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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
10/30/18 Hot Fix X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Coaching Session type configurations are now saved as expected. (PRSM-24246)

Reports no longer fail when a French Canadian system is configured with an hh:mm tt time format and the Custom Date Range filter is set before the report is run. (PRSM-24098)

SMConfig now creates performance counters, which were previously unavailable. (PRSM-24094)

A mistake in the French Canadian SpeechMiner UI translation has now been corrected. The word All (for All Users), was translated to Tous. (PRSM-24068)

The Media Player in the French Canadian SpeechMiner UI now includes the correct translations for the mute/unmute. (PRSM-23793)

When search results return more than 100 interactions and you expand a multi-segment interaction, more then 100 interactions are displayed if the Search results contain more than 100 interactions. Previously, when search results were over 100 interactions and you expanded a multi-segmented interaction, only the first 100 interactions were displayed when there are more than 100. (PRSM-23547)

Running the Coaching Summary report no longer causes an error. (PRSM-23540)

When the database contains usernames that include other usernames for an Ad-Hoc evaluation, only the selected username will be added to the Ad-Hoc evaluation. Previously, if the database contained usernames Tom, TomC and TomCruise and Tom was selected as an evaluator, Tom, TomC and TomCruise were added as evaluators. Now only Tom is added as an evaluator to the Ad-Hoc evaluation. (PRSM-23493)

The Agent External ID is no longer case sensitive. Previously, because the Agent External ID was case sensitive the Agent name would disappear from the Agent filter if the capitalization of the specific name was changed in GAX. (PRSM-22971)

Measures have been taken to improve the prevention of potential security threats to the web application. (PRSM-23968, PRSM-23967, PRSM-24200)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.512, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on October 31, 2018, at 10:09.
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