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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
06/07/16 Hot Fix X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Default Call List Order: A new configuration option that enables you to determine the order of interactions in a call list. The new sort options are: Descending by Date Added, Ascending by Date Added, Descending Alphabetical and Ascending Alphabetical
  • Include Header Data when Exporting Text Interactions: When exporting text interactions, the Subject, Date and Time, From, To, Cc and Bcc information is exported along with the content of the interaction.
  • Export or Add the entire Search Results list: Users can now export all the interactions in the current search results view as well as add all interactions in the current search results view to an existing or new call list.
  • Re-categorize Interactions Option: SMART users can now decide to re-categorize all existing interactions or not based on updated category definitions.
  • Database Optimization: Database optimization improvements have been made to remove unnecessary storage. This optimization enhances the Events table and reduces the size of the database.
  • Extend E-mail Search Capability: The search capability has been extended to include additional filters for e-mail headers. You can now search for e-mails according to header fields including To, From, Cc and Bcc fields. After upgrading to you must re-index text interactions in order to be able to use the new email filters for existing data.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Database purge is now working as expected. Previously, the database purge was working slower than expected. (PRSM-17411)

The highlight Search/Event terms feature in the Interaction transcript is now functioning as expected. (PRSM-15678)

When working with Internet Explorer 10 and there are more than 500 Call Lists or with Chrome and there are more than 1000 Call Lists associated with the More/Batch Action > Add To option, the browser now responds as expected. (PRSM-15704)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.0, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on July 11, 2017, at 18:51.
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