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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
04/18/17 Hot Fix X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

This is not a full release. Installation of the full 8.5.507.01 package is a pre-requisite for installing the 8.5.507.03 hotfix.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

When working with a Single tenant Configuration Server, the Interaction Reviewed By field in the Search filter now includes Configuration Server users, when the users and roles were configured in the Resources tenant. (PRSM-18067)

SpeechMiner can now share Saved Searches with Configuration Server users that were not created in the Environment tenant. (PRSM-18271)

Web Patch Notes

To deploy the 8.5.507.03 web patch:

  1. Verify that you received the patch from Customer Care.
  2. Backup the web folder from the folder in which the software was installed. The default location is C:\Program files (x86)\Genesys\Software\utopy\product\WEB.
  3. Copy all the files and folders from the Web folder in the extracted IP to the SpeechMiner Web folder in which the software will be installed.
  4. Reset IIS.

To rollback to the previous version:

  1. Remove the SpeechMiner Web folder from the location in which the software was installed. By default, the location is: C:\Program files (x86)\Genesys\Software\utopy\product\WEB.
  2. Copy the Web folder you backed up.
  3. Reset IIS.
This page was last edited on July 11, 2017, at 18:51.
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