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Speech and Text Analytics Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
06/29/17 General X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Search for Users: (With Recording or QM licenses) When using the Users filter option in the Search Filter in Search or Evaluation Sessions, or when selecting Evaluators in Evaluation Manager, the names are listed alphabetically according to the user's full name, also the filter now filters based on username and full name.

  • Events and Comments for Text Interactions: (With Speech Analytics license - GIA)
    • You can now add in-line comments to text interaction transcripts. Event markers are located throughout the text interaction based on where the event was detected in the text.
    • Event navigation is now available in text interaction transcripts from the events and comments list on the right side of the screen and from the transcript timeline. When clicking on an event marker the event will be highlighted in the transcript.
    • Interaction Transcript Search: When you view an interaction transcript, you can now search for specific terms within the transcript using the Search field above the transcript.
    • The text interaction timeline now contains both event and comment markers.
    • The new Search filter above the events and comments list now enables you to quickly filter the events and comments list for all interaction types. This filter can also be made persistent.

  • Trending: (With Speech Analytics license - GIA)
    • The Related Words option from the Trending chart, now produces the Related Words chart based on the Trending page filter selections.
    • The Trending chart can now include verbs. Previously, the chart only included noun phrases.

  • Audio Wave Graph: When working with Chrome, the SpeechMiner Media Player, in a Recording and QM deployment (when Speech Analytics is not deployed), now contains an Audio Wave Graph that enables the user to see where there are silences in the audio. From the Audio Wave Graph (when dual-channel audio is available), the user can also distinguish between when one speaker is talking vs. the other. Note: the Audio Wave Graph is not available when working with Internet Explorer.
  • Screen Recording Grid: (With Recording or QM licenses) The SpeechMiner Screen Recording grid now includes two new columns (Agent First Name and Agent Last Name).
  • Usage Tracking Report: With Recording or QM licenses, the Usage Tracking report now logs separate entries for playing a voice interaction vs. selecting an interaction from the search results grid.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

When a QM Evaluation Form is added to an Ad-Hoc evaluation, the specific Evaluation Form can now be deleted if the associated Ad-Hoc Evaluation session was deleted. Previously, the form could not be deleted when the Ad-Hoc Evaluation session was deleted. (PRSM-18671)

When creating an Ad-Hoc evaluation, it is now not possible to select inactive forms. Only active forms appear in the list of available forms for Ad-Hoc evaluations. (PRSM-18663)

The total number of comments for text interactions will now be displayed properly in the interaction player progress bar. (PRSM-18277)

An upgraded system does not include marks that are no longer required. Previously, the Important mark was included in an upgraded system, even though the term marked as important should no longer be marked important. (PRSM-18352)

When you select a phrase in the Trending > Related Words screen and drill down to search for interactions associated with the selected phrase, the process now searches for the phrase and not for each word separately using the AND operator. (PRSM-18457)

The Topic Analysis report is now created for text interactions. (PRSM-18441)

The Date Range tool tip for search results generated from the Interaction Transcript > Related Words window now contains a time range. (PRSM-18435)

Terms in the Trending page are no longer ignored in the Related Words window, since Related Words now uses the correct search filters.(PRSM-18421)

All SpeechMiner UI text is now translated from English to all of the non-English supported languages (for example, Chinese Simplified). (PRSM-18425)

When the Related Words window is opened from the Trending page, the Partitions filter now works as expected for the / directory. (PRSM-18420)

When searching for interactions according to the Interaction Reviewed by filter, you can now search according to a user's name or ID. (PRSM-18357)

When search results are shown in the popup window, the Evaluated tag is now visible for interactions that were evaluated. Previously, the Evaluated tag was not visible in the search results popup window. (PRSM-18288)

In a Recording-only deployment, the Interaction Evaluation report is now available. (PRSM-18371)

A Saved Search and Call List can now be shared with all users. Previously,they could could not be shared with users defined in the Configuration Server. (PRSM-18358)

The loading wheel is now displayed when SpeechMiner Dashboard Widget is loading. Previously, there was no indication the widget was loading. (PRSM-18354)

When trying to share a Saved Search, the Find a user text in the Search field is now deleted when you begin to type a letter and/or word. (PRSM-18276)

You can now save a search with the name of a deleted Saved Search. (PRSM-18248)

When exporting multi-segment calls, the sub-folder created under Speechminer\utopy\product\WEB\Export\ is now purged after one hour. (PRSM-18228)

You can now search for a user according to his/her username and/or first/last name. In addition, the list is now ordered alphabetically. (PRSM-18107)

An exception no longer occurs when inserting a Yes/No question to a Quality Management form. (PRSM-17931)

When the Media Player is locked during an audio playback and remains locked, the Search option will function as expected when you open a Text interaction transcription. Previously, the Search option did not work in this scenario.(PRSM-18370)

Upgrade Notes

To upgrade to release 8.5.508, refer to the SpeechMiner 8.5.x Upgrade Guide.

This page was last edited on June 7, 2018, at 13:32.
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