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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
12/08/14 General X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

It is now possible to export emails and chat conversations and use the Batch Actions functionality for all types of interactions. (PRSM-12199)

The uninstaller is functional even when IIS is not installed. To uninstall previous versions, IIS should be installed on the machine. (PRSM-12292)

The More Actions link is functional from the Dashboard. You can now export email and audio interactions. (PRSM-10306)

Playing back an interaction or moving from one interaction to another no longer causes a memory leak. (PRSM-10288)

Text Recognition Stemming is functioning as expected. (PRSM-10619)

SpeechMiner recognizes text without errors. (PRSM-10620)

The Content Browser and the New Search interaction grid display the same number of interactions. (PRSM-10624)

The difference between the time it takes to fetch a longer or shorter interaction is minor. (PRSM-11700)

SpeechMiner email visualization is functioning as expected. The chat content is no longer broken. (PRSM-11714)

Next and Previous buttons are functional in the Operation Search grid for all supported browsers. (PRSM-11835)

You can now search for interactions using comments. (PRSM-11836)

All currency characters are supported except for currency characters that do not have an html code. If you want to see hidden numbers, update the FILTER_WORDS field in the callRecognizer table to 0. (PRSM-9797)

Stereo audio transcriptions include a separate line for each speaker. (PRSM-12187)

The Fetching performance for interactions with numerous metadata fields was improved. (PRSM-12111)

The text processing speed has improved (especially for long texts). (PRSM-10377)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.0, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on July 11, 2017, at 18:51.
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