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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
08/15/16 General X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Encrypt exported interactions: Enables you to encrypt exported interactions, so that a password is required to access the interactions. As of 8.5.504.02, by default, exported interactions are encrypted.
  • Export an Interaction List / Saved Search from a Coaching Session: Enables you to export interaction lists and saved searches directly from a Coaching session.
  • Retrieve Original Interaction: Enables you to restore an interaction with its original audio or text file (including all attachments). This feature is only relevant in a SpeechMiner Analytics mode and is not supported by Interaction Receiver. It is only supported for the original location specified in the interaction metadata xml.
  • Export Coaching Session Permission: A new permission has been added to enable or disable the option of exporting an interaction list and/or saved search from a Coaching Session.
  • Retrieve Original Interaction Permission: A new permission has been added to enable or disable the option of retrieving original audio or text data for a specific interaction. This permission is only available in a SpeechMiner Analytics environment.
  • Language Support: Support for the Catalan (ca-ES) language has been discontinued.
  • Search Page: When the Search page is accessed, the Filter Panel will be opened and a search will not be run.
  • When upgrading from a version preceding 8.5.502 to 8.5.502 or later, all interactions are re-indexed. During the re-index process, all SpeechMiner functionalities, except searching by term function as expected.
  • The Active Search option was removed from the SMConfig User Interface.
  • When upgrading to 8.5.504.02 build 93, the columns that appear in the Search Results grid are reset to default.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Interactions Grid: Performance improvements were made to the speed at which the Interactions grid is loaded.

The Apply option in the Edit Comment window is now only enabled for users with the required permission. Previously, it was enabled for all users with or without the required permissions. (PRSM-16061)

When a calibration evaluation is not created because not all evaluators have permissions to view the selected interaction, the status of the evaluation is now correctly marked as Inactive. Previously, the status of the evaluation was incorrectly marked as Active. (PRSM-16063)

When the database contains less than 1000 interactions, the number of interactions in the report now matches the number of interactions in the grid that appears when you drill-down. Previously, the number of interactions in the reports did not match the number of interactions in the grid. (PRSM-16022)

When you playback a screen recording an error no longer appears in the Browser Console log. Previously, an error appeared in the Browser Console log. (PRSM-16189)

When you select a non-audio (text, email, chat) interaction in the Search Results grid, the time line that appears is correct. Previously, the time line that appeared represented the time line for the previously selected audio interaction. (PRSM-15981)

In SMART a topic name can now be renamed directly in the Topic tree using non-Latin letters (for example, Korean, Japanese, Arabic and so on). Previously, a topic name could only be renamed with non-Latin letters in the Topic Properties window. (PRSM-11337)

An SQL error no longer occurrs when the EntryID column in the callEventsTbl table reaches a value of 2,147,483,647 or more. (PRSM-14721)

The Report period in the Trend report is now the same as the Current period in the Trending page. (PRSM-15335)

Text Recognition now supports the recognition of wildcards in the following languages: (PRSM-12424)

When using the Hide Filter arrow in the Edit Report page in a Chrome environment, the report now covers the entire page. (PRSM-11685)

When there is a timeout when attempting to export a large amount of interactions or very large interactions a warning is now displayed. Previously, an error message was displayed instead of a warning message. (PRSM-11551)

When you try to filter the search results in the following SpeechMiner grids, when you are not viewing the first search results page, the filter will now redirect you back to the first search results page: (PRSM-16249)
Interactions Lists
Saves Searches
Saved Reports

When the EntryID column in the callEventsTbl table reaches its maximum value an SQL error no longer occurs. (PRSM-16051)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.504, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on October 18, 2017, at 11:18.
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