- Glossary:After Call Work
Also known as ACW. The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is no longer involved with an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) call. While in this state, the agent is performing administrative duties for a previous call (or another media interaction) and cannot receive further calls from the ACD.
See also Ready and Not Ready.
- Glossary:Agent
An employee in the contact center who takes service calls and processes subsequent data at a computer. In the system, an object that represents an employee in the contact center. In client-server applications, the part of the system that prepares and exchanges information on behalf of a client or server application. In a business role, a human resource whose primary role in the business consists in the handling of interactions.A general term for someone who handles customer inquiries and support in a contact center. Besides handling telephone calls, agents also can be skilled in answering e-mails, holding chat sessions, and other contacts with customers using other media types. Also referred to as a customer service representative (CSR), sales representative, rep, associate, consultant, engineer, operator, technician, account executive, team member, customer service professional, staff member, attendant, or specialist.
In Workforce Management (WFM), a database object that is imported from the Configuration Database and represents a contact-center employee.
A Person object in Configuration Manager, where the Is Agent check box is selected.In Premier Edition Cloud, a contact-center employee who handles calls, chat sessions, or emails, and processes this information using the VCC Agent Dashboard application.
- Glossary:Agent Adherence
See Agent Compliance.
- Glossary:Agent Capacity Rule
In Multimedia, a rule that specifies the maximum number of interactions of each media type that an agent can handle. Agent capacity rules are used in routing. If an agent is up to capacity for a given media type, the strategy still may send that agent additional interactions of other media types. An agent may have different settings for different media types; for example, a capacity rule may classify the agent as busy for chat interactions (he or she already is engaged in a chat), but not busy for e-mail interactions (he or she may be sent additional e-mail interactions).
- Glossary:Agent Compliance
Also known as Agent Adherence. In Workforce Management (WFM), a comparison of an agent’s current status/activity with his or her scheduled status/activity. This comparison may be real-time or historical.
- Glossary:Agent Group
A category to which an agent is assigned for routing and management purposes. The relationship between an agent and an agent group is “many to many.” A collection of agents who share a common set of skills, such as being able to handle customer complaints.
- Glossary:Agent Interaction Handle Time
The total amount of time that a particular agent worked on a particular interaction.
- Glossary:Agent Permissions
In Premier Edition Cloud, these are parameters that a contact-center administrator sets to specify how the VCC Agent Desktop application works for all agents within the contact center. Administrators can configure these settings using the Settings view in VCC Dashboard.
- Glossary:Agent State
In Workforce Management (WFM), used for comparison to schedule states, to determine compliance status. The agent state may be represented by an interpretation of resource availability and capacity.
See also Schedule State Group.
- Glossary:Agent Status
Indicates the type of activity that an agent either has performed or is currently performing. The mode that an agent is in (for example, Ready, Not Ready, After-Call Work, Unavailable, Do Not Disturb, and so on).
In Premier Edition Cloud, the status can be set by the agent or assigned by supervisors. This information is used to monitor agent performance or for data used in both real-time and historical reporting.
- Glossary:Agent Workstation
Also known as a Seat. A microcomputing unit or another assemblage of computer equipment that is configured to allow a maximum of one agent to use the licensed software at any given time. An agent workstation can be configured to allow multiple agents who are working in shifts to use the licensed software, provided that it is not enabled for concurrent use. A workstation is defined as an agent workstation until it is disabled, regardless of whether or not it is in active use by any customer agent.
- Glossary:Aggregate Data
Data that is the result of applying a process to combine data elements. The data may be taken either collectively or in summary form. For example, in a daily sales report, invoice totals and summary totals from invoices are aggregate data, whereas the individual items that are sold are atomic data.
- Glossary:Aggregation
A dimensional modeling technique that presummarizes detailed facts; also, a function of transforming data into statistics. Aggregation typically involves time-based data selection, additional filtering that is based on a specified combination of attributes, and calculation itself. Aggregation is used to enhance query performance.
- Glossary:Aggregation Level
Presummarized fact tables of different aggregation periods. In Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics), a time interval or other dimension that is used in a particular aggregation.
- Glossary:Alarm Processing
A Genesys Framework function that defines and manages conditions that are critical to the operation of solutions.
- Glossary:Alert
A notification that an event has exceeded a predefined threshold.
In Workforce Management (WFM), a function of the Adherence module that warns the contact center that a problem might require intervention.
- Glossary:All Trunks Busy
Also known as ATB. The situation that occurs when a call is received by a trunk group and, because of the level of telephone traffic, the trunk group cannot route the call. If a trunk busy condition exists beyond a single reporting period (for example, it begins during period 1 and is still busy during period 2), that condition may be pegged for both periods.
- Glossary:Alternative Time Zone
One of two or more time zones.
See User Time Zone.
- Glossary:Announcement
A recorded verbal message that is played to callers.
- Glossary:Answer Rate
The number of calls that were answered and/or abandoned during a specific time interval. - Glossary:Answer Rate Percentage
In Premier Edition Cloud, the percentage of the number of calls that were answered and/or abandoned during a specific time interval. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Answered Call
The number of calls that were answered by using the controlled operation or according to the routing scripts.
In Premier Edition Cloud, the unique count of calls answered by at least one agent:
- if the same call is answered by more than one agent, it is still counted as 1
- if the same call is not answered (missed) at first but is then answered by another agent, it's still counted as an answered call.
- Glossary:Answering Machine Detection
A protocol that determines whether or not an answering machine has responded to a dialed call.
- Glossary:Application
In the Configuration Layer, an object that represents a Genesys application and contains all of the default configuration information that is needed to run the Genesys application.
- Glossary:Application Block
Function-based and function-supported, production-ready code that is available for use in custom applications that are developed by using Genesys Software Development Kits (SDKs). Examples of application blocks include the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) endpoint, a multi-channel communication model, a configuration object model, and a warm-standby application block.
- Glossary:Application Integrators
InterWorks members that create applications that are focused on managing customer interactions. Developer categories in the InterWorks program include contact center, Voice Self Service, Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics), IP Telephony, and Open Media.
- Glossary:Application Programming Interface
Also known as an API. A set of routines, protocols, and tools for using software applications. API also can refer to:
A means of communication between programs, to give one program transparent access to another.
A generic term for any language and format that one program uses to help it communicate with another program.
An interface that enables third-party programs to connect to Genesys contact-center solutions.
A means of communication between programs, to give one program transparent access to another.
- Glossary:Application Server
Also known as an AS. A software engine that delivers applications to client computers or devices.
- Glossary:Application Service Provider
Also known as an ASP. A company that offers to individuals or enterprises access over the Internet to applications and related services that they otherwise would need to locate and manage in their own personal or enterprise computer systems.
- Glossary:Application Template
In the Configuration Layer, an object that contains the default configuration information for an application. It is used to register new applications of a particular type. Application templates are distributed on the Genesys Framework CD and other solution CDs.
- Glossary:Applied Events
In Workforce Management, events that are appled when building volumes. These events are equal to or a subset of Existing events. See also Possible Events. - Glossary:Architecture
The basic design of a system. Determines how the components work together, system capacity, upgradeability, and the ability to integrate with other systems.
- Glossary:Archiving/Pruning
In eServices, a means of keeping the size of the Universal Contact Server (UCS) database under control. Archived records are removed from the Main database and stored in the Archive database. Pruned records are deleted and not stored.
- Glossary:Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
Also known as ADSL. A new standard for transmitting at speeds of up to 7 megabits per second (Mbps) over a single copper pair that often is used to connect remote sites and agents.
- Glossary:Asynchronous
A form of communication, such as e-mail, in which the sender of a message is not waiting for a response from the receiver in order to continue working.
- Glossary:Asynchronous Detection
Detection of the state of an item at any time, requiring asynchronous capabilities in an operating system. The Windows Socket (WinSock) dynamic-link library (DLL) detects a socket state at any time, and notifies the application of the current state.
ImportantWinSock is an Application Programming Interface (API) for developing Windows applications. Windows operating systems include the winsock.dll file, which implements the API and acts as the “glue” between Windows programs and TCP/IP connections. - Glossary:Asynchronous Interaction
An interaction for which the communication link between the customer and the agent/resource is intrinsically not continuous and unbroken (for example, e-mail).
- Glossary:Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Also known as ATM. A cell-based, fast-packet technology that provides a protocol for transmitting voice and data over high-speed networks. This transfer mode is a connection-oriented technology that is used in both Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) environments. It is asynchronous in that the recurrence of cells depends on the required or instantaneous bit rate.
- Glossary:Atomic Data
Data elements that represent the lowest level of detail. For example, in a daily sales report, the individual items that are sold are atomic data, whereas roll ups such as invoice and summary totals from invoices are aggregate data.
- Glossary:Attached Data
Information that an agent receives along with an incoming call, such as the caller’s name and the reason for the call.
- Glossary:Attached Data Distribution
A Genesys Framework function that supports the distribution of business data that is attached to interactions, both within and across solutions.
- Glossary:Audio Response Unit
Also known as an ARU. A device that provides synthesized voice responses to Dual-Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signaling input by processing calls, based on:
The call-originator input.
Information received from a host database.
Information in the incoming call, such as the time of day.
ImportantARUs are used to increase the number of calls that are handled and to provide consistent quality in information retrieval. -
The call-originator input.
- Glossary:Augmented Backus-Naur Form
Also known as ABNF. The syntax that must be used for Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) dialing plans and switch numbering plans.
- Glossary:Authorization Request
A request that is initiated by a customer to access data for which that customer currently does not have access privileges.
- Glossary:Authorization Rules
Criteria that are used to determine whether an individual, group, or application can access reference data or a process.
- Glossary:Auto-acknowledgment
A notification that is provided, without human interaction, to the customer that the customer’s Inter-Exchange Common Carrier (IXC) has been received.
See also Autoresponse.
- Glossary:Auto Available
An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) feature that automatically sets the agent state to Available after an agent completes and disconnects the call. If an agent has to go into After Call Work, he or she must set this agent state manually.
See also Auto Wrap-up and Availability.
- Glossary:Auto Wrap-up
An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) feature that automatically sets the agent state to After Call Work after an agent completes and disconnects the call. When an agent has completed any After-Call Work that is required, he or she must set his or her agent state back to Available.
See also Auto Available and Availability.
- Glossary:Automatic Call Distributor
Also known as an ACD. A system that performs four basic functions: answering incoming calls, obtaining information and instructions from a database, determining the best way to handle the call, and sending the call to the proper agent as soon as one is available. In its software version, also known as Automatic Call Distribution.
- Glossary:Automatic Number Identification
Also known as ANI. A feature that passes a caller’s telephone number over the network to the receiving location, so that the caller can be identified. Sometimes referred to as a “Caller ID.” ANI is a North American term, and Calling Line Identification (CLI) is an alternative term that is used elsewhere.
- Glossary:Automatic Speech Recognition
Also known as ASR. The ability of a machine to understand the human voice. This technology recognizes spoken words and translates them into other forms—for example, converting them to text, supplying them as commands to a computing process, or comparing them to saved segments of speech to verify the caller’s identity. Combined with Interactive Voice Responses (IVRs), ASR enables callers to speak responses to questions instead of pressing buttons on their phones.
- Glossary:Autoresponse
A reply/answer that is sent, without agent action, to the customer that provides the information that the customer requested.
In Multimedia, this is a possible use for standard responses: a message sent as an autoresponse to an incoming e-mail.
- Glossary:Aux Code
See Reason Code.
- Glossary:Availability
The period of time during which a system can be used for productive work. It is dependent on the software applications, the hardware on which the software runs, and the TCP/IP connection.
- Glossary:Available Agent
An agent who is available to take interactions and is not involved currently with an interaction.
- Glossary:Available State
Agents who are logged in to the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) and are waiting for calls to arrive.
- Glossary:Available Time
The total time that an agent or agent group waited for calls to arrive, for a given period of time.
- Glossary:Average After Call Work Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time an agent spends time doing administrative tasks for a previous call, chat, or email and cannot receive any calls from the ACD queue. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Chat Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time an agent spends in a chat session with a client.
- Glossary:Average Consult Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time an agent spends in consultation calls. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Delay
Also known as AD. In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time that calls are delayed or spend in the ACD queue. See Average Speed of Answer. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Delay to Abandon
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time that a caller waits before hanging up.
- Glossary:Average Handle Time
Also known as AHT. The average amount of time an agent takes to respond to incoming interactions.Known as Average Handling Time in Premier Edition Cloud, this is the average amount of time an agent takes to handle a call for this day. This statistic is counted for the day. The following is a list of valid agent activities for this state:
- Consult Call
- Internal Call
- Outbound Call
- Inbound Call
- After Call Work
- Inbound Call On Hold
- Outbound Call On Hold
- Glossary:Average Hold Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average time taken for an agent to answer a call or the time that a customer waits in the ACD queue before the call is answered. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Speed of Answer
Also known as ASA. The average amount of time that it takes from the initial arrival of an interaction into the interaction management system to the delivery of that interaction to an endpoint—for example, the average amount of time that a caller will wait in queue for an agent to become available. The unit of measurement is influenced by the average length of each call, the number of agents who are available, and the total number of calls that are arriving.
In Premier Edition Cloud, this is calculated using the formula below.
[+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Talk Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time, per call, an agent spends talking to a caller. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Time to Abandonment
Also known as ATA. The average time that callers wait in the queue before abandonment. The calculation considers only the calls that are abandoned.
- Glossary:Average Waiting Time
In Outbound Contact Solution, a dialing optimization factor that is used to reduce the amount of time between calls.
In Premier Edition Cloud, also known as an AWT. The average amount of time that it takes for an incoming interaction to be distributed to an agent for all calls currently waiting in a specific queue. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Average Wrap-up Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the average amount of time taken by all agents to finish a call. This metric includes the time spent by all agents involved on that call; so, if two agents speak to the caller in a conference call or separately, the wrap-up time of both agents are added into this metric.
- Glossary:B2BUA
- Glossary:BI
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.1 is the business intelligence software that powers GI2 Release 8.1.3 and later. Earlier GI2 releases are powered by SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (BO XI 3.1). - Glossary:BO
See BusinessObjects.
- Glossary:BO documentation
BOE 3.1 and BI 4.1 are created and documented by SAP. SAP provides detailed information about the operation of the Universe Design Tool, Information Design Tool, Web Intelligence, InfoView, Designer, and other BO or BI applications. Access this SAP documentation from the following sources:- from the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Documentation CD,
- if you are a direct SAP customer, from the SAP website,
- if you obtained BO software through Genesys, from the SAP website.
- Glossary:BPR
- Glossary:BPT
- Glossary:BRI
See Basic Rate Interface.
- Glossary:BSTR
See Basic String.
- Glossary:Back-Office Operation
Software applications that are designed to aid typical business functions (such as inventory, order fulfillment, and shipping) that occur at the end of a sales cycle.
- Glossary:Back-to-Back User Agent
Also known as a B2BUA. A logical entity that receives a request and processes it as a user-agent server (UAS). In order to determine how the request should be answered, it acts as a user-agent client (UAC) and generates requests. Unlike a proxy server, it maintains dialog state and must participate in all requests that are sent on the dialogs that it has established. The Genesys SIP Server functions as a B2BUA.
- Glossary:Backup/Restore Utility
See WFM Database Utility.
- Glossary:Barge-In
A speech-recognition feature that enables the caller to interrupt a prompt and still be recognized.
- Glossary:Barge In
In Premier Edition Cloud, a supervisor call-monitoring feature that enables a supervisor to join the call and both the agent and the caller can hear the supervisor.See Monitoring.
- Glossary:Base Staff
Also known as Seated Agents. The minimum number of agents that is required to achieve service-level and response-time objectives for a given period of time. Base-staff calculations assume that agents will be in their seats for the entire period of time. Therefore, schedules must add extra people to accommodate breaks, absenteeism, and other factors that will keep agents from the phones.
- Glossary:Base Tables
Also known as the detail data. The normalized data structures that are maintained in the target warehousing database.
- Glossary:Basic Rate Interface
Also known as BRI. One of two basic levels of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) service. A BRI line provides two 64-kbit/s (bearer) channels for voice and data, and one 16-kbit/s channel for signaling (commonly expressed as 2B+D).
See also Primary Rate Interface (PRI).
- Glossary:Basic String
Also known as BSTR. A string of characters that contains data.
- Glossary:Benchmark
Historically, a term that is referred to as a standardized task to test the capabilities of devices against each other. In quality terms, benchmarking is comparing products, services, and processes with those of other organizations, to identify new ideas and improvement opportunities.
- Glossary:Bidirectional Extracts
The ability to extract, cleanse, and transfer data in two directions among different types of databases, including hierarchical, networked, and relational databases.
- Glossary:Blended Agent
An agent who is capable of handling multiple customer-interaction types, such as voice and e-mail.
- Glossary:Blocked Call
A call that cannot be connected immediately, because either there is no circuit available at the time that the call arrives or the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) is programmed to block calls from entering the queue when the queue backs up beyond a defined threshold.
- Glossary:Bonus Time-Off Hours
In Workforce Management (WFM), extra time off that is assigned to an agent in addition to regularly accrued or awarded time off. Bonus time off is included in time-off hours that are carried over, if the allowable number of hours that are carried over is large enough to accommodate them.
- Glossary:Bouncing Customer
A contact-center problem in which callers are transferred from one agent to another until one is reached who can handle the call appropriately.
- Glossary:Braking Mechanism
A software mechanism that prevents users from querying the operational database after transaction loads reach a certain level.
- Glossary:Branch Office
A remote facility that has a limited number of knowledge workers (fewer than 100) and a small Private Branch Exchange (PBX) capacity, with or without a Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) link, that is dependent on a central location (usually, the company headquarters).
- Glossary:Break
A short rest period during an agent’s scheduled work time. Breaks can be paid or unpaid. - Glossary:Bridge
A device that forwards traffic between network segments, based on data-link layer information. These segments have a common network-layer address. A bridge is similar to the gateway and the router.
- Glossary:Bulk Data Transfer
A software-based mechanism that is designed to move large data files. It supports compression, blocking, and buffering to optimize transfer times.
- Glossary:Bulk Provisioning Tool
Also known as a BPT. A tool that enables the scheduling of a large number of connections simultaneously by using a bulk file, which contains details of all of the connections and their local and remote end parameters.
- Glossary:Bus Matrix
A consolidated tabular view that depicts the relationships between dimension and fact tables. A bus matrix enables you to identify easily which facts share the same dimension(s). By using this information, you can assess which tables can be combined into one report.
- Glossary:Business-Priority Routing
Also known as BPR. Encompasses specialized selection criteria that Universal Routing Server (URS) can consider when it performs routing. You can route based on the following criteria:
Highest priority interaction
Longest current wait time
Interaction with oldest age
“What-if” wait time
Highest risk factor in service objective, based on current wait time
Highest risk factor in service objective, based on age of interaction
Highest risk factor in service objective, based on predicted wait time
ImportantBusiness-Priority Routing can be supported for any media with some restrictions on the use of the what-if time capability. -
Highest priority interaction
- Glossary:BusinessObjects
Business Objects (BO) and Business Intelligence (BI) software powers GI2 as follows:- BOE 3.1—In GI2 Release 8.1.1 and earlier, this software is referred to as SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (BO XI 3.1), or simply BO.
- BI 4.1—In GI2 Release 8.1.3 and later, this software is referred to as SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI 4.1), or simply BI.
- Glossary:Business Architecture
One of the four layers of the Information Systems (IS) architecture. This layer describes the functions that a business performs and the information that it uses.
- Glossary:Business Attribute
Objects that serve as containers of a particular type for attribute value objects.
- Glossary:Business Data
Information about people, places, things, business rules, and events that is used to operate the business. Business data is not metadata.
- Glossary:Business Process
In Interaction Routing Designer (IRD), a set of objects (mainly queue and routing strategies) that are available for use in constructing interaction workflows. Objects in business processes function in an interaction workflow only if you have placed them into a workflow and connected them to at least one other object in that workflow.When you use Genesys eServices, IRD provides an Interaction Design window for creating business processes. A business process directs incoming interactions through various processing objects (such as queues and routing strategies) with the goal of delivering an appropriate response to the customer. For an e-mail interaction, an appropriate response might involve sending an e-mail message that answers the customer’s questions. For a chat interaction, an appropriate response might involve mailing product brochures to the customer.
Genesys supplies sample business processes in its eServices Interaction Workflow Samples component. These include sample queues, views, and routing strategies.
- Glossary:Business Process Routing
Also known as BPR. A set of interfaces that extend the Genesys Interaction Workflow and Genesys routing technologies to applications that automate business processes electronically. These include document management applications, all types of forms processing applications, work-order processing applications, and other business applications. BPR is one area of application for the Open Media Interface Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
- Glossary:Business Rules
A set of rules that define how a business problem is to be addressed. Business rules can be converted into routing strategies, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) scripts, and so on.
- Glossary:Business Unit
In Workforce Management (WFM), a database object that consists of a set of sites that may be grouped together because the agents at the sites (within the business unit) perform the same activity, or for ease of management. It represents activities that are performed at multiple sites. A site can belong to one business unit only.
- Glossary:Busy
In Premier Edition Cloud, all agents with a particular skill who are currently handling any type of call.
- Glossary:CBX
- Glossary:CCA
See CC Analyzer.
- Glossary:CCR
- Glossary:CCS
See Centi-Call Seconds.
- Glossary:CCXML
Call Control Extensible Markup Language. An XML standard that is designed to provide telephony support to VoiceXML.
- Glossary:CC Analyzer
Also known as CCA. CC Analyzer enables contact-center managers to construct and view reports that provide information about the performance of various contact-center objects over time, and to have that performance filtered by business rules.
- Glossary:CC Pulse
CC Pulse+, formerly CC Pulse, is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application that facilitates the analysis of staffing, scheduling, business, and contact-routing strategies by using statistics collected on agents, agent groups, queues, routing points, places, and groups of places. Monitoring also occurs for media activities, such as e-mail and voice contact.
- Glossary:CDR
See Call Detail Recording.
- Glossary:CED
- Glossary:CFA
See Call Flow Assistant.
- Glossary:CICS
- Glossary:CIM
Customer Interaction Management. See Genesys CIM Platform.
- Glossary:CIQU
See Calls In Queue.
- Glossary:CLASS
- Glossary:CLEC
- Glossary:CLI
See Calling Line Identification and Automatic Number Identification.
- Glossary:CMS
- Glossary:CN
For computing security, Common Name. Also see DN (Distinguished Name) and SAN (Subject Alternative Name). - Glossary:CO
See Central Office.
- Glossary:COF
This stands for call overflow. - Glossary:COM
- Glossary:CPA
- Glossary:CPD
- Glossary:CPDN
- Glossary:CPD Proxy Server
- Glossary:CPD Server
- Glossary:CPE
- Glossary:CRL
- Glossary:CRM
- Glossary:CSM
See Call Status Monitor.
- Glossary:CSR
- Glossary:CSTA
- Glossary:CSV
- Glossary:CS Proxy
- Glossary:CTI
- Glossary:CTI-Less T-Server
The T-Server component of Genesys Expert Contact, a product that extends the reach of customer service beyond the contact center to experts in field, branch, and other remote locations that do not have a computer-telephony link.
- Glossary:CTR
- Glossary:CXI
See Genesys CX Insights.
- Glossary:Calculated Workforce
The workforce that Workforce Management (WFM) estimates to be necessary to perform at the required service levels, based on the workload that is predicted in an Interaction Volume/Average Handle Time (AHT) forecast.
- Glossary:Call Blending
The process of combining traditionally separate inbound and outbound agent groups into one group of agents that is responsible for handling both inbound and outbound contacts. Call blending automatically puts agents who make outbound calls into the inbound mode, and vice versa, as the incoming call load requires.
- Glossary:Call Center
A general term for a location or center where calls are placed or received, in high volume, for sales, marketing, customer service, telemarketing, technical support, or other specialized business activities.
See also Contact Center.
- Glossary:Call Concentrator
A reporting product that is designed to provide data for call-based reporting, in order to trace the course of specific calls, collect data about them, and create reports that are based on that information. It works with certain Genesys Framework components to collect and record call data in either a single-tenant or a multi-tenant enterprise.
See also CC Analyzer and CC Pulse+.
- Glossary:Call Control Platform
The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component that supports the execution of CCXML 1.0 applications in SIP-based environments. Therefore, the Call Control Platform services are defined by applications that are written in CCXML. The Call Control Platform retrieves configuration data from the Genesys Framework.
- Glossary:Call Control Variables
The set of criteria that the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) uses to process calls. Examples include routing criteria, overflow parameters, recorded announcements, and timing thresholds.
- Glossary:Call Detail Recording
A management function that collects and records information about incoming and outgoing calls.
See also Call Transaction Record.
- Glossary:Call Distribution
The call volume, spread out over various time intervals of the day. In 6.5 releases and later, it is called Interaction Distribution and Interaction Volume.
- Glossary:Call Flow Assistant
Also known as CFA. The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component that provides call-control capability to the PopGateway module of the IP Communication Server/Voice Communication Server components.
- Glossary:Call Forwarding
A service that enables an incoming call to be sent to another telephone.
- Glossary:Call Handling Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time spent handling calls. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Call ID
A unique identifier that the switch assigns to each call.
See also Automatic Number Identification.
- Glossary:Call Load
Also known as Workload. The product of Average Handle Time (AHT) and Average After Call Work, multiplied by Call Volume, for a given period of time.
In Premier Edition Cloud, the number of calls handled in a certain amount of time. This value does not include the time that the calls spend in the ACD queue. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Call Management System
Also known as a CMS. The software that is used to track calls that come into the contact center or help desk.
- Glossary:Call Progress Analysis
Also known as CPA. Determines the result of an outbound call, and is dependent on the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) trunk card vendor.
- Glossary:Call Progress Detection
Also known as CPD. Detection of tones and signals to monitor the status of a call (for example, on-hook, off-hook, or busy). The technology that is used in outbound dialing situations in which the person or object that answers an outbound call is determined by a computer device. CPD equipment analyzes the sounds on the receiving end of the telephone call, and determines what answered the call, if it was answered. Result codes that reflect the outcome of the outbound dialing are passed to the outbound-calling software, so that it can determine the next step in the outbound-calling process.
See also Genesys Call Progress Detection.
- Glossary:Call Progress Detection Proxy Server
Also known as CPD Proxy Server. An Outbound Contact Solution component that distributes calls among various CPD Servers for optimal load-balancing and utilization of system resources when the volume of calls is particularly heavy. It also notifies clients about changes in hardware resources that are due to configuration and license modifications, or “out of service” events that are caused by hardware problems.
- Glossary:Call Progress Detection Server
Also known as CPD Server. An Outbound Contact Solution component for switches that do not have Call Progress Detection (CPD) capability. This server uses a Dialogic board to perform CPD for outbound calls and, if so configured, to record voice files. As the dialer, CPD Server interfaces with OCS and the Dialogic board.
- Glossary:Call Qualification/Parking
The ability of the telecom carrier’s network to provide treatments to a customer until the customer is routed to another resource, such as an agent. Customers typically are queued to a call-parking platform while they are waiting to be routed to an agent who currently is unavailable.
- Glossary:Call Recording
In Premier Edition Cloud, a feature that collects and records the call statistics information about incoming and outgoing calls, such as the agents who answered the calls and how long calls stayed in the ACD queue. These statistics are used both in real-time and historical reporting.
- Glossary:Call Rerouting/Completion
A feature that enables the rerouting of calls from one site to another by means of the Network Platform capability, which is dependent on carrier functionality.
- Glossary:Call Result
The result of a call, such as busy or no answer.
- Glossary:Call Routing
An application that comprises a class of programmed telephony solutions that automate the routing of inbound telephone calls.
- Glossary:Call Status Monitor
Also known as CSM. A Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) service that displays real-time call-status reports about current calls.
- Glossary:Call Transaction Record
Also known as a CTR. A record of the entire history of each telephone call as it progresses through the contact center. The records contain both standard and application-specific information. The standard information includes time stamps, Automatic Number Identification (ANI), Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS), and Agent Directory Numbers (DNs). The application-specific information is transparent to the Call Management System (CMS), which can be used to send the customer records that are associated with a telephone call to another agent, so that he or she can perform another procedure in the servicing process. The term Call Detail Recording refers to the same type of call reporting.
- Glossary:Call Volume
The number of contacts or transactions per second. For an inbound contact center, for example, the call volume represents the number of inbound calls that enter the contact center each second.
See also Interaction Volume.
- Glossary:Call Waiting
During a call in progress, a service that alerts you that another call is waiting to be answered.
- Glossary:Callback
A request for an agent to return a customer’s call. The request can be initiated by an agent or by a customer.
- Glossary:Caller-Entered Digits
Also known as CEDs. Digits that callers enter by using their telephone keypads. The Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), Voice Response Unit (VRU), or network can prompt for CEDs.
- Glossary:Calling Line Identification
- Glossary:Calling List
The list of telephone numbers and other customer contact information that is stored in a database for dialing during an outbound campaign.
See also Treatment.
- Glossary:Calling Load
Also known as Workload. The amount of time that is spent handling calls over a given period. This number is calculated by adding Average Talk Time and Average After Call Work, and then multiplying the sum by the Call Volume for a given period.
- Glossary:Calls In Queue
Also known as CIQU. The number of inbound callers that are waiting to be served by an agent. The queue in question could be holding all incoming calls or incoming calls for a specific group of agents.
- Glossary:Campaign
A structure for organizing and managing the process of making outbound calls to the destinations that are specified in calling lists.
- Glossary:Campaign Management
The business process manages the life cycle of a marketing campaign. Campaign management measures the yield or return from an effort to reach a set of customers through outbound telephone calls from a contact center, or through e-mail from a contact center. Campaign management also involves coordinating activities, such as market segmentation and telemarketing, with the collateral information that is required for each step.
- Glossary:Capacity Rule
The set of logical expressions that specify the boundaries of a resource’s ability to handle one interaction or more than one simultaneous interaction of distinct media types.
In Premier Edition Cloud, Capacity Rules determine which types and the number of interactions (voice, chat, or email) an agent can handle. Agents are limited to a specific amount of interactions per channel type. Depending on the types of media channels assigned, an agent (resource) can handle one or more interactions using the different channel types (Voice, Chat, or Email).
- Glossary:Carrier
A company, whether a local telephone company or a long-distance provider, that provides telecommunications circuits.
- Glossary:Case
In business, a set of interactions that are combined by the same business issue.
See also Issue.
- Glossary:Case Data
In Premier Edition Cloud, the call information displayed for an incoming call.
- Glossary:Catalog
A directory of a data dictionary that contains a listing of its Database Management System (DBMS) objects, as well as the attributes of each object.
- Glossary:Category
In eServices, an item in a system of categories and subcategories, called a category tree, that is created and edited by using eServices Manager (previously, Knowledge Manager). Besides denoting a concept, a category may be associated with one or more standard responses, and one or more screening rules. If an incoming e-mail is assigned to the category, the category’s standard responses can serve either as the content for an automated reply or as suggestions for agents to use in their replies. A terminal or leaf category is one that contains no subcategories. A nonterminal category is one that does contain subcategories.
See also Knowledge Management.
- Glossary:Centi-Call Seconds
Also known as CCS. A unit that is used for the measurement of telephone traffic analysis, equivalent to 100 seconds of telephone usage.
Example: 1 hour = 1 Ehrlang = 60 minutes = 36 CCS
- Glossary:Central Office
Also known as a CO. A local telephone-company office that connects to all local loops in a given area, and in which circuit switching of customer lines occurs.
- Glossary:Central Warehouse
A database that is created from operational extracts that adheres to a single, consistent, enterprise data model to ensure consistency of decision-support data across the corporation. Also, a method of computing in which all of the Information Systems (IS) are located and managed from a single physical location.
- Glossary:Centralized Exchange
Also known as a Centrex. A type of business telephone service that is located in the telephone company’s central office, in which incoming calls are routed directly to user telephone sets, without involving the company’s Private Branch Exchange (PBX), and in which outgoing calls are aggregated.
PBX features that are delivered by a central office switch, including voice mail, transfer, forward, and local-extension dialing.
A service that is provided by central offices and provides a virtual PBX to a set of extensions. It offers features such as transfer, conference, and forward within that set of extensions.
- Glossary:Centrex
See Centralized Exchange.
- Glossary:Change Data Capture
The process of capturing changes that are made to a production data source. Change data capture typically is performed by reading the source Database Management System (DBMS) log. It consolidates units of work, ensures that data is synchronized with the original source, and reduces data volume in a data-warehousing environment.
- Glossary:Chat
Real-time text communication that is exchanged between two users through their computers.
- Glossary:Chat DN
A Directory Number (DN) that is used to route chat interactions.
- Glossary:Chat Server
An eServices component that opens, conducts, and closes chat sessions between agents and customers. - Glossary:Chat Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the amount of time spent on a chat between a client and an agent.
- Glossary:Circuit
A transmission path between two points in a network.
- Glossary:Circuit-Switched Network
A network that temporarily establishes a physical circuit, until it receives a disconnect signal.
- Glossary:Circuit Switching
A switching system in which a dedicated physical circuit path must exist between the sender and receiver for the duration of the call. Used heavily in the telephone-company network, circuit switching often is contrasted with contention and token passing as a channel-access method, and with message switching and packet switching as a switching technique.
A basic switching process whereby a circuit between two users is opened on demand and maintained for their exclusive use for the duration of the transmission.
- Glossary:Class of Service
Also known as CoS. In telephony, a set of features or privileges that are assigned to a telephone. It can also refer to a way of managing traffic in a network by grouping together similar types of traffic (for example, e-mail, streaming video, voice, and large document file transfer) and treating each type as a class with its own level of service priority.
- Glossary:Classic Data Warehouse Development
The process of building an enterprise business model, creating a system data model, defining and designing a data-warehouse architecture, constructing the physical database, and, finally, populating the database.
- Glossary:Classification Server
A server that applies screening rules when it is triggered to do so by a routing strategy. In Genesys Content Analyzer, it also carries out classification on text objects. - Glossary:Click-Wrap
A license that must be activated through a key . You download this key from a web front end after being authenticated and accepting the license conditions.
- Glossary:Click Stream Analysis
The method of analyzing a viewer’s movements through a website by monitoring browser clicks.
- Glossary:Client
A computer system or process that requests a service from another computer system or process. For example, a workstation that requests the contents of a file from a file server is a client of the file server.
- Glossary:Client/Server
A distributed technology approach in which the processing is divided by function. The server performs shared functions, such as managing communications and providing database services. The client performs individual user functions, such as providing customized interfaces, performing screen-to-screen navigation, and offering help functions.
- Glossary:Client/Server Processing
A form of cooperative processing in which the user interaction take place through a programmable workstation (desktop) that must execute some part of the application logic, over and above display formatting and terminal emulation.
- Glossary:Co-Browsing
The ability of agents and customers to navigate shared web pages simultaneously. Sometimes also known as web collaboration or co-navigation. In release 7.5 and later, this functionality is provided by two components, Genesys Co-Browsing Server and KANA Response Live Server. These two components are provided as Genesys Web Collaboration, which is an option that you can add to either Genesys Web Media (Chat) or Genesys Inbound Voice.
- Glossary:CoS
See Class of Service.
- Glossary:Coach
In Premier Edition Cloud, when monitoring using Coach, supervisors can listen to the call and only the agent can hear them. See Monitoring.
- Glossary:Codec
A device or program that is capable of performing the encoding and decoding of a digital data stream or signal. Codecs encode a data stream or signal for transmission, storage or encryption, or decode it for viewing or editing. Codecs often are used in video conferencing and streaming-media applications.
See also Stream Manager.
- Glossary:Cold Standby
A redundant (backup) component that is activated upon failure of the primary component. Data for interactions that were in progress at the time of failure is lost. Backup-component startup time might be long, because of the need for initialization. Clients of a failed component automatically switch to the backup as soon as it is available.
- Glossary:Cold Transfer
Also known as one-step or a blind transfer. In Premier Edition Cloud, a term for transferring a call from one agent to another without explaining the reason for the transfer.
- Glossary:Collection Time Profile
A user-defined parameter for the period during which statistics are collected from Stat Server. The default is every 15 minutes.
- Glossary:Collection Unit
The set of applications that collect statistical data. The collection unit includes a Stat Server, a Data Sourcer, and Operational Data Storage.
- Glossary:Comma-Separated Values
Also known as CSV. A format in which values are contained in a table as a series of ASCII text lines that are organized so that each column value is separated by a comma from the next column’s value and each row starts a new line. Files in this format have the extension .csv.
- Glossary:Common Runtime Language
Also known as CRL. An intermediate programming language that is the foundation of the Microsoft .NET Framework. CRL enables developers to build and integrate various types of applications that are written in various languages.
- Glossary:Communication DN
A mediator that receives campaign-related events in a specific event format from campaign server. Stat Server uses the events that are stored in this Directory Number (DN) as the basis for calculating campaign-related statistics.
- Glossary:Communication Port DN
Also known as a CPDN. The port on which the Directory Number (DN) communicates.
- Glossary:Communications Integrity
An operational quality that ensures that transmitted data has been received accurately at its destination.
- Glossary:Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
Also known as a CLEC. A company that files with the state public-utility commission to build and operate communication networks in metropolitan areas, providing its customers with an alternative to the local telephone company.
- Glossary:Compliance
The comparison between actual agent activity and scheduled activity, as shown in the adherence function. Compliance falls within certain user-defined deviations.
- Glossary:Compliance Rules
A mapping of the associations between Workforce Management (WFM) schedule states and an agent state. Used to determine Agent Compliance.
- Glossary:Compliance Status
The real-time status for adherence of agents to their schedules, that uses configured associations between schedule states/groups and agent states to determine the status as a real-time condition. Compliance statuses include Compliant, Non-Compliant, and Severely Non-Compliant.
- Glossary:Component Object Model
Also known as COM. A platform that is used to enable interprocess communication and dynamic object creation in any programming language that supports the technology.
- Glossary:Composer
Composer is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), based on Eclipse, for developing SCXML-based routing applications for the Genesys Orchestration Platform 8.x, which includes:- Universal Routing Server (URS)—which enables intelligent distribution of voice and multimedia interactions throughout the enterprise.
- Orchestration Server (ORS)—an open standards-based platform with an SCXML engine, which enables the customer service process.
- You can also use Composer to create voice applications for Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1+—a software suite, which unifies voice and web technologies to provide a complete solution for customer self-service or assisted service.
- Glossary:Composer Voice
A voice application-development tool that was previously used to develop VoiceXML and CCXML applications from a visual call flow editor or a rich XML editor. Applications could be compiled and deployed directly to a web application server, which were then fetched and executed by the voice platform.
See also Genesys Voice Platform.
Note: The “Composer Voice” product has evolved into the “Composer” product. Previously Composer Voice was used only to develop voice applications for Genesys Voice Platform. Starting with 8.0.2, the capabilities of Composer Voice were expanded to include support for Universal Routing application development, Orchestration Server, and SCXML-based routing applications. Due to this expansion in scope, the product name was shortened to "Composer."
See also Composer.
- Glossary:Computer-Telephony Integration
Also known as CTI. The merger of traditional telecommunications that consists of Private Branch Exchange (PBX) equipment with computers and computer applications. The use of Caller ID to retrieve customer information automatically from a database is an example of a CTI application. The connection between a computer and a telephone switch, which enables recording and using information that is obtained by telephone access. For example, CTI enables activities such as dial-up registration and fax-back.
- Glossary:Computer Supported Telephony Applications
Also known as CSTA. Launched by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), CSTA is a Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) standard for connecting computers and telephone switches, with the goal of fostering the development of third-party applications such as contact-center software. The specification has been adopted by the International Standards Organization (ISO), and it also has been incorporated into switching platforms from a number of vendors.
- Glossary:Conference
A call that has more than two parties connected simultaneously, with at least the potential for communication among all parties. A call becomes a conference after one call participant adds an additional participant by creating a consultation call to the third-party and completing the conference, which releases the consultation call. Simultaneous participation of one Directory Number (DN) in unrelated calls, or the creation of a consultation call with the goal of performing an operation on another call, is not in itself a conference.
- Glossary:Confidence
In Genesys Content Analyzer, a numerical score, from 1 to 100, that indicates the likelihood, according to a particular model, that a text object belongs in a certain category. By contrast, accuracy is an assessment, produced by testing, of the correctness of a model’s assignment of text objects to categories. In other words, confidence expresses a model’s guess about a categorization; accuracy rates the correctness of that guess.
- Glossary:Configuration
A Genesys Framework function that centralizes processing and storage of all the data that is required for Genesys solutions to work with a particular environment.
See also Configuration Layer.
- Glossary:Configuration Conversion Wizard
The Genesys Framework component that provides a user-friendly interface for migrating Genesys configuration data to the latest 7.x data format.
- Glossary:Configuration Database
The database that stores all of the setup information for a contact center.
- Glossary:Configuration Import Wizard
The Genesys Framework component that makes it easier to integrate data from external data sources into the Genesys Configuration Database. It provides a user-friendly interface to import agent data automatically from Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Microsoft Active Directory databases, and switch configuration data from various switches. The Wizard capabilities also include import and export of configuration data to and from Extensible Markup Language (XML) files, generation of custom reports from the Configuration Database, and comparison of two configuration sets (including import of configuration differences).
- Glossary:Configuration Layer
The Genesys Framework layer that provides:
Centralized configuration data processing and storage for one-time entry of any information about contact-center entities that any number of applications require to function in a particular business environment.
An advanced configuration-data-distribution mechanism, so that applications can read their configuration upon startup and be notified of updates at runtime without service interruptions.
Comprehensive data-integrity control functions that prevent entry of illogical configuration data that might cause solution malfunction.
Advanced reconnection management that ensures that applications have up-to-date data after reestablishing connection to Configuration Server.
Access control functions to regulate user access to solution functions and data, based on the access privileges that are set for each item.
Wizards to help users through the automated process of solution deployment.
Support for geographically distributed environments.
Integration with external data sources.
Import and export of configuration data to and from the Configuration Database.
Centralized configuration data processing and storage for one-time entry of any information about contact-center entities that any number of applications require to function in a particular business environment.
- Glossary:Configuration Manager
The Genesys Framework component that provides a user-friendly interface for manipulating the contact-center configuration data that Genesys solutions use and for setting user permissions for solution functions and data.
- Glossary:Configuration Server
The Genesys Framework component that stores and manages Configuration Database data, which users access through Configuration Manager and Genesys Administrator. Configuration Server prevents entry of logically incorrect configuration data, enables user-privilege-based control of access to data, and notifies client applications dynamically about changes that are made to the data.
- Glossary:Configuration Server Proxy
Also known as CS Proxy. An application of the Configuration Server type that operates in Proxy mode. In addition to the master Configuration Server, it distributes configuration-related tasks among the sites for large enterprises. Configuration Server Proxy replaces Configuration Server seamlessly for clients. However, it provides read-only access to configuration data. Therefore, Configuration Server clients that require write access to Configuration Server (such as Configuration Manager, Deployment Wizards, and some others) still must connect directly to Configuration Server.
- Glossary:ConnID
See Connection ID.
- Glossary:Connection
A two-way communication path between terminations that allows the transmission of speech (or other information) and supervisory signals.
- Glossary:Connection ID
Also known as a ConnID. A unique identifier that T-Server assigns to each call. In Voice Callback, a virtual call, which represents a callback request, also has a ConnID.
- Glossary:Connectors
A set of connectors maps to the use or feature that is implemented with a custom application by using the Genesys Software Development Kits (SDKs). Connectors must be purchased from Genesys and are used for licensing control, as they represent features in a license file.
- Glossary:Consult Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the time duration for which an agent talked to another agent while the caller was put on hold. This time does not include the time in a conference call or the talk time when a call is transferred to another agent.
- Glossary:Consultation Call
A call from a local Directory Number (DN) to another local DN (for example, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or an agent’s DN) or a remote DN (for example, from a customer) during an inbound call, outbound call, or internal call, or during another consultation call. For example, one agent initiates a conference or transfer, and calls another agent for more information about handling the customer call. Consultation calls can be made for the purpose of transferring or adding a party to the conference, even if no actual consultation is necessary.
- Glossary:Consumer Profile
Identification of an individual, group, or application, and a profile of the data that it requests and uses, such as the kinds of warehouse data, the physical relational tables that are needed, and the required location and frequency of the data.
- Glossary:Contact Center Resource
The software, hardware, and human infrastructure that are maintained at the contact center in order to manage customer interactions.
- Glossary:Content Analysis
Genesys Content Analyzer applies natural language-processing technology to analyze the content of incoming interactions.
See also Model.
- Glossary:Content Analyzer
- Glossary:Converged Private Branch Exchange
Also known as a CBX. CBXs are positioned as replacements for traditional Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) and are part of an accelerating trend toward the merging of voice and data networks. CBXs differ from existing proprietary PBXs and key systems in that they are linked closely to data applications and Internet access through Local Area Networks (LANs). Some CBX products offer relatively high functionality for office telephone systems, plus a basic LAN interface, at prices that are far lower than those of similarly sized PBXs. Other CBXs offer moderate telephone system functionality, plus the ability to reconfigure voice systems to run across corporate LANs and IP backbones.
- Glossary:Convergence
The industry trend toward the sharing of network infrastructure and resources among disparate applications and traffic types.
- Glossary:Coordinated Universal Time
Also known as UTC. An international time scale that uses 24-hour (military) time notation and is based on the local standard time on the 0° longitude meridian that runs through Greenwich, England. Formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
- Glossary:Crosstab
A process or function that combines and summarizes data from one or more sources into a concise format, for analysis or reporting. The typical result is a table that calculates significant data for a set of intersecting search results. For example, suppose that you want sales data for product A, product B, and product C, and for location 1, location 2, and location 3. A crosstab presentation would use the products as row headings and the locations as column headings. The cells where the rows and columns intersected would provide results for each product at each location. The last row would provide totals for each location; the last column would provide totals for each product; and the cell where the product and location totals intersect would provide an overall total.
- Glossary:Current Average Wait Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the current average amount of time that callers currently spend waiting for agent interaction in a specific queue or for a specific skill. This statistic only reference calls currently in the ACD queue.
- Glossary:Current Calls Waiting
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the current number of calls waiting for a specific queue.
- Glossary:Current Maximum Wait Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the longest waiting time spent by a call currently waiting in a queue.
- Glossary:Current Service Level
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the current Service Level for a specific queue, if configured by your contact center administrator.See Service Level and Target Service Level.
- Glossary:Custom Local Area Signaling Services
Also known as CLASS. Services such as Caller ID and ring back that are provided by a telephone company. Devices in the telephone central office that provide such services are called CLASS switches.
- Glossary:Custom Statistics
Also known as Formula Statistics. Mathematical expressions that can involve:
One or more predefined statistics as variables.
Constants (but not constant expressions).
Basic arithmetical operators (such as +, –, x, /, and %).
One or more predefined statistics as variables.
- Glossary:Customer-Centric View
An approach to business that makes the needs and desires of a customer a principal criterion in any decision that affects that customer.
- Glossary:Customer Control Routing
Also known as CCR. Enables the customer to customize the treatments and routing of incoming calls.
- Glossary:Customer Information Control System
Also known as CICS. A transaction-processing monitor from IBM that was developed originally to process transactions for IBM mainframes. It controls the interaction between applications and users, and enables programmers to develop screen displays without having detailed knowledge of the terminals that are being used.
- Glossary:Customer Information Systems
Provide companies with information about the purchasing preferences of their customers. They are used to identify potential customers and retain existing customers, as well as to find out which products and services should be promoted to which segments of the customer population.
- Glossary:Customer Interaction
Contact between a customer and a vendor organization. Each contact offers an opportunity to make a positive impact, better understand the customer’s needs, and build a long-term relationship with the customer.
- Glossary:Customer Interaction Management Platform
See Genesys CIM Platform.
- Glossary:Customer Interaction Network
A centralized point at which all incoming calls are handled by agents, in a sequential or otherwise controlled manner. Typically, it is built around an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), a Private Branch Exchange (PBX), and a computer system.
- Glossary:Customer Interaction Points
The interaction channels between the company and its customers, where customer value and behavior can be accomplished—for example, telephone, e-mail, and chat.
- Glossary:Customer Premises Equipment
Also known as CPE. Telephone terminal devices, such as handsets and Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs), that are located on the customer’s premises, instead of on the provider’s premises or in between.
- Glossary:Customer Relationship Management
Also known as CRM. The use of technology and human resources to gain insight into the behavior and needs of customers, and thus to improve customer service. The Genesys Gplus Adaptersare considered a CRM tool, because they enable businesses to use a variety of communication or media channels for better customer service and consistent customer data.
An approach that a company takes in dealing with its customers, and that is backed by a thoughtful investment in people, technology, and business processes.
- Glossary:Customer Retention
The goal of marketing programs that seek to maintain high levels of customer continuance. The cost of retaining customers is significantly less than the cost that is associated with acquiring customers.
A measure of the success of customer service organizations, customer retention means ensuring that your customers continue to buy from you in the future.
- Glossary:Customer Service Chain Management
The discipline of designing, executing, monitoring, and optimizing the series of actions and interactions that are required to satisfy the customer’s particular service needs.
- Glossary:Customer Service Representative
Also known as a CSR. The contact-center agent who deals with the customer.
- Glossary:Customer Supply Chain Management
A market category in which all aspects of interactions between customers and vendors are managed according to a defined set of business rules. It includes Back-Office Operation processes, as well as Front-Office Application activities. When properly implemented, it is a closed-loop system, which begins with the customer’s initial acquisition of a product or service, and is followed by delivery and receipt of feedback from the customer. The feedback is then analyzed, and the delivery system is enhanced appropriately.
- Glossary:DA
See WFM Data Aggregator.
- Glossary:DAP
- Glossary:DA Configurator
A utility that makes it easier to configure Data Aggregator (DA) to request information from Stat Server. In releases earlier than Workforce Management (WFM) 6.5, it was used to configure the connection to Stat Server. This component was integrated into WFM for release 6.5. It is a separate component only in earlier releases.
- Glossary:DBA
- Glossary:DBID
See Database Identifier.
- Glossary:DBMS
- Glossary:DB Server
The Genesys Framework component that provides a single database interface for Genesys servers to use while they connect to a variety of proprietary database engines, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Informix, and Sybase.
- Glossary:DCC
- Glossary:DDE
- Glossary:DHTML
- Glossary:DID
- Glossary:DM
See Deployment Model.
- Glossary:DMA
- Glossary:DMS
- Glossary:DMX
- Glossary:DN
See Dialed Number or Directory Number.
For computing security, Distinguished Name. Also see CN (Common Name) and SAN (Subject Alternative Name).
- Glossary:DND
- Glossary:DNIS
- Glossary:DN Group
In the Configuration Layer, an object that represents a group of Directory Numbers (DNs).
- Glossary:DRDA
- Glossary:DSL
- Glossary:DSML
- Glossary:DSS
- Glossary:DST
See Daylight Saving Time.
- Glossary:DTMF
- Glossary:Dashboard
A user interface that, like an automobile dashboard, provides key decision-making information and/or controls in one easy-to-read display. - Glossary:Data-Directed Routing
The process of accessing information in enterprise databases, and using it to determine how incoming customer contacts are to be routed.
- Glossary:Data Aggregator
Also known as DA.
See WFM Data Aggregator.
- Glossary:Data Analysis and Presentation Tools
Software that provides a logical view of the data in a warehouse. Some tools create simple aliases for table and column names, whereas others create data that identifies the contents and location of data in the warehouse.
- Glossary:Data Importer
Imports historical data that is used in the creation of forecasts, and exports forecast data that is used in other contact-center sites. This component was merged into Workforce Management (WFM) in release 6.5. It is a separate component only in earlier releases.
- Glossary:Data Latency
The time delay that occurs when data is sent from one point to another.
- Glossary:Data Loading
The process of assigning a source data element to a target data element.
- Glossary:Data Mart
A subset of an organizational data store, oriented to a specific purpose or major data subject, that may be distributed to support business needs.
Genesys Info Mart extracts data from multiple Genesys data sources, such as Interaction Concentrator (ICON), Genesys Voice Platform Voice Application Reporter (GVP VAR), and Stat Server to produce a data mart for contact-center historical reporting.
- Glossary:Data Modeling
A method that is used to define and analyze the data requirements that are needed in order to support the business functions of an enterprise. These data requirements are recorded as a conceptual data model with associated data definitions. Data modeling defines the relationships between data elements and structures.
- Glossary:Data Modeling Assistant
Also known as DMA. A Genesys component in CC Analyzer (CCA), with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables users to view, add, and remove parts of the metadata from the Operational Data Storage (ODS).
- Glossary:Data Partitioning
The process of logically and/or physically partitioning data into segments that are maintained or accessed more easily. Current Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs) provide this kind of distribution functionality. Data partitioning aids in performance and utility processing.
An informational database that is used to store shareable data that is sourced from an operational database-of-record. Typically, a subject database that enables users to track and respond to business trends. Used to facilitate forecasting and planning efforts.
- Glossary:Data Retention
In Premier Edition Cloud, Data Retention determines the persistent data and call recording guidelines for meeting the conditions for data archiving.
- Glossary:Database Access
The degree to which customers may use Genesys-provided components to manipulate stored data. Access to databases that are used within Genesys products is always restricted. Unless it is otherwise specified, native access to information that is stored in any such database is not supported.
- Glossary:Database Access Point
Also known as a DAP. An object that provides the interface between an application in the Genesys installation and the databases to which the application requires access. Refer to the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide for more information about configuring and using DAPs.
- Glossary:Database Administrator
Also known as a DBA. The person who is responsible for the environmental aspects of a database.
- Glossary:Database Identifier
Also known as a DBID. Used to identify the database to which a file belongs.
- Glossary:Database Managed Space
Also known as DMS. The table spaces that are managed by the Database Management System (DBMS), and are designed and tuned to meet its requirements.
- Glossary:Database Management System
Also known as a DBMS. A collection of programs that enables storage, modification, and extraction of information from a database.
- Glossary:Database Schema
The logical and physical definition of a database structure.
- Glossary:Datastore
Business Objects Data Integrator connections to databases and applications. Datastores access metadata (descriptions of tables in Source Databases and Target Databases), and then read from or write to databases or applications.
- Glossary:Daylight Saving Time
Also known as DST. The convention of advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn. Many countries observe DST; details vary by location and change occasionally.
- Glossary:Decision Support Systems
Also known as DSS. Software that supports exception reporting, stop-light reporting, standard repository, data analysis, and rule-based analysis. This database is used for user ad-hoc query processing.
- Glossary:Dedicated Agent
An agent who supports only one interaction type.
- Glossary:Deduplication
The elimination of redundant data. During the deduplication process, duplicate data is not extracted, which leaves only one copy of the data to be stored.
- Glossary:Default User Data
User data that can be set once, and then used in all related methods.
- Glossary:Delay
Also known as Queue Time. The time that a caller spends in queue while waiting for an agent to become available. Average Delay is the same thing as Average Speed of Answer (ASA).
- Glossary:Delayed Call
In Premier Edition Cloud, a call that cannot be answered by an agent, so it is placed back into the queue.
- Glossary:Delivery Package
An ensemble of software and license files that can be delivered to a customer physically (for example, on a CD-ROM) or through file transfer, in a way that enables the customer to install and use the sellable item that is purchased.
- Glossary:Delta Update
Extracting, archiving, or taking a snapshot of only that portion of the data that was changed between the last execution of the extraction, archiving, or snapshot process and the current execution.
- Glossary:Denormalized Data Store
A data store that does not comply with one or more of several normal forms.
See also Normalization.
- Glossary:Deployment Manager
The Genesys Framework component that provides a user-friendly interface for deploying certain Framework components to both local and unattended remote hosts.
- Glossary:Deployment Model
Also known as a DM. A detailed model that illustrates the manner in which components are deployed across the system infrastructure.
- Glossary:Derived Data
Data that is the result of a computational process that is applied to reference or event data. It is the result of relating either two or more elements of a single transaction (such as an aggregation) or one or more elements of a transaction to an external algorithm or rule.
- Glossary:Desktop Applications
Query and analysis tools that access the source database or data warehouse across a network by using an appropriate database interface. Applications that manage the human interface for data producers and information consumers.
- Glossary:Detail
A Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics) data type that represents a single attribute of an object that matters from the Reporting and Analytics standpoint.
- Glossary:Detailed Record
A compound Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics) data type that contains details that are related to a single object. It may also contain also simple derivative metrics, such as the total number of states of the same kind and related total times.
- Glossary:Dialed Number
Also known as a DN. The number that is assigned to a destination point on a switch, which can be reached by dialing. Dialed numbers often are assigned to agent phones and sometimes are referred to as extension numbers, even though extension numbers are not the only numbers on a switch that can be dialed.
- Glossary:Dialed Number Identification Service
Also known as DNIS. A feature of 800 or 900 lines that identifies the telephone number that the caller dialed to reach the attached computer-telephony system.
- Glossary:Dialing Parameters
Defines dialing modes and directly affects performance of dialing algorithms in Predictive mode. Dialing parameters include Preview dialing mode, Progressive dialing mode, Predictive dialing mode, and the Optimization parameter: Average busy factor, Overdial rate, and the Percentage target value of the chosen Optimization parameter.
- Glossary:Dialing Plans
Collections of rules that LCS Adapter (a Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) component) uses to transform telephony dial strings. Two types of dialing plans, inbound and outbound, specify the rules for processing the dial strings for inbound and outbound calls, respectively.
- Glossary:Dialogic Cards
Hardware that is used in voice, fax, data, speech recognition, speech synthesis, contact-center management, and IP telephony applications, in both customer premise equipment (CPE) and public network environments.
- Glossary:Digital Subscriber Line
Also known as DSL. A technology that enables twisted-pair copper local loops to be configured for higher bandwidth, so that they can transmit data and video along with the voice signal.
- Glossary:Dimension Point
A set of smaller tables within a Star Schema. The dimension tables surround a large central table that is called a Fact Table.
- Glossary:Dimension Table
One of the set of companion tables to a fact table, contains the attributes that are used to constrain and group data when performing database queries. Tables that define calendar periods, for example, are good examples of dimension tables.
- Glossary:Direct Inward Dialing
Also known as DID. The ability to dial a company’s internal telephone extension directly, without going through an operator.
- Glossary:Directory Number
Also known as a DN. The telephone number that is associated with a telephone line.
- Glossary:Directory Services Markup Language
Also known as DSML. An application of XML that enables different computer-network directory formats to be expressed in a common format and shared by different directory systems.
- Glossary:Dispositions
In Premier Edition Cloud, codes that agents select, after the call has ended, which document the reason for the call.
- Glossary:Distributed Media Exchange
Also known as DMX. Negotiates codecs, and converts protocols between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) endpoints by using H.323 (H.225/245). It also enables the exchange of audio and video media types across many networks, such as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Private Branch Exchange (PBX), Local Area Network (LAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN).
- Glossary:Distributed Relational Database Architecture
Also known as DRDA. A database-access standard that is defined by IBM.
- Glossary:Do Not Disturb
Also known as DND. The Private Branch Exchange (PBX) functionality that prevents calls from ringing on an extension for which DND is activated. Some DND attributes include directing the call to a preassigned extension (such as a secretary or assistant), busy signal, DND signal, or recorded message that is generated by the telephone switch.
- Glossary:Document Management
The ability to process faxes, electronic forms, and scanned documents.
- Glossary:Dual-Tone Multi Frequency
Also known as DTMF. A signaling system that sends pairs of audio frequencies to represent digits on a telephone keypad. Often, it is used interchangeably with the term Touchtone (an AT&T trademark).
- Glossary:Dumb Switch
Slang for a telecommunications switch that contains only basic switching software and relies on instructions that an outside computer sends to it.
- Glossary:Dynamic
An event that changes at runtime.
- Glossary:Dynamic CSR Scripting
The creation and modification of agent scripts, based on timely input from managers.
- Glossary:Dynamic Contact Center
Also known as DCC. A means for any company to incorporate “dynamic” capabilities gradually within its contact center, in order to meet pressing business objectives.
- Glossary:Dynamic Data Exchange
Also known as DDE. A form of interprocess communication that enables applications to exchange data that uses different formats. Applications can use DDE for one-time data exchanges, or for ongoing exchanges in which the applications update one another as new data becomes available.
- Glossary:Dynamic Dictionary
A data dictionary that an application program accesses at runtime.
- Glossary:Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
Also known as DHTML. Web content that changes each time that it is viewed.
- Glossary:Dynamic Queries
Dynamically constructed SQL that usually is constructed by desktop-resident query tools. Also, queries that are not preprocessed, and that are prepared and executed at runtime.
- Glossary:E-Mail
In Multimedia, Knowledge Manager uses this term, interchangeably with message, to refer to interactions to which it applies Screening Rules or Content Analysis. Although most interactions that are screened or classified are expected to be e-mail messages, in fact these operations can apply to any interaction that has text somehow associated with it. The text can be the body of the interaction (e-mail or chat, for example) or it can be associated with it more obliquely (as user data, for example).
- Glossary:EAI
- Glossary:ECMA
- Glossary:ECT
- Glossary:ECTI
The Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) that occurs at the enterprise level.
- Glossary:EMPS
- Glossary:EMS
- Glossary:ERM
- Glossary:ERS
- Glossary:ESP
- Glossary:EServices
A product that consists of Genesys components that work together to manage interactions whose media is something other than traditional telephonic voice (for example, e-mail or chat). eServices includes some parts of the Genesys Customer Interaction Management Platform, plus certain of the media channels that run on top of it. Called Multimedia in releases 7.5 through 8.0.1 and Multi-Channel Routing (MCR) in releases 7.0 and 7.1.
- Glossary:ETDB
- Glossary:ETL
- Glossary:EWT
EWT could mean either Expected Wait Time or Estimated Wait Time.
- Glossary:Element Management Provisioning System
Also known as an EMPS. A Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component, it is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and repository for GVP server configurations, customer configurations, and customer application profiles. The EMPS stores its data by using a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)–compliant directory server.
- Glossary:Element Management System
Also known as an EMS. A Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Graphical User Interface (GUI) that monitors GVP components.
- Glossary:Email
In Premier Edition Cloud, a term used interchangeably with message to refer to an interaction that is screened or classified. Although most interactions that are screened or classified are expected to be email messages, in fact these operations can apply to any interaction that has text somehow associated with it. The text can be the body of the interaction (email or chat, for example) or it can be associated with it more obliquely (as user data, for example).
- Glossary:Employee
See Agent.
- Glossary:End Customer
A user who has a potential or established business association with the tenant.
- Glossary:End User Data
Data that is formatted for user query processing, created by users, or provided by a data warehouse.
- Glossary:Endpoint
A terminal point of a media network, used by a resource to exchange information with other interaction parties.
- Glossary:Enterprise
A contact center or tenant in a multi-site environment, or a T-Server that resides at one of several contact centers that a business maintains.
- Glossary:Enterprise Application Integration
Also known as EAI. A class of software products that are used for linking applications together.
- Glossary:Enterprise Modeling
The development of a common consistent view and understanding of data elements, and of their relationships across an enterprise.
- Glossary:Enterprise Relationship Management
Also known as ERM. A business strategy for value creation that is not based on cost containment, but instead on the leveraging of network-enabled processes and activities to transform the relationships between the organization and all of its internal and external constituencies in order to maximize current and future opportunities.
- Glossary:Enterprise Routing Solution
Also known as ERS. An enterprise solution in which the Genesys applications are installed at a data center within the enterprise IT infrastructure. The enterprise owns and manages the Genesys applications. ERS differs from the Network Routing Solution (NRS) in that the call-routing decision is made after the calls arrives at one of the Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) within the customer premises.
- Glossary:Enterprise Standard Time
Represents the standard time zone that is used for all reporting from the perspective of the enterprise, or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- Glossary:Enterprise Telephony Database
Also known as ETDB. The Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) database that contains personal and telephony data that is replicated from an enterprises’s telephone data source (such as Aggregate Data). This data is used to enable Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) processing and authorize telephone operations.
- Glossary:Entity Identification
The identification of the data entities that are involved in the subject area by giving them unique data elements.
- Glossary:Entity Relationship Diagramming
A process that visually identifies the relationships between data elements.
- Glossary:Erlang
One Erlang is defined as 60 minutes of telephone traffic, carried in a 60-minute time frame. For example, if circuits carry 120 minutes of traffic in one hour, that is two Erlangs.
- Glossary:Erlang B
A widely used formula for determining the number of trunks that are required to handle a known calling load during a one-hour period.
- Glossary:Erlang C
A formula that calculates predicted waiting times (delay), based on three variables: the number of agents, the number of people who are waiting to be served (callers), and the average amount of time that it takes to serve each caller. It can also predict the resources that are required to keep waiting times within targeted limits.
- Glossary:Established Call
A call that has established a connection between two parties (T-Server has issued the EventEstablished message).
- Glossary:Estimated Wait Time
Also known as EWT. In Premier Edition Cloud, an estimate of how long a caller will have to wait in queue before being served by a contact center agent. EWT is based on current and past traffic, handling time, and staffing conditions. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Estimated Wait Time Announcement
In Premier Edition Cloud, a recorded message that plays to caller while they are waiting in the queue. This message explains the reason for the delay, asks callers to continue waiting for an available agent, and might also provide information regarding alternative information sources.
- Glossary:European Computer Manufacturers Association
Also known as ECMA. The standards body for computer-software telephony applications. Founded in 1961, ECMA is an international industry association that has focused on the development of standard interfaces between computer and communications systems, with Computer Supported Telephony Applications (CSTA) being its main contribution.
- Glossary:Event
An action or occurrence that is detected by a program. In Workforce Management (WFM), a specific instance when a factor is in effect. Examples of events include advertising campaigns, catalog mailings, and holidays that affect interaction volume.
- Glossary:Event-Based Execution Rules
The process of identifying those tasks that must be executed successfully to completion. Also, the system events that must occur before a given task can be triggered for processing.
- Glossary:Event Analysis
The process of analyzing notifications and taking action that is based on the notification content.
- Glossary:Event Data
Data about business events (usually, business transactions) that have historic significance or that are needed for analysis by other systems. Event data can exist as atomic event data and aggregate data.
- Glossary:Exception
In Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics), a condition that is associated with the actual value of a certain statistic being out of a predefined range, or the data that describes a specific instance of such a condition.
In Workforce Management (WFM), any time during an agent’s schedule during which the agent is not performing activity work. Examples include a long lunch, a meeting, training, and child care.
See also Exception Type.
- Glossary:Exception Type
In Workforce Management (WFM), a category that you define for time off or nonactivity work that affects scheduling. Exception types are created to fit site business rules. Exception types include information about compensation, whether the exception is a working or nonworking exception, and whether the exception type should be used in scheduling meetings.
- Glossary:Existing Events
In Workforce Management, events that are defined or added in the Forecast > Overlays view. See also Applied Events and Possible Events. - Glossary:Expected Wait Time
Also known as EWT. An estimate of how long a caller will have to wait in queue before being served by a contact-center agent. EWT is based on current and past traffic, handling time, and staffing conditions.
- Glossary:Expert Average Engine
In Workforce Management (WFM), a forecasting method that uses statistical analysis of historical data to produce day-of-week, weekly, and (if sufficient historical data exists) yearly trend patterns.
- Glossary:Explicit Call Transfer
Also known as an ECT. A service that enables an agent who has two calls to connect them and transfer both connections to another agent or supervisor.
- Glossary:Export
Formatting data so that it can be used by another application.
- Glossary:Express Multimedia
A member of the Genesys Express family of ready-to-run contact-center solutions. It includes Genesys Framework, Genesys Enterprise Routing, Reporting (both real-time and historical), and Multimedia, as well as the option to install Genesys Voice Treatment Option.
- Glossary:Express Voice
A member of the Genesys Express family of ready-to-run contact-center solutions. It includes Genesys Framework, Genesys Enterprise Routing, and Reporting (both real-time and historical), as well as the option to install Genesys Voice Treatment Option and Contact Management.
- Glossary:Extendability
The ability to add new functionality easily to existing services without major software rewrites or without redefining the basic architecture.
- Glossary:Extensible Markup Language
Also known as XML. A set of coding standards for designing web pages that involve the use of tags and values that enable applications to exchange data. The tags are standardized names that are used to identify specific pieces of data that have an associated value.
An open standard that is used for defining data elements on web pages and business-to-business documents. It is likely to become the standard for automating data exchange between business systems, whether between systems in one company or between suppliers and customers.
- Glossary:Extension
An agent's endpoint. It is also a DN type. - Glossary:Extension Data
Additional customer profile core data you can decide to include about a customer for your business. For example, if your company creates an automated newsletter, you can add a profile extension to record customer preferences for receiving the newsletter, along with the preferred e-mail format (text or html). - Glossary:External Routing Point
A Directory Number (DN) that is created to support the external routing feature in a multi-site environment.
- Glossary:External Services Protocol
Also known as an ESP. Used by Interaction Server to communicate with servers that perform a specific service, when it is requested to do so. Such servers are called ESP servers. Classification Server is an ESP server, as is E-mail Server Java (when it generates an acknowledgment or autoresponse; when E-mail Server Java processes incoming or outgoing e-mail messages, it is a media server). You can create custom ESP servers by using the Genesys Open Media Platform SDK.
- Glossary:Extract, Transform, and Load
Also known as ETL. The ETL processes extract data from various data sources; transform the data into a format and structure that is suitable for subsequent business purposes; and load the data into a target data store (other database, data mart, or data warehouse). - Glossary:Extract Frequency
The latency of data extracts, such as daily versus weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The frequency with which data extracts are needed in a data warehouse is determined by the shortest frequency that is requested through an order, or by the frequency that is required in order to maintain consistency of the other associated data types in the source data warehouse.
- Glossary:Extract Specification
The standard expectations of a particular source data warehouse for data extracts from the operational database system-of-record. A system-of-record uses an extract specification to retrieve a snapshot of shared data and formats the data in the way that is specified for updating the data in the source data warehouse. An extract specification also contains extract frequency rules for use by the data-access environment.
- Glossary:Extraction, Transformation, and Loading
Also known as ETL. The ETL process consists of all of the steps that are necessary in order to extract data from different locations transform raw operational data into consistent, high-quality business data; and load the data into a data warehouse.
- Glossary:FC
See Fiber Channel.
- Glossary:FCL
- Glossary:FDDI
- Glossary:FQDN
- Glossary:FSM
See Finite State Machine.
- Glossary:FTE
See Full-Time Equivalent.
- Glossary:FTP
- Glossary:FXO
- Glossary:Fact Table
In a Star Schema, one large central table that typically contains one or more numerical measures or facts, such as Calls Handled, Total Time on Inbound, Dollars Sold, and so on.
A database table that consists of the measurements, metrics, or facts of a business process. It is often located at the center of a star schema, surrounded by dimension tables. Revenue tables often are categorized as fact tables.
- Glossary:Factor
Any circumstance or phenomenon that is expected to affect interaction volume for particular activities and, therefore, staff and schedule requirements. For example, a special promotion or a new advertising campaign might require additional staff. Workforce Management (WFM) takes such factors into consideration, as it forecasts agent requirements and creates schedules. Events are built based on factors.
- Glossary:Fastload
A technology that typically replaces a specific Database Management System (DBMS) load function. A fastload technology obtains significantly faster load times by preprocessing data, and bypassing data-integrity checks and logging.
- Glossary:Fault Management
A Genesys Framework function that automatically detects and corrects situations that might cause operational problems in solutions.
- Glossary:Fiber-Optic Cable
A transmission medium that uses glass or plastic fibers, instead of copper wire, to transport data or voice signals. The signal is imposed on the fiber via pulses (modulation) of light from a laser or a light-emitting diode (LED). Because of its high bandwidth and lack of susceptibility to interference, fiber-optic cable is used in long-haul and electrically “noisy” applications.
- Glossary:Fiber Channel
Also known as an FC. A high-performance serial link that supports its own protocol, as well as higher-level protocols such as the FDDI, SCSI, HIPPI, and IPI. This fast (up to 1 gigabit per second) technology can be converted for Local Area Network (LAN) technology by adding a switch, specified in the FC standard, that handles multipoint addressing.
- Glossary:Fiber Distributed Data Interface
Also known as FDDI. A set of ANSI protocols for sending digital data over fiber-optic cable. FDDI networks are token-passing networks, and they support data rates of up to 100 megabits per second (Mbps). FDDI networks typically are used as backbones for Wide Area Networks (WANs).
- Glossary:Field Code
In Multimedia, a formula that uses variables, constants, and operators; allows a standard response to be personalized, relative to the contact to which it is addressed. This process of replacement is called Rendering.
- Glossary:File Transfer Protocol
Also known as FTP. The protocol for exchanging files over the Internet.
- Glossary:Filter
Search criteria against which data is evaluated. Only data that meets the criteria is allowed to pass through the filter. Criteria sets that specify a subset of information (in a data warehouse, for example) can be named and saved for regular use. Also, the name of an option for changing the view settings of a WFM Web for Supervisors window.
- Glossary:Finite State Machine
Also known as an FSM. A model of behavior that is composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions.
- Glossary:Focus
Identifies the interaction on which the agent is actively working at a given instant in time. At most, one interaction may be in focus at any given instant of time.
- Glossary:Forecast
A prediction of interaction volume and Average Handle Time (AHT) for a future period, based on historical information for similar periods.
- Glossary:Foreign Exchange Office
Also known as an FXO. A remote telephone-company central office that is used to provide local telephone service over dedicated circuits from that office to the user’s local central office and premises.
- Glossary:Formula Statistics
See Custom Statistics.
- Glossary:Framework Class Library
Also known as FCL. The library of classes, interfaces, and value types that expedite and optimize the development process, and provide access to system functionality.
- Glossary:Frequency
The timing characteristics of the data.
- Glossary:Front-Office Application
Software applications that are designed to aid typical business functions such as sales, service, and marketing.
- Glossary:Full-Time Equivalent
Also known as FTE. A measure of staffing levels in terms of full-time staff members who work eight hours per day and five days per week. Normally used in conjunction with questions regarding staffing costs, an FTE can be fulfilled by multiple persons, each working a portion of the eight-hour/five-day schedule.
- Glossary:Fully Qualified Domain Name
Also known as FQDN. The complete domain name for a specific computer, or host, on the Internet. It specifies the exact location in the tree hierarchy of a Domain Name System (DNS) through to a top-level domain and finally to the root domain.
- Glossary:Functional Data Warehouse
A data warehouse that draws data from nearby operational systems. Each functional warehouse serves a distinct and separate group (such as a division), functional area (such as manufacturing), geographic unit, or product-marketing group.
- Glossary:GAAP
See Genesys App Automation Platform.
- Glossary:GAX
See Genesys Administrator Extension.
- Glossary:GCIP-SS
- Glossary:GCN
- Glossary:GCXI
See Genesys CX Insights.
- Glossary:GDA
Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Deployment Agent.
- Glossary:GDI
- Glossary:GDT
Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Deployment Tool.
- Glossary:GETS
- Glossary:GI2
See Genesys Interactive Insights.
- Glossary:GIA
See Genesys Interaction Analytics. Note: It is not an acronym for Genesys Intelligent Automation.
- Glossary:GIM
See Genesys Info Mart.
- Glossary:GIR
See Genesys Interaction Recording.
- Glossary:GIS
- Glossary:GIS Session
An active client session at a Genesys Integration Server (GIS) instance.
- Glossary:GME
Genesys Mobile Engagement. The product is still officially named Genesys Mobile Services, which is reflected in the associated product documentation. - Glossary:GMS
Genesys Mobile Services. It may also be referred to as Genesys Mobile Engagement.
- Glossary:GMT
Greenwich Mean Time.
- Glossary:GPE
Genesys Proactive Engagement. The product is still officially named Genesys Web Engagement, which is reflected in the associated product documentation. - Glossary:GSD
- Glossary:GSM
- Glossary:GSW Key Names
GSW key names are key-value pairs (KVPs), such as GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID, that Outbound Contact Server attaches to outbound events, so that Genesys Info Mart can process Outbound reporting data. GSW is not an acronym but is just a part of a predefined key name. - Glossary:GUI
- Glossary:GUID
- Glossary:GVP
- Glossary:GVP: DE
- Glossary:GVP: EE
- Glossary:GVP: NE
- Glossary:GWE
Genesys Web Engagement. It may also be referred to as Genesys Proactive Engagement.
- Glossary:Gateway
A server that is dedicated to providing access to a network.
- Glossary:Generic Data Interface
Also known as GDI. A telecommunications protocol that is used to send TCAP messages through TCP/IP protocol layers. GDI services must be run on a stack that is different from SS7 services that are running over TCAP.
- Glossary:Genesys Administrator
The web-based User Interaction Layer component that provides an interface to the Configuration Layer, Management Layer, and other Genesys solutions.
- Glossary:Genesys Administrator Extension
Also known as GAX, Genesys Administrator Extension is a web-based User Interaction Layer component that provides user-friendly interfaces to help users perform complex operations while at the same time preventing user error. GAX provides an interface to the Configuration Layer, Management Layer, and other Genesys solutions. - Glossary:Genesys Affiliate Program
A way for companies to align themselves with Genesys and receive compensation for referring business to Genesys.
- Glossary:Genesys Agent Scripting
Provides screen flow and text to the agent desktop in order to guide agents through each interaction. Enables the creation and maintenance of agent scripts, which guide agents through an effective customer-interaction flow.
- Glossary:Genesys App Automation Platform
Genesys App Automation Platform (GAAP), now called Genesys Intelligent Automation, is a solution that enables organizations to rapidly deploy phone self-service functionality to their customers, including intelligent call steering, for a more efficient and personalized customer experience. - Glossary:Genesys Business Consulting
A focused, independent team of consultants who have deep contact-center experience and whose goal is to help Genesys customers optimize Genesys contact-center operations, technologies, and quantitative performance metrics.
- Glossary:Genesys CIM Platform
Genesys Customer Interaction Management (CIM) Platform is the base product bundle for Genesys Engage, and is a pre-requisite for most other Genesys Engage products. CIM Platform captures, processes, routes, manages and reports the life cycle of customer interaction or activity type across any contact center environment. Each CIM Platform seat requires at least one Interaction seat or Gplus Routing Interaction.Capabilities
- Intelligent routing of incoming voice calls, Genesys Multimedia items and 3rd party items
- Centralized creation of voice and/or multimedia routing strategies
- Centralized administration of all Genesys products
- Connection to premise and network switches
- Real-time and historical reporting of contact data
- Options include High Availability (HA) deployment and SNMP
Main products included in the CIM Platform bundle
- Management Framework (Management Layer, Configuration Layer)
- Genesys Administrator & Extension
- Solution Reporting (SAP BOBI, Crystal Reports, Real-Time Metrics Engine)
- Genesys Security Pack
- Universal Routing Server
- Orchestration Server
- Supervisor desktop
- Composer
- Genesys Pulse
- Glossary:Genesys CX Insights
Genesys Customer Experience Insights (Genesys CX Insights or sometimes GCXI) provides a presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable historical reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services.Genesys CX Insights has replaced Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) as the historical reporting presentation layer. See also Genesys Info Mart and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).
- Glossary:Genesys Call Concentrator
A data-collection software engine that collects and stores “cradle-to-grave” information about the interactions within a customer’s enterprise.
- Glossary:Genesys Call Progress Detection
Analyzes the sounds on the receiving end of the telephone call, and determines what has answered the call, if it was answered. Result codes that reflect the outcome of the outbound dialing are passed to the outbound-calling software, so that it can determine the next step in the outbound-calling process.
See also Call Progress Detection.
- Glossary:Genesys Certified Partner Program
A program that provides technical differentiation to partners who have gained a superior level of expertise in specific product areas, and who have illustrated success in customer implementations and support.
- Glossary:Genesys Certified Professional Program
Provides partners and customers with access to Genesys certification exams at over 3,000 Prometric testing sites worldwide. Several certifications are available.
- Glossary:Genesys Contact Navigator
Also known as GCN. Formerly known as Universal Agent Desktop (UAD), provides an interface that agents can use to manage multiple media. Designed for Genesys 6.x , it is an intuitive agent-friendly desktop for multimedia communications that improves agent efficiency and effectiveness, and also facilitates contact-center management.
See also Genesys Desktop.
- Glossary:Genesys Content Analyzer
An optional extension of Genesys Knowledge Management and enhancement to Genesys E-Mail that is activated by the proper license key. Content Analyzer uses Natural Language Processing technology to scan incoming e-mails, assigning the e-mail to one or more categories with a percentage confidence rating. The category assignments then can be used to pull suggested responses from the Standard Response Library (SRL). Content Analyzer creates and refines its recognition algorithms through training.
- Glossary:Genesys Customer Interaction Portal–Self Service
Also known as GCIP-SS. Provides Managed Service Providers and very large enterprises with purely web-based, consolidated access to Genesys Voice Platform (GVP). GCIP-SS dramatically simplifies and reduces the cost of provisioning “repeatable service offerings,” introduces a new level of n -tier multi-tenancy, and hides GVP complexity.
- Glossary:Genesys Desktop
A web-based desktop application that has advanced supervisory features that contact-center agents, supervisors, and knowledge workers can use to perform online communication tasks.
- Glossary:Genesys Desktop .NET Toolkit
Also known as .NET Toolkit. Offers a powerful set of development tools that primarily are for use in Genesys Desktop design. It also includes a full-featured set of tools that are for use with Microsoft Visual Studio. This toolkit provides both supported application blocks and samples (which simulate an agent application).
- Glossary:Genesys E-Mail
A comprehensive solution for managing high volumes of inbound e-mail and web-form queries. - Glossary:Genesys Enterprise IP Contact Center
Provides all of the capabilities of Genesys voice products for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) calling environments.
- Glossary:Genesys Enterprise Routing
A bundle, consisting of Genesys CIM Platform and Genesys Inbound Voice, that manages incoming voice calls by using a switch-connected router. Customer data, interaction history, and business priorities are used to make real-time contact-center routing decisions.
- Glossary:Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software
Also known as GETS. Integrates traditional telephony systems with computer desktop applications in the modern workplace. With GETS, users have software control over physical telephones from the same place that they control other communications media (such as e-mail, instant messaging, and presence detection)—that is, from their desktop computers, by using Microsoft Office Communicator and Microsoft Office Live Communication Server (LCS) 2005.
Starting with release 7.5, GETS can be used with Universal Routing to route interactions between the contact center and GETS-enabled users.
- Glossary:Genesys Expert Contact
Extends the reach of customer service beyond the contact center to experts in field, branch, and other remote locations that do not have a computer-telephony link. It comprises traditional Genesys solutions (for example, Genesys Framework and Reporting) and CTI-Less T-Server.
This solution extends a company’s ability to engage resources beyond the traditional contact center, by enabling people who are located in back offices, branch offices, and other remote locations to participate in customer interactions as experts, without requiring a Private Branch Exchange (PBX)/Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI).
- Glossary:Genesys Express
The Genesys family of ready-to-run, contact-center solutions that are targeted for small- to medium-size enterprises. It includes the Express CTI, Express Voice, and Express Multimedia solutions.
A prepackaged solution that combines routing, reporting, and desktop applications for typical contact-center functions. Designed for midsize contact centers, Genesys Express enables fast deployment and automated configuration.
- Glossary:Genesys Framework
Also known as Management Framework. The central part of the Genesys product suite that consists of common system-management functions (such as process management, fault management, configuration, performance, logging, security, message infrastructure, and so on) and media interfaces. Framework enables the monitoring and control of telephony resources that are associated to agents or extensions, ACD Queues, and Routing Points. It enables the configuration and control of any of the Genesys products that use the Genesys Configuration Layer and Management Layer, and it grants the right to develop or integrate an application by using Genesys T-Library or Genesys Desktop .NET Toolkit.
Framework forms the foundation for Genesys contact-center solutions. It consists of the Configuration Layer, Management Layer, Media Layer, Services Layer, and reporting capabilities.
- Glossary:Genesys Gplus Adapters
Accelerate and enhance the integration of Genesys contact-center capabilities with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications from partners such as Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP, as well as the following supported CRMs:- Microsoft CRM
- PeopleSoft CRM
- Siebel CRM
- SAP Interaction Center
- Glossary:Genesys Inbound Voice
Manages all incoming calls (TDM and IP), to ensure that callers are delivered to the right agent with the right information the first time, regardless of location and across any contact-center infrastructure.
- Glossary:Genesys Info Mart
Provides an enterprise-wide view of customer interactions, system configurations, agent data, and application-level attached data for analysis through a data mart. For information about historical reporting with Genesys Info Mart, see Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).
- Glossary:Genesys Integration Server
Also known as GIS. An XML server that is implemented as a web application that provides developers with interfaces to the Genesys Framework and Genesys CIM Platform. It consists of four Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): Statistics Service, Configuration Service, Interaction Services, and Session Service.
See also Customer Interaction Management Platform.
- Glossary:Genesys Interaction Analytics
Genesys Interaction Analytics (GIA) leverages recorded customer interactions (from any recording system) and analyzes each interaction for critical business topics and events. See Genesys Interaction Analytics for more information. - Glossary:Genesys Interaction Concentrator
Collects and stores detailed data about the interactions and resources in a Genesys contact center, for access by downstream reporting systems in near–real time.
- Glossary:Genesys Interaction Recording
Genesys Interaction Recording (GIR) is a compliance and control platform based on Genesys SIP, Tlib protocol, and the Genesys proprietary event model. Fully integrated to the CIM platform, Genesys Interaction Recording provides economies and powerful recording control via a host of integrations across the suite. See Genesys Interaction Recording for more information. - Glossary:Genesys Interactive Insights
Also known as GI2.- For Genesys Engage cloud customers, Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) is deprecated as of November 20, 2020.
- For Genesys Engage on-premises customers, GI2 8.5 entered End of Life (EOL) on January 25, 2019 and End of Maintenance on July 28, 2020, and reaches End of Support on January 24, 2021.
Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) replaces GI2 as the presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services. If you have questions, contact your account representative.
- Glossary:Genesys Interacts Partner Program
A comprehensive set of business-development, technical, educational, and marketing and sales tools that are designed to help Genesys partners profit by promoting, implementing, and/or selling Genesys solutions.
- Glossary:Genesys Internet Contact
Enables a customer and an agent to collaborate or “share” the same web page in real time.
- Glossary:Genesys Managed Services
A portfolio of products that are focused on the needs of the managed-services market, including revenue-ready packaged applications such as Call Direction, Self-Service, and Network-Based Contact Centers.
- Glossary:Genesys Media Server
Genesys Media Server is a standards-based media processing platform that delivers media services for Genesys products and solutions. Genesys Media Server supports a wide range of media-based services, including call parking, announcements, conferencing, call progress detection, answering machine detection, transcoding, and recording. The Genesys Media Server exposes a SIP interface implementing NETANN (RFC 4240) and a subset of MSML. - Glossary:Genesys Network-Based Contact
A bundle, consisting of Genesys CIM Platform and Genesys Network Voice, that manages incoming voice calls by using a network switch-connected router. Customer data, interaction history, and business priorities are used to make real-time contact-center routing decisions.
- Glossary:Genesys Network Callback
Helps contact centers manage periods of high inbound-call volume, when wait times might be long, by providing customers with the option to receive a callback instead of waiting on hold for an agent.
- Glossary:Genesys Network Voice
Manages incoming voice calls by using a network switch-connected router. Customer data, interaction history, and business priorities are used to make real-time contact-center routing decisions.
- Glossary:Genesys Open Media
Integrates and routes any non-Genesys media types (faxes, scanned documents, third-party items) into the contact-center environment.
- Glossary:Genesys Outbound Preview
A software dialer that displays on an agent’s screen the details of the next person to be called. The agent then can allow the preview dialer to place the call automatically, or he or she can skip these details and view the details of the next contact.
- Glossary:Genesys Outbound Voice
A software-only solution for outbound-calling campaigns that includes advanced dialing capabilities, and supports preview and predictive dialing modes.
- Glossary:Genesys Screen Pop
Automatically accesses specific information from enterprise databases and brings it to an agent’s desktop.
- Glossary:Genesys Software Development Kits
Also known collectively as Genesys Universal SDKs. A wide-ranging collection of components that enable customers and third-party developers to customize the ways in which their contact center works with their Genesys environment. Genesys SDKs also enable customers to rapidly create and integrate customized applications (for example, agent quality monitoring, wallboard systems, and specialized reporting) into Genesys contact-center solutions.
An SDK is also a sellable item that grants the right to develop or integrate an application by using some Genesys Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and to demonstrate such integrations. Deployment of the integration is usually subject to runtime prerequisites. All Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Solution Integrators (SIs) that buy the SDK must join the Genesys Interacts Partner Program.
ImportantLinks to additional Genesys Developer resources are available from main Genesys website.
More information about Genesys Engage-specific SDKs, and their relationship with Genesys solutions, is available here.See also Interaction SDKs, IVR SDKs, and Platform SDKs.
- Glossary:Genesys Studio
A voice self-service application-development tool that has an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) and that brings the convenience of drag-and-drop development to a desktop PC, which simplifies voice self-service application creation.
- Glossary:Genesys Universal Routing—Custom Server
For systems that do not use standard SQL databases, Custom Server enables you to make database queries to send and receive data. Custom Server acts as a sort of translator. When Universal Routing Server (URS) sends a request for database information, Custom Server translates the request for non-SQL databases and translates values that are returned by the database into a format that URS can read.
- Glossary:Genesys Universal SDKs
- Glossary:Genesys Voice Platform
Also known as GVP. An open-source self-service platform that delivers VoiceXML applications across a variety of networks, by using local media processing in conjunction with industry-leading speech resources. Through GVP, callers are provided with highly personalized self-service offerings. GVP provides greater functionality than traditional Interactive Voice Responses (IVRs) through its extension of existing web personalization and the industry-standard programming language, VoiceXML. GVP also blends self-service with agent-assisted service.
- Glossary:Genesys Voice Platform: Developer’s Edition
Also known as GVP: DE. Provides all of the components that are necessary in order to test voice applications on a developer workstation. Developers can test applications easily and quickly behind their enterprise firewall and integrate applications with back-end systems—for example, databases, mainframes, and other enterprise applications, such as ERP, CRM, SFA, and FFA. The Developer’s Edition enables developers to enhance, modify, and correct applications that have been developed, and to have predictable project schedules for deploying those applications.
- Glossary:Genesys Voice Platform: Enterprise Edition
Also known as GVP: EE. A robust on-premise enterprise voice self-service solution that is tightly integrated with the Genesys CIM Platform in order to provide integrated self-service and agent-assisted service.
- Glossary:Genesys Voice Platform: Network Edition
Also known as GVP: NE. Offered for service providers that are interested in leveraging the capabilities of Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) as an in-network solution, or for large multi-site enterprises that have plans to deploy a large number of ports.
- Glossary:Genesys Web Media (Chat)
Adds web-chat capability, so that contact centers can offer customers live chat sessions with agents.
- Glossary:Global Partner
The highest Interacts partner level, designed for market-leading vendors that want to go to market with Genesys in a planned and comprehensive manner.
- Glossary:Global System for Mobile Communication
Also known as GSM. A digital cellular system that enables a single wireless telephone number to be reachable in over 50 countries. GSM uses narrowband Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology, which enables eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency.
- Glossary:Globally Unique Identifier
Also known as a GUID. A special type of identifier that is used in applications to provide a reference number that is unique in the context for which it is used.
- Glossary:GoS
See Grade of Service.
- Glossary:Grade of Service
Also known as GoS. The probability that a call will not be connected to a system, because all trunks are busy. GoS often is expressed as p.01 , which means that only one percent of calls will be blocked calls. GoS is sometimes used interchangeably with service level, but these terms have different meanings.
- Glossary:Graphical User Interface
Also known as a GUI. A program interface that takes advantage of the computer’s graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use.
- Glossary:Greenwich Mean Time
- Glossary:H.323
The ITU standard for real-time voice, video, and data communications over packet-based networks, such as the Internet. H.323 addresses problems that are inherent to packet-switched networks, such as packet delay and packet loss on Local Area Networks (LANs), corporate intranets, and the Internet.
- Glossary:H.323 Session Manager
Also known as HSM. The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component that routes calls to a SIP-enabled IP Communication Server (IPCS) that is acting as a user-agent server.
- Glossary:HA
See High Availability.
- Glossary:HA CTI
Also known as HA Computer-Telephony Integration. An HA T-Server pair, in hot standby mode, with data synchronization; or a layer of the HA offering that requires redundancy/warm standby. Offers automatic failover control and HA Proxy (switch-dependent).
- Glossary:HA Deduplication
In Genesys Info Mart (GIM), a processing method that creates a single representation for duplicated data that has been extracted from paired HA databases.
See Extraction, Transformation, and Loading.
- Glossary:HA Proxy
A Genesys component that is required for some T-Servers to support high-availability configurations, Hot Standby, and Warm Standby, where some types of switches have a lack of link redundancy. The type of the HA Proxy component corresponds to the type of the switch.
- Glossary:HA Routing
High availability refers to the percentage of time that a solution is available to process routing interaction services, according to specified performance criteria above a given performance threshold that depends on system architecture.
Universal Routing supports high availability with three product offerings or levels: the base product, the Redundancy level, and the High Availability Routing level. The first, or base, product offering is a prerequisite to the Redundancy level (Warm Standby), which, in turn, is a prerequisite to the High Availability Routing level (Hot Standby). The level of high availability that you choose depends on the business criteria and routing capabilities that are required for your particular routing solution.
- Glossary:HCA
- Glossary:HIPPI
- Glossary:HSM
- Glossary:HTML
- Glossary:HTTP
- Glossary:HTTPS
- Glossary:Handled Calls
In Premier Edition Cloud, the amount of calls received and handled by agents or the IVR and ACD. Handled calls do not include abandoned calls, dropped calls, or when the calling party receives a busy signal.
- Glossary:Handling Time
The amount of time that an agent spends in talk time and After Call Work (ACW) while handling a transaction.
In Premier Edition Cloud, the following formula is used:
Total talk (ACD) time + Total hold time + wrap-up (ACW) time
- Glossary:Headless T-Server
A restricted deployment mode of voice T-Server that enables restricted call monitoring.
- Glossary:High Availability
Also known as HA. The use of Redundancy to enable contact centers to minimize interruptions that are due to hardware, software, or network connectivity issues.
- Glossary:High Performance Parallel Interface
Also known as HIPPI. A star-hub, switch-based technology for providing very high-speed connectivity for short distances.
- Glossary:Historical Data
Data from the past, as opposed to dynamic or current data. The term is usually applied to data that is used for analysis of trends; but the analysis may include data up through yesterday, especially if today is the first day of a new month.Records of previous contact-center performance that are stored in the WFM Database Utility. You can import historical data that was collected prior to the installation of Workforce Management (WFM), if it is in the form of comma-delimited text files (CSV format). Large amounts of reliable historical data are the most accurate basis for forecasting.
- Glossary:Historical Database
A database that provides historical data.
- Glossary:Historical Reports
Reports that track call-center and agent performance over a period of time. Historical reports are generated by Automatic Call Distributors (ACDs), third-party ACD software packages, and peripherals such as Voice Response Units (VRUs) and Call Detail Recording Systems. The amount of historical data that can be stored varies from system to system.
- Glossary:History of Changes Adapter
Also known as HCA. A Configuration Server component that is used by Genesys Info Mart (GIM) to track the history of configuration changes.
- Glossary:Host-Driven
A processing method in which the host computer controls the session. A host-driven session typically includes terminal emulation, front-end, or client/server types of connections. The host determines what is displayed on the desktop, receives user input from the desktop, and determines how the application responds to the input.
- Glossary:Host ID
An identifier of a specific hardware instance, such as a dongle, Ethernet address, volume number, or disk serial number. The valid host ID for a given computing node depends on the operation system, and it is defined by Genesys.
- Glossary:Hot Standby
A high-availability (HA) architecture in which a backup server application remains initialized, with clients connected to both the primary and the backup servers at startup. In this redundancy type, the primary server always synchronizes its state with the backup. Data synchronization and existing client connections to the backup ensure higher service availability. In Enterprise Routing Solution, Hot Standby redundancy type is available at the High Availability Routing level.
See also Warm Standby.
- Glossary:Householding
A methodology for consolidating names and addresses.
- Glossary:Hypertext Markup Language
Also known as HTML. The language that is used throughout the World Wide Web to create web pages that have links to other documents, and to define fonts, graphics, hypertext links, and other details.
- Glossary:Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Also known as HTTP. The protocol that is used most commonly in the World Wide Web to transfer information from web servers to web browsers.
- Glossary:Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer
Also known as https. A secure version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, it is the combination of a normal HTTP interaction over an encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection.
- Glossary:IC
- Glossary:ICA
- Glossary:ICI
- Glossary:ICMP
Internet Control Message Protocol - Glossary:ICON
- Glossary:ICS
- Glossary:IDB
See Interaction Database.
- Glossary:IETF
- Glossary:ILEC
- Glossary:IN
See Intelligent Network.
- Glossary:IP
See Internet Protocol.
- Glossary:IPCC
- Glossary:IPCM
See IP Call Manager.
- Glossary:IPCS
- Glossary:IPMX
See IP Media Exchange.
- Glossary:IP Call Manager
Also known as IPCM. In Genesys Voice Platform (GVP), a set of components that coordinate the resources to process Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) calls by using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
- Glossary:IP Communication Server
Also known as IPCS. In Genesys Voice Platform (GVP), a set of components that handles calls through Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). It communicates with Media Gateways; parses, interprets, and executes the VoiceXML commands in the XML documents that are served by the web server; and integrates with Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) software.
- Glossary:IP Media Exchange
Also known as IPMX. A Genesys software package that combines Stream Manager with DMX. IPMX is needed in IP Telephony environments in which a Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) gateway is deployed instead of an IP Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Currently, IPMX is an additional option for the Genesys Enterprise IP Contact Center (IPCC) package.
- Glossary:IRD
- Glossary:IRF
In Genesys Info Mart, this acronym stands for the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT database table. - Glossary:IS
See Information Systems.
- Glossary:ISCC
- Glossary:ISDN
- Glossary:ISO
- Glossary:ISP
- Glossary:ISV
- Glossary:IT
- Glossary:ITU
- Glossary:IVR
- Glossary:IVR SDKs
SDKs that offer developers an opportunity to design drivers to integrate their Interactive Voice Response (IVR) devices into their Genesys system by using both C and XML technologies.
See also Genesys Software Development Kits.
- Glossary:IWD
- Glossary:IXC
- Glossary:Immediate Processing
Processing that occurs at the time that the request for processing is made. Data can be requested and updated in an immediate mode.
- Glossary:Impact Analysis
Identification of the impact that changing an object has on its related objects.
- Glossary:In-Memory Queue
See Accumulator.
- Glossary:In Call
In Premier Edition Cloud, the state where an agent is engaged in a call. This information provides the total number of agents with a certain skill that are currently engaged in a call. This information is used to monitor agent performance or for data used in both real-time and historical reporting.
- Glossary:Inbound Call
A call from an entity that is outside the switch (for example, from a customer) that has reached a destination Directory Number (DN) on the switch. The destination DN may be an agent’s DN, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR), a routing point, or a queue.
- Glossary:Inbound Communication
Also known as an IC. A discrete communication from a user—for example, a telephone call, e-mail, and so on.
- Glossary:Inbound Dialing Plan
The dialing plan that is composed of inbound translation rules that LCS Adapter (a Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) component) uses to transform telephony dial strings to a format that is required by Microsoft Office Communicator and Microsoft Office Live Communication Server (LCS) 2005.
See also Outbound Dialing Plan.
- Glossary:Incoming Call
A telephone call that is received by an agent in the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) queue on his or her telephone extension.
- Glossary:Increment
Data-warehouse implementation can be broken down into segments or increments. An increment is a defined data-warehouse implementation project that has a specified beginning and end. In the context of an enterprise, a departmental data warehouse.
- Glossary:Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
Also known as an ILEC. A local exchange carrier or local telephone company that operates a telephony exchange.
- Glossary:Independent Software Vendor
Also known as an ISV. An Interacts member that creates innovative contact-center applications and voice self-service applications that interoperate with and/or complement Genesys contact-center applications.
- Glossary:Indirectly Occupied Time
In Workforce Management (WFM), the percentage of time that agents are scheduled for work, but are not directly interacting with customers. For example, agents might be starting their computers, or they might be away from their desks.
- Glossary:Information Systems
Also known as IS. The systems of persons, data records, and activities that process the data and information in a given organization, including manual processes or automated processes.
- Glossary:Information Technology
Also known as IT. The study, design, development, implementation, support, or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware.
- Glossary:Insensitivity
Describes a condition for Stat Server to send updates of statistical values to its clients. An increase in the value of this parameter usually decreases network traffic; but it also reduces reporting accuracy, because values are not updated as frequently. This setting is not visible in Stat Server configuration; instead, clients pass its value to Stat Server along with each statistic request.
- Glossary:Integrated Communication Interface
Also known as an ICI. Designed to support the integration of SAP solutions with non-SAP products by using either a single communication type (for example, Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) products) or multiple communication types (for example, CTI, messaging, and chat products).
- Glossary:Integrated Services Digital Network
Also known as ISDN. An international standard for sending voice, video, and data over digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. Also refers to the recommendation that is published by the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (TTS) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for private or public digital telephone networks in which data (such as graphics, digitized voice, and data transmission) passes over the same digital network that carries most telephone transmissions.
An overall application of the ISDN technology is to enable both newer digital telephone services and more traditional telephone services in an integrated network that incorporates the new network and interfacing standards that are being adopted worldwide.
- Glossary:Intellectual Property
An aspect of license control that offers legal protection of product features (Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), architectural solutions, and so on) from unauthorized use or replication within external products.
- Glossary:Intelligent Agent
A software routine that waits in the background and performs an action when a specified event occurs. For example, an intelligent agent could be transmitting a summary file on the first day of the month, or monitoring incoming data and alerting the user when certain transactions have occurred.
- Glossary:Intelligent Link
A third-party link that carries command and status data between a computer and a switch.
- Glossary:Intelligent Network
Also known as an IN. Part of a telecommunications carrier-switching infrastructure that manages interswitch signaling for call transfer, toll-free-number translation, voice-prompting systems, and intelligent-routing gateways. Genesys Network T-Server typically interfaces with the Service Control Point (SCP) node of the IN through the intelligent-routing gateway. Genesys is not an IN vendor, but a partner.
- Glossary:Intelligent Routing
The routing of a call/interaction to a task-appropriate agent, based on the attributes of the call/interaction.
- Glossary:Inter-Exchange Common Carrier
Also known as an IXC. Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity, or corporation that is engaged for hire in interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio, between two or more exchanges.
A long-distance telephone company/carrier that offers circuit-switched, leased-line, or packet-switched long-distance service, or a combination of the three.
- Glossary:Inter-Server Call Control
Also known as ISCC, formerly External Routing. The T-Server Common Part component that is used to enable the transfer of calls between multiple sites/T-Servers.
- Glossary:Interaction
Also known as an IxN. A media-specific exchange of information. Interaction types include telephone calls, e-mail exchanges, and instant-message sessions.
In the broad sense, an attempted communication between a customer and a contact center, in either direction. The attempt may be successful or not; it has a media type; it may give rise to other interactions (as when an incoming e-mail gives rise to an automatic acknowledgment); and it may belong to a series of related interactions, known collectively as a thread .
In the narrow sense, a software object that is created by a server and represents an interaction in the broad sense.
- Glossary:Interaction Concentrator
Also known as ICON. A Genesys product that collects and stores detailed data from various sources in a contact center that is empowered by using Genesys software. Downstream reporting systems can access Interaction Concentrator data in near–real time.
Operating on top of Genesys Framework, the product consists of a server application that is called ICON and a database that is called Interaction Database (IDB). The server receives data from data sources such as Configuration Server, T-Server, or particular Genesys solutions; it then stores this data in IDB by using Genesys DB Server.
- Glossary:Interaction Database
Also known as IDB. The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail.
See also Interaction Concentrator.
- Glossary:Interaction Distribution
- Glossary:Interaction Routing Designer
Also known as IRD. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Genesys Universal Routing that is used to design routing strategies. Routing strategies can route based on various criteria, such as business rules, information from a database lookup, a required skill set, interaction priority, the desired service level, interaction attributes, and statistical values.
- Glossary:Interaction SDKs
Enable customers and third-party developers to design comprehensive applications for handling the work that arrives in their contact centers. These SDKs use high-level interfaces that abstract the detailed information that is related to interactions. They comprise components for .NET and Java platforms, and for Web Services development. Genesys offers Java-based Interaction SDKs for Agents, Queues, and Media, as well as several for Genesys Integration Server (GIS), which use Web Services such as Configuration, Statistics, Agent and Open Media, and Genesys Desktop .NET Toolkit.
See also Genesys Software Development Kits.
- Glossary:Interaction Server
An eServices component that is the central interchange for interaction flow and mediates among media servers, routing components, Knowledge Management, and the desktop. For nonvoice interactions, it is the functional equivalent of T-Server. Interaction queues are actually entities in the database (sometimes called the cache) that is associated with Interaction Server.
- Glossary:Interaction Volume
The number of interactions in a specific unit, such as timestep, day, month, and so on. Interactions may include not only calls, but also e-mail, faxes, web-based chats, and so on.
- Glossary:Interaction Workbin
A holding place for interactions.
- Glossary:Interaction Workflow
Created by Interaction Routing Designer (IRD) as a way of representing the procedures that are used by your company to accomplish a business objective. This workflow can be broken down into various segments. IRD enables you to represent such segments as individual business processes. A business process is a logically organized series of steps that, working together, handle a task or some aspect of a task and that, therefore, contribute to your overall workflow processing.
- Glossary:Interaction Workflow Designer
Also known as IWD. In releases of Universal Routing before 7.2, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used to create the workflow scripts that are called business processes, which are executed by Interaction Server. In Universal Routing 7.2 and later, this interface was incorporated into Interaction Routing Designer (IRD), where it appears as the Interaction Design window. Business processes are applied to nonvoice interactions, and provide details about the steps by which each interaction is processed.
See also Universal Routing Server.
- Glossary:Interactive Voice Response
Also known as IVR. A hardware and software system that uses responses from a touch-tone telephone to gather and store data. It uses a recorded human voice to reply to user input. It is sometimes referred to as the Voice Response Unit (VRU).
IVR can also refer to systems that provide information in the form of recorded messages over telephone lines, in response to user-supplied input in the form of spoken words or, more commonly, Dual-Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signaling. Examples include banks that enable you to check your balance from any telephone, and automated stock-quote systems. For example, For checking account information, press 1 or If you want a stock quote, press 2.
A computer technology that enables users to connect to a computer system and obtain information through voice input, instead of by using a keypad, keyboard, or touch-tone telephone device. An IVR system responds to a human voice, looks up information, presents alternatives, and interacts with the caller.
- Glossary:Interacts
- Glossary:Internal Call
A call from a local Directory Number (DN), such as an agent’s DN or an Interactive Voice Response (IVR), to another local DN within the same switch.
- Glossary:International Standards Organization
Also known as ISO. An international standards-setting body that is composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.
- Glossary:International Telecommunications Union
Also known as ITU. An international organization that is established to standardize and regulate international radio and telecommunications.
- Glossary:Internet Contact Solution
Also known as ICS. In releases before 7.0, the Genesys solution that handles nontelephony interactions, such as e-mail and chat. Prior names for it include Internet Solution (IS) and Internet Contact Center (ICC). Replaced by Multi-Channel Routing (MCR) in releases 7.0 and 7.1, this solution is called Multimedia in release 7.2 and later releases.
- Glossary:Internet Engineering Task Force
Also known as IETF. A large, open, international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers who are concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.
- Glossary:Internet Protocol
Also known as an IP. A data-oriented protocol that is used for communicating data across a packet-switched internetwork.
- Glossary:Internet Service Provider
Also known as an ISP. A business that enables individuals and companies to connect to the Internet by providing the interface to the Internet backbone.
- Glossary:Internet Telephony
A generic term that is used to describe various approaches to running voice telephony over IP networks.
- Glossary:Internetwork
A collection of networks that are interconnected by routers that function (generally) as a single network. Sometimes called an intranet , which is not to be confused with the Internet.
- Glossary:Internetworking
A general term that is used to refer to the industry that has arisen around the problem of connecting networks together. The term can refer to products, procedures, and technologies.
- Glossary:Interoperability
The ability of software and hardware, on multiple machines and from multiple vendors, to communicate and share data. This term applies also to different releases of Genesys software products that are backward-compatible or forward-compatible with each other.
- Glossary:Intra-Day
A basic unit of scheduling in the Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) cycle.
- Glossary:Intra-Day Loading
Genesys Info Mart (GIM) supplies separate Intra-Day and historical tables. The Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) process loads the Intra-Day fact and aggregate tables frequently during the day. Once a day, generally overnight, the ETL process moves data from the Intra-Day Fact Tables to their counterpart historical Fact Tables; then, it updates the historical aggregate tables, based on the newly loaded historical facts.
- Glossary:Intra-Day Schedule
In Workforce Management (WFM), a section of the Schedule module that displays the schedule for the selected day(s).
- Glossary:Intra-Day Views
Schedule and performance information that is displayed in WFM Web.
The schedule Intra-Day windows show agent schedules for the current day, and they enable you to make immediate adjustments to the schedule when necessary—for example, by moving or cancelling breaks during an unexpectedly busy period.
By using graphs and tables, the performance Intra-Day window displays the current day’s actual status versus scheduled status.
- Glossary:Intra-IDB Merge
The process by which Job_ExtractICON invokes the Interaction Concentrator gsysIRMerge stored procedure against the Interaction Database (IDB) tables, before extracting voice-interaction data. The stored procedure resolves links between related multi-site calls in the IDB.
- Glossary:Inverted File Indexes
An efficient method to access data in an ad-hoc or analysis environment. This method maintains indexes to all the values that are contained in an indexed field. Those values, in turn, can be used in any combination to identify records that contain them, without actually scanning the records from disk.
- Glossary:Issue
From a business perspective, a logical unit of work that has an “initiation” and a “closure.” Issues are typically initiated by an Inbound Communication (IC). An IC may spawn multiple issues, as in the case of an e-mail that has multiple questions. An issue may require one or more interactions in order to reach closure. An interaction may result in closure of multiple issues, as in the case of a telephone call during which the agent answers multiple questions.
- Glossary:IxN
See Interaction.
- Glossary:JDBC
- Glossary:JDK
See Java Development Kit.
- Glossary:JRE
- Glossary:JSON
JavaScript Object Notation - Glossary:JSP
See Java Server Pages.
- Glossary:JTAPI
See Java Telephony API.
- Glossary:JVM
See Java Virtual Machine.
- Glossary:Java Database Connectivity
Also known as JDBC. A Java Application Programming Interface (API) that enables Java programs to execute SQL statements.
- Glossary:Java Development Kit
Also known as a JDK. A program-development environment for writing Java applets and applications. It consists of a runtime environment in the operating system layer, as well as the tools and programming that developers need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications that are written in the Java language.
- Glossary:Java Runtime Environment
Also known as JRE. A component of the Java Development Kit (JDK) that provides the minimum requirements for executing a Java application. It consists of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), core classes, and supporting files.
- Glossary:Java Server Pages
Also known as JSP. A technology for automatically generating web page content and its appearance that relies on Java script commands. Most web servers today can support JSP technology as a means of collecting and displaying information on a web page.
- Glossary:Java Telephony API
Also known as JTAPI. A set of extensions to the Java programming language that provides telephony functions such as call control.
- Glossary:Java Virtual Machine
Also known as a JVM. A platform-independent execution environment that converts Java bytecode into machine language and executes it. JVM mimics a real Java processor, which enables Java bytecode to be executed as actions or operating system calls on any processor, regardless of the operating system.
- Glossary:Job
In Genesys Info Mart (GIM), a series of steps that you can execute as a single Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) process, either manually from the Administration Console or automatically as scheduled in the GIM application.
- Glossary:Journal File
A file that contains update activity for rollback and data-recovery purposes. Examples of update activity are commit checkpoints, as well as “before” and “after” Operational Database images. A journal file can be used to construct snapshot information for a data warehouse.
- Glossary:KVP
See Key-Value Pair.
- Glossary:Key
The control field or fields that identify a record. The field that determines the position of a record in a sorted sequence.
- Glossary:Key-Value Pair
Also known as a KVP. A data structure that is used to communicate or store a piece of information. A KVP consists of a key, whose value is a string, and a value, which may be any of a variety of data types, including a key-value set (thus, making the structure recursive). The key identifies the meaning of the data that is contained in the value.
- Glossary:Knowledge Management
The group of multimedia components that creates and maintains the category system, standard responses, and screening rules. Its optional extension, Genesys Content Analyzer, trains models and applies classifications to interactions. This group of components includes Knowledge Manager (a Graphical User Interface (GUI), Classification Server, and Training Server.
- Glossary:Knowledge Worker
A human resource whose primary role in the business is anything other than that of an agent or agent supervisor, but who may occasionally engage in the interaction-handling process because of his or her expertise in related business areas.
- Glossary:LAD
- Glossary:LAN
See Local Area Network.
- Glossary:LCA
See Local Control Agent.
- Glossary:LCS Adapter
The Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) component that enables Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) integration with Microsoft Office Live Communication Server (LCS) 2005.
- Glossary:LDAP
- Glossary:LDS
- Glossary:Least Utilized Agent
In Premier Edition Cloud, a routing method of distributing the calls to the agent that has answered the fewest number of calls per time-logged-in (the statistic formula used for this routing logic is: Talk Time / Total Login Time).See Round Robin and Most Idle Agent.
- Glossary:License
Defines the given list of sellable items and the associated number of units during the purchase process. Licenses are linked with product releases, and they can be either permanent or temporary. All Genesys products are licensed; no product is provided as freeware. Licenses can be put under technical license control; however, this does not mean that the customer is granted full rights for all sellable items that are not (yet) subject to technical license control.
- Glossary:License Contract
A signed document that acknowledge the customer’s acceptance of license conditions.
- Glossary:License File
A file that includes the description of the capabilities that are licensed to the customer. It is used for runtime license control and protection against unauthorized change, and it is necessary in order to use the product.
- Glossary:Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Also known as LDAP. A protocol that is used to access a directory listing. LDAP support is being implemented in web browsers and e-mail programs, which can query an LDAP-compliant directory. It is expected that LDAP will someday provide a common method for searching e-mail addresses on the Internet, eventually leading to a global white pages. LDAP is a sibling protocol to HTTP and FTP, and it uses the ldap:// prefix in its URL.
- Glossary:List Penetration
Calculations of the effectiveness of a call list.
- Glossary:Listen In
In Premier Edition Cloud, a supervisor call monitoring feature that enables a supervisor to listen to the call, but the agent and the caller cannot hear the supervisor.See Monitoring.
- Glossary:Load Balancing
The practice of splitting communication into two or more routes, so that each node that processes the traffic does an equal amount of work. This term is often used to describe a method of call routing in which calls of a particular type are distributed among the appropriate Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) queues, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) ports, or agents, so that the customer will have the same expected wait time at any of the resources and the resources will be given the same workload.
- Glossary:Load Distribution Server
Also known as LDS. A server that increases system scalability and availability. Mediating between T-Servers and T-Server clients, LDS enables an N +1 architecture, where N is the number of clients that handle the load, in situations in which the total traffic of a large installation exceeds the capacity of a single client.
- Glossary:Local Access Database
Also known as an LAD. A database that serves individual systems and workgroups as the endpoint for shared data distribution. LADs are the “retail outlets” of a data-warehouse network. They provide direct access to data that is requested by specific systems or desktop query services. Data is propagated to LADs from data warehouses, according to orders either for subsets of shared data tables and particular attributes of the data, or for subsets of standard collections. This data is usually located on a Local Area Network (LAN) server. If servers are not available, and the data is static, it may be located on the user’s desktop.
- Glossary:Local Area Network
Also known as a LAN. The connection of multiple computers within a building, so that they can share information, applications, and peripherals.
See also Wide Area Network.
- Glossary:Local Control Agent
Also known as LCA. A daemon component of the Management Layer that controls all daemon applications that are running within Genesys Framework. A Genesys-supplied software module that is loaded to each server platform that hosts one or more Genesys server modules. The purpose of LCA is to monitor the operating status of all locally running Genesys software modules, report errors, and restart modules if they stop operating.
- Glossary:Local Directory
A data dictionary that is propagated from the repository to a desktop, and that contains metadata that is used for developing desktop applications and generating transactions. A local directory is also used to bind the definitions of local data structures that are used by desktop applications to the data that is requested from servers.
- Glossary:Local Repository
The Multimedia Communication Server (MCS) repository that is to be used.
- Glossary:Location Transparency
A mechanism that conceals from a user the specific physical address of an object. The physical location is resolved within the system, so that operations can be performed without knowledge of the actual physical location.
- Glossary:Log
A record of actions that have occurred.
- Glossary:Log File
A file that contains information about what a component does and how it is performing. You (or Genesys Technical Support) can use this information for error tracking.
- Glossary:Logged Out
In Premier Edition Cloud, the state where an agent is logged out of the system. This information is used to monitor agent performance or for data used in both real-time and historical reporting.
- Glossary:Long Call
In Premier Edition Cloud, a call that approaches or exceeds 30 minutes in length.
- Glossary:Longest Idle
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the longest time (amongst all agents that are logged in) that any agent with a specific skill was in the Ready status.
- Glossary:Longest Wait Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the longest time a caller had to wait before their call was answered.
- Glossary:Lost Calls
See Abandons.
- Glossary:MCR
- Glossary:MCS
- Glossary:MCU
- Glossary:MDAC
- Glossary:MDBS
- Glossary:MG
See Media Gateway.
- Glossary:MIB
- Glossary:MIME
- Glossary:MOML
- Glossary:MPCU
- Glossary:MPLS
- Glossary:MRCP
- Glossary:MRF
- Glossary:MS
See Media Server.
- Glossary:MSCS
- Glossary:MSE
- Glossary:MSF
In Genesys Info Mart, this acronym stands for the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT database table. - Glossary:MSIL
- Glossary:MSP
- Glossary:MSS
- Glossary:MSXML
Microsoft Extensible Markup Language. A Microsoft-specific set of services that enable applications that are written in JScript, VBScript, and Microsoft development tools to build Windows-native XML-based applications.
- Glossary:Managed Service
A delivery model that is used by an Application Service Provider (ASP). Capabilities such as Universal Routing, reporting, Workforce Management (WFM), and/or screen pop are provided to an enterprise customer (based on applications and machines that are managed by a third party) or a service provider. The applications and their corresponding machines may exist either within the service-provider infrastructure or on the enterprise premise. A set of applications and machines is often installed for each enterprise customer; this set is not necessarily shared between enterprise customers.
- Glossary:Managed Service Provider
Also known as an MSP. An Interacts member that delivers value-added services that are wrapped around the Genesys Managed Services solution software. These services provide extended functionality, features, and applications to the Genesys suite of solutions.
- Glossary:Managed Service Solution
Also known as an MSS. A service that is provided by a partner to a customer that allows the customer to adopt a “pay-as-you-go” or monthly fee-based payment program in exchange for the service. In an MSS that involves Genesys, the partner has acquired the Genesys licenses and is offering a service that is based on Genesys technology. These services may include network-based Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Network Skill-Based Routing (such as multi-site), or a complete Managed Contact Center solution.
- Glossary:Management Framework
See Genesys Framework.
- Glossary:Management Information Base
Also known as an MIB. A type of database that is used to manage the devices in a communications network. It comprises a collection of objects in a (virtual) database that is used to manage entities (such as routers and switches) in a network.
- Glossary:Management Layer
The Genesys Framework layer that provides:
Centralized solution control and monitoring.
Centralized logging that records an application’s maintenance events.
Flexible alarm signaling that triggers alarms, based on application maintenance events, system performance parameters, or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) thresholds.
Fault-management functions, which consist of detection, isolation, and correction of application failures.
Remote deployment of Genesys components.
Built-in SNMP support for both alarm processing and SNMP data exchange with an SNMP-compliant network-management system (NMS).
Individual host monitoring, including CPU and memory usage records, and information about processes and services that are running.
Support for geographically distributed environments.
Centralized solution control and monitoring.
- Glossary:Marketing Package
See Sellable Item.
- Glossary:Master Forecast
A forecast that is published to the WFM Database Utility and that is available to any authorized user at any time.
- Glossary:Master Schedule
A schedule that is published to the WFM Database Utility and that is available to any authorized user at any time.
- Glossary:Maximum Occupancy
In Workforce Management (WFM), the maximum percentage of time that an agent is working while he or she is logged in. This is a service objective that you can specify when you build a staffing forecast.
- Glossary:Maximum Wait Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the longest waiting time spent by a call waiting in a queue.
- Glossary:MbCC
- Glossary:Measure
In data warehousing terminology, a measure is an estimation of the magnitude of an object. For example, a measure might represent the duration of a call, or the number of agents logged in at a given moment. - Glossary:Media
The technology that is used for information exchange. The type of media that are used in an interaction can influence many of the capabilities and characteristics of the interaction.
- Glossary:Media Blending
The technology that enables contact-center applications and related systems to both send and receive contacts from a variety of media channels, such as telephone, e-mail, chat, and web.
- Glossary:Media Control Platform
The core component of the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.x that executes the actual voice applications in the GVP solution. In addition, it is used by other communication layer components, such as SIP Server, to provide broader customer service scenarios, such as agent interactions, and many other functions.
- Glossary:Media Gateway
Also known as an MG. A unit that translates disparate telecommunications networks, such as Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). It also enables multimedia communications across networks over multiple transport protocols, such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Internet Protocol (IP).
- Glossary:Media Layer
The Genesys Framework layer that enables Genesys solutions to communicate across media, including traditional telephony systems, Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), e-mail, and the Web. This layer also provides the mechanism to distributed interaction-related business data within and across solutions.
- Glossary:Media Object Markup Language
Also known as MOML. An XML-based markup language for control of media objects and streams of media servers.
- Glossary:Media Resource Control Protocol
Also known as MRCP. A communication protocol that allows speech servers to provide various speech services (such as speech recognition and speech synthesis) to their clients.
- Glossary:Media Resource Function
Also known as MRF. A feature that provides media-related functions, such as media manipulation (for example, voice stream mixing) and playing of tones and announcements.
- Glossary:Media Server
Also known as MS. A Multimedia component that interfaces with a particular media to bring interactions into the Genesys Multimedia system. Supported media are e-mail (for E-mail Server Java) and chat (for Chat Server).
- Glossary:Message
See E-Mail.
- Glossary:Message Server
The Genesys Framework component that provides centralized processing and storage of every application’s maintenance events. Events are stored as log records in the Centralized Log Database, where they are available for further centralized processing. Message Server can also be set up to produce outbound messages (alarms) that are triggered by configured log events. If it detects a match, it sends the alarm to Solution Control Server for immediate processing.
- Glossary:Metadata
Data about data. Examples of metadata include data-element descriptions (for example, the name, length, valid values, and description), data-type descriptions, attribute and property descriptions, range and domain descriptions, and process and method descriptions. The repository environment encompasses all corporate metadata resources: database catalogs, data dictionaries, and navigation services. Metadata is stored in a data dictionary and repository. It insulates a data warehouse from changes in the schema of operational systems.
- Glossary:Metadata Synchronization
The process of consolidating, relating, and synchronizing data elements that have the same or similar meaning from different systems. Metadata synchronization joins these distinct elements together in the data warehouse, to enable easier access.
- Glossary:Metric
Any parameter whose values are obtained by way of measurement and/or calculation. Metrics are used for state and performance measurements.
- Glossary:MicroStrategy
MicroStrategy 10.x software is the business intelligence software that powers Genesys Customer Experience Insights (CX Insights). For detailed documentation, see the MicroStrategy website. - Glossary:Microsoft Cluster Server
Also known as MSCS. Software that is designed to enable servers to work together as one machine, to provide failover and increased availability of applications.
- Glossary:Microsoft Data Access Components
Also known as MDAC. A framework of interrelated Microsoft technologies that provides programmers with a uniform and comprehensive way of developing applications that can access almost any data store.
- Glossary:Microsoft Intermediate Language
Also known as MSIL. Code that is generated by the compiler when you are working with the Microsoft .NET platform.
- Glossary:Middleware
A class of software product that enables communication between two or more applications in a distributed-computing environment.
- Glossary:Midtier Data Warehouses
To be scalable, any particular implementation of a data-access environment can incorporate several intermediate distribution tiers in a data-warehouse network. These intermediate distribution tiers act as source data warehouses for geographically isolated shareable data that is needed across several business functions.
- Glossary:Migration
Transitional process during which a customer who has already installed Genesys solutions acquires new releases of these solutions. Migration may include installation of new Genesys products and/or expansion of the existing solutions to include new components. Migration may also include porting customizations from the old software for use with the new software.
- Glossary:Missed Calls
In Premier Edition Cloud, a count of unique calls that were not answered by at least one agent. The following conditions apply:- if the agent rejects the call then it is counted as a missed call.
- if the same call is missed twice, it's still counted as one missed call.
- if a caller hangs up while an agent's phone is ringing then it's not counted as a missed call.
- a Redirected on No Answer (RONA) call is counted the same as a missed call.
- if a call is missed by the first agent and then answered by a second agent, then the call is counted as both an answered call as well as a missed call.
- Glossary:Mobile-Based Contact Center
Also known as an MbCC. The collection of hardware and software components that support the specific application needs of a target user (agent) who is using a mobile device. An MbCC supports both terminal mobility (devices that move) and user mobility (users who switch devices). It also includes the necessary components to interface with various mobile carrier networks (for voice/signaling/routing operations), and to enable enterprise deployments to interact with wireless devices (including portals, content, and functionality in relation to the device).
Currently planned offerings include Interactive Mobile Interactive Messaging, Notification (Stat Ticker), Wireless Callback, and Wireless Network Routing.
- Glossary:Model
The Genesys Content Analyzer classification model is a resource that Classification Server uses to classify email messages and other text objects. A model is associated with a category structure; it contains a statistical representation of each category in the structure. To classify a new message, Classification Server compares it with the representation of each category. The server then returns a list of categories, each of which has a percentage rating of the confidence with which the message can be assigned to that category. Model files are created and refined by training, and they are stored in the Universal Contact Server (UCS) database.
- Glossary:Modules Pane
A section of the WFM Web for Supervisors and WFM Configuration Utility interfaces. In this pane, you select the module that you want to use in the working pane of the interface. The modules that are available for selection depend on your security permissions.
See also User Security.
- Glossary:Monitoring
The process of listening to agents’ telephone calls for the purposes of maintaining quality. There are three types of monitoring:
—The agents are unaware that their calls are being monitored.
Side by Side
—The supervisor sits next to an agent and observes calls.
Record and Review
—The calls are recorded, played back, and assessed.
For call monitoring in Premier Edition Cloud, refer to the VCC Dashboard Help.
—The agents are unaware that their calls are being monitored.
- Glossary:Most Idle Agent
In Premier Edition Cloud, a routing method of distributing the calls to the agent that was waiting the longest (the Longest Wait Time statistic is used for this routing logic).See Round Robin and Least Utilized Agent.
- Glossary:Multi-Channel Contact Center
An enterprise contact center in which customers and agents make and receive various types of contacts (for example, telephone, e-mail, web, and fax) by using computer software that is designed to handle these activities.
- Glossary:Multi-Channel Contact Server
Computer software that automatically receives and routes incoming contacts from a variety of communications channels (for example, telephone, e-mail, and web), and from a variety of wired and wireless devices.
- Glossary:Multi-Channel Routing
Also known as MCR. The name for Multimedia in releases 7.0 and 7.1.
- Glossary:Multi-DN Places
Also known as Multiline DNs. Devices that have more than one directory number ascribed to them.
- Glossary:Multi-IDB Merge
In Interaction Concentrator (ICON), a second merge that is required when your deployment includes voice details that span Interaction Databases (IDBs).
- Glossary:Multi-Site
A site refers to the part (or the whole) of the contact-center resources that are structured to be administered and/or reported on as a separate unit. Multi-site implies an external routing capability. Genesys supports routing across the contact center. Multiple sites—and all available agent resources—serve as one virtual contact center. Interactions are routed according to business criteria and best available agent, regardless of location. Genesys T-Servers support switches that transfer interactions between sites, and therefore you can route interactions to contact centers at different sites, and between different departments at different sites. The results are reduced administrative expense and increased workforce flexibility.
- Glossary:Multi-Site Activity
A database object that represents contact-center activities in which staff members within multiple sites engage. Multi-site activities in Workforce Management combine activities at some or all of the sites in a business unit, as well as independent sites, for tracking purposes. See also, the terms Activity and Multi-Site.
- Glossary:Multi-Skilled Agent
An agent who is qualified to work on multiple activities, and who may therefore be performing various different types of work during a shift. Multi-skilled agents can increase contact-center efficiency greatly. However, if multi-skilled agents are receiving more interaction types than they can handle productively, you can control the types of activities that they perform during specific parts of the day, by using task sequences.
- Glossary:Multi-Skilled Equivalent
Also known as an MSE. A Workforce Management (WFM) calculation of the number of agents that are required to handle the forecasted workload, which includes and accounts for agents who have multiple skills. An agent can be scheduled to work only part of a time interval, and only a fraction of the time period during which he or she works is counted—and the value for staffing is expressed as a fraction.
- Glossary:Multi-Tenancy
The partitioning capacity for a platform to host and manage different customers, who are called tenants. Each tenant is configured individually and separately.
- Glossary:Multidimensional Database
Also known as an MDBS. A powerful database that enables users to analyze large amounts of data. An MDBS captures and presents data as arrays that can be arranged in multiple dimensions.
- Glossary:Multiline DNs
See Multi-DN Places.
- Glossary:Multimedia
A Genesys term that applies to specific non-voice media (for example, e-mail, chat, and web-based media), and is distinct from open media. Also, in releases 7.5 through 8.0.1, the name of the product now called eServices.
- Glossary:Multimedia Communication Server
Also known as MCS. An application server (AS) that delivers to enterprises SIP-based multimedia and collaborative applications.
- Glossary:Multimedia DN
A single directory number that can receive simultaneous interactions of more than one media type.
- Glossary:Multimedia Web API
An Application Programming Interface (API) that provides design interfaces, so that customers can reach a contact center over the Internet (through web-based e-mail, chat, and co-browsing features) or schedule callbacks.
- Glossary:Multipoint Conference Unit
Also known as an MCU. A device that is used for third-party call-control conference calls. It is also used for silent voice monitoring, whisper coaching, intrusion monitoring, and agent-initiated call recording.
See also Stream Manager.
- Glossary:Multipoint Control Unit
Also known as an MPCU. A device that is used to bridge together multiple calls in a conference format. An MPCU is often needed in an IP Telephony installation, because IP routers do not natively support voice functions, such as conferencing.
- Glossary:Multiprotocol Label Switching
Also known as MPLS. A protocol that is designed to provide a unified data-carrying service for both circuit-based clients and packet-switching clients, which provides a Datagram Service Model. MPLS can be used to carry many different kinds of traffic, including IP packets, as well as native ATM, SONET, and Ethernet frames. MPLS operates at an OSI model layer that is generally considered to lie between traditional definitions of Layer 2 (data-link layer) and Layer 3 (network layer), and therefore is often referred to as a Layer 2.5 Protocol .
- Glossary:Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Also known as MIME. A specification for formatting non-ASCII messages, so that they can be sent over the Internet. Many e-mail clients now support MIME, which enables them to send and receive graphics, audio, and video files through the Internet mail system.
- Glossary:NAT
Network Address Translation - Glossary:NOC
- Glossary:NRS
- Glossary:NSBR
- Glossary:NSP
- Glossary:Natural Language Processing
A Genesys Content Analyzer technology that operates on data that is in a language that is used by humans (as opposed to programming or other machine languages).
- Glossary:NbCC
- Glossary:Network-Based Contact Center
Also known as an NbCC. Like Network Routing Solution (NRS), the NbCC directs call routing by interfacing with the toll-free carrier gateway. The Genesys software applications of the NbCC, however, are installed and maintained by the telecommunications carrier within the carrier data infrastructure. Therefore, a telecommunications carrier that is using an NbCC is a service provider of the Genesys Suite capabilities to enterprise customers.
- Glossary:Network Convergence
The industry trend toward building single network infrastructures that support voice, video, and data-communications traffic.
- Glossary:Network Operations Center
Also known as an NOC. Any center that is tasked with the operational aspects of a production network. These tasks include monitoring and control, troubleshooting, and user assistance.
- Glossary:Network Routing Solution
Also known as NRS. The Genesys routing solution that is connected to an Intelligent Network (IN) gateway that is owned by a telecommunications carrier. The NRS is installed at a data center within the enterprise IT infrastructure. The enterprise owns and manages the Genesys applications. The NRS directs the intelligent delivery of the calls while they are still in the toll-free carrier network, by receiving and responding to routing requests from the toll-free carrier gateway. The enterprise connects to the toll-free carrier gateway through 56 KB or T-1 data links that are supplied by the carrier as part of its toll-free gateway service.
- Glossary:Network Service Provider
Also known as an NSP. A high-level telecommunications and/or Internet provider that offers high-speed backbone services. ISPs connect to NSPs.
- Glossary:Network Skill-Based Routing
Also known as NSBR. An optional feature that is offered with Symposium Call Center Server (SCCS) and that can be used to route calls to different symposium sites on the network.
- Glossary:Next Available Agent
In Premier Edition Cloud, a routing method of distributing the longest queued call to the next available agent. This queueing method helps to maintain an equal load across skill groups or services. If call demand is low, this method usually changes to Longest Available Agent.
- Glossary:Node Locked
The license is locked to a specific hardware instance that is identified by a host ID. The license file is generated for the target hardware and cannot be used in a different environment.
- Glossary:Nontask Time
A period within a task sequence that does not contain an associated task. Nontask time may consist of work from activities that do not belong to an activity set, meal/break time, or both.
See also Task Time.
- Glossary:Normalization
The process of reducing a complex data structure into its simplest, most stable structure. In general, the process entails the removal of redundant attributes, keys, and relationships from a conceptual data model.
- Glossary:Not Ready
The state where an agent is logged in to an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) group, but is not prepared to handle calls that the ACD distributes. While in this state, an agent can receive calls that are not handled by the ACD.
See also Ready and After Call Work.
- Glossary:Nuance Speech
A speech-system telephony platform that is based on VoiceXML and Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) standards from Nuance, a third-party company.
- Glossary:Number of Calls Handled
Also known as NCH. In Premier Edition Cloud, the amount of calls that were answered by an agent or by an IVR system.
- Glossary:Number of Calls Offered
Also known as NCO or offered calls. In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of calls that were delivered to the contact center, including abandoned calls or calls when the calling party receives a busy signal. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Number of Requests
The number of information units that is calculated for the contact center. A sum of the metrics (or statics) that is calculated for each contact-center object.
- Glossary:OBN
- Glossary:OCM
- Glossary:OCS
- Glossary:OCX
OLE Control Extension or OLE Custom Controls. A component software technology from Microsoft that enables a Windows program to add functionality by calling ready-made components.
- Glossary:ODBC
- Glossary:ODS
- Glossary:OLAP
- Glossary:OLE
- Glossary:OLTP
- Glossary:OPT
See Open IP Telephony.
- Glossary:ORS
See Orchestration Server.
- Glossary:OSS
- Glossary:OWASP
Open Web Application Security Project - Glossary:Object
A person, place, thing, or concept that has characteristics of interest to an environment. For an object-oriented system, a self-contained module of data and its associated processing. Objects are the software building blocks of object technology.
For Genesys, you configure Configuration Database objects by using Configuration Manager. Some objects are predefined contact-center entities on which Stat Server monitors and collects statistics (for example, all agents, places, agent groups, place groups, queues, groups of queues, routing points, campaigns, calling lists, and so on).
- Glossary:Object Description
All of the properties and associations that describe a particular object.
- Glossary:Object Linking and Embedding
Also known as OLE. A compound document standard that enables you to create objects by using one application, and then link them to, or embed them in, a second application.
- Glossary:Object Types
Classes or categories of objects.
- Glossary:Occupancy
The percentage of time that agents handle calls versus how long they wait for calls to arrive. For a half-hour, the calculation is (Call Volume x Average Handle Time in seconds)/(number of agents x 1800 seconds).
- Glossary:Off-Hook
A telephone that is in use is said to be off-hook, when it is actively transmitting and receiving audio signals.
See also On-Hook.
- Glossary:Offer Menu
In Premier Edition Cloud, certain routing methods include offer menus, which route calls based on the digit that the caller chooses — for example: Press 1 for Department A, Press 2 for Department B, and so on. For each digit, you can play a unique message or route the calls to a particular skill.
- Glossary:Offline Missed Call Notification
An LCS Adapter feature that enables a Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) user, who is not signed in, to receive an e-mail if he or she misses a call.
- Glossary:On-Hook
A telephone that is not in use is said to be on-hook, when it is not actively transmitting and receiving audio signals.
See also Off-Hook.
- Glossary:Online
In Multimedia, an online interaction is one that takes place online in real time. For example, chat is online; e-mail is not.
- Glossary:Online Analytical Processing
Also known as OLAP. A class of Database Management Systems (DBMSs) and client software that arranges data in multiple dimensions for high-speed analysis.
- Glossary:Online Transaction Processing
Also known as OLTP and operational processing. Describes the requirements for a system that is used in an operational environment. Database processing that supports the daily business operations.
- Glossary:Open Database Connectivity
Also known as ODBC. An Application Programming Interface (API) that provides a client application with access to several databases. ODBC is a Microsoft standard for database access.
- Glossary:Open IP Telephony
Also known as OPT. An open version of voice-enabling applications that are based on Internet Protocol (IP) technology.
- Glossary:Open Media
Media types that may be processed in your Genesys environment, but which are distinct from voice and Multimedia.
- Glossary:Open Ticket
A customer contact (transaction) that has not yet been completed or resolved (closed).
- Glossary:Operational Data
Data (such as interaction ID, originating party, time received, and so on) that the Media Server sends to Interaction Server for each incoming interaction.
- Glossary:Operational Data Storage
Also known as an ODS. An integrated database of operational data. Its sources include legacy systems, and it contains current or near-term data. An ODS can contain 30 to 60 days’ worth of information, whereas a data warehouse typically contains multiple years’ worth of data. For Genesys, a relational database that stores statistical data about a contact center.
- Glossary:Operational Database
The database-of-record, which consists of system-specific reference data and event data that belongs to a transaction update system. It can also contain system control data such as indicators, flags, and counters. The source of data for a data warehouse. It contains detailed data that is used to run the day-to-day operations of the business. The data continually changes as updates are made, and it reflects the current value of the last transaction.
- Glossary:Operational Functions
A set of Workforce Management (WFM) tools that are used for managing workflow. The tools include forecasts, schedules, and adherence.
- Glossary:Operations Support System
Also known as OSS. The computerized platform and related software that are used to support the operations of a network.
- Glossary:Optimization
The degree to which a schedule precisely correlates staffing levels with staffing requirements. Optimization is always a goal, but you can set it to be a higher or lower priority, depending on how many agent preferences should be fulfilled. Configuring optimization enables a balance between agent satisfaction levels and workload demands.
- Glossary:Option
Specific capabilities of a solution that are made into a sellable item. Options that usually are not associated with a delivery package, but only with a license file entry that enables such functionality to be used.
- Glossary:Orchestration Server
Also known as ORS, Genesys Orchestration Server is the session-based Genesys Routing component that takes Genesys' core capability of routing and extends it, generalizes it, and integrates it more tightly with other Genesys products. Orchestration Server executes SCXML-based routing strategies, such as those created in Genesys Composer. - Glossary:Order
A message that is sent to data-access services that triggers the delivery of required data. There are three types of order: select order, transform order, and propagate order.
- Glossary:Outbound Call
A call from a local Directory Number (DN), such as an agent’s DN or an Interactive Voice Response (IVR), to an entity that is outside of the switch (such as a customer). A telephone call that was originated from a contact center.
- Glossary:Outbound Communication
A discrete communication that is initiated by the business; it may be made to an agent or a resource.
- Glossary:Outbound Contact Manager
Also known as OCM. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Outbound Contact Solution to enable contact-center managers to perform the following tasks: manage calling lists, manage campaign groups, start and stop campaigns, manage campaign sequences, optimize parameters for any running campaign and campaign sequences, update Do Not Call lists by using data from external sources, and prioritize records for dialing by record type.
- Glossary:Outbound Contact Server
Also known as OCS. The core component of the Outbound Contact Solution that provides automated dialing and call progress detection, so that an agent is required only when a customer is connected. OCS also intelligently uses customer data to ensure that campaigns are contacting the right customers, not just a large number of customers.
- Glossary:Outbound Contact Solution
Also known as OCS or Outbound Contact. The Genesys solution package that provides Outbound Dialing Plan capabilities, including Campaign Development, Campaign Management, Dialing Plans, and Reporting Templates. OCS supports Preview Dialing, Progressive Dialing, and Predictive Dialing modes. Outbound Contact consists of the following components: Outbound Contact Server (OCS), Outbound Contact Manager (OCM), Call Progress Detection Server (CPD Server), and Call Progress Detection Proxy Server (CPD Proxy Server).
- Glossary:Outbound Dialing Plan
The dialing plan that is composed of outbound translation rules that LCS Adapter (a Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software (GETS) component) uses to transform telephony dial strings to a format that is required by Microsoft Office Communicator and Microsoft Office Live Communication Server (LCS) 2005.
See also Inbound Dialing Plan.
- Glossary:Outbound Notification
Also known as an OBN. An outgoing call or interaction that announces an important piece of information.
- Glossary:Outgoing Call
The total number of outgoing calls on this route. These are non–Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) calls, but could include outgoing calls that are made from the Directory Number (DN) keys of the ACD agent positions.
- Glossary:Outsourcer
An enterprise that supplies customer care services to other companies. An outsourcer supplies agents to take inquiries for another company, and typically manages the IT and media (for example, telephone, fax, e-mail, and web) infrastructure and applications of the company’s contact center.
- Glossary:Overflow
Calls that are redirected from one group or site to another.
- Glossary:Overlap Template
A type of forecast template that you can use to replace historical data in a forecast. For example, if you have no historical data for a certain time period, you can apply an overlap template to fill in the gap.
- Glossary:Overstaffed
In Workforce Management (WFM), a situation in which more agents have been scheduled than are required for the workload.
- Glossary:Overtime
In Workforce Management (WFM), hours that are worked over and above the standard working hours.
- Glossary:PAMD
Positive Answering Machine Detection.
- Glossary:PBX
- Glossary:PDM
See Physical Data Model.
- Glossary:PDT
Pacific Daylight Time.
See also Daylight Saving Time.
- Glossary:PEM
For computing security, Privacy Enhanced Mail. - Glossary:PGF
- Glossary:PKCS
For computing security, Public Key Cryptography Standards. - Glossary:PN
- Glossary:POP
See Points of Presence.
- Glossary:POTS
- Glossary:PRI
- Glossary:PS
- Glossary:PSN
- Glossary:PSTN
- Glossary:Packet-Based Contact Center
Also known as a PbCC. A contact center that is on top of an IP network. It is a network implementation that enables various office types (for example, legacy Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs), remote workers, and new branch offices) to be tied together in a single contact center through a (managed) IP network. A PbCC uses available call-control mechanisms, such as softswitches, call servers, gatekeepers, and so on, to control Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) calls.
- Glossary:Paid Hours
In Workforce Management (WFM), the total number of hours that an agent works, including meals and paid breaks. This number may not correspond to the total number of hours that the agent spends at work, because it does not include unpaid time such as unpaid breaks.
- Glossary:PbCC
- Glossary:Pending Schedule Changes
In Workforce Management (WFM), changes to the Master Schedule or a schedule scenario that are made by a user who does not have the Approve Changes security permission enabled. Pending changes are visible only to the user who created them, and to the qualified user who reviews them and decides whether they should be included in the official version of the schedule.
- Glossary:Pending Schedule Trade
A schedule trade that cannot be executed through auto-approval rules, a schedule trade that has a “handshake” from both parties in a community-based trade, or an individual-based trade that requires a response and acceptance of the response. Also, an individual-based trade that does not require a response, but that could not be executed through auto-approval rules.
- Glossary:Percent Allocation
A call-routing strategy that is used in multi-site call-center environments. Calls that are received in the network are allocated across sites, based on user-defined percentages.
- Glossary:Performance
In Workforce Management (WFM), a measure of the extent to which actual site indicators, such as average speed of answer, service level, interaction volume, and so on, correspond to the forecasted and scheduled values. You can track performance by using the Performance module in WFM Web for Supervisors.
- Glossary:Physical Data Model
Also known as a PDM. A representation of a data design that takes into account the facilities and constraints of a given Database Management System (DBMS).
- Glossary:Place
The physical location of equipment, which can be the destination for routing. An object, representing a location, that has one or more Directory Numbers (DNs) that are operated by a single agent. Inbound Communications (ICs) may be routed to a place instead of an agent, or routing may use place information to locate an agent.
- Glossary:Place Group
A category or grouping of places for routing purposes.
- Glossary:Plain Old Telephone System
Also known as POTS. Considered to be the “normal” telephone system, typically it is used with single-line residential telephones and modems. Does not include leased lines or digital lines.
- Glossary:Planned Overhead
An all-paid, partial-day exception that is entered into the Workforce Management (WFM) Planner prior to scheduling. Includes shift items (breaks) and meals that are built into the schedule automatically.
- Glossary:Platform SDKs
These SDKs permit a range of development options for handling the work that arrives in a contact center. In contrast to the abstraction of Interaction SDKs, Platform SDKs offer low-level components and fine-grained, message-driven interfaces that are also XML-friendly. These SDKs connect directly to the underlying Genesys servers. Genesys offers both Java and .NET versions of Platform SDKs for configuration and management, as well as specific SDKs for Genesys Voice Platform (GVP), Statistics, Web and Open Media, and the Outbound Contact Solution.
See also Genesys Software Development Kits.
- Glossary:Points of Presence
Also known as POP. A term that is used by Internet service providers (ISPs) to indicate the number of geographic locations from which they provide access to the Internet.
- Glossary:Policy Object
In Workforce Management (WFM), a configuration object that defines the rules that govern the work schedules of agents. Policy objects include agent work times, break times, available shifts, and any other constraints that affect scheduling, whether they are set by the company, labor unions, country or local laws, or any other source.
- Glossary:Port
A single access point within an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or Voice Response Unit (VRU). A port serves only one connection at a time. It represents a communication path that supports a single user session that is specific to one application.
- Glossary:Position ID
A number that is used to identify an agent’s position within an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) group. It is the actual Directory Number (DN), and it is associated with a particular telephone set.
- Glossary:Possible Events
In Workforce Management, events that WFM calculates using the Find events feature, based on historical data. See also Exsiting Events and Applied Events. - Glossary:Power Dialing
Dialing that uses telephone numbers from a list, and that calls each number in the list consecutively. It detects busy signals, fax machines, and so on, and it handles calls in a prespecified manner.
- Glossary:Precision
In Genesys Content Analyzer, one mathematical expression of a model’s Accuracy. Given the following for a category X:
a = the number of items that the model correctly assigns to X.
b = the number of items that the model incorrectly assigns to X.
Then, precision = a/(a + b) .
See also Recall.
- Glossary:Predefined Report Layouts
Report layouts that are generated from templates that were initially provided in the Operational Data Storage (ODS) database.
- Glossary:Predictive Dialing
A method of making multiple outbound calls without agents, and then passing calls to agents as those calls are answered. A computer makes the dialing decisions, based on certain algorithms. The system dials more numbers than there are available agents, by predicting agent availability if the call is answered by the customer. This method is typically used for cold calls and telemarketing.
- Glossary:Preference Fulfillment
The percentage of schedule variations that are requested by agents, such as days off, specific shift times, and availability, that were assigned in the schedule. Because it is important for agent satisfaction to have preferences scheduled, Workforce Management (WFM) enables specified levels of preference fulfillment to be included in the schedule-building process.
- Glossary:Preferences
In Workforce Management (WFM), agent requests for shifts, days off, working hours, and vacation time.
- Glossary:Premier Edition Cloud
Premier Edition Cloud is a Genesys solution that leverages SIP Server with advanced routing features and is delivered as an on-demand service.
- Glossary:Premier Partner
The entry level for Interacts partners, which includes organizations that have developed solutions and/or services that complement Genesys applications, and that have a desire to leverage the Genesys’ market presence across a particular concentrated geographic region.
- Glossary:Premises
The space that is occupied by a contact center or tenant in a single-site environment. May also refer to a T-Server that resides at a business’s sole contact center.
- Glossary:Prerequisite
A sellable item that is required prior to the purchase of other items. This does not include third-party prerequisites such as the operating system, databases, Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) link, or other switch options.
- Glossary:Preview Dialer
An automated system that shows on an agent’s screen the details of the next person who is to be called. The agent then can allow the preview dialer to place the call automatically, or he or she can skip these details and view the details of the next contact.
- Glossary:Preview Dialing
The agent has customer information available before he or she dials existing customers. Preview dialing is used for callback and follow-up.
- Glossary:Primary Rate Interface
Also known as PRI. One of two levels of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) service. In North America, PRI typically provides 23 bearer channels for voice and data, and one channel for signaling information (commonly expressed as 23B+D ). In Europe, PRI typically provides 30 bearer lines (30B+D ).
See also Basic Rate Interface (BRI).
- Glossary:Private Branch Exchange
Also known as a PBX. A switch that is inside of a private business. Also, a small telephone network for customer premises for intracampus and outside telephone calls. Provides local connectivity, switching, and connections to the voice Wide Area Network (WAN).
- Glossary:Proactive Contact
Extends outbound-calling list and campaign management to multimedia channels, and improves agent efficiency by matching the customer with the appropriate agent. It also enables prioritization of outbound interactions with other interaction types for blending purposes.
- Glossary:Proactive Notification
Also known as PN. The type of notification that involves a company contacting its customers before they call the contact center.
- Glossary:Product Architecture
One of the four layers of an Information Systems (IS) architecture. It describes the standards that must be followed in each portion of the Technical Architecture, and the vendor-specific tools and services that must be applied when developing and running applications.
- Glossary:Production Data
Source data that is subject to change. It is a data-capture system, and often is located on a corporation’s mainframe.
- Glossary:Productivity
In Premier Edition Cloud, the amount of work achieved during a specified amount of time. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Professional Services
Also known as PS. Helps partners and customers succeed through software solution planning, proven implementation services, and experienced project management.
- Glossary:Profile
In Workforce Management (WFM), an agent type that you define, whether it is composed of a contract plus a skill set, or based on an actual agent. Scheduler uses profiles to create a type of generic schedule that is called a profile schedule to which you can then assign actual agents.
- Glossary:Profile Schedule
In Workforce Management (WFM), a schedule that is created by using profiles. You can create a schedule by using either profiles only, or a combination of profiles and actual agents. You can assign to slots in the profile schedule agents who are not already incorporated in the schedule as real agents.
- Glossary:Programmable Gateway Framework
Also known as PGF. An application framework that was developed to simplify the process of supporting Network T-Servers by extending them with new protocols, state machines, and application logic, without modifying any part of the framework or recompiling the executable.
- Glossary:Progressive Dialer
An automated dialing system that places outbound calls when there is an available agent. Unlike a predictive dialer, a progressive dialer does not anticipate when an agent will become available, but instead waits for an agent to become available before it initiates the automated dialing process.
- Glossary:Progressive Dialing
A variation of predictive dialer. Data is not displayed until the number is actually dialed. The agent has less time to review the information before the call is connected. A dialing feature in which the system dials only if an agent is available.
- Glossary:Project
A reusable object that enables the grouping of jobs with schedules that are interdependent or that require monitoring together.
- Glossary:Project Life-Cycle Methodology
A structured process that is built on an engineering approach to the examination and resolution of complex problems. Its foundation is the concept of a repeatable series of essential activities through which all business systems must pass during the stages of their construction and operation.
- Glossary:Propagated Data
Data that is transferred from a data source to one or more target environments, in accordance with propagation rules. Data propagation is normally based on transaction logic.
- Glossary:Protocol
A set of conventions that govern the communications between processes. A protocol specifies the format and content of messages that will be exchanged.
- Glossary:Proxy Server
An intermediary entity that acts as both a server and a client for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. A proxy server primarily performs the function of routing, which means that its job is to ensure that a request is sent to another entity that is closer to the targeted user. Proxies are also useful for enforcing policy—for example, by making sure that a user is allowed to make calls. A proxy interprets and (if necessary) rewrites specific parts of a request message before it forwards it.
- Glossary:Pruning
See Archiving/Pruning.
- Glossary:Public Switched Network
Also known as a PSN. The combined transmission facilities of the world’s telephone companies and administrations, including all of the circuits that are available to subscribers on an unrestricted basis.
- Glossary:Public Switched Telephone Network
Also known as a PSTN. The public telephone network to which telephones, Automatic Call Distributors (ACDs), and Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) are connected. A general term that refers to the variety of telephone networks and services that are in place worldwide, based on copper wires that carry analog voice data.
- Glossary:Publishing
In Workforce Management (WFM), saves a forecast scenario to the database, which means that you can use the forecast to create agent schedules. A published forecast, which is called the Master Forecast, is available to any authorized user at any time.
Publishing a schedule saves schedule-scenario data to the Master Schedule in the WFM Database Utility, to make it available for tracking in the Adherence and Performance modules.
- Glossary:QoS
See Quality of Service.
- Glossary:Quality of Service
Also known as QoS. The set of parameters and their values that determine the performance of a connection. QoS specifies a guaranteed throughput level. For example, a QoS-enabled network would automatically prioritize the use of bandwidth, so that two parties can exchange video or voice information without disruption.
One or more statistics that Workforce Management (WFM) uses to compare the actual values with the service objectives that were projected in the schedule for each activity. This includes statistics that track service level and Average Speed of Answer (ASA). Used for immediate activities.
Other products that support this are SIP Server and Genesys Voice Platform (GVP).
- For GVP, the term is referred to as Service Quality. You can find information on its use in the GVP 8.5 Deployment Guide, GVP 8.5 User's Guide, and GVP 8.1 Web Services API.
- For SIP Server, you can find information on its use in the SIP Server 8.1 Deployment Guide.
- Glossary:Query Tools
Software that enables a user to create and direct specific questions to a database. These tools provide the means for pulling the desired information from a database. They are typically SQL-based tools, and they enable a user to define data in user language.
- Glossary:Queue
A type of Directory Number (DN) that is created to hold calls or messages that are waiting to be picked up. A queue is the holding point for calls or interactions that are waiting to be answered by an agent. The calls or interactions are usually assigned to available agents in a first-arrived, first-answered basis, but they may also be assigned according to a company’s routing strategies.
In Multimedia, a logical entity in the Interaction Server database that is represented as an object in business processes, and that is called an interaction queue. Typically, there is an Inbound queue, an Outbound queue, and various intermediary queues.
- Glossary:Queue Answer Rate
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the amount of answered calls versus the amount of abandoned calls for the given queue. This rate can be viewed over the last hour or over the last day.
- Glossary:Queue Logic
In Premier Edition Cloud, a type of ACD routing logic where the ACD call flows for each queue are defined in the IVR. There is a one-to-one association of the IVR ACD Page in CX Builder to the ACD queues.
- Glossary:Queue Service Level
In Premier Edition Cloud, a type of functionality found in the Settings view in VCC Dashboard, which allows a contact center administrator to configure a service level for each queue within that contact center.See Service Level and Skill Service Level.
- Glossary:RAA
See Reporting and Analytics Aggregates.
- Glossary:RAN
- Glossary:RBOC
- Glossary:RDBMS
- Glossary:RDBMS Concurrence
Overlapping, concurrent execution of code segments in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
- Glossary:RDNS
rDNS is Reverse Domain Name Server - Glossary:REST
Representational State Transfer - Glossary:RGA
- Glossary:RNA
See Ring No Answer.
- Glossary:ROI
See Return on Investment.
- Glossary:RONA
Route on no answer. (Sometimes defined as route-on-no-answer, re-route-on-no-answer, or redirect on no answer.) - Glossary:RP
See Routing Point.
- Glossary:RPC
- Glossary:RSA
RSA. Encryption technique developed by former Massachusetts Institute of Technology students Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. Public-key cryptography (also known as asymmetric cryptography) uses two different but mathematically linked keys, one public and one private. - Glossary:RSF
- Glossary:RTME
Real-Time Metrics Engine, otherwise known as Stat Server.
- Glossary:RTP
- Glossary:RTSP
- Glossary:Readerboard
A display board or wall display—also called a wallboard. A visual display, usually mounted on a wall or ceiling in the contact center, that provides real-time and historical information about contact-center queue conditions, agent status, and performance.
- Glossary:Ready
The state where an agent is logged in to an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) group and is prepared to handle calls that the ACD distributes.
See also Not Ready and After Call Work.
- Glossary:Real-Time Adherence
In Workforce Management (WFM), a feature that monitors how well agents are complying with their schedules.
- Glossary:Real-Time Data
Data that is related either to the present moment of time, or to the active or current state of an object.
- Glossary:Real-Time Protocol
Also known as RTP. A standard protocol that specifies a way for programs to manage the real-time transmission of multimedia data over unicast or multicast network services.
- Glossary:Real-Time Streaming Protocol
Also known as RTSP. A protocol for use in streaming-media systems that allows a client to control a streaming-media server remotely, issuing VCR-like commands such as play and pause, and enabling time-based access to files on a server.
- Glossary:Real-Time Transfer Protocol
Also known as RTP. Provides end-to-end delivery services for data with real-time characteristics, such as interactive audio and video, or simulation data.
- Glossary:Reason Code
Information that is entered by an agent to indicate their status and specify to the ACD the types of calls to which the agents are handling, which supplements real-time agent states. A reason helps define the precise nature of the agent state to which it is attached.
This functionality requires a switch that supports the inclusion of reason codes with Genesys TEvents, or a custom agent desktop that adds reason codes. Formerly called Aux Code.
- Glossary:Recall
In Genesys Content Analyzer, one mathematical expression of a model’s Accuracy. Given the following for a category X:
a = the number of items that the model correctly assigns to X.
c = the number of items that the model incorrectly rejects from X (that is, items that the model should assign to X, but does not).
Then, recall = a/(a + c) .
See also Precision.
- Glossary:Received Call
A call that is detected and seized by a trunk. These calls will be either abandoned or answered by an agent.
- Glossary:Reconnect Timeout
The length of time, in seconds, that the client application will wait before and between reconnect attempts, after its connection with the server has failed.
- Glossary:Recorded Announcement
Also known as a RAN. A recorded message that encourages a caller to wait for an available agent, reminds the caller to have his or her account number ready, and provides information on access alternatives.
See also Announcement.
- Glossary:Redundancy
The storage of multiple copies of identical data. Also, the capability within a system for peripherals, applications, hardware systems, and network devices to take on the processing or transmission load when another unit fails.
- Glossary:Redundancy Control
Management of a distributed-data environment to limit the excessive copying, update, and transmission costs that are associated with multiple copies of the same data. Data replication is a strategy for redundancy control that aims to improve performance.
- Glossary:Reference Data
Business data that has a consistent meaning and definition, and that is used for reference and validation. Reference data is fundamental to the operation of the business. The data is used for transaction validation by a data-capture environment and decision-support systems, and for representation of business rules. A data warehouse provides the source for distribution and use.
- Glossary:Refresh Technology
A process of taking a snapshot from one environment and moving it to another environment, overlaying old data with the new data each time.
- Glossary:Regional Bell Operating Company
Also known as an RBOC. The local telephone companies that were created in 1984 as part of the breakup of AT&T. The original seven RBOCs are Ameritech, Bell Atlantic, Bell South, NYNEX, Pacific Telesis Group, Southwestern Bell, and U.S. West. Since 1984, mergers have reduced their number.
- Glossary:Registrar
A service, as defined by the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) specification, in which a mapping of endpoints is maintained. Each time that a SIP endpoint connects to an Internet Protocol (IP) network, it contacts the configured registrar and provides the necessary mapping information. The registrar extracts information about the endpoint’s location (IP address, port, and user name), and stores the information in a location database. The purpose of the location database is to enable endpoints to connect without having to maintain a separate listing of all other endpoints.
- Glossary:Relational Database Management System
Also known as an RDBMS. Management of data through tables of rows and columns that correlate to data files. These tables all relate to each other through at least one common field.
Plural form: RDBMSs.
- Glossary:Remote Agent
In Premier Edition Cloud, agents who work in a home office environment through teleworking or telecommuting. The Caller ID overwrite functionality found in VCC Dashboard is used to provide the same outbound Automatic Number Identification (ANI) when agents make an outbound call, which ensures that a remote agent's home phone number is not displayed to the receiving party.See also Agent.
- Glossary:Remote Procedure Call
Also known as RPC. Execution of what looks like a normal programming procedure call (or method invocation) by sending network packets to some remote host. A style of Application Programming Interface (API) in which a function call invokes a function of an application on a remote computer.
- Glossary:Remote Resource
A resource who may be working under technical conditions that limit the visibility of his or her status, compared to the visibility of the status of regular resources.
- Glossary:Rendering
In Multimedia, the process of taking a formula that is contained in a Field Code, performing the operation that is described by the formula, and substituting the result of the operation for the formula text.
- Glossary:Repeatability
A packaged solution for different companies that offers little or no customization.
- Glossary:Replicated Data
Data that is copied from a data source to one or more target environments, in accordance with replication rules. In a relational database, replicated data can consist of full tables or rectangular extracts.
- Glossary:Report
A combination of Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics) data items that are related to a specified set of objects and time intervals, and arranged according to specific data-presentation requirements. Reports may be out-of-box (containing only predefined statistics) or custom (containing statistics that are not provided by the Reporting and Analytics product line).
- Glossary:Report Generation Assistant
Also known as RGA. A report-generation tool that is used for data retrieval from the Data Mart.
- Glossary:Report Layout
A user-defined specification for the collection of statistical data.
- Glossary:Report Object
In Workforce Management (WFM), report objects include Agent, Team, Agent Group, Business Unit, Site, Tenant, and Enterprise.
- Glossary:Report Selections Template
A saved file that stores all of the user selections that were made in the print formatting interface, such as report selection, report objects, and statistical objects. The date range does not have to be saved in the report selections template.
- Glossary:Report Template
A template that defines both the statistics that you want to include in a report and the manner in which they are displayed.
- Glossary:Report Viewer
The Workforce Management (WFM) report viewer displays all of the information that is contained in reports, enables text searches within reports, and prints reports.
- Glossary:Reporting Server
The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component that provides a comprehensive view of the calls that are serviced by a GVP deployment. The Reporting Server receives data from the Media Control Platform for VoiceXML applications, from the Call Control Platform for CCXML applications, and from other components that are involved in servicing a call, such as the Resource Manager.
- Glossary:Reporting and Analytics
Historical reporting and analytical applications use Genesys Info Mart (GIM) as a foundation. See also Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA), Genesys CX Insights (GCXI), and Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2).
- Glossary:Reporting and Analytics Aggregates
Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.
- Glossary:Reporting and Analytics Data
Reporting and Analytics data. Actual data that the and Analytics Reporting and Analytics product line provides with respect to a specific installation, based on the specified Reporting and Analytics data types (such as a detailed record for a specific interaction, or the value of a specific statistic that is measured or calculated with respect to a specific object at a specific time). See also GCXI, GI2, GIM.
- Glossary:Reporting and Analytics Data Types
Reporting and Analytics data types. Types of data that the and Analytics Reporting and Analytics product line provides. Data types may be either solution-dependent (that is, their availability depends on the input from specific solutions, as is the case for a campaign hit ratio) or solution-independent (that is, that are based exclusively on the data that is available from the interaction platform, regardless of the solution content).
ImportantAlthough detailed records are solution-independent data types, some of their details may be solution-dependent. - Glossary:Repository Environment
An environment that contains the complete set of the metadata of a business. It is globally accessible. Compared to a data dictionary, the repository environment not only contains an expanded set of metadata, but also can be implemented across multiple hardware platforms and Database Management Systems (DBMSs).
- Glossary:Request Record
The format of the record in which data that was requested from Stat Server is stored in the Operational Data Storage (ODS). The size is approximately 70 bytes.
- Glossary:Required Staffing
Staffing requirements that you establish, in contrast to those that Workforce Management (WFM) establishes. You can set these requirements well in advance, for hiring and budgeting purposes, and then compare these requirements to the staffing forecast that is generated from historical data or templates.
- Glossary:Rescheduling
In Workforce Management (WFM), the process of rebuilding a schedule after it has been modified.
- Glossary:Resource
Any party that represents a business, and that is directly involved in information exchange in the course of an interaction.
- Glossary:Resource Availability
Indication that the current resource load is less than its predefined capacity, with respect to a specific media type. Note that availability takes into account only the load; therefore, it does not indicate unconditionally the readiness of the resource to accept a new interaction, because the resource may not be ready to handle new interactions for reasons other than its maximum current load.
- Glossary:Resource Capacity
The maximum possible number of interactions of each media type, in any possible combinations, that a resource can handle simultaneously.
- Glossary:Resource Load
The number of interactions of each media type that a resource is currently handling.
- Glossary:Resource Manager
The Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) component that controls access and routing to all resources in a GVP 8.0 deployment, including instances of the Media Control Platform and Call Control Platform. Application management is a key function of the Resource Manager. It is the first element to process requests for services, and it interacts with the Configuration Server to determine the application, resource, and service profile that are required to deliver the service. It then pushes the profile to a component that can deliver the service.
- Glossary:Resource Readiness
An indication that a resource is able to accommodate an interaction of a specific media type.
- Glossary:Response Time
The time that it takes the call center to respond to transactions that do not have to be handled when they arrive—for example, correspondence or e-mail.
See also Service Level.
- Glossary:Retention Period
The number of days that facts are retained in the Genesys Info Mart (GIM) database.
- Glossary:Return on Investment
Also known as ROI. The amount of income that is produced, plus the amount of expense that is avoided, through the investing of monies in a particular project. The success of business efforts is often measured by the amount of money that is earned for every dollar that is spent. The earnings can be in direct revenue increases, as well as in expenses that are avoided—all of which leads to improvement of the overall financial position of the company.
- Glossary:Ring No Answer
Also known as RNA. A result code that is supplied by an automatic dialer and indicates that a call was placed but never answered; the telephone simply rang without being answered.
- Glossary:Role
In Premier Edition Cloud, a role is the designation of responsibilities in the contact center. See the VCC Solution Guide for more information.
- Glossary:Roll-Up Queries
Queries that summarize data at a higher level than the previous level of detail.
- Glossary:Rostered Staff Factor
Also known as RSF. A numerical factor that leads to the minimum number of staff members that is needed on schedule, over and above the base staff that is required to achieve your service-level and response-time objectives. It is calculated after base staffing is determined and before schedules are organized, and accounts for breaks, absenteeism, and ongoing training.
- Glossary:Rotating Pattern
In Workforce Management (WFM), a set of weekly schedule patterns that you can have Scheduler assign to agents. The weekly pattern can include combination of shifts, days off, specified working hours, and availability periods.
- Glossary:Rotating Schedule
See Rotating Pattern.
- Glossary:Round Robin
In Premier Edition Cloud, a routing method of distributing the calls to each agent in the order listed, starting with the agent that is immediately listed after the agent that last answered a call.See Routing, Most Idle Agent, and Least Utilized Agent.
ImportantThe Round Robin statistic resets after 60 minutes inactivity. As such, in low-volume contact centers, this routing method might result in one agent receiving more calls. Consider the following scenario with two agents using Round Robin routing:Agent 1 receives a call. Within 60 minutes, another customer calls. This second call is routed to Agent 2.
Agent 1 receives a call. After 60 minutes, another customer calls. This second call is routed to Agent 1, because the Round Robin statistic reset after 60 minutes of inactivity.
- Glossary:Route
A path through an Internetwork.
- Glossary:Route Point
See Routing Point.
- Glossary:Router
A device that forwards traffic. The forwarding decision is based on network-layer information and routing tables in the network layer, which are often constructed by routing protocols. Within Genesys, Universal Routing Server (URS) is sometimes referred to simply as the “Router.”
- Glossary:Routing
The intelligent determination of what to do next with a given interaction. Routing is not limited to traditional interactions such as voice calls and e-mail, but it can be used also to decide what to do with workflow items, scheduling items, and any other type of business activity that involves a decision process.
- Glossary:Routing Logic
In Premier Edition Cloud, a set of decisions and instructions that direct incoming customer interactions under different conditions. Can use subroutines, routing rules, business rules, attributes, interaction data, statistics, schedules, lists, and macros. Can apply logic (for example, segmentation, conditional branching, and so on). Can deliver the interaction to an agent or another target type, such as an ACD queue, agent group, campaign group, destination label (DN), place, place group, queue, group, routing point, skill group, or variable.See also Queue Logic, Transfer Logic, Round Robin, Most Idle Agent, and Least Utilized Agent.
- Glossary:Routing Point
Also known as an RP. Any point at which interactions wait for routing by Universal Routing Server (URS). These points have different names on different Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switches (for example, CCT, CDN, and VDN). Switches often have a script that is associated with them and that directs calls to a destination.
- Glossary:Routing Strategy
A set of decisions and instructions that are created in Interaction Routing Designer (IRD) and that tell Universal Routing Server (URS) how to direct incoming customer interactions under different conditions. Can be contained in an Interaction Workflow. Can use subroutines, routing rules, business rules, attributes, interaction data, statistics, schedules, lists, and macros. Can apply logic (for example, segmentation, conditional branching, and so on). Can deliver the interaction to an agent or another target type, such as an ACD queue, agent group, campaign group, destination label (DN), place, place group, queue, group, routing point, skill group, or variable.
- Glossary:Runtime
The time during which a program is running. During runtime, a user can interact with the program, but the user cannot edit the code.
- Glossary:SALT
A set of additional data (nonce) added prior to hashing to make resulting values unpredictable thus protecting against attacks like rainbow tables. - Glossary:SAN
For computing security, Subject Alternative Name. Also see DN (Distinguished Name) and CN (Common Name). - Glossary:SBR
See Skills-Based Routing.
- Glossary:SCE
- Glossary:SCI
- Glossary:SCN
- Glossary:SCP
- Glossary:SCS
- Glossary:SChannel
This is the Microsoft Secure Channel. - Glossary:SDK
- Glossary:SDP
- Glossary:SELECT
A SQL statement (command) that specifies data-retrieval operations for rows of data in a relational database.
- Glossary:SFA
- Glossary:SHA
SHA stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm. - Glossary:SI
See Solution Integrator.
- Glossary:SID
- Glossary:SIP
- Glossary:SIP Proxy
SIP Proxy servers route a session invitation according to the invitee’s current location, authentication, accounting, and many other important functions. Proxies use the designated registrar to learn the actual destination of the callee. If the designated registrar does not have the needed mapping information, the proxy will usually traverse a set of proxies until it finds one that does have the actual destination of the callee. Such a proxy forwards the session invitation directly to the callee, who then can accept or decline the session invitation.
- Glossary:SIP Server
SIP Server has the same position in the Genesys Media Layer as all Genesys T-Servers. It is a combination of a T-Server and a call-switching component, in which the call switching element functions as a SIP Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA). Because SIP Server supports the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) SIP RFC 3261 suite, it is compatible with the most popular SIP-compatible, off-the-shelf hardware or software. SIP Server can operate with or without a third-party softswitch. Genesys SIP Server gives the entire Genesys line of products access to SIP networks, offering a standards-based, platform-independent means of taking full advantage of the benefits of voice/data convergence.
- Glossary:SLA
- Glossary:SMCP T-Server
- Glossary:SME
This acronym has multiple meanings:
- A small or medium-size enterprise. Usually, it is defined as an enterprise that has fewer than 100 agent seats. See also Standard Model Environment.
- subject-matter expert. This is a general term for someone who has the knowledge in the area in question; for example, in the software industry, it might be a developer.
- A small or medium-size enterprise. Usually, it is defined as an enterprise that has fewer than 100 agent seats. See also Standard Model Environment.
- Glossary:SMS
- Glossary:SMTP
- Glossary:SNMP
- Glossary:SOAP
- Glossary:SQL
- Glossary:SQL-Compliant
Conforming to ANSI standards for structured query language (SQL) specifications.
- Glossary:SQL Query Tool
A tool that accepts queries for processing against one or more relational databases.
- Glossary:SRL
- Glossary:SSJE
Stat Server Java Extensions.
- Glossary:SSML
- Glossary:Sales Force Automation
Also known as SFA. Used in references to application programs that are used for managing sales activities such as capturing customer contact information, generating contracts, and generating order forms.
- Glossary:Sample Code
Unsupported use-case–based code that helps customers learn how to develop by using Genesys SDKs. Sample code is often built on application blocks, in order to illustrate how that supported code can be incorporated into a custom application.
- Glossary:Scalability
The ability to change, to handle different volumes and users. Also, the ability to increase or decrease size or capability in cost-effective increments, with minimal impact on the unit cost of business and the procurement of additional services.
- Glossary:Schedule
In Workforce Management (WFM), an arrangement of shifts, breaks, meals, exceptions, and so on, that is based on the predicted workload and the available agent pool. WFM builds schedules that are optimized within the site’s business constraints. Constraints include available people who have required skills, service-objective requirements, employment contracts, business policies, and agent preferences. An optimized schedule ensures the least possible overstaffing, while still meeting service objectives.
- Glossary:Schedule-Trade Handshake
The acceptance of a response to a schedule-trade proposal. The schedule-trade handshake is required for community schedule -trade proposals (which are posted to the agent community), but optional for some individual schedule -trade proposals (which are posted to a specific individual agent).
- Glossary:Schedule-Trade Proposal
A request to exchange one or more schedule days with another agent. Schedule-trade proposals may be directed to a specific individual agent (individual schedule-trade proposal ), which optionally requires a response; or they may be posted to the agent community (community schedule-trade proposal ), which requires a response and a two-way handshake.
- Glossary:Schedule-Trade Response
A response to any kind of schedule-trade proposal.
- Glossary:Schedule Coverage
A window in Workforce Management (WFM) that displays how well a schedule covers the forecasted workload and workforce.
- Glossary:Schedule Data Type
A Workforce Management (WFM)–specific “class” of schedule data that is hard-coded and not modifiable. Used in compliance configuration, agent-adherence view, and reports.
- Glossary:Schedule Server
See WFM Builder.
- Glossary:Schedule State
In Workforce Management (WFM), a representation of what an agent is supposed to be doing at a given moment in time. There is only one scheduled state for each minute of agent time, but the overall duration of one scheduled state can span an arbitrarily longer period of time. A scheduled state can take one of the values that are defined in schedule state types.
- Glossary:Schedule State Group
In Workforce Management (WFM), a collection of schedule states that is linked to a site. Schedule state group configuration is very important in order to track adherence correctly.
- Glossary:Schedule State Type
A set of possible values for a schedule state that is used to calculate agent compliance information. Values may be either predefined or user-defined.
Note that schedule state and schedule state type do not specify what kind of work the agent is supposed to be working on—for example, customer service, order line, or outbound calls. This specification is made by the activity.
- Glossary:Schedule Suitability
The degree of optimization that is achieved by the Workforce Management (WFM) schedule for every 15-minute interval. For example, if the required number of agents is five, and the scheduled number of agents is six, the suitability (difference) is one. Also referred to as overs and unders.
- Glossary:Schedule Summary
Both a view and a report in Workforce Management (WFM) that display a schedule’s service objectives, interaction volume, Average Handle Time (AHT), budget, and number of agents.
- Glossary:Schedule Trade
An exchange of one or more schedule days between two agents.
- Glossary:Schema
The logical and physical definition of data elements, physical characteristics, and interrelationships.
- Glossary:Screen Pop
Also known as Screen Population. Information that is automatically displayed on an agent’s computer screen as an interaction is being delivered to that agent. The process of accessing specific information automatically from enterprise databases and bringing it to an agent’s desktop. Screen pops are typically used to bring customer information to agent desktops as calls or web contacts arrive, for customer service purposes. A screen pop can also be a separate window that is opened while a customer is on a web page.
- Glossary:Screening Rule
In eServices, basic pattern-matching queries that are performed on the contents of text-based interactions.
- Glossary:Seat
Also known as an Agent Workstation. A microcomputing unit or other assemblage of computer equipment that is enabled to allow a maximum of one agent to use the Genesys licensed software at any given time. A seat can be configured to enable multiple agents who are working in shifts to use the licensed software, as long as it is not enabled for concurrent use.
- Glossary:Seated Agents
See Base Staff.
- Glossary:Securability
The ability to provide different and secure access to individuals, according to the classification of data and the users’ business functions, and regardless of variations.
- Glossary:Security Access
Limitations for certain users on access to information about some sites or objects.
See also User Security.
- Glossary:Segmentation
A routing-strategy function and object that applies conditional branching to the routing of an interaction (for example, if it has attribute A , do X
- if B
, do Y
- otherwise, do Z
- Glossary:Self-Service
The capability to provide a response to a customer without agent interaction.
- Glossary:Self-Service Application
Any nonhuman resource. Note that the boundaries of a self-service application are defined exclusively by the logical point at which this application engages in any interaction (as opposed to the hardware configuration or the number of channels through which it is connected to a media network). For example, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, which can apply different scripts after answering the call (depending on some external criteria or instruction), will have as many self-service applications as there are scripts.
- Glossary:Self-Service License Management
A web-enabled infrastructure that is offered by Genesys for interactive generation of license files. Targeted users (phased introduction) include partners (OEMs, VARs, and SIs), Genesys licensing authorities, and customers of Genesys products.
- Glossary:Sellable Item
An element of a price list that is associated with a high-level functionality that is licensed to a customer. Sellable item types include solutions, add-ons, options, and SDKs. The detailed functionality of each item is described in the documentation.
- Glossary:Sentiment
The overall tone of the content of an interaction—positive, negative, or neutral. eServices Manager and Content Analyzer provide ways of detecting sentiment in text-based interactions. - Glossary:Server
A service that provides standard functions for clients in response to standard messages from clients. Also, the physical computer from which services are provided. Also, a provider of resources, such as a file server or a name server.
- Glossary:Service-Level Agreement
Also known as an SLA. A contract that commits an ASP to a specific level and/or Quality of Service (QoS). A set of performance objectives that are reached by consensus between the user and the provider of a service, or between an outsourcer and an organization. An SLA specifies a variety of performance standards that may or may not include service levels.
- Glossary:Service Control Point
Also known as an SCP. A standard component of an Intelligent Network (IN) telephony system, which is used to control the service.
- Glossary:Service Creation Environment
Also known as SCE. The forerunner of Configuration Manager, which consisted of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) through which users entered and maintained configuration data that was stored in a central database. Users of SCE had to restart client applications each time that they modified configuration data, in order for the changes to take effect.
- Glossary:Service Level
Service Level is a metric that measures the percentage (X%) of calls that must be answered in a set amount of time— for example, 80% of the calls must be answered within 30 seconds.In Workforce Management (WFM), a customer service goal that is defined as the percentage of interactions that are handled within a time limit.
In Universal Routing, using a Service Level routing object in a voice strategy enables you to select or create a routing rule that specifies a service factor for a customer segment. For example, you may want to distribute 60 percent of interactions in less than 10 seconds to a specific agent group.
- Glossary:Service Number
A number that is used as a Routing Point in network routing.
- Glossary:Service Objective
In Workforce Management (WFM), the customer service goals that you set for the Service Level, Maximum Occupancy, Average Speed of Answer, Abandonment% parameters, and so on.
For voice interactions in Universal Routing, the service objective is called the answering objective, which is the target time for the voice call to be answered by a live agent. The term answer refers to the necessary action that is taken by the agent to start talking to the customer. Answering objectives for voice interactions are defined in terms of seconds and minutes.
For e-mail interactions in Universal Routing, the service objective is called response objective, which is the target time for responding to the interaction. The term respond refers to the necessary action that is taken by the agent to send an e-mail reply or complete the interaction. Response objectives for asynchronous interactions are defined in terms of minutes, hours, or days.
- Glossary:Service Type
Identifies a customer’s request.
- Glossary:Services Layer
The Genesys Framework layer that generates the statistical data that is used for interaction processing and contact-center reporting, and enables solutions to communicate with various Database Management Systems (DBMSs).
- Glossary:Session
The set of concurrent interactions between agents/resources and a customer.
- Glossary:Session Description Protocol
Also known as SDP. A format for describing streaming-media initialization parameters. SDP is intended for describing multimedia sessions for the purposes of session announcement, session invitation, and other forms of multimedia session initiation.
- Glossary:Session Initiation Protocol
Also known as SIP. A standard protocol for multimedia events. A signaling protocol for Internet conferencing, telephony, presence, events notification, and instant messaging. SIP is more efficient than H.323 in establishing point-to-point connections and supporting multipoint connections. There are various extensions to SIP that make it easier to use in a variety of contexts.
- Glossary:Shared Queue
A work queue that contains forms that have shared access with other members of a group.
- Glossary:Shift
A description of the possible work times in the contact center. A shift is defined by time of day, duration, and days of the week. Examples include first, second, swing, night, front of week, and back of week.
- Glossary:Shift Item
Any named segment of time within a shift. It may be specifically placed at a certain point in the shift, such as the beginning or end, or it may be flexibly placed, according to optimization criteria. Examples include breaks, wrap-up time, closed-key time, and so on. A meal is not considered a shift item. A task is also not considered a shift item, because a task represents activity work, whereas a shift item does not.
- Glossary:Short Call
In Premier Edition Cloud, short calls are calls that are abandoned very quickly, so they must not count against the Service Level.
- Glossary:Short Message Service
Also known as SMS. The transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile telephone, fax machine, and/or IP address. Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric characters, and they must not contain images or graphics. After a message is sent, it is received by an SMS Center (SMSC), which then sends it to the appropriate mobile device.
- Glossary:Shrink-Wrap
License conditions are specified in a file that is displayed during installation. Interactive acceptance is required in order for the installation to continue.
- Glossary:Silent
In Premier Edition Cloud, when monitoring using Silent, supervisors can listen to the call, but the agent and the caller cannot hear the supervisor.See Monitoring.
- Glossary:Silent Setup
An installation mode that enables automated electronic software distribution. InstallShield Silent works only on Windows operating systems.
- Glossary:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Also known as SMTP. A protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.
- Glossary:Simple Media Control Protocol T-Server
Also known as SMCP T-Server. A unique design of T-Server that connects to the Distributed Media Exchange (DMX) server as part of an IP telephony environment. SMCP refers to the set of unique event messages that are provided by the DMX.
- Glossary:Simple Network Management Protocol
Also known as SNMP. Enables large-scale applications to be managed effectively by using a preferred SNMP-compliant management tool such as HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, CA TNG, or BMC Patrol.
- Glossary:Simple Object Access Protocol
Also known as SOAP. An application that enables programmers to write programs that integrate a variety of web services, such as user authentication and currency converters. A lightweight XML-based messaging protocol that is used to encode the information in web-service request and response messages before sending them over a network.
- Glossary:Simulation Solution
Genesys Express supplies a preconfigured Standard Model Environment (SME). The SME creates a completely configured Genesys solution (Simulation solution) on a single server. The SME also serves as a template that demonstrates how to implement the advanced features of Genesys Express correctly.
- Glossary:Simulator Toolkit
Configures the ways in which simulated calls enter your environment for testing.
- Glossary:Single-DN Place
A device that has only one directory number ascribed to it.
- Glossary:Single-Skill Equivalent
A Workforce Management (WFM) calculation of the number of agents that is required to handle the forecasted workload, based on the assumption that each agent has only one skill. Because multi-skilled agents are more efficient than single-skilled agents, WFM factors in an efficiency constant in order to accurately reflect the equivalence between the single-skill equivalent and the actual agents who are being scheduled.
See also Multi-Skilled Equivalent.
- Glossary:Site
The part (or the whole) of the contact-center resources that are structured to be administered and/or reported on as a separate unit. A location that is associated with an enterprise. Sites may correspond to switches in Configuration Manager. Users must have the appropriate security access in order to view and make changes to sites. You can associate multiple sites to form a business unit. Formerly called a contact center or a location.
- Glossary:Site Rule
A site-specific parameter that is configured by using the WFM Configuration Utility.
- Glossary:Skill
A capability of an agent/resource that might be required in an interaction, such as language skills or knowledge of a business process.
- Glossary:Skill Service Level
In Premier Edition Cloud, a type of functionality found in the Settings view in VCC Dashboard, which allows a contact center administrator to configure a service level for each skill within that contact center.See Service Level and Queue Service Level.
- Glossary:Skills-Based Routing
Also known as SBR. A method of routing incoming interactions in which the skills that are needed in order to serve the customer are determined, and the interaction is routed to the most available agent across the enterprise who possesses the skill set. Also referred to as agent profile routing.
The ability to handle contacts so that each customer is routed to the first available agent who has the skills to meet that customer’s needs, based on the attributes of the interaction and/or customer.
- Glossary:Snapshot
In eServices, a list of all of the interactions in Interaction Server’s database that meet specified conditions at a given time. The agent application requests a snapshot from Interaction Server, and uses the results to populate the list of interactions that is displayed on the agent or supervisor desktop.
- Glossary:Snapshot Statistic
See Statistic.
- Glossary:Soft Restart
A feature that enables WFM Data Aggregator to accommodate configuration changes without requiring a restart.
- Glossary:Softswitch
A programmable network switch that can process all types of packet protocols. It offers an Application Programming Interface (API) for services such as call control, an interface for billing and lawful interception, and options such as the use of existing Intelligent Network (IN) services.
Software that resides in either a server or another network element, and is designed to separate the call-control functions of a telephone call from the media gateways that carry it. Some vendors include the media gateway or signaling gateway, too, as part of the softswitch itself. Essentially, a softswitch is designed to enable carriers to provide traditional voice services while introducing new services at a lower cost.
- Glossary:Solution
A stand-alone sellable item.
In Genesys, a set of Genesys components that aim to provide specific functionality. The following are examples of Genesys Solutions: Enterprise Routing Solution (ERS), Network Routing Solution (NRS), Outbound Contact Solution (OCS), Workforce Management (WFM), and Internet Contact Solution (ICS).
- Glossary:Solution Control Interface
Also known as SCI. A Genesys Framework component that is used to administer Genesys solutions—for example, to start or stop the solution, view logs, configure event-triggered alarms, and provide real-time status information for all Genesys applications.
- Glossary:Solution Control Server
Also known as SCS. The Genesys Framework component that serves as the control point for which SCI is the interface. Together, SCS and SCI provide the services that are described in the definition of SCI.
- Glossary:Solution Integrator
Also known as SI. An Interacts member that resells Genesys software and/or partner services such as consulting, implementation, customer development, training, and technical support to customers who use Genesys solutions.
- Glossary:Source Database
An operational production database or a centralized warehouse that feeds into a target database.
- Glossary:SpeechMiner
SpeechMiner® is Genesys' speech-analytics platform that analyzes audio content and text-based interactions such as email, chat messages and so on. See Genesys Interaction Analytics for more information about this component and Genesys Interaction Analytics.
- Glossary:Speech Recognition
The capability of a voice-processing system to decipher spoken words and phrases.
- Glossary:Speech Synthesis Markup Language
Also known as SSML. An XML-based markup language for speech-synthesis applications. SSML is often embedded in VoiceXML scripts in order to drive interactive telephony systems.
- Glossary:Speed Of Answer
In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time (usually measured in seconds) that it takes for a call to be answered by an agent.
- Glossary:Split
An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) routing division that enables calls that arrive on specific trunks, or calls of certain transaction types, to be answered by specific groups of employees.
- Glossary:Split Interaction Volume
In Workforce Management (WFM), a division of the interaction volume forecast for a multi-site activity among the single-site activities that make up the multi-site activity. If several single-site activities are open, WFM splits the volume by using the ratio of the number of agents who are available to work each single-site activity, as determined by their skill sets—either multi-skilled or single-skilled—and their availability at a given timestep. You lose coverage for the predicted interaction volume if none of the single-site activities is open during a particular timestep, when the multi-site activity is open and has a forecasted interaction volume.
- Glossary:Split Staffing
In Workforce Management (WFM), a division of staffing from a multi-site activity staffing forecast scenario. If a multi-site activity has one or more associated activities, you can use the staffing Split Wizard to split the result between associated activities after you have built the calculated and required staffing. This functionality is available only within a forecast scenario.
- Glossary:Staff Objects
Objects that include information about agents, teams, agent preferences and exceptions, and meetings.
- Glossary:Staffing
The number of agents who have certain skills that is required in order to meet a certain Interaction Volume at a certain time.
- Glossary:Standard Model Environment
Also known as SME. Genesys Express supplies a preconfigured SME that creates a completely configured Genesys simulation solution on a single server. The SME also serves as a template that demonstrates how to correctly implement the advanced features of Genesys Express.
- Glossary:Standard Query
A stored procedure of a recently executed query.
- Glossary:Standard Response
An item in the Standard Response Library, which stores prewritten responses for use as suggestions to agent, acknowledgment, and/or autoresponse. Each standard response is assigned to exactly one category in the system; however, a category may have zero or many standard responses assigned to it.
- Glossary:Standard Response Library
Also known as SRL. In eServices, a library of standard responses that agents can use in replies to inbound e-mails, or that strategies can use in acknowledgments and autoresponses. Each standard response is assigned to exactly one category in the system; however, a category may have zero or many standard responses assigned to it.
See also Genesys Content Analyzer.
- Glossary:Star Schema
The common term for the dimensional database model, because of its characteristic star-like structure. Dimensional modeling is a database-design technique that is used for data warehouses and data marts. Every dimensional model is composed of one large central table that is called a fact table , and a set of smaller tables that surround it and are called dimension tables . Fact tables typically contain one or more numerical measures or facts, such as Calls Handled , Total Time on Inbound , Dollars Sold , and so on. By contrast, dimension tables most often contain descriptive attributes, such as Agent Name , Queue Name , Time Period , and so on.
For an excellent resource on data warehousing, refer to .
- Glossary:Stat Server
Stat Server is a Genesys application that tracks information about customer interaction networks (contact center, enterprise-wide, or multi-enterprise telephony and computer networks). Stat Server also converts the data accumulated for directory numbers (DNs), agents, agent groups, and non-telephony-specific object types, such as e-mail and chat sessions, into statistically useful information, and passes these calculations to other software applications that request data. For example, Stat Server sends data to Universal Routing Server (URS) to inform the URS about agent availability. You can also use Stat Server’s numerical statistical values as routing criteria. Stat Server provides contact center managers with a wide range of information, allowing organizations to maximize the efficiency and flexibility of customer interaction networks. - Glossary:Stat Type
Statistical type, based on which statistics are collected.
See Statistic.
- Glossary:State
In Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics), a detail that represents a runtime state of an object—for example, Logged Out for an Agent object.
- Glossary:Static
Data that is unchangeable in an object.
- Glossary:Static Query
A stored, parameterized procedure that is optimized for access to a particular data warehouse.
- Glossary:Statistic
A Reporting and Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics) data type that represents a metric that is not directly available from any detailed record, such as the total number of interactions that are handled by an agent in a specified time interval. It is assumed that any statistic can be obtained by processing the data that is available from the detailed records, either as a snapshot statistic (which represents the results of calculations that are related to a single moment of time, such as the current number of interactions in a queue) or an accumulated statistic (which represents the results of calculations that are related to a time interval, such as the daily average talk time).
A statistic may be predefined by the Reporting and Analytics product line, or it may be a custom statistic.
- Glossary:Statistical Category
A key type of statistic that is used by Workforce Management (WFM)—for example, interaction volume or service level.
- Glossary:Statistical Object
A defined statistic that can be captured from the Genesys statistical interface.
- Glossary:Statistical Parameter
A parameter that analyzes one or more of the following statistics: time range, time profile, statistical type, and filter.
- Glossary:Stream Manager
A Genesys client application that generates and processes media streams in Real-Time Transfer Protocol (RTP) format, in order to provide announcements and music to callers who are queued on Routing Points and ACD Queues. It can also serve as a music server or as a Multipoint Conference Unit (MCU). Stream Manager supports different types of codecs, in order to stream media files in the appropriate codec format.
- Glossary:Structured Query Language
Also known as SQL. A query language for accessing relational, ODBC, DRDA, or nonrelational compliant database systems.
- Glossary:Subject-Oriented Databases
Instead of building one massive, centralized data warehouse, a company can build many subject-oriented data warehouses to serve the needs of different divisions.
- Glossary:Suggestion to Agent
In Multimedia, a possible use for a standard response—text that is displayed in an agent’s desktop application as a suggested reply to an interaction. The agent can paste the text into an e-mail message or chat reply, or read from it during a voice interaction.
See also Standard Response.
- Glossary:Suitability
The extent to which a schedule minimizes occasions when the number of agents who are working is greater (overstaffed) or less (understaffed) than the number that is necessary in order to handle the actual workload.
- Glossary:Summarization Tables
Tables that are created along commonly used access dimensions, in order to speed query performance—although the redundancies increase the amount of data in the warehouse.
See also Aggregate Data.
- Glossary:Supervisor
A human resource whose primary role in the business consists in the direct management of agents, and who, therefore, may occasionally engage in the interaction-handling process (for example, for coaching or emergency purposes).
The person who has front-line responsibility for a group of agents. Generally, supervisors are equipped with special telephones and computer terminals that enable the monitoring of agent activities.
- Glossary:Swapping
A feature that enables contact-center managers to go into a published schedule and exchange agent schedule assignments manually. This feature enables customized preference fulfillment in cases in which an agent who has less seniority or a lower rank has had a preference granted in place of a more senior or more highly ranked agent.
- Glossary:Switch
An object in the Configuration Database that represents a physical or virtual switch.
- Glossary:Switch Vendor
An Interacts member that manufactures Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephony systems that are used in private telecommunications sectors.
- Glossary:Switched-Circuit Network
Also known as an SCN. A carrier network that provides circuit switching among public users. Circuit switching is a method of routing communications traffic, either from local users or from other switching centers, through a switching center. A circuit-connection session is established between the calling and called stations, until the called or calling station releases the connection.
See also Public Switched Telephone Network.
- Glossary:Synchronization Constraint
A Workforce Management (WFM) parameter that you can set to ensure that an agent starts each workday at the same time either for a specified number of weeks or for an entire schedule period. This feature enables more fixed, predictable schedules. Synchronization includes a Flexibility option, which enables Scheduler to vary the schedule start and end times within a specified range. Allowing some flexibility will optimize a schedule.
- Glossary:Synchronous
A form of communication in which the sender of a message waits for the receiver to reply before he or she continues to process data.
- Glossary:Synchronous Detection
The calling of a blocking or nonblocking function, in order to indicate (by the return value of the call) the current state of a socket.
- Glossary:Synchronous Interaction
An interaction in which the communication link between the user and the agent/resource is continuous and unbroken—for example, a telephone call or web-chat session.
See also Asynchronous Interaction.
- Glossary:Syntactic Mapping
The mapping that is required in order to unravel the syntax of information.
- Glossary:System Identification Number
Also known as an SID. A number that is used to identify a cellular network in a certain area.
- Glossary:Systems Architecture
One of the four layers of the Information Systems (IS) architecture. This layer represents the definitions and interrelationships between applications and the Product Architecture.
- Glossary:T-Library
A set of functions, feature requests, or events that T-Server uses to communicate with the switch.
- Glossary:T-Server
The Genesys software component that provides an interface between your telephony hardware and the rest of the Genesys software components in your enterprise. It translates and keeps track of events and requests that come from, and are sent to, the Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) link in the telephony device. T-Server is a TCP/IP-based server that can also act as a messaging interface between T-Server clients. It is the critical point in allowing your Genesys solution to facilitate and track the contacts that flow through your enterprise.
- Glossary:T-Server Common Part
Also known as TSCP. The central, common component that all T-Servers use.
- Glossary:TAPI
See Telephony API.
- Glossary:TCO
- Glossary:TCP
- Glossary:TCP/IP
See Transmission Control Protocol and IP.
- Glossary:TDE
Transparent Data Encryption - Glossary:TDM
- Glossary:TEA
TEA stands for Tiny Encryption Algorithm. - Glossary:TEvent
The basic data structure that is used by T-Server. T-Server uses the TEvent data structure to return the results of requests that applications send by means of T-Library functions, or as notification that there has been some activity on a monitored object.
- Glossary:TLS
- Glossary:TNS
- Glossary:TSCP
See T-Server Common Part.
- Glossary:TSF
- Glossary:TSR
Telephone service representative.
See Customer Service Representative.
- Glossary:TSS
- Glossary:TTS
See Text-to-Speech.
- Glossary:TXML
Telera Extensible Markup Language. An XML-based language that was designed by Telera for the remote control of the behavior of Points of Presence (POP) contact centers.
- Glossary:Tactical Data Warehouse Development
The process of selecting a portion of an enterprise and implementing a data warehouse. The process includes constructing a data model for the area, determining the data-warehouse architecture, constructing the physical model, and populating the warehouse database. It also includes creating or buying the applications to access the data warehouse, prototyping the tactical warehouses (access definitions, views, and so on), and incorporating user feedback.
- Glossary:Talk Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the amount of time, per call, an agent spends talking to a caller.
- Glossary:Target
In a contact center, an entity that can receive a call—for example, an agent.
- Glossary:Target Database
The database in which data will be loaded or inserted.
- Glossary:Target Service Level
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the target Service Level for a specific queue, if configured by your contact center administrator.See Service Level and Current Service Level.
- Glossary:Task
A unique kind of work that represents an Activity or Activity Set. An activity that is selected as part of a task sequence.
- Glossary:Task Sequence
An object that is composed of one or more tasks that are positioned by relative times; it may be used to fill a working shift. A specific task sequence is assigned to a specific shift during the scheduling process, based on optimization criteria. A task sequence may be completely filled with task time, or it may contain periods of nontask time.
In Workforce Management (WFM), a defined period of time during which agents can work only on a specified set of tasks—an Activity Set.
- Glossary:Task Time
The time during which a specific task must be scheduled.
- Glossary:Team
A group of employees that is defined to suit scheduling and business requirements. Teams can be organized by skill sets, schedule, sales targets, achievements, geographies, or any other factor. Examples include tax-exempt bond fund specialists, e-mail agents, holiday salespeople, and platinum customer service representatives.
- Glossary:Technical Architecture
One of the four layers of the Information Systems (IS) architecture. This layer defines and describes the interfaces, parameters, and protocols that the Product Architecture and Systems Architecture use.
- Glossary:Technical License Control
Used to control product use in accordance with purchased sellable items. It can be either used internally (hidden to the customer) or included explicitly in the license file.
- Glossary:Telecommunication Standardization Sector
Also known as TSS. A body that coordinates standards for telecommunications on behalf of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
- Glossary:Telephone Service Factor
Also known as TSF. A factor that measures how quickly incoming calls are answered by agents.
- Glossary:Telephony
The communications environment that deals with voice communications and consists in voice circuits, Private Branch Exchange (PBX), Centrex, call centers, and so on.
- Glossary:Telephony API
Also known as TAPI. An Application Programming Interface (API) from Microsoft and Intel that is part of the Microsoft Windows Open System architecture. It enables Windows client applications to access voice services that are on a server. TAPI is designed to provide interoperability between PCs and telephone equipment, including telephone systems and Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs).
- Glossary:Teleworking
Also known as telecommuting. In Premier Edition Cloud, teleworking is when agents work from a remote location (such as their home) that is at a distance from the main contact center.See Remote Agent.
- Glossary:Telisma Speech
Speech-recognition software from Telisma (a third-party company) that is based on the VoiceXML and MRCP standards.
- Glossary:Template
In Workforce Management (WFM), a set of data that you configure as a basis for forecasting—typically, for sites that have little or no historical activity, or for sites that have historical data that is incomplete because of outages.
- Glossary:Tenant
A business entity that has common goals and procedures, and occupies part or all of a contact center. Tenants that share a contact center might be different businesses, or different divisions within the same business. Each tenant has its own Directory Numbers (DNs) and agents; it can also have its own switch. Some contact-center resources, such as the switch, can be shared among tenants.
- Glossary:Tenant Standard Time
Represents the standard time zone that is used for all reporting from the perspective of the tenant. Each tenant may have a different standard reporting time zone.
- Glossary:Terminal Category
A Category that contains no subcategories; a leaf on the category tree. A category that contains subcategories is a nonterminal category.
- Glossary:Text-to-Speech
Also known as TTS. The ability to convert textual information into synthetic speech output. Technology that reads text to the caller. TTS involves extensive libraries of spoken words, phrases, and ordinals that are combined according to the analysis of the selected text. This technology enables callers to access text content by having it read to them, instead of by having it displayed visually for them. By design, TTS is language-specific, and not all vendors support all possible languages.
- Glossary:Thin Client
A computer that has no hard drive and depends on another machine for operation. A thin storage client in a network application environment. The client downloads the program (Java applets, for example) from the server and performs processing just like a PC, but it does not store applications or data locally. All programs and data are on the server, thus which minimizes management costs on the client side.
- Glossary:Third Party
In Multimedia, Third Party Components are distinguished from third-party applications, as follows:
Multimedia Third Party Components is a collection of files, mostly Java libraries, that Multimedia uses for its normal operation. Third Party Components is installed as part of the integrated installation, as described in the Multimedia Deployment Guide (releases 7.5 and later). The Third Party Components installation package places these files in various locations on the host machine.
ThirdPartyApplications is a directory on the Multimedia product CD that contains the Apache web server, the Tomcat application container, and various supporting files. Multimedia requires a web server and an application container, but Apache and Tomcat are not the only supported types, and you are not required to install the particular copies in this directory; they are provided as a convenience.
Multimedia Third Party Components is a collection of files, mostly Java libraries, that Multimedia uses for its normal operation. Third Party Components is installed as part of the integrated installation, as described in the Multimedia Deployment Guide (releases 7.5 and later). The Third Party Components installation package places these files in various locations on the host machine.
- Glossary:Threshold
In Workforce Management (WFM), a predefined level that is used in compliance calculations. For example, suppose that an agent is scheduled to start a shift at 12:00 PM, and that the Start Before threshold is set for five minutes. If the agent starts the shift at 11:54 AM, which is beyond the five-minute threshold, this is stored in the database and appears on the compliance reports as a noncompliant event.
- Glossary:Time-Off Limit
In Workforce Management (WFM), a feature in the Calendar module of WFM Web for supervisors that is used to set the maximum number of agents in each category (Activity, Team, and Site) who may have time off during a particular timestep.
- Glossary:Time-Off Rule
In Workforce Management (WFM), a parameter that defines the accumulation of accrued time off, the allocation of awarded time off, when and how many time-off hours can be carried over from year to year, the granting of time-off requests, and so on. Formerly called accrual rule.
- Glossary:Time-Off Type
A module in the WFM Configuration Utility that you use to create the different time-off types that you want to assign to agents, and that you want to track by using reports.
- Glossary:TimeProfile
A Stat Server parameter that WFM Data Aggregator uses to order statistics for Workforce Management (WFM) activities, based on a specified interval of time. This time interval is configured in Stat Server as TimeProfile.
- Glossary:TimeRange
A Stat Server parameter that WFM Data Aggregator uses to request that service-level statistics be calculated based on a specified interval of time. Usually, service level is calculated as X percent of calls answered in Y seconds, where Y must be configured as the TimeRange parameter.
- Glossary:Time Division Multiplexing
Also known as TDM. A digital data-transmission method that takes signals from multiple sources, divides them into pieces that are then placed periodically into time slots, transmits them down a single path, and reassembles the time slots into multiple signals on the remote end of the transmission.
- Glossary:Time Off
In Workforce Management (WFM), formerly called vacation, and of which there was only one type. Now, you can configure multiple types of time off by using different parameters and different time-off rules. In WFM Web for Agents, agents use the Time Off module to view, request, and remove time off.
See also Time-Off Type, Time-Off Limit, and Time-Off Rule.
- Glossary:Time to Abandonment
The time that has elapsed between the abandonment of an interaction and the beginning of the waiting-for-service state.
- Glossary:Toast Data
In Premier Edition Cloud, toast data is the call information that is displayed for a call in progress.
- Glossary:Tool Encyclopedias
Encyclopedias, repositories, or dictionaries that are used by application-development tools.
- Glossary:Total Abandoned
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the total number of times (for that current day) that callers hung up before the ACD distributes the call to an agent for all calls entering a specific queue.
- Glossary:Total Answered
In Premier Edition Cloud, a statistic that provides the total amount (for that current day) of calls that were successfully distributed to an agent for all calls entering a specific queue.
- Glossary:Total Cost of Operation
Also known as TCO. The sum of all of the costs that are associated with operating a given portion of a business. These costs include human-resource costs, facilities costs, equipment maintenance costs, financing costs, upgrade costs, training costs, and any other costs that can be directly linked to a specific business activity.
- Glossary:Total Handling Time
Also known as THT. In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time an agent spends handling calls. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Total Interaction Handle Time
The sum of the focus time for a given interaction for all agents who worked on that interaction; the sum of all Agent Interaction Handle Times. Measured in resource/time.
- Glossary:Total Login Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time each agent is logged into the system.
- Glossary:Total Talk Time
In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time an agent spends talking to a caller. [+] Formula
- Glossary:Total Waiting
In Premier Edition Cloud, the total amount of time calls spend waiting in the ACD queue.
- Glossary:Trading
In Workforce Management (WFM), enables agents who have compatible schedules to trade them. Agents can do this by using the WFM Web for Agents interface. Supervisors can view, approve, and decline trades by using the WFM Web for Supervisors interface. Agents can either propose trades to all agents who have compatible schedules or send trade invitations only to specific individuals. Agent trades that fulfill all constraints are accepted automatically, which reduces the time that is needed for supervisors to review trades.
- Glossary:Training
In Genesys Content Analyzer, a process that the Content Analyzer follows in order to create and refine models. The training process works its way through a training object, which is a number of e-mail messages that have been classified according to a category tree. These can be actual e-mail messages that agents have classified, or they can be created specifically for use in training.
- Glossary:Training Object
Called Training Data Object in release 8.5.2 and later. In Genesys Content Analyzer, a category tree, plus a group of text objects that are classified according to the category structure. Typically, the text objects are e-mail messages, but you can include also standard responses in the training object. Training operates on a training object in order to produce or refine a classification model, which can then be used to classify new e-mail messages.
- Glossary:Transaction
A process that is defined by and at the business level, and has clearly defined beginnings and endings. A transaction may require one or more interactions for completion. Transaction types are not known or defined in unenhanced Genesys technology. However, transaction-related reporting is potentially of enormous interest to Genesys customers. A transaction provides the logical and, possibly, technical linkage with other systems, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), customer applications, and so on.
- Glossary:Transfer
The process of changing the endpoint of an inbound call, outbound call, internal call, or consultation call, performed from the endpoint of the call. A transfer causes the original endpoint to be replaced by another endpoint, which may be a local Directory Number (DN), queue, Routing Point, or some remote destination that is outside of the switch. A transfer may or may not involve the creation of consultation calls and completion of the transfer that causes consultation calls to be released.
- Glossary:Transfer Logic
In Premier Edition Cloud, a type of ACD routing logic where Routing Points are established to allow agents to transfer calls.See Routing, Routing Logic, and Queue Logic.
- Glossary:Transferred Call
Any call that is transferred from an agent, place, agent group, or place group to another agent, place, agent group, or place group.
- Glossary:Transformers
Rules that are applied in order to change data. The term is based on the analogy to electrical transformers, which are devices that change electrical current from one voltage to another.
- Glossary:Transmission Control Protocol
Also known as TCP. A protocol that enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees delivery of data, and it guarantees also that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent.
- Glossary:Transport Layer Security
Also known as TLS. An industry-standard protocol for secure communications on the Internet. It is the successor of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0.
Genesys supports the use of the TLS protocol to secure data exchange between Genesys components.
- Glossary:Transport Network Substrate
Also known as TNS. A foundation technology that is built into the Oracle Net foundation layer and that works with any standard network-transport protocol.
- Glossary:Treatment
A set of actions that are to be performed on a specific call result. For example, a music treatment can be applied to a call when it arrives at a Routing Point.
- Glossary:Triggering Data
Data that selects and loads data on a scheduled basis.
- Glossary:Troubleshooting
A Genesys Framework function that hosts a user-oriented, unified logging system that has advanced storage, sorting, and viewing capabilities.
- Glossary:Trunk
A physical link, such as a wire or optical line, between telephone exchanges.
- Glossary:Trunk Group
A group of trunks forming one route. - Glossary:UA
User agent.
See Agent.
- Glossary:UCD
- Glossary:UCS
- Glossary:UDDI
- Glossary:UML
- Glossary:UQ
See Universal Queue.
- Glossary:URI
- Glossary:URL
- Glossary:URS
- Glossary:USP
See Unique Selling Point.
- Glossary:UTC
- Glossary:Unified Modeling Language
Also known as UML. A standardized specification language for object modeling. UML is a general-purpose modeling language that includes a graphical notation that is used to create an abstract model of a system.
- Glossary:Uniform Call Distributor
Also known as a UCD. A simple system that distributes calls to a group of agents and provides some reports. A UCD is not as sophisticated as an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD).
- Glossary:Uniform Resource Identifier
Also known as a URI. A compact string of characters that is used to identify or name a resource. The main purpose of this identification is to enable interaction with representations of the resource over the Internet by using specific protocols.
- Glossary:Uniform Resource Locator
Also known as a URL. The global address of documents and other resources on the Internet. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use, and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located.
- Glossary:Unique Selling Point
Also known as a USP. Features of a product that provide capabilities and value that are not found in competing products.
- Glossary:Unit of Work Consolidation
The process of consolidating multiple updates of a single row image into a single update.
- Glossary:Universal Callback Server
Also known as UCS. The primary component of Genesys Voice Callback, UCS processes callback orders, keeps a list of ordered callbacks, and delivers callbacks to agents. UCS requests the callback destination from the router.
- Glossary:Universal Contact Server
Also known as UCS.In eServices, the Genesys component that interfaces with a database (the UCS database) that stores the contents of interactions and information about the contacts who are party to them. The latter includes both identifying information, such as name and address, and the history of all interactions that have involved the contact. UCS also plays a central role in Context Services.
- Glossary:Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
Also known as UDDI. A service for locating web services by enabling robust queries against rich metadata.
- Glossary:Universal Modeling Engine
In Workforce Management (WFM), a forecasting method that uses a complex algorithm to identify trends and patterns in historical data, with which it then creates a forecast. The Universal Modeling Engine requires more than one year of historical data. The engine is configured to disregard days in the historical data that contain special events, if no such events occur during the forecast period. This eliminates some misleading “noise” from the forecasts. If an event occurs in the forecast, the impact is extracted from historical data and applied to the baseline forecast. The Universal Modeling Engine is best suited to sites that have a large quantity of high-quality historical data.
- Glossary:Universal Queue
Also known as UQ. A process (and technology) whereby all contact channels/media (for example, telephone, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), fax, web, and e-mail) are integrated into the same queue in order to standardize processing and handling. This queue includes the following capabilities:
Media handling and tracking
Universal routing across all touch points
Resource management (control)
Reporting & Analytics (and Analytics Reporting and Analytics)
This queue enables any form of interaction to be managed, routed, and delivered to a destination point, regardless of the nature of the interaction. UQ is a capability that is enabled by Genesys through deployment of the Enterprise Routing Solution (ERS) or Network Routing Solution (NRS).
Media handling and tracking
- Glossary:Universal Routing
A Genesys CIM Platform component that provides voice-routing capabilities When it is combined with Multimedia, various types of non-voice media can also be routed. These two components work together to enable seamless routing of both voice and non-voice interactions. More information on Universal Routing is provided here.
- Glossary:Universal Routing Server
Also known as URS. The server that is used by Universal Routing that automatically executes routing-strategy instructions and distributes incoming customer interactions among contact-center agents. Previously known as Interaction Router.
- Glossary:Unsolicited Event
An event that is initiated outside of the application, and not in response to an event or request. An example of this might be a telephone that is ringing into the Private Branch Exchange (PBX).
- Glossary:Upgrade
Part of the migration process, in which existing components of a customer installation are physically replaced with their functional equivalents in a new release. Functional equivalents are a combination of components within a new release (including programs, databases, and files) that provide all of the existing functionality of the product that is undergoing migration. A customer upgrades the specific software components of a solution during the migration process. A customer might upgrade an operating system or Database Management System from one version to a higher version.
- Glossary:User Data
Call-related data that is attached to a call.
- Glossary:User Event
An event that can be sent to all applications that are registered for an extension.
- Glossary:User Interaction Layer
The Genesys Framework layer that provides a centralized server environment for a central Graphical User Interface (GUI), through which all Genesys applications and solutions can be deployed, provisioned, monitored, and otherwise controlled.
See also Genesys Administrator.
- Glossary:User Security
A module in the WFM Configuration Utility that you can use to set security-access limitations for all nonagent users. You can limit access to specific sites, teams, activities, and so on. In some cases, you can configure some users to have view-only access to Workforce Management (WFM) objects, and other users to have full access. You can also grant permission to edit the schedule without having the changes incorporated into the official version of the schedule.
See also Security Access, Pending Schedule Changes, and Modules Pane.
- Glossary:User Time Zone
In Workforce Management (WFM), a time zone other than the local time zone. Formerly called Alternative Time Zone.
- Glossary:VAG
See Virtual Agent Group.
- Glossary:VAN
See Value-Added Network.
- Glossary:VAR
- Glossary:VB
See Visual Basic.
- Glossary:VCB
See Voice Callback.
- Glossary:VCC
See Virtual Contact Center. - Glossary:VCS
- Glossary:VDN
- Glossary:VGP
See VoiceGenie Platform.
- Glossary:VHT
- Glossary:VITAL
- Glossary:VITAL Compliance
Functional compatibility with the VITAL technical architecture. This includes conformance to the design objectives and principles, distributed-computing styles, development approaches, standards, and data-distribution and access techniques.
- Glossary:VOIP
- Glossary:VPM
See Voice Portal Manager.
- Glossary:VPS
- Glossary:VQ
See Virtual Queue.
- Glossary:VRP
- Glossary:VRU
See Voice Response Unit.
- Glossary:VSS
See Voice Self-Service.
- Glossary:VTO
- Glossary:Vacation
AWorkforce Management (WFM) term, now called Time Off.
- Glossary:Value-Added Network
Also known as a VAN. An enhanced network that is designed expressly to carry data communications. VANs also provide billing and other special services to their customers.
- Glossary:Value-Added Reseller
Also known as a VAR. An Interacts member that resells Genesys software and/or partner services such as consulting, implementation, customer development, training, and technical support to customers who use Genesys solutions.
- Glossary:Version
The program release number, which is displayed in the About windowof an application.
- Glossary:View
The on-screen display of the selected template, applied to specified configuration objects. A view is the section of the workspace that contains tables, and graphs that display the actual data—historical or real-time—for one or more objects that you selected when you created the workspace.In Multimedia, a configurable node in an Interaction Workflow. Each queue that is defined in an interaction workflow is associated with one or more views. A view defines the queue processing rules: what interactions should be selected from the queue, and in what order.
- Glossary:Virtual Activity
A collection of activities that are performed at multiple physical Private Branch Exchange (PBX) locations. A user can build an interaction volume forecast and view adherence information for the virtual activity.
- Glossary:Virtual Agent Group
Virtual Agent Group (VAG). A group of agents is considered to be virtual if agents do not permanently belong to the group. An agent is assigned to the group when an agent meets the criteria specified by the virtual group’s definition.Stat Server supports virtual group functionality with three types of agent parameters:
- A skill configured for an agent
- An ACD queue to which an agent is logged in
- A switch into which an agent is logged in
See also, a similar term used in Workforce Management: Activity Group.
- Glossary:Virtual Board
A piece of hardware that extends the switch’s functionality to include capabilities such as predictive dialer and voice/tone recognition.
- Glossary:Virtual Call
A virtual entity that replaces an inbound call, after a caller has requested a callback and hung up. The virtual call represents the callback request until the actual outbound call is placed in response to the service request.
- Glossary:Virtual Call Center
A geographically distributed call center that acts as a single site for call-handling and reporting purposes.
- Glossary:Virtual Circuit
A network service that provides connection-oriented service, regardless of the underlying network structure.
- Glossary:Virtual Contact Center
A collection of physical contact centers that is created in Configuration Manager, in a manner that is similar to a physical contact center. A virtual switch represents activities that are performed at multiple local centers.In Premier Edition Cloud, VCC is a combined software as a service (SaaS) offering that includes a full featured Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automatic Call Distributor (ACD).
See also Business Unit.
- Glossary:Virtual Contact Center Dashboard
Virtual Contact Center (VCC) Dashboard is an application that enables you to view the state of your ACD Queues and manage your agents and skills, permitting you to make instantaneous and informed decisions about agents and ACD Queues. - Glossary:Virtual Directory Number
Also known as a VDN. A non–switch-related Directory Number that is hosted by Genesys Programmable T-Server.
- Glossary:Virtual Hold
Provides customers with the option of receiving an automatic callback at a convenient time, to eliminate long hold times and improve service.
- Glossary:Virtual Hold Technology
Also known as VHT. The name of the company for whom Genesys is the exclusive distributor of its callback capabilities. VHT products provide the capability to offer callers the means of holding their place in line while they await an available agent, without having to stay on the telephone. Instead of having them stay on hold, VHT allows callers to either hang up and receive a return call from an agent (when they would have reached an agent through waiting on hold), or to hang up and receive a call at a future date and time of the caller’s choosing. The net result is that callers no longer must stay on hold while they await an agent.
- Glossary:Virtual Phone Console
A telephone system capability that enables individual telephone sets to be configured to act as a primary call-handling system.
- Glossary:Virtual Queue
Also known as a VQ. A virtual device that is created and maintained by a Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) installation, and whose behavior is identical to that of a Routing Point.
- Glossary:Virtual Routing Point
Also known as a VRP. A type of Directory Number (DN). A virtual device (not a device in a switch) that is not associated with any particular target, where customer interactions wait while Universal Routing Server (URS) makes routing decisions.
- Glossary:Virtual Switch
A switch that is used to represent a compilation of local activities at various actual switches.
See also Business Unit.
- Glossary:Virtually Integrated Technical Architecture Life Cycle
Also known as VITAL. An information warehouse architecture that was developed by Apple Computer.
- Glossary:Visual Basic
Also known as VB. The third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its Component Object Model (COM) programming model.
- Glossary:VoiceGenie Platform
Also known as VGP. An open-source self-service platform that delivers VoiceXML applications across a variety of networks, by using local media processing in conjunction with industry-leading speech resources. Through VoiceGenie, callers can be provided with highly personalized self-service offerings.
- Glossary:VoiceLAN
The synergy among a group of technologies that together enable voice, computing, and other types of communications to coexist on a local area network (LAN).
- Glossary:VoiceXML
- Glossary:Voice Application Reporter
Also known as VAR. A server that takes logging events from Genesys Studio–generated applications, and stores the information for later queries through a VAR client. It also provides web-based reports that display hourly, daily, and weekly application usage. These reports show the total number of calls that were received and that were lost, as well as the total number of calls that were completed and that were transferred in Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and IVR-controlled applications.
- Glossary:Voice Callback
Also known as VCB. A Genesys product that enables a caller to hang up without losing his or her place in the queue; then, when it is that customer’s turn to speak with an agent, the agent calls the customer back. Voice callback also enables the caller to request a date and time in the future when he or she would prefer to receive a callback from an agent, if the estimated waiting time is longer than is convenient for the caller.
- Glossary:Voice Communication Server
Also known as VCS. A primary software component of Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) that terminates incoming calls, delivers VoiceXML scripts and transfers callers to the appropriate contact-center resource. VCS also integrates with third-party speech-recognition and text-to-speech products.
- Glossary:Voice Extensible Markup Language
Also known as VoiceXML. An application of XML that combines with voice-recognition technology to enable interactive web access through the telephone or a voice-driven browser. A version or unique form of XML that is made up of standardized tags that provide voice-service–related information to applications that access a web page.
- Glossary:Voice Platform Solution
Also known as VPS. A solution that combines components from three main Genesys products—Genesys Voice Platform (GVP), SIP Server, and Genesys Framework—into one integrated product that provides voice self-service, agent-assisted service, and application management functions.
- Glossary:Voice Portal Manager
Also known as VPM. A web-based interface that is used to configure and manage Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) components.
- Glossary:Voice Response Unit
Also known as a VRU. A software system that uses responses from a touch-tone telephone to gather and store data. It uses a human voice to read back. It is referred to sometimes as the Interactive Voice Response (IVR).
- Glossary:Voice Self-Service
Also known as VSS. This self-service enables customer transactions to happen more quickly, and can be performed at any time of day or night without having to wait in a queue for an agent.
- Glossary:Voice Treatment Option
Also known as VTO. A client-server application that works with Universal Routing Server (URS) to apply voice, data-collection, and transfer treatments to incoming calls. Enables simple software-based call parking, call prompting, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) functionality behind switches.
- Glossary:Voice over Internet Protocol
Also known as VoIP. The developing standard for transmitting voice signals over the Internet. The ability to make telephone calls and send faxes over IP-based data networks, with a suitable Quality of Service (QoS), as well as with superior cost and benefit.
- Glossary:W3C
- Glossary:WABA
See WhatsApp Business Account.
- Glossary:WAN
See Wide Area Network.
- Glossary:WAP
- Glossary:WAS
- Glossary:WATS
- Glossary:WCB
See Web Callback.
- Glossary:WFM
See Workforce Management.
- Glossary:WFM Builder
A Workforce Management (WFM) server that builds the WFM schedules. This functionality was formerly provided by Schedule Server, a component that no longer exists in WFM 7.0 and later releases.
- Glossary:WFM Configuration Utility
A Workforce Management (WFM) application that you can use to configure enterprise objects, such as Agents, Activities, and Rotating Patterns; policies objects such as working hours, activity open hours, and time-off rules; and user-security settings. You can also use it to import and export historical data. This functionality was formerly provided in the WFM application.
- Glossary:WFM Data Aggregator
A Workforce Management (WFM) server that collects data for each activity, such as the number of interactions or Average Handle Time (AHT). The data is compared to planned values in the Adherence and Performance modules.
- Glossary:WFM Database Utility
A Workforce Management (WFM) utility that includes various database-related functionality, including database creation, backup/restore, updating, and maintenance. The backup feature copies all of the WFM database tables into a local file in Microsoft Access database (.mdb) format. Restoring saves the data from the .mdb file to the WFM database.
- Glossary:WFM Reports Server
A Workforce Management (WFM) server that is dedicated to creating the WFM reports. Starting with WFM 7.2, a separate WFM Web application is used as the dedicated reports server. Before release 7.2, WFM contained a WFM reports-server component.
- Glossary:WFM Server
A Workforce Management (WFM) server that manages all of the requests from the WFM Web application, including retrieving agent schedules upon request and providing them to WFM Web. WFM Server manages the requests and responses from WFM Web applications, the WFM Database Utility, and all of the other Workforce Management (WFM) components, such as WFM Builder. WFM Server also writes any change that is made in the WFM Web Schedule window to the WFM Database Utility.
- Glossary:WFM Web
The Workforce Management (WFM) component that enables agents and supervisors to access and use WFM over the Internet. WFM Web makes real-time and past performance data available whenever it is needed. WFM Web has two parts: Supervisor and Agent.
Supervisors can use WFM Web to create forecasts, create and monitor schedules, make schedule changes, view and approve (or deny) schedule-trade requests, view contact-center performance, monitor real-time agent adherence, and view reports.
Agents can use WFM Web to check their scheduled activities and working hours; communicate preferred shift, working hours, and time-off requests to administrators; and make schedule trades with other agents.
- Glossary:WSDL
- Glossary:Waiting for Service
A customer is considered to be in a waiting-for-service state when he or she has no option other than to wait for service (agent or self-service) or to terminate his or her connection (for example, if the customer is not in an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu).
- Glossary:Wallboard
See Readerboard.
- Glossary:Warehouse Business Directory
A catalog of the contents of a data warehouse. It provides business professionals with access to the data.
- Glossary:Warehouse Technical Directory
Defines and manages an information life cycle for a data warehouse, including warehouse construction, change management, impact analysis, distribution, and operation.
- Glossary:Warm Standby
A high-availability architecture in which a backup server application remains initialized and ready to take over the operations of the primary server. Clients of the failed component automatically switch to the backup component. The warm-standby redundancy type reduces to a minimum the inability to process interactions that may have originated during the time that it took to detect the failure. It also eliminates the need to bring a standby server online, thereby increasing solution availability.
See also Hot Standby.
- Glossary:Warm Transfer
Also known as a two-step transfer. In Premier Edition Cloud, a term for transferring a call from agent to another with an acknowledgement, so that the other agent is aware of the reason for the transfer.See Transfer, Cold Transfer, Conference Call, and Consultation Call.
- Glossary:Web Application Server
Also known as a WAS. A web-based software engine that delivers applications to client computers or devices over the Internet.
- Glossary:Web Callback
Also known as a WCB. A technology by which a person can enter his or her telephone number in a form on a website. The company that owns that website receives the request, and an agent then can contact the person who made the request by using the number that he or she entered.
- Glossary:Web Collaboration
In Multimedia, the ability of agents and customers to navigate shared web pages simultaneously—sometimes also known as co-browsing or co-navigation. In releases 7.5 and later, this functionality is provided by two components, Genesys Co-Browsing Server and KANA Response Live Server. These components are provided as Genesys Web Collaboration, which is an option that you can add to either Genesys Web Media (Chat) or Genesys Inbound Voice.
- Glossary:Web Services
A sequence of weekly schedules that is assigned to an employee, team, or shift.
- Glossary:Web Services Definition Language
Also known as WSDL. A specification that describes networked XML-based services. It provides a simple way for service providers to describe the basic format of requests to their systems, regardless of the underlying protocol or encoding. WSDL is a key part of the effort of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) initiative to provide directories and descriptions of such online services to electronic businesses.
- Glossary:Wetware
The human brain, or a human being—considered, especially, with respect to human logical and computational capabilities.
- Glossary:What-If Scenario
A feature within the WFM Web Performance module that you can use to create a model of Intra-Day contact-center performance under different conditions that you configure. With the What-If Scenario feature, you can modify several performance values, and then recalculate the service-objective impact based on the modified data. For example, use a What-If Scenario to assess the potential impact of a change in site-staff attendance, or the effect of a higher call volume on service objectives.
- Glossary:WhatsApp Business Account
Also known as a WABA. An account that is required to use the WhatsApp Business Solution and to access the WhatsApp Business APIs.
- Glossary:Wide Area Network
Also known as a WAN. A network that encompasses interconnectivity between devices over a wide geographic area. Such networks require public rights-of-way and operate over long distances.
See also Local Area Network.
- Glossary:Wide Area Telecommunications Service
Also known as WATS. A telecommunication service that allows customers to either make outgoing calls or receive incoming calls, or a combination of both services.
- Glossary:Widget
A discrete portion of a user interface that provides a specific set of functionality. - Glossary:Wireless Application Protocol
Also known as WAP. A specification that enables users to access information from handheld wireless devices such as mobile telephones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones, and communicators. WAP supports most wireless networks and operating systems. WAP is specifically designed for small screens and one-hand navigation devices that do not use a keyboard.
- Glossary:Workbin
In Multimedia, a contact-center object that holds interactions for later processing by a particular agent (or agent group, place, or place group). Agents can use workbins to store interactions on which they have started working, and on which they want to continue working at a later time. Interactions also can be distributed to workbins by Universal Routing Server (URS). A workbin is like a queue, in that it holds interactions. Nevertheless, a workbin differs from a queue in the following ways:
It is associated with a particular agent/place/group, and its major function is to hold interactions for that agent/place/group to process.
Agents can view the entire contents of the workbin, and pull interactions from it in any order. Agents also can pull interactions from queues, but only in the order that is defined by the queue.
It is associated with a particular agent/place/group, and its major function is to hold interactions for that agent/place/group to process.
- Glossary:Workbook
A collection of views in the workspace.
- Glossary:Workflow Strategy
See Interaction Workflow.
- Glossary:Workforce
See Staffing.
- Glossary:Workforce Distribution
The number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) that is needed in order to cover the forecasted interaction volume for each timestep during the day.
- Glossary:Workforce Management
Also known as WFM. Provides contact-center managers with the tools that they need to manage their workforce better. The product offers the ability to create accurate staffing plans that take into account not only projected contact volumes and average handle times, but also the various skills and skill levels of their agent population. This is achieved through advanced forecasting, scheduling, contact-center performance monitoring, and real-time agent-adherence capabilities.
WFM integrates tightly with the Framework components of the Genesys CIM Platform. Agents and their skill sets are entered and maintained in Configuration Manager, so that there is no need to reenter this information in a stand-alone workforce management application. This integration also allows contact centers to leverage real-time statistics, contact-center performance, and agent-adherence data across all communication channels.
Designed for the true multimedia, multi-site environment, WFM provides optimal schedules for multi-skilled agents who may handle customer interactions of different media types. Agent preferences, skills, proficiency, customer segmentation, historical trends such as e-mail response times, and outbound call lengths all are considered within the forecast, schedule, and adherence components.
- Glossary:Workgroup
A group of workstations and servers that commonly exchange data. This term is used also to describe a group of people who work together.
- Glossary:Working Overhead
The percentage of time that agents are not handling calls or performing direct contact-center work. For example, an agent might be taking a break, participating in a training session, or meeting with peers or a supervisor.
- Glossary:Workload
See Call Load.
- Glossary:Workspace
In CC Pulse+, both the objects that you select to monitor and your active views.
- Glossary:World Wide Web Consortium
Also known as W3C. An international consortium is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
- Glossary:Wrap-up time
Wrap-up time is the amount of time needed by an agent to complete any extra tasks that are directly associated with the call that was just completed.In some cases, this may also be called After Call Work.
- Glossary:XML
See Extensible Markup Language.
- Glossary:XSLT
XML Stylesheet Language Transformations. Used to convert an XML document into another XML document, or into HTML, PDF, or some other format. It is widely used to convert XML to HTML for screen display.